Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan Chapter 1140: Life restricted zone


The whistling sound caused by the sandstorm kept echoing in the ears, and the vision was dim, as if the boundaries between heaven and earth were blurred, making people lose the concept of time, direction and so on.

Walking in such a harsh environment, even a strong man like Hyuga Kyung, felt a little uncomfortable.

If it weren’t for the giant reincarnated eye in the distant sky fortress that kept him oriented, even with the Byakugan, he would probably have been lost in this sea of ​​sand.

“What a desperate situation!”

Hyuga Kagami standing on a sand dune couldn’t help but feel emotional.

A full month and a half has passed since he delineated seven alternative ceremony locations. During this time, he visited the seven alternative locations and inspected them one by one. Finally, he eliminated the other six and chose This is the last alternative location in front of me.

Like several other alternative locations, this seventh alternative location is also an endless sea of ​​sand, but it is more remote and special.

It is special because the strata under this sea of ​​sand are very solid.

Even sandworms that can freely shuttle in the sand sea have difficulty drilling through this hard stratum. Therefore, this sand sea is not only inaccessible, but also desert creatures such as sandworms rarely set foot on it. restricted area of ​​life.

Furthermore, Hyuga Kagami has also consulted some documents from the Kingdom of Wind and confirmed that this sea of ​​sand does not even have a name and does not have any history of human activity.

“Roll your eyes, open!”

Having reached a commanding height again, Hyuga Kyou opened his white eyes again and observed the surroundings carefully.

The extremely harsh environment has both advantages and disadvantages for him.

The advantage is of course that it helps keep things secret and is less likely to be interfered by enemies. The disadvantages are also obvious. In order to successfully complete the ceremony in such a harsh environment, various protective barriers are indispensable.

And just setting up the ceremony is very expensive. If you also include the various barriers to prevent wind and sand on the outside and prevent perception, it will be very difficult to control the cost, so Hyuga Mirror must choose a suitable location. , otherwise the budget will explode.

Fortunately, after this period of field investigation, he roughly grasped the rules of sandstorms in this sand sea, knew which areas in the sand sea were less affected by sandstorms, and also knew during which time periods the power of sandstorms would weaken.

Not long after, Hyuga Kyou returned to a temporary camp he had built.

It is said to be a camp, but it is actually a two-story building built by Hyuga Kagami in the sea of ​​​​sand using the ninjutsu “Four Pillars”.

After stepping into the house, he opened his mask, spit out some fine sand from his mouth, and then drank water while carefully making various records on the map.

“This is it!”

As he spoke, Hyuga Kyou clicked heavily on the map.

The location he settled on is located in the center of the sand sea. It is not only very open, but also not in the wind belt. There is a gap of about three hours every day without being disturbed by sandstorms.

After confirming the location, Hyuga Mirror immediately planned the ceremony preparations based on the map.

He has already thought carefully about the preparations for the main part of the ceremony. Now he only needs to use the previously considered plan. Other preparations based on the external environment, such as the layout of various enchantments, will need to be made. It took some thought, because these were uncertain before the ceremony location was actually finalized, so he had no plan beforehand.

“The ceremony requires an area with a radius of at least one hundred meters, so the barrier cannot be placed too close, as it may interfere with the ceremony…”

“The windproof barrier is inside, and the barrier that isolates perception is outside…”

“Considering the law of chakra conduction, the barrier that isolates perception must be placed at a higher location…”

Looking at the layout planned on the map, Hyuga Mirror frowned slightly.

For the main part of the ceremony, he had already prepared everything before the attack by the Akatsuki organization. Even if the ceremony was held in a harsh sand sea, the budget would only need to be increased by tens of millions at most.

It was just the cost of the barrier, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Due to the scope and sandstorms, this time the barrier not only requires two layers, but also needs to delineate a larger range, which will cause the budget to increase exponentially.

Even if Hyuga Kagami chooses to use fragrant phosphorous black rods as the main material for the barrier, the cost of the two-layer barrier would probably be over hundreds of millions.

Hyuga Kagami felt this and said: “No wonder even some ninja villages can’t maintain the cost of the barrier. Large-scale barriers are simply burning money. I’m afraid only Konoha with a big business can afford it. …”

Although he felt distressed about this expense, Hyuga Kyung also understood that it was necessary for the smoothness of the ceremony, not to mention that he had already considered the source of the expense.

After planning everything, Hyuga Jing stayed in this sand sea for another half a month to further become familiar with the environment of this sand sea, and then quietly returned to the air fortress.

After more than two months of running around, he not only found a suitable ceremony location, but during his long stay, his spirit body and the Yang Dun clone also became more and more consistent.

After a little activity in the practice field, Hyuga Kyou thought: “The fit should be enough, the properties of the sacred tree are indeed magical!”

When his spirit body entered the Yang Escape clone for the first time, he felt a very comfortable feeling. This undoubtedly shows that the Yang Escape chakra containing the characteristics of the sacred tree also has the ability to nourish the soul representing the Yin Escape chakra. , and this is probably one of the reasons why transplanting first-generation cells can restore the lost power of the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye.

Then he came to the laboratory, replaced his own Yin Escape, and then put the fully developed Yang Escape clone into a large nutrient tank.

Later, looking at the Yang Dun clone soaking in the large nutrient tank, Hyuga Kagami murmured to himself: “At first, I thought that the Yang Dun clone would be the most difficult clone to develop, but I didn’t expect that things would turn out differently. So smooth.”

If you think about it carefully, this result is actually quite normal.

After experiencing the cloning and development of the first five clones when it is the turn of the sixth clone, even a fool should accumulate enough experience and skills.

So in theory, the Yang Dun clone is indeed the most difficult clone to clone and develop. There is no doubt about this. However, when developing the Yang Dun clone, Hyuga Kagami is no longer the rookie he was when he developed the Water Dungeon clone.

After clearing up his mood, Hyuga Kyou slowly left the laboratory, then found Xianglan and Gaara, and asked about Sasuke’s situation during this period.

Xiang Ling quickly replied: “Sir, Uchiha Sasuke has been staying in his activity area during this period. Except for a few attempts to sense areas outside the activity area, there has been no other abnormal behavior.”

“Oh, so obedient?” Hinata Jing was a little surprised and asked: “How is the fusion of his eye power going?”


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