Reborn into A Slash Game: 79, declined to reprint


The dragon family has no king, but every ten thousand years a main **** is born, either by birth or awakened by certain opportunities.

When Su Miao’s father, the black dragon Sado, was besieged and killed by the demons he raised, and his youngest brother Tyr was torn apart because of the blood of the black dragon.

The only main **** in the history of the Dragons who represents destruction has awakened.

Black Dragon Luo Nai, the Dragon God of Destruction awakened by death, betrayal, and revenge. Controlling the powerful power that the main gods of all dynasties have never possessed, the ruthless mind, and the violent means, set off a cruel and fierce battle of revenge.

This is a 10,000-year-old battle. The proliferation of invading alien races is beyond everyone’s imagination. Their strong learning ability and rapid growth ability allow them to keep adding new blood to the entire The battle lines are long and long.

Comparatively speaking, the goblin clan’s combat power is vulnerable, and the dragon clan’s combat power is extraordinary, but there are very few personnel. Facing the ferocious breeding of foreign races, their fertility and growth are too long. Although the combat capability is strong, nothing can resist this endless slow nibbling.

Under such a situation, the dragons kept dying, but no new fighting strength grew up. The longer this battle dragged on, the less beneficial it would be for them.

The final battle takes place in the Endless Abyss.

It was a battle that could not be described in words. Both sides paid the most powerful fighting strength, and there was no room for each other. All the disguises had been torn apart, and the rest was a desperate fight.

Sophie was deep above the endless abyss, and he saw Su Miao, a completely unfamiliar Su Miao.

It was an unusually cold man, his purple eyes were completely dark, and there was no light at all. His face was icy cold, and the Asura Blade in his hand radiated a rich red color because he drank blood madly.

Sophie stared blankly. At this moment, he already knew the origin of the Shura Blade. It was Su Miao’s weapon, just Su Miao’s weapon alone.

The pure black blade was actually made of countless keels. All the killed dragons…there are Su Miao’s family, friends, clansmen…

This is a blade of revenge, always reminding Su Miao what kind of **** feud this is.

Seeing that the last Sophie was already pale, he saw that the last Lord God used his own godhead to set the curse for the entire Yalansi… to trap all the enemies to death, and also to himself…

The last scene, staying in those dark and boundless purple eyes.

Everything falls into darkness, it’s all over.

Sophie was in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly the eyes brightened again. Sophie’s eyes were blank. He just followed his instinct to look at the light. There stood a very beautiful woman with silver hair and silver eyes, and her skin was whiter than snow. , the smile on the corner of his mouth is gentle and soft.

What Sophie didn’t see was real, he didn’t know what it was, was it an illusion or real?

Weixian… is that Weixian?

Sophie’s mouth wriggled slightly, and the sound was very small: “Wei, Wei Xian?”

The woman came over, she took Sophie’s hand and said softly, “Phil, mother is here.”

Before Sophie had never been able to feel his body, but now, he clearly felt Wei Xian was holding his hand, the soft and warm touch came from the palm of his hand, and it flowed all the way into his heart, making him feel He rushed to the thick warmth.

Weixian looked at him with a little apology in her eyes: “Feier, I saw those just now.”

Sophie was still a little lost. He seemed to ask unconsciously: “What are those, why do I see them?”

Weixian was silent for a while before saying: “It’s some memories, the memories of many people. You should have indirectly received them from Thrall. Among them are Thrall’s memories, Hull’s memories, and many dragons’ memories. memory.”

“One of the reasons why this golden dragon practiced the profession of puppet master is to preserve these memories. He has been devoted to searching for lost memories, searching for these fragments and saving them in his mind Of course,” Wei Xian paused and continued with great difficulty, “there are some memories that belong to you.”

Sophie was startled.

There was a hint of distress in Wei Xian’s eyes, she said softly: “Feier, I’m sorry.”

Sophie was stunned for a moment, her body was stiff, and her voice was a little tight: “You…you…”

Sophie couldn’t say it. In those memories, he saw Wei Xian more than once. She is Cindy’s daughter, a powerful magister with extraordinary healing powers.

Weixian did not shy away, she said softly: “The education and indoctrination I have received are completely different from what you have seen. Most of our clansmen do not know the truth of the facts. We belong to Driven by our own justice. We did not see the attitude of the dragons to the gods at the beginning. After we were born, what we saw was the dragons attacked us again and again. This is a vicious circle… This has also paid a heavy price.”

What Wei Xian said, Sophie can understand intellectually, but emotionally he can’t accept it. At the beginning of the war, he may be able to distinguish between right and wrong, but in the long war, no matter which side there is always a number Unknown innocent lives were implicated.

