Reborn into A Slash Game: 28Chapter 28

The city of Moya, one of the three major cities of the human race, turned into ruins overnight. The entire Yalansi 6 was shocked.

Different from the fall of the holy tree of the elves, this time the entire famous tree was reduced to ashes, and there was no sign of it, and then the truth could not be known.

Because the people associated with this seem to have disappeared along with the main city.

This is like a natural disaster, a punishment from the gods, and there is no power to fight back, waiting to die.

Is Sophie dead?

No, he is alive and the only living witness.

At the last moment, he broke free from the chains, but he didn’t turn around and run away, but instead used the fastest speed in his life to pour out all the fur in the space bag in one go, and then folded it flying, a layer of Another layer tightly wrapped his body.

Of course he didn’t forget the little cub. In fact, the animal’s sensitivity is strong, and it is keenly aware of the danger. It is like rolling rice dumplings with Sophie, hugging each other, trying to curl up to the smallest possible Make the most of the fur.

Even so, after everything calmed down, the furs of the Frostfire Beast, the Ten-Colored Giant Vein Beast, and the tragically killed fifth-level beast that Sophie had worked so hard to collect were completely scrapped.

The defensive power is so defiant, and he has been rolled up to ten layers. In the end, only one layer is left, and it also looks burnt. It can be seen that this attack How terrifying the power is.

As for the unsuspecting Aryan and the unfamiliar blue man, Sophie said that there are probably not even scum left in the dead. Although this method of death is a bit too cheap for them, but they are dead, he can’t rewind and start again…

And, right now, he’s not in the mood to think about it. When such a big thing happened, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Yalansi. When the time comes that other races will send ‘peacekeeping troops’, and there are still people alive in this ruin, it will be a big deal.

So, the most urgent thing is to run away quickly.

He crawled out of the mess. Fortunately, there were enough layers of the bag. Although there was some pain, he was not seriously injured. The little cub was a little wobbly, but it should have been frightened, and there was