Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan Chapter 825: Weird and absurd

In Hinata Mirror’s bedroom.

Seeing that Hyuga Kage still looked unconcerned, Ling blurted out anxiously: “King, this matter is really serious. Even if you move to the clan, no one will look down upon you. Yours!”

Obviously, Ling thought that Hyuga Kage’s refusal to move to the clan was because she was worried about her face.

In the past, she would never have said such words to Hyuga Kage. She knew very well that men sometimes value face even more than life. What’s more, Hyuga Kage is still the Hokage. Face not only represents himself, It also represents the Hyuga clan and the entire Konoha Village.

It was only after participating in the high-level secret meeting of the village today that she realized that the rebellion of the Uchiha clan was imminent, so she spoke unhesitatingly.

After saying the words, she looked at Hyuga Jing timidly, fearing that Hyuga Jing would be angry.

Hyuga Mirror just smiled gently: “Since you are so worried, then just listen to you.”

Ling quickly said: “Really?!”

She knew that Hinata Jing seemed to be easy to talk to on the surface, but in fact he was the kind of person who would move forward and never back down once he decided on something, so she was full of surprises in her heart.

Hyuga Mirror nodded slightly.

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it would be more convenient to move to the clan area.

At this moment, there was the sound of someone going upstairs in the corridor, and it sounded like there was more than one person.

Listening to the other party’s undisguised sound of going upstairs, Suzuya didn’t think much, but looked at Hyuga Mirror with some confusion: “Mirror, it’s so late, why are there still guests at home?”

Hyuga Mirror responded casually: “Well, it’s a few subordinates reporting on the progress of the work.”

He had already noticed the brief confrontation in the yard, so before the footsteps came, he knew that Shisui, Shinichi, and Itachi had arrived and quietly eliminated his Shadow Guards.

Before Hinata Kagami could explain more, Shisui, Shinichi, and Itachi walked into the room.

After seeing the identity of the visitor, Ling, like a tigress protecting her cubs, immediately took out a kunai, protected Hinata Kagami, and shouted excitedly: “Mirror, go quickly!”

Uchiha has become Ling’s nightmare for a while, not to mention that the young leader of the Uchiha clan and two Mangekyo Uchiha appeared here late at night.

From Ling’s point of view, this is almost equivalent to Uchiha officially launching a rebellion!

Hyuga Jing smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Ling’s shoulder, and said softly: “Don’t be nervous, I summoned them.”

At the same time, Shisui, Shinichi, and Itachi all knelt on the ground and bowed respectfully to the Hyuga Mirror: “Hokage-sama!”


Ling was stunned on the spot, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Patting Ling’s shoulder lightly, Hyuga Kyou said: “Go down and call Hong and the others up. Remember, don’t make any noise.”


Pointing to the three Uchiha who were half-kneeling on the ground, Suzu stopped talking, feeling a little at a loss.

The scene before her eyes seemed too weird to her.

It was unbelievable that the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan and the two Mangekyo Uchiha would obey Hyuga Kagami’s orders and come to report work late at night. She even suspected that she had been controlled by Uchiha’s illusions. .

But after checking secretly, she was convinced that she was not under an illusion. She also looked at the Hyuga Mirror with her white eyes and found that there was no sign of an illusion in the Hyuga Mirror.

Hyuga mirror smiled: “Don’t be stupid, go quickly!”

Out of trust in Hyuga Kagami, Ling finally suppressed all the suspicions in her heart and came to the small courtyard. While removing the illusion from the four Shadow Guards who were trapped in the illusion, she also brought the Shadow Guard into the house. .

Following Ling, Hong and the others were also extremely vigilant.

They did not relax their vigilance just because Shisui, Shinichi, and Itachi were kneeling respectfully in front of the Hyuga Mirror, because through the previous confrontation, they had already realized the power of Uchiha illusions, so they and Like Suzu, he also had doubts about whether he and others were still in the genjutsu, and whether even Hyuga Kagami, who was the Hokage, was also controlled by the genjutsu.

With just a brief glance at Ling and the Shadow Guards, Hyuga Kagami guessed what they were thinking. However, Hyuga Kagami was too lazy to explain anything and asked Shisui directly: “How did Fugaku deploy it?”

Shisui did not stand up and directly began to talk about the Uchiha clan’s plan for rebellion.

Listening to Shisui’s story, both Suzu and the four members of the Shadow Guard had more and more surprises on their faces, and slowly some of them opened their mouths without even realizing it.

Because the information Shisui provided was too detailed.

For example, the person in charge of the raid on Konoha Prison is the elite Jounin Yusuke Uchiha, the person in charge of recruiting bounty ninjas and wandering swordsmen is the elite Jounin Uchiha Mitsuto, and the person in charge of the raid on various facilities in the village is the elite Jounin Uchiha. Takawa, while raiding the Hokage Building, eliminated the group of advisory elders, personally led by the patriarch Uchiha Fugaku.

Not only that, Shisui also explained the personnel configuration of each team, the start time, and even the secret code of the joint.

Not to mention the four Shadow Guards who knew nothing about this, even Suzu, who had participated in the secret meeting of the village’s top leaders during the day, looked dumbfounded now, because the information revealed by Shisui was far more complicated than that of Uchi The information that Haizumi obtained must be more comprehensive and detailed!

When several people were in shock, and their brains were shutting down, Hyuga Kagami asked leisurely: “Is this the only arrangement?”

Listening to Hyuga Kagami’s words, Suzu and the Shadow Guards were all these arrangements of the Uchiha clan were to be realized, it would be a disaster without even thinking about it.

From Hyuga Kagami’s tone, it seems that Uchiha’s rebellion plan is too simple.

Itachi reported at this time: “Hokage-sama, listening to my father’s tone, I judge that there may be a third party involved on the night of the rebellion, and my father repeatedly emphasized in the meeting that we don’t need to worry about the Hyuga clan, so I doubt this The third-party force involved is most likely related to the Hyuga clan, and will take action against the Hyuga clan that night!”

As soon as she heard “Hyuuga Clan”, Suzu became nervous instinctively and analyzed the secrets hidden in the information provided by Itachi.

The four members of the Shadow Guards looked at each other, and saw an indescribable confusion in each other’s eyes.

Because it was so weird and ridiculous to hear Uchiha Itachi, the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan, personally confessing his father’s rebellion plan to Hyuga Kagami…


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