Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan Chapter 967: He looks so much like Naruto!

Seeing that Itachi, who was pretending to be Hyuga Kagami, agreed so readily, the third generation narrowed his eyes slightly, swallowed back all the words he was about to persuade, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

But soon the third generation put away the suspicion in his eyes, and said with a normal expression: “It’s just us who contribute salaries and subsidies, I’m afraid it’s not enough. You probably haven’t spent the 100 million last time. Drop it?”

Itachi pondered and did not answer immediately.

Even if he was as experienced as the third generation, the subtle changes in expression on his face could not escape his insight, so he immediately noticed that the third generation was suspicious of him.

“Where did the flaw show up?”

Thinking secretly, Weasel was puzzled.

In order to pretend to be Hyuga Kage, he really worked hard. Not to mention the most basic things like demeanor and behavior, even the words and sentences he spoke, he tried his best to be close to Hyuga Kage’s habits.

After repeatedly recalling the conversation just now, he found that the entire conversation was quite satisfactory.

There is no topic involving village secrets, nor the privacy of Hyuga Mirror. Due to emotions and reasons, there should be no possibility of revealing the truth in such an ordinary conversation.

But the third generation was obviously suspicious, which made it a little difficult for him to understand.

“Is the cancellation of salaries and subsidies a secret message? But my seniors never mentioned it to me!”

The more he analyzed it, the more confused Itachi became. He always felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn’t find it.

Seeing Itachi’s delay in speaking, the suspicion in Sandai’s eyes faded a bit, and he smiled casually: “I have no other intentions. If you don’t want to, I can understand it!”

“Testment, this must be a temptation!”

With a shiver in his heart, Itachi quickly analyzed how Hyuga Mirror would answer such a question.

In his mind, Hyuga Kagami is a person who dares to create an organization that bears all hatred in order to maintain the stability of the village and reconcile the village with Uchiha. He is a person who dares to fight when the Akatsuki organization attacks. The Konoha ninja who is the leader of the Akatsuki organization with the Rinnegan Eye is a Hokage who does not discriminate against all villagers, including the Uchiha.

“I’m so stupid. Isn’t it obvious what choice my senior will make?”

After secretly laughing at himself, Itachi met the third generation’s gaze and said: “If the village needs it, I will do my best!”

Sandai smiled: “That’s great, our advisory board of elders will also try our best to raise funds.”

After discussing the issue of raising funds, Itachi said goodbye and left the training ground. After Itachi left, the suspicion that had faded from the third generation’s eyes suddenly surged back.

Xiaochun, who was sleeping next to him, saw this and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Frowning his brows, Sandai said slowly: “I can’t say, I always feel like something is wrong with the mirror!”

“Something’s wrong?” Xiaochun was stunned, then turned to bed and asked, “Why didn’t I see it?”

Due to the incident where the Akatsuki organization used genjutsu to control Mizukage, all major ninja villages nowadays pay great attention to the identity screening of high-level officials, and Dragon Vein Chakra cannot be disguised, so Koharu did not know the identity of Itachi just now when he moved to bed. Be suspicious.

Sandai said: “Don’t you think it’s strange that he was actually willing to take out the 100 million he had given me before? At first, he bargained with me for the 100 million for a long time, and even vaguely threatened me to take the position of Hokage. Give it to Uchiha Fugaku!”

After going to bed, Koharu thought for a while and said: “It’s indeed a bit strange, but today is different from the past. He is the Hokage now after all, so it is normal for some changes in his thoughts.”

The third generation raised his hand behind his back and shook his head: “No, he looks too much like Hokage!”

Itachi obviously wouldn’t understand that the reason why he showed his flaws was not for any other reason, but because he acted too much like a Hokage.


In Konoha Hospital.

After finishing the examination of Kimimaro’s body, Tsunade, frowning, left the ward.

At this time, Shiro and Jugo who had been waiting outside the ward came forward. They first saluted Tsunade, and then asked: “Tsunade-sama, how is Kimimaro doing?”

Jiraiya, who was also guarding outside the ward, smiled: “Haha, don’t worry, Tsunade is the best medical ninja in the current ninja world. With her help, your companion’s illness will be fine! ”

Tsunade shook her head and said: “I have injected him with analgesics and temporarily controlled the disease, but I don’t have any clue about how to completely solve the disease.”

“Can’t you even do anything?”

Shiro and Jugo immediately looked disappointed.

Jiraiya was also quite surprised: “Tsunade, you can’t even do anything about the child’s illness?”

Tsunade explained: “What he suffers from is not an ordinary disease, but a malignant disease rooted in the bone marrow and blood. If I guess correctly, this disease is probably related to his blood inheritance limit. It’s a blood disease!”

“Blood disease!?” Jiraiya’s face darkened and he said, “This is really troublesome!”

For a genito ninja, genito disease is almost the same as cancer.

The vast majority of blood inheritance diseases are incurable, and even for a small number of blood inheritance diseases that can be cured, after cure, the blood inheritance limit of the blood inheritance ninja will be greatly weakened, so Anyone who suffers from blood disease will almost never end well.

At this time, Tsunade asked Shiro and Jugo: “I have checked his body, and he seems to have taken some kind of medicine that suppresses blood diseases. Was this medicine developed by your village?”

Bai nodded and said, “Well, it was developed by our village.”

After receiving Shiro’s affirmative reply, Tsunade said unexpectedly: “I didn’t expect that your Indo Ninja Village would have such attainments in pharmaceuticals and medical ninjutsu, the kind that can suppress his blood disease. Even we, Konoha, can’t develop the potion in a short time! Can you tell me who made the potion?”

Bai Ziran couldn’t tell Orochimaru, so he had to shake his head apologetically: “I’m sorry.”

Tsunade also knew that it was not good to pry into the secrets of other people’s villages, so she did not ask any more questions, and just said: “Let him stay in Konoha Hospital for observation for a while, and I will find a way to cure him!”

“Sorry for your trouble!”

Shiro and Jugo bowed to Tsunade again.

Tsunade didn’t say anything more and went back to her office with Jiraiya.

Seeing no one around, Jiraiya quickly asked: “Are you really unable to cure that Oto-nin boy’s illness?”

While flipping through Kimimaro’s medical examination report, Tsunade said solemnly: “As soon as my Yang Release chakra enters his body, it will be inexplicably decomposed. There seems to be something in his blood. A special substance!”

Jiraiya asked: “What special substance?”

“I’m not sure yet…” After shaking her head, Tsunade continued with emotion: “Given his physical condition, it’s already incredible that he is still alive!”


Second update, please recommend and vote for me monthly! Also, thank you to the students who gave rewards today, thank you!

:. :

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