Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan Chapter 277: Naruto and Sasuke

?The children turned their heads, looked at Naruto who was rushing over, and asked, “Who are you?”

Naruto shouted: “I am Naruto Uzumaki and the future Hokage!”

“Future Hokage?”


“Are you a fool?”

The children burst into laughter.

Naruto’s face darkened: “Awaken!”

As he said that, Naruto rushed forward and grabbed a child by the collar.


At this time, another child swung a heavy punch, hitting Naruto on the cheek without any bias, knocking Naruto away and falling to the snow.

“Tsk, you’re talking about the future Hokage, he can’t even block a punch!”

“This guy is an idiot!”

“I heard from my mother that he is an ominous fox demon, so we should ignore him!”

The children’s ridicule and sarcasm made Naruto fall down in the snow at a loss. Especially the last sentence “Fox Demon” made Naruto bury his head deeply in the snow.

On the tree, Shisui frowned tightly, preparing to jump down.

Hyuga Mirror stopped him and said, “Don’t worry.”

Shisui said: “But…”

Hyuga Mirror smiled: “Keep watching!”

At this time, the timid Hinata mustered up the courage to run to Naruto, squatted down, wiped the snowflakes off Naruto’s body, and asked carefully: “You…are you okay? ”

Naruto, who was lying on the ground, did not say a word, but just shook his head.

The children shouted: “A white-eyed monster and a fox monster want to play with us, let’s dream!”

Suddenly, another small figure came over and said, “Hey, do you only bully girls and idiots?”

A group of children looked over and saw a boy with his hands in his trouser pockets, the Uchiha clan emblem printed on his clothes, and a sullen expression.

The children asked: “Who are you?”

“Uchiha Sasuke!”

After saying his name coolly, Sasuke glanced at Naruto, who had his head buried in the snow, and Hinata, who was squatting next to Naruto. His eyes lingered on Hinata’s white eyes for a moment. .

Then, he said to the children: “I am different from them, I am Uchiha!”

“So what about Uchiha, there are three of us, but you only have one!”

Children living in peaceful times obviously do not have a deep understanding of the name of the great ninja clan in the village.

Sasuke snorted lightly, stepped forward and grabbed a child by the collar, stretched out his legs and tripped another child next to him, then caught the fist thrown by the third child with his hand, and said: “Remember Come on, I’m different from you!”

The children were immediately frightened by Sasuke’s exposed hand, and they all rolled away and ran away.

Seeing Sasuke drive away the children, Shisui on the tree smiled.

It is obviously better for the child Sasuke to come forward to solve the problem than for Shisui, who is an ANBU, to take action himself. After all, their mission in Class 11 is to secretly protect Naruto.

If the protection mission was made known to everyone, then even an idiot would be able to guess that Naruto’s identity was unusual under the protection of ANBU.

At this time, Sasuke put his hands into his pockets again and asked Hinata, “Are you from the Hinata family?”

Hinata nodded weakly: “Well, it was all thanks to you just now!”

Naruto sat up and whispered to Sasuke: “Thank you…”

“You’re welcome.” After curling his lips, Sasuke added: “You are too inferior if you can’t even deal with these guys. After all, you are a wealthy family as famous as our Uchiha. Do you only have this little strength? ?”

As if she did not expect Sasuke to say this, Hinata was stunned for a moment, lowered her head and said, “I’m…sorry.”

Sasuke shook his head: “It seems that your Hyuga family has indeed declined, unlike our Uchiha clan, which has always stood at the pinnacle of the ninja world!”

With that said, Sasuke turned around and walked away without even looking at Naruto on the ground.

On the tree.

Shisui said to Hyuga Mirror with some embarrassment: “Senior, Sasuke…”

Hyuga Kyung waved his hand and said with a smile: “It’s just a child, how can I be as knowledgeable as him.”

Shisui sighed: “There is indeed a bad atmosphere in the clan recently, everyone…hey!”

Hyuga Kagami has also heard somewhat about the current situation of the Uchiha clan.

The senior leaders of the Uchiha clan, such as the clan leaders Fugaku, Shisui, etc., are all very aware that the problems that the Uchiha are facing are very serious at the moment, and if they are not careful, they may lead to the annihilation of the clan.

But the Uchiha clan members in the middle and lower classes are not aware of the various troubles the Uchiha clan is facing.

They just heard about Uchiha Shinichi who opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, and how about the **** organization ‘Enma’ who has the Mangekyo Sharingan. In their concept, the Uchiha clan is the only one in the ninja world. Coquettishly, even the Uchiha clan members who defected from the village are all powerful beings in the ninja world.

Such an atmosphere made some members of the Uchiha clan even more domineering, and even felt proud of the actions of Shinichi and Enma, who were rebellious ninjas, as if these rebellious ninjas The achievements are all evidence that their Uchiha clan’s bloodline is superior to others!

In Hyuga Kagami’s view, this is a typical way of thinking that puts the family before the village.

The Uchiha clan has never been able to integrate into the village. Their inexplicable arrogance is also one of the important reasons. After all, no one wants to deal with people who look down on them.

Hyuga Kage asked: “Have you discussed rebellion in your clan meetings recently?”

Shisui immediately shook his head: “A Shinichi and a ‘Fire Demon’ have upset the clan leaders. In addition, the disappearance of Ryota and Hideki, as well as the disappearance of Hiiragi not long ago, the clan leader is now in trouble. I can’t care about rebellion for the time being.”

Hyuga Kagami said: “The threat from the God Organization and Akatsuki Organization we created is so great I don’t think the village will dare to do anything to you Uchiha in a short time. As long as we maintain it, things will always happen. There is a solution. Moreover, something big may happen in the village recently!”

Hyuga Kagami had a vague feeling that Beiliuhu, who had completed the blood inheritance fusion ceremony, would not be able to bear the loneliness and would definitely make a big news.

In the original time and space, Beilihu declared war on the five major ninja villages without even completing the blood inheritance fusion ceremony. This shows how unwilling he is to be ignored.

Now his strength is not what it used to be. If he doesn’t cause trouble, Hyuga Kyung won’t believe it.

And based on Beiruhu’s character, Hyuga Kagami judged that his first target of revenge would most likely be the Konoha Village that forced him to become a rebellious ninja, so Hyuga Kagami said this.

Shisui is not stupid either, and he immediately reacted: “Senior, do you mean Beiruhu?”

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