The sins committed by the gods of the foreign races were devoid of conscience. They brutally dismembered the corpses of their benefactors who had redeemed them, and forced a docile and kind race to the end. Then they also tasted the consequences.

The Lord God of Destruction of the Dragon Clan awakened, and the mad slaughter of them also filled the hearts of foreigners who did not know the truth. The fear of the brutality of the Dragon Clan and the fear of death made them take up arms , to continue the battle endlessly.

Such hatred has been deeply ingrained, and in the end, all the gods have fallen, the dragon clan is close to extinction, and the entire Yalansi is almost dead.

And that curse… As long as Sophie thinks of it, his mind is buzzing. He resisted the headache and asked, “Is the last… true?”

Weixian glanced at him, her eyes were a little complicated, but in the end she still whispered: “Yes.”

Sophie hummed softly.

The two were silent for a long time, Sophie didn’t make a sound, Wei Xian kept looking at him, and after a while she whispered again: “Feier, a long, long time ago, all the gods in Yalansi were Disappeared. Those who participated in the final battle have left me forever. I knew from a long time ago that I would die in the end, I couldn’t stop it and I didn’t want to stop it, but I met you, I Hopefully this will end in the end.”

“I’m not a good mother and I don’t deserve to be a mother, Phil, I’m really sorry for you.”

Sophie still doesn’t speak.

Weixian paused for a while, and finally made up her mind and said: “Fei Er, you don’t have to do this, don’t worry about it, in fact, I still can’t think of it for a long time, thinking about doing my last effort, but it’s not necessary, I don’t need it… …”

Before she finished speaking, Sophie interrupted her, “Mother, live well, I know what to do.”

Weixian swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

Sophie took a deep breath and said to Wei Xian: “It’s almost time, I should go back. Mother, take a good rest, I’ll wait for you to come back.”

Weixian’s eyes flickered, and finally nodded slightly.

Sophie closed his eyes, emptied his entire thoughts, and didn’t think about anything. When he opened his eyes again, he really felt the existence of his body.

He’s back, back in the real world.

Sophie got used to it a little bit, turned her head and saw Su Miao who had been by his side. Sophie didn’t know how long she had slept, but the scene in front of her was no longer what it was before. All the enemies are gone, they should still be in the Dragon Valley, in a wooden house, the warm sunlight shone in, lightly sprinkled on the house, warm and warm.

And Su Miao closed his eyes gently, there was a faint blue halo right now, Sophie felt distressed for a while, he could imagine that after Su Miao escaped from that battle, he must have been by his side all the time.

Sophie sat up very lightly. He looked at Su Miao quietly. The more he looked, the more he liked it, and the more he felt worried.

Just as he touched Su Miao’s cheek, those purple eyes suddenly opened and looked at him.

After a while, Sophie rolled her eyes and looked at him with a smile.

Su Miao froze slightly, then turned her head slightly, and a kiss landed on his palm.

Sophie’s smile was even brighter. His eyes were curved like crescent moons, his palms were itchy, and his heart was also itchy.

He and Su Miao were both sitting, but he was still a little shorter, so he simply knelt on the bed so that the altitude difference would disappear. He put both hands on Su Miao’s face, a little bold but very intimate.

He leaned over and kissed Su Miao accurately on the mouth. Such an obvious tease made the air instantly scorching hot.

Su Miao took his hand off and let him wrap his neck around his neck, then he took advantage of the situation to wrap his waist around him and pushed it into his arms, deepening the light kiss.

The initiative was taken away, but Sophie didn’t mind it at all. He felt Su Miao’s request, and his mouth was a strong plunder and a frantic acquisition. He was a little rough because he was in a hurry. The hand on his waist was like a To rub his entire body into his arms. Compared with the previous love between the two, it was not so comfortable, but Sophie didn’t care. He really felt Su Miao, and his eagerness made his cheeks flush and his breath was short.

He was panting, his hands clumsily trying to untie Su Miao’s clothes, but the more anxious he became, the more ineffective he became. Sticking to the slightly hot skin, Sophie sighed comfortably.

He pressed his body tightly against Su Miao’s body, as if encountering a burning fire in the cold winter.

The feeling that his dawdling brings to Su Miao is immeasurable. He clasped the elf’s waist with a bit of laughter, and whispered in his ear: “Don’t be in a hurry.”

But Sophie was in a hurry… He leaned into Su Miao’s ear dissatisfied, and whispered softly: “Su Miao, I want it.” This low voice was like a fluttering feather sweeping on the top of his heart, Then, he still grabbed Su Miao’s earlobe all of a sudden, and stuck out his tongue to tease gently.

Su Miao’s hand that locked his waist suddenly tightened, and he clearly felt that somewhere in his body was already aching because of this active teasing.

