Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan Chapter 545: Absurd thoughts

Sitting cross-legged on top of Xinya’s head, Kabuto’s expression was stiff and his eyes were still dull.

Just now, he witnessed the entire process of Naruto convincing Xin Ya and signing a psychic contract with Xin Ya, so until now, he was still in a trance.

Besides, Naruto said loudly: “Xinya, you must promise me not to eat people again!”

Xinya replied angrily: “Naruto, are you an idiot? In a place like this, where can I find people to eat?”

Naruto spared his head: “So you told me that you eat people every day, but you were lying to me!”


Xin Ya snorted disdainfully.

Listening to the chatter between Naruto and Xin Ya, Kabuto’s mouth trembled slightly. In his impression, even a strong man like Orochimaru could not get along with Wan She so harmoniously. .

“I must be under an illusion!”

Kabuto shook his head, feeling confident in his heart.

But he tried several seals that could dispel illusions, but had no effect at all. At the same time, he also found that he could freely perform ninjutsu, and the movement of chakra in his body showed no trace of interference.

“Could…all this be true…”

Soon, under the leadership of Xin Ya, several people returned to the temple where the White Snake Immortal was.

Looking at Naruto sitting above Xin Ya, the squinting White Snake Immortal smiled and said, “It seems that you have defeated Xin Ya and passed the test.”

Naruto quickly replied: “Mother-in-law, you misunderstood, we did not defeat Xingya, we just became friends!”


Xinya snorted again and turned his huge head to the side.

“Grrrrrr…” After a few strange laughs, the White Snake Sage glanced at Naruto and said, “This way you have passed the test. So, which one of you wants to practice immortality? ”

“Me me me!”

Naruto raised his hand impatiently. He had long been aroused by Kabuto to become interested in senjutsu.

Hinata lowered her head.

Although she is not very interested in senjutsu, she really wants to practice with Naruto. However, as the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, there are strict rules in the family about what to practice and how to practice. She can do whatever she wants.

Kabuto pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared without any trace.

This time he entered the Ryuji Cave to avoid powerful enemies. He did have a desire to get a glimpse of the secrets of celestial magic, but at this time he was not the one who lost his life goal after Orochimaru died in the original time and space. Naturally, he I don’t have the courage and determination to break the boat back then.

Besides, before entering Ryūchi Cave, he had secretly decided to let the very nervous Naruto be used as a test subject to test the depth of celestial magic.

So, Kabuto politely bowed to White Snake Sage and said, “I’m sorry, I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

White Snake Sage waved his hand indifferently, then focused all his attention on Naruto, and said with a smile: “Ichikijima-hime will guide you in practicing the magic of our Ryūchi Cave.”


As soon as the White Snake Sage finished speaking, a figure fell beside Naruto and led him towards the depths of the temple.

Looking at Naruto being led away by Ichikijima Hime, Kabuto suddenly felt that something was wrong with this trip to Ryūchi Cave for some unknown reason.

He had a vague misconception, as if they were not begging the White Snake Sage to teach him the magic, but the White Snake Sage took the initiative to teach Naruto the magic from Ryūchi Cave.

“Maybe I’m too nervous.”

Kabuto quickly shook his head and got rid of this ridiculous idea in his mind.


Inside the Akatsuki organization base.

“Not bad, keep this pace…”

“Sharingan, pay attention to the changes in my muscles…”

“Idiot, in this situation, using the ‘Great Fireball Technique’ is just a waste of chakra…”

“The release of ninjutsu needs to be coordinated with corresponding tactics. If you release ninjutsu hastily without formulating corresponding tactics, you will only reveal your own flaws to the enemy…”

On the training ground, Shinichi instructed Sasuke in a stern tone while parrying Sasuke’s attacks.

On the court, Sasuke didn’t argue at all, and followed Shinichi’s instructions sternly. Even if he was exhausted and sweating profusely, even if he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he didn’t complain at all.

Since the last time he had actual combat training with Shinichi, Sasuke knew that his past actual combat training with his brother Itachi and Shisui at home were all childish ninja games.

Understanding this, Sasuke blushed.

He boasted countless times to Naruto and Neji about how powerful he was in actual combat exercises, and how well he performed when facing his extraordinary brother and Shisui.

But now he understands that his brother Itachi and Shisui have been letting him go from beginning to end, not taking him seriously at all, and treating him completely like a child.

“Damn it!”

When he thought of this, Sasuke gritted his teeth. He wanted to prove to his brothers Itachi and Shisui that he was no longer a child, but a true ninja!


Ningji looked at Sasuke who was being coached by Shinichi with a complicated expression. He didn’t know whether it was Sasuke’s own talent or Shinichi’s guidance that was too effective. In short, Sasuke’s progress these days was amazing.

His previous sparring with Sasuke ended in a draw most of the time, and sometimes he even had a slight advantage. After all, the combination of Byakugan and Soft Fist had an undoubted advantage at the genin and chuunin stage.

But in the past day or two, he and Sasuke were having more and more difficulty sparring. It was already very difficult to maintain a tie, let alone gain an advantage.

When he was in the family, Neji believed that his talent would not be lost to anyone. It was the ‘Caged Bird Curse Seal’ on his forehead that bound him, and it was the fate of the split family that bound him.

But after experiencing Sasuke’s rapid growth, he began to doubt.

Obito was also watching from the sidelines, quite surprised by Sasuke’s growth.

Obito was surprised when he heard that Sasuke awakened his Sharingan when he was eight years old, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it. After all, at his level, an ordinary genius no longer deserves his attention.

After seeing Sasuke’s growth in Shinichi’s hands, Obito suddenly felt that Sasuke, a child, was indeed valuable to cultivate.

At this time, Shinichi in the field said calmly: “That’s it for today.”

Sasuke nodded breathlessly: “Thank you, Shinichi!”

Sasuke meant this thank you sincerely. No one knew the improvement of his own strength better than himself, so he felt that Uchiha Shinichi, who has the Mangekyo Sharingan, is actually more suitable than his brothers Itachi and Shisui. As his own instructor, because his brothers Itachi and Shisui doted on him too much.

Realizing this, Sasuke suddenly thought: “Hey, it’s really strange. Why do I like being harsh and scolding? Am I sick…”


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