Refining the Mountains and Rivers Chapter 1008: Abyss Species

Qin Yu’s face changed slightly, and his heart contracted violently, giving rise to throbbing.

He doesn’t know what’s terrifying about the black mist on the opposite side, but the warning signs in his mind are real.

Raising his hand and pressing forward, the five-color divine light burst out instantly, intertwined with each other, forming a five-color vortex.


In the rapid rotation, the horrible tearing force was released, and the raging black wave was directly pulled into it.

“Noise la la”, the scalp numb sound suddenly sounded, and the five-color vortex was already visible to the naked eye, corroded and broken.

The five elements reincarnation supernatural powers are extremely powerful and possess the power of suppression and defense. After Qin Yu breaks through the divine realm, his power is not the same as before, and he can’t resist it at all.

It was not crushed by absolute power, it felt like absolute restraint in attributes… It seems that this black mist itself is the nemesis of all magical powers.

“Jie Jie…it’s useless, you can’t compete with me at all with your strength, so obediently wait for death!” A weird smile rang out in the black mist, revealing the meaning of uncontrollable heat and greed.

Qin Yu can clearly perceive that those blood-filled eyes are locked on him, wishing to swallow him right away.

This guy, seems very confident, has already regarded him as food on the plate. To be honest, this feeling was not good, Qin Yu squinted his eyes, his eyes were cold.

The next step is to step down, and the space is suddenly shattered. Under the bombardment of the terrorist force, the circle continues to spread out, forming a wave of destruction, which will temporarily isolate the carrion from the black mist of the five elements.

At this moment, Qin Yu’s face changed slightly, he raised his hand without hesitation, and pointed a finger at the center of his brow. Where his fingertips fell, the flesh and blood broke with a “pop”, but no blood flowed out, but a cloud of black smoke.

If this black smoke is spiritual, after noticing that it was discovered, it quickly stretched and turned into a big worm, and did not hesitate to dive deeper into Qin Yu’s eyebrows.


He snorted heavily, Qin Yu pinched the tip of the black smoke with his fingers, and felt a burning pain when his fingertips touched the ground.

“Come out!”

In a low growl, he yanked back abruptly, and the black smoke was pulled out of his body. With a scream, he turned into a grimace, and went straight to him to bite.


Qin Yu’s soul space, in the force field of the sun and moon, suddenly aroused a wave, swept out with a “hum”.

The grimace turned into the black smoke that rushed towards Qin Yu’s door, shattered and disappeared completely without a trace. On the opposite side, a muffled grunt sounded in the black mist, it was obvious that the grimace was destroyed, and he would also be implicated.

When those **** eyes locked on Qin Yu, even though they were still exposed, naked, greedy and bloodthirsty, they were a little more cautious. The distraction that can destroy him proves that there is something in Qin Yu that can threaten him.

But this is better, the human race who killed it

The stronger the scholar, the greater the abyss reward he can get.

“Abyss Species!”

Qin Yu’s mind suddenly sounded a small blue light’s consciousness fluctuations. The next moment in the soul space, somewhere suddenly collapsed inward, and a phantom of the big day emerged from it.

It’s been a long time since the projection of the small blue light came last time. It has remained silent for a long time.

Today, Qin Yu can feel the disgust and jealousy it reveals, as well as its strong vigilance.

This is the first time that Qin Yu has felt this emotion in it… It seems that the abyssal species in the mouth of the little blue lamp can pose a threat to itself.

When I thought of this, Qin Yu felt awe-inspiring. Looking at the world, he is definitely one of the people who know the existence of Little Blue Lantern best, and he naturally knows that its various forms of corruption are magical, incredible.

Even the little blue lantern is so scrupulous, we know that the abyss species must be extremely terrifying.

It seems to be aware of Qin Yu’s thoughts, and the little blue light fluctuates again. “It is not terrible, but very terrible. It seems that after that incident, there have been changes between the great wilderness and the abyss species. Come out.”

“Don’t ask too much, there are some things I can’t tell you yet, but you have to remember that whenever you encounter an abyss species, you will kill it at all costs!”

