Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan Chapter 912: Poor thing!

Hyuga Kagami is not sure why Neci did not practice the ‘Eight Gate Dungeon’ in the original time and space. This may be because of the family’s superstitious belief in the supremacy of the soft fist, or maybe Kai feels that Neci is not suitable for practicing the ‘Eight Gate Dungeon’ , or it could simply be that Neji was too embarrassed to ask Kai for advice.

After all, the tragic death of his father in the original time and space was a huge blow to Neji, making him a little paranoid, with a “glass heart”, and used to use coldness and arrogance to protect himself.

Relatively speaking, although Neji is still sensitive because of the ‘caged bird’.

But because his father Hizashi did not encounter any accidents, and he also had Hyuga Kagami, the Hokage, as his teacher, he was still very positive in terms of personality. Therefore, facing Hyuga Kagami’s arrangement, he hardly hesitated and answered immediately: “Yes, I will definitely ask Teacher Akai for advice seriously!”

After thinking for a while, Hinata Jing then ordered: “Not only the soft fist, but also all kinds of ninja tools and swords in the future, you must also practice seriously. Only in this way can you expand your attack range and enable you to calmly deal with all kinds of ninja tools and swords.” All kinds of enemies.”


Neji nodded seriously.

When Hinata Jing was about to give some more instructions, he suddenly had a sharp look in his eyes, his face immediately darkened, and he ordered Neji: “Okay, it’s getting late, you go back and rest first!”

“Good night, teacher!”

Ningji quickly stood up and bowed to the Hyuga Mirror, then respectfully exited the room.

After Neci left, Hyuga Kyou said calmly to the empty room: “Come out!”

At this moment, a blurry shadow walked out from the shadows in the corner of the room and said with a smile: “You are very concerned about this disciple of yours!”

There is no doubt that this phantom is none other than Obito, who is dressed in the Akatsuki outfit and wearing a Uzumaki mask.

Obito’s sudden appearance surprised Hyuga Kyung, so while pondering Obito’s purpose, he asked coldly: “What are you going to do?”

Obito smiled: “After becoming Hokage, my aura is completely different!”

Seeing that Obito had no intention of taking action, Hyuga Kage immediately understood Obito’s intention and guessed why Obito showed up at this time.

Obviously, because he was afraid of the divine organization and worried that the divine organization would set up an ambush around Naruto and Fu, the two jinchūriki, and wait and see, Obito specially selected a Naruto to be sent to the sealing class, who was not next to Hyuga Kagami. At that moment, he found the Hyuga Mirror, and his intention of doing so was naturally self-evident.

Hyuga Mirror’s attitude is still cold: “You also know that I am Hokage now, do you think I will still cooperate with you?”

“Naruto!?” After a pause, Obito joked: “I only saw a poor man bound by the ‘Caged Bird Curse Seal’. How could the real Hokage be bound by the ‘Caged Bird Curse Seal’?”

Hyuga Kagami, who had already guessed Obito’s intention, deliberately showed a trace of resentment in his eyes: “This has nothing to do with you!”

Obito shrugged and smiled casually: “The conditions I proposed before are still valid now. As long as you cooperate with us, we will help you remove the ‘caged bird’ that controls your life and death. You should know We have this ability. It is through our power that Hinata Aoki got rid of the shackles of the ‘caged bird’ and is still living well until now.”

“Want to defraud me?”

Hyuuga Jing’s heart trembled.

The death of Hinata Aoki is still a secret, but it is not unknown.

Because Hyuga Kagami pretended to be Hyuga Aoki and infiltrated the Akatsuki organization last time. After the failure, he changed hands to Otsutsuki Toneri, and also threw the identity of the leader of the organization to Otsutsuki Toneri.

So in addition to the Hyuga Mirror and the Akatsuki organization, on the surface, the God Organization should also be an insider of the matter, and Kakashi, who was present at the time, was also considered a half-informant.

Therefore, at this moment, Obito deliberately told Hyuga Kagami that Hyuga Aoki was still alive. In all likelihood, he was deliberately testing Hyuga Kagami to see if he, the Hokage, knew about it, so as to judge whether the divine organization or Kakashi had any Deliver the news of Hyuga Aoki’s death to Hyuga Kagami.

After understanding all this in an instant, Hyuga Kage said: “How on earth did you do it? ‘Caged Bird’ should be unsolvable and has not been cracked for hundreds of years!”

Obito did not speak immediately, but stared at Hyuga Kagami with a scrutinizing face. While judging whether Hyuga Kagami was lying, a doubt flashed in his mind: “He still doesn’t know about Hinata Aoki’s death?”

However, Hinata Jing’s face was sincere and her eyes were full of desire and anxiety, which didn’t look like she was lying at all.

Seeing this scene, Obito suddenly understood and smiled secretly: “Hey, not only did the God Organization fail to pass the news to him, but even Kakashi also concealed this information from him. It seems that he, the third Hokage, is indeed the third generation of Hokage. Use it to deal with the Uchiha clan’s puppets!”

Thinking of this, Obito also figured out why both the Mingmyojin Organization and Kakashi knew about Hinata Aoki’s death, but the Hyuga clan was still offering a large bounty on the black market for the whereabouts of Hinata Aoki.

This is obviously because Hyuga Kagami, the Hokage, is a puppet and has no right to know at all, so even the Hyuga clan is kept in the dark.

Obito did not think that Hyuga Kagami deliberately concealed the news and kept the Hyuga clan in the dark, because in his opinion, Hyuga Kagami had no need to do such a thing.

After feeling that he had a trump card, Obito’s tone became more relaxed: “As for how we did it, I can’t tell you yet, but as long as you do a small thing for us, we will help you relieve it. That annoying curse mark on your forehead.”

Hyuga Kagami shook his head decisively: “If it is a matter of jinchuriki, I can’t do anything. They are now being watched by the **** organization, and even I can’t take them out of the village.”

Obito smiled and said: “You don’t need to take them out of Konoha!”

Hyuga Mirror frowned and deliberately pretended to be uneasy: “Are you taking action again? What action?”

“Don’t worry, we are not interested in destroying Konoha, and we will not prevent you from becoming Hokage. Our purpose is only the Jinchuuriki!” After appeasing Hyuga Mirror a little, Obito continued: “The action plan, I I can’t tell you yet, but what I need now is your attitude. Are you willing to cooperate with us?”

After struggling for a while, Hyuga Kyou said: “As long as you don’t target Konoha and help me deal with this **** ‘caged bird’, I can cooperate with you!”

Obito smiled with satisfaction: “Very good, I will inform you again after the specific arrangements are made. During this time, you should keep a close eye on the Jinchuuriki!”

Hinata nodded displeasedly.

“Hyuga Kagami, you are such a pathetic person who doesn’t know anything!”

After taking a last sympathetic look at Hyuga Kagami, who was a puppet and kept in the dark about everything, Obito sighed in his heart and disappeared into the twisted whirlpool…


The first update is here, please recommend and vote monthly!


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