Sophie let out a low cry of pain because of his exertion. He quickly released the strength on his hand, but because the two were too close together, Sophie could clearly feel the reaction of his body.

The elf was stunned for a while, then looked at Su Miao’s smiling eyes, he blinked, then slowly bent down, tore the messy clothes that he had torn apart, and a certain Something popped out suddenly.

Rising red, hard like iron, standing upright and straight, that shape and size…

Sophie frowned slightly, a little surprised, and there seemed to be a little fear in his eyes. But it only took a while, he reached out and shook it, and the cool hand touched it gently, which couldn’t extinguish the fire at all, but made the heat even more.

Su Miao let go of the hand that had been holding Sophie’s waist. He gently stroked, teasing in circles on Sophie’s sensitive points, clearly feeling the elf’s body trembling slightly.

The trembling made Sophie almost lost his mind, but he finally knew what he wanted to do, so he held his mind firmly, took a step back, lowered his head, and kissed what was standing there.

He originally wanted to open his mouth to cover it, but…cough, he finally changed his strategy and gently licked it with his tongue…

“Sophie, stop making trouble.”

Sophie ignored him. Although he was not very skilled, he kept in mind the basic principle of not touching with his teeth, and only licking and rubbing with his tongue, so he worked harder.

It’s just that the more I lick and play, the more sad Sophie finds out that this brother is still growing. Seeing it with his own eyes, Sophie is really shocked. How did Laozi accept this thing at that time? He really won’t be stabbed. , die…

He paused for a while, and was gently pulled by Su Miao, his body turned to one side, and his back was turned to Su Miao.

This time he made up his mind to get a full set. Based on the premise of being familiar with each other once again, he lowered his head and continued to lick… But the body position was different, he didn’t realize his entire back body All have been exposed to Su Miao.

Therefore, when Su Miao took care of a certain part of himself, Sophie shivered involuntarily, and the movements of his mouth also slowed down a lot.

Compared to his clumsy probing, Su Miao’s hands were outrageously flexible, pulling up and down, moving, fast and slow, causing Sophie’s brain to become a mess in an instant, although his mouth was still dutifully licking, Get it, but all the attention has long been focused on the place where it is extremely comfortable.

After a while, Sophie couldn’t take it anymore. He turned his head and looked at Su Miao absently and said, “I want…”

Su Miao stopped: “What do you want?”

Sophie was stunned, bit her mouth and said, “I want…I want she…”

The desire and hope in Su Miao’s eyes became more and more successful, and he said in a hoarse voice, “Be good, don’t worry.” As soon as he finished speaking, he buried a finger in his body, and Sophie’s body shook violently.

Because of the previous care of the front, the small hole behind him has some water stains, so the entry of the fingers is extra smooth, Su Miao watched without blinking, and he whispered: “I want to be here. right?”

Sophie was already confused. He screamed in front of him to relieve himself, but Su Miao refused to move, and the back of his fingers evoked another kind of crisp, numb, and this kind of stimulation, He didn’t care about taking care of Su Miao at all, he just raised his head and let out uncontrollable moans and groans.

Su Miao added another finger, twitching quickly with the sound of tsk tsk, Sophie was completely out of control and took the initiative to send himself up.

Under this kind of pumping, when Sophie was about to reach her peak and tide, Su Miao suddenly pulled out her fingers. The sudden hollow made Sophie confused for a moment, and he snorted dissatisfiedly. .

Su Miao patted his buttocks and said, “Come on, sit up.”

Sophie still couldn’t react, but Su Miao had put his hands on his waist to help him sit up, and then aimed at a certain place, holding his waist and letting him sit down slowly.

It was only then that Sophie realized what had happened. He looked at Su Miao with wide eyes and felt that as his body moved, the thing was slowly squeezed in. As soon as he recalled the size of the thing, Sophie felt A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and his past inner feelings, **** and uncontrollable reason converged, and he said with some resistance: “No, no…”

Su Miao didn’t let go of him, touched his waist soothingly, and said softly, “I’m not afraid, it’ll be fine, it will be very comfortable.” In the last sentence, his ending sound was long, and his voice was seductive enough.

After being stunned, Sophie had already sat down forcefully, the pain of the sudden opening made him scream, and he began to beg for mercy: “No, no… Su Miao, it hurts… “

At this moment, Su Miao also frowned slightly, it was too tight, so tight that he couldn’t control it, but looking at Sophie’s expression, he suppressed the mood that would make him go up and down quickly, soothe him.

Under such comfort, Sophie finally got used to it, and more synovial fluid was secreted automatically, which smoothly relieved the pain at the junction of the two. Su Miao felt the nerves are highly stimulated because of the moisturizing of the fluid. And Sophie gradually tasted some sweetness, and even took the initiative to twist it slightly.