Qin Yu frowned, “I don’t need to ask, but it’s obviously not easy to kill this thing, at least my strength is restrained by it.”

Little Blue Lantern said: “The abyssal devilish energy of the abyss species naturally restrains all flesh and blood creatures, but you are not anymore now. It is not difficult to kill him at the level of ordinary flesh and blood creatures.”

“The fluctuation of the force field of the sun and the moon can protect you temporarily, isolate the damage of the abyssal devilish energy, the power of the jade bi fetal egg, condense the great road of heaven and earth, it only takes a single blow to kill the abyss species of this level Die.”

“But one thing you have to remember is that you must shoot quickly and make sure to kill with one blow. Otherwise, if you let this abyssal species escape, you will soon usher in the entire abyssal race at all costs. Believe me, no one will be able to keep you at that time…not even me.”

Qin Yu’s heart is slightly cold, and he intuitively tells him that there are big secrets hidden in what the little blue lantern said.

But now, it is obviously not the time to think about this, and feel the projection of the small blue light dissipating in the soul space, Qin Yu took a deep breath and suppressed all thoughts.

Little Blue Lantern is absolutely avoiding something. Does it have a terrible opponent?

No matter what, let’s get rid of this abyss species first.

The thought must be certain, and Qin Yu’s eyes flashed a little bit.


He took a step forward and brazenly broke into the black mist that was coming.

This scene obviously went beyond the expectations of the Abyssal Species. After staying for a while, he couldn’t help laughing, “Original

I thought that to kill you, I would have to waste some hands and feet, but I didn’t expect you to be so stupid that you would come to die! “

“Breaking into my abyssal demon aura, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can only end up with blood and soul scattered by carrion!”


The Devil Qi of the abyss rolled frantically, like a squirming digestive organ, to completely absorb Qin Yu.

But the progress of things is obviously different from what the Abyssal Species thought. Qin Yu was not corroded and died as he expected. Instead, he was like a big fish, going upstream along the abyss demon energy and heading straight to his body. go with.



In the soul space, the purple moon and blue sun rising from the east to the west tremble gently, causing the entire force field of the sun and the moon to oscillate.

The wave formed by this shock envelops Qin Yu and repels all the abyssal demon energy that was attracted by the aura of flesh and blood.

If you want to achieve a one-shot kill and close the distance between the two sides, of course it is the best way. Take a step back and say that even if there is an accident, there is still a chance of remedy.

Wrapped in the abyss demon energy, the body swelled to about four feet, the flesh and blood are as solid as rocks, and the red eyes of the abyss species frowned, and immediately sneered.

Try to kill him up close?

Hehe, the abyss race has been eroded by the abyss devilish energy for generations, and in the process of blood inheritance, it has long tempered an extremely powerful body.

On the strength of the body alone, the extremely powerful ancient race in this world can only barely compare with the abyss species.

Want to kill him in close proximity. From the perspective of this abyssal species, this is no different from actively sending him to death.


He stepped heavily under his feet, and the Abyss Species took the initiative to greet him, and his cracked mouth showed an icy grin.

The closer you get, the richer the aura of the Abyssal Species becomes, and it soars along with it, as well as the violent killing intent in Qin Yu’s heart that cannot be suppressed.

This caused the blood vessels on the surface of his eyes to swell slightly, turning red due to hyperemia, and there was a hint of crazy smell.

The flesh and blood creatures and the abyss species are like two races that are completely opposite. There is no possibility of any relaxation between the two sides~ On the first day of meeting, it is destined that only one of them disappears completely. Will end the **** slaughter among ethnic groups.

Appearing in front of him, the figure of the abyss species, he is coming in stride, the surrounding abyss demon energy rushes and rolls with his movements, “rumbling” momentum is monstrous.

“Jie Jie Jie… Terran monk, since you take the initiative to seek death, I will fulfill you!”


The abyss species exploded suddenly, and he disappeared in an instant, and the whole area merged directly with the surrounding abyss demon energy.

The abyss demon energy is him, he is the abyss demon energy, this is the unique ability of the abyss species, it can hide itself and give the opponent a fatal blow invisible.

.. m.

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