Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan Chapter 1246: The purpose of God’s organization

At this time, Disonas suddenly shuddered.

As a murderer, he was sensitive to murderous intent, so he immediately realized that the strongest sage in the ninja world in front of him had no intention of letting him go, so his heart crossed, and the seal activated the spread The ‘dirty earth body’ ninjas all around.

In an instant, dozens of ‘dirty earth body’ ninjas all around stood up unsteadily.

“Damn it, these invincible guys are up again!”

Asma’s face darkened.

Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji also became nervous. These ‘dirty earth body’ ninjas were not masters during their lifetime, and the sacrifices prepared by Disonas were also very ordinary, so they were not strong, they were just ‘dirty earth’ ninjas. The immortality of the body allows them to be resurrected continuously. Just like the brown candy, it will never end if it is attached to the body.

Hyuga Mirror casually glanced at the large group of ‘dirty earth body’ ninjas surrounding them, and then placed a careless palm on Disonas’ body.

In an instant, a sealing technique appeared on Disonas’ body.

“This is…contract seal?!”

Kakashi recognized the sealing technique of this Uzumaki clan at a glance.

With the activation of the ‘Contract Seal’ imposed by Hyuga Mirror, the psychic contract between Disonas and the surrounding ‘Earth Body’ ninjas was instantly lifted.

As a result, all these immortal ninjas with ‘dirty earth bodies’ were blown away by the wind like sand.

From the beginning to the end, Hyuga Kyung didn’t even look at Disonas, and her thoughts were all on how to move the ‘Spear of the Sky’.

Seeing that his last resort was easily resolved by ‘Yam Luo’, without even attracting the other party’s attention, Disonas, whose voice channel was sealed and unable to make a sound, was stunned again. , until this moment, he truly realized the gap between himself and the strongest in the ninja world, and realized what despair is!

After Disonas’s final counterattack, which was handled casually, Hyuga Kagami ordered Shion: “Maintain the seal!”


Ziyuan nodded quickly.

Hyuga Kagami stopped talking nonsense, directly raised his arms and stretched towards the round tower of the ‘Spear of the Sky’, then summoned up the chakra and activated the ‘Whispering Wheel’ with all his strength.

Boom, boom…

Amidst the loud noise that shook the ground and the mountains, the round tower of the ‘Spear of the Sky’ in the giant pit was uprooted by the sun mirror and the entire thing was lifted into the air.


Both Kakashi and Asuma were speechless, while Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji beside them were staggering around as the ground shook, without even a chance to express their admiration.

At this time, Hyuga Kagami waved and took the picture of Disonas curled up on the ground into the air, and then without saying a word, he dragged the huge ‘Spear of the Sky’ and flew towards the sea to the east. .

Shion glanced at Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji who were staggering around with a smile, and then activated the power of the miko, rising into the air and following Hyuga Kagami.

After a while.

Looking at the deep circular pit left on the ground after Hyuga Mirror pulled out the ‘Spear of the Sky’, Asuma scratched his head: “Just…just moved the whole thing away?”

Kakashi said helplessly: “At least the turmoil has subsided.”

While Asuma and Kakashi looked at each other speechless, the support troops led by Jiraiya and Tsunade arrived belatedly.

Looking at the mess all around, Jiraiya looked puzzled and asked: “What’s going on? The matter has been solved?”

“So be it!”

With a wry smile, Kakashi told Jiraiya and Tsunade the whole story.

After learning that the chakra weapon “Sky Spear” that caused the previous doomsday scene had been completely removed by the divine organization, both Jiraiya and Tsunade looked worried.

For them, the divine organization has already become ridiculously strong. Now it has collected treasures such as the ‘Grel Mine’ and the ‘Spear of the Sky’ whose value is difficult to accurately measure. Their strength has skyrocketed again, even if they are not hostile to each other. Relationship, as Konoha’s advisory elders, they still felt deeply uneasy.

Kakashi said: “In addition to the matter of the ‘Spear of the Sky’, we may have to establish another file on the members of the New God Organization called ‘Yang Shen’!”

Asuma nodded: “Yes, and we also need to find out what kind of cooperation Orochimaru has with the divine organization, and why Kabuto knows the ‘Yangami’ of the divine organization!”


In a hideout in Disonas.

Kabuto searched for a long time and not only found the improved technique hidden by Disonas, but also found a lot of information related to Disonas’ research on the ‘Spear of the Sky’.

“I didn’t expect that I would be deceived by a lunatic like Disonas. He has been using me!”

After secretly speaking, Kabuto immediately packed up all the information, and then burned Disonas’ hiding place on fire.

After a long time, Kabuto returned to the Sound Ninja Village. While handing over the improved technique developed by Desonas and the information on the ‘Spear of the Sky’ to Orochimaru, he told Orochimaru exactly what happened. Again.

After listening to Kabuto’s story, Orochimaru flipped through the information on the ‘Spear of the Sky’ and asked: “Whose hands did the ‘Spear of the Sky’ fall into in the end?”

Kabuto replied: “When I returned, I went around to take a look at the huge pit and found that the ‘Spear of the Sky’ was no longer there. The entire giant tower had been moved away, leaving only a deep pit, so I suspected that the ‘Spear of the Sky’ was no longer there. The spear fell into the hands of the divine organization.”

Konoha does not have the ability to move away the huge “Spear of the Sky” so quickly, so the disappearance of the “Spear of the Sky” must be related to the divine organization. This can be concluded after a little analysis.

“It’s a divine organization again…”

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly.

Kabuto said: “Fortunately, the immortal from the **** organization showed up in time, otherwise, things would have been difficult to deal with. I really didn’t expect that **** Disonas to be so crazy!”

Orochimaru raised the corner of his mouth: “Do you think the immortal from the divine organization showed up to prevent the ‘Spear of Heaven’ from destroying the ninja world?”

Kabuto hesitated for a moment and asked, “Isn’t it wrong?”

Orochimaru’s eyes flashed: “Things won’t be that simple. Maybe that immortal is going for the ‘Spear of the Sky’!”

Kabuto looked at Orochimaru: “What do you mean…”

Orochimaru suddenly smiled: “I think I know what the God Organization is going to do!”

“What did you think of?”

Kabuto’s face became more and more confused.

“First came the ‘Grel, then the Nine-Tails, and then this ‘Spear of the Sky’. Don’t you think the divine organization is consciously collecting chakra?”

Kabutu suddenly thought: “Hey, that’s really the case.”

Before, because the divine organization was too mysterious and powerful, Kabuto subconsciously felt that it was natural for the divine organization to take over the ‘Grel Mine’, the Nine Tails, and even the ‘Spear of the Sky’.

At this moment, when Orochimaru reminded him, he discovered that these things have one thing in common, that is, they all have huge chakra.

Kabuto immediately asked: “But what are they collecting chakra for?”

Orochimaru was extremely confident: “If I guessed correctly, there should be someone in the divine organization who wants to hold another ‘blood inheritance fusion ceremony’, a more perfect ceremony, and this person is probably the one who assisted the group with me. The divine organization ‘Balrog’ that hides reform rituals!”


The fourth update is here, please give me monthly tickets for double the period! Also, thank you to the students who gave rewards today, thank you all!


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