This slight movement made Su Miao completely unable to bear it. He held Sophie’s waist and helped him to get up and down quickly. With the sound of water stains and rapid twitching, Sophie groaned and moaned. He couldn’t even remember what he said, maybe he was asking for forgiveness, maybe he was begging for mercy, in short, he was full of this person and only this person.

Until Sophie reached the top, the white liquid spurted out, and he also felt that his body was filled with a scorching hot body, hot and hot enough to touch the heat of the soul.

A passionate love affair ended, Sophie was out of breath, but Su Miao was full of energy, and the previous fatigue was swept away.

Sophie lay on his chest, gasping for breath, Su Miao gently stroked him to ease his tense body from excitement.

The atmosphere is warm and sweet. Two people who love each other are close to each other. What could be more beautiful than this?

Sofi calmed down quietly, he could hear Su Miao’s heart beating, so vivid, so powerful, so… real.

He listened quietly, then raised his head after a while, his eyes still had some moist luster, he sat up slightly, and rubbed Su Miao gently with somewhere of himself, his voice was soft: ” Su Miao, I want to…”

The place was extremely wet because of the venting and venting just now. Su Miao’s things immediately became hard again due to such direct friction, but instead of going in, he supported Sophie’s waist and said softly, “You If you are tired, take a good rest.”

Sophie frowned, dissatisfied with what Su Miao said, and muttered, “But it’s itchy…” As soon as these words came out, he clearly felt that the hand holding his waist was a lot less resistant. And the thing holding the entrance also trembled slightly.

Sophie smiled and said in a low voice: “It’s itchy, I really want you to come in.”

Then, as he wished, he felt that his body was suddenly pressed down, and the hard as iron thing invaded his body again.

Su Miao was in this position, turned him around, and then let him lie on the bed, stabbed in from behind him, he stopped, and kissed the elf’s smooth back softly. Restrained but unstoppable venting and revealing: “Sophie, don’t cry.”

It was a very intense night, both long and short, Sophie did cry, and it was strange that he didn’t cry because of his apparent death-seeking behavior.

The consequence of such indulgence is that Sophie slept for three days and three nights, and when he woke up and his legs fell, he gritted his teeth depressed.

Is this leg used for walking? The station is unsteady.

At this time, Su Miao pushed open the door and entered, holding a plate in his hand with delicate side dishes and sweet and glutinous rice porridge.

The smile on Su Miao’s face was very obvious. He put the plate down, and then gently massaged Sophie, and said in a loving voice, “Don’t make a fool of yourself next time.”

Sophie is looking at him, such Su Miao is really good-looking, the expression between his eyebrows is relaxed, the smile in his eyes is obvious, and the low voice is something that no musical instrument in this world can play Beautiful.

But… Sophie felt a heart-wrenching pain in his heart, and this pain made him burst into tears uncontrollably.

His appearance made Su Miao’s rare eyes flash with a trace of panic, and his voice asked anxiously: “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

Sophie was stunned, shook her head quickly, and said with a smile, “It’s okay, I’m probably too hungry, haha.” In this way, Sophie lowered her head and started to eat.

Sophie wasn’t satisfied until all the food was stuffed into her stomach.

He leaned on Su Miao and said softly, “Su Miao, I love you.”

Compared with Su Miao’s forbearance, Sophie has always been a person who can’t help it, and he can’t learn to endure it, so it is common for him to confess something…

Su Miao only slightly hooked the corner of his mouth. He likes to hear this sentence whenever he wants.

Sofi suddenly sat up straight, looked at Su Miao, and asked, “Su Miao, do you believe me?”

This sudden question is a bit inexplicable, but Su Miao didn’t think much about it. He looked at Sophie and said, “I believe.”

As soon as these two words were uttered, an unspeakable feeling suddenly hit. When Su Miao just realized that something was wrong, it was already too late.

Sophie looked at Su Miao motionlessly, with unprecedented solemnity in her eyes.

He never thought that the first time he used this ability would be at such a time, and the person facing him would be Su Miao.

Sophie tried to ignore the surprise in Su Miao’s eyes. He barely controlled his emotions and said in a commanding tone: “Activate the Shura Blade.”

Su Miao’s movements were a little hesitant, Sophie hurriedly strengthened the attachment of his mental power and repeated the order again.

The Shura Blade is activated.

Sophie’s eyes fell on the elegant pure black blade. Sophie had heard that the bones of the dragon race were very pure black. He thought he had never seen it before, but he didn’t expect that he had seen it before. .

He looked at the Shura Blade, those memories rushed in, and the breath of life attached to this sharp blade was very clearly felt by Sophie at this moment.

He looked at Su Miao, pointed to his heart, and gave the final order: “Kill me.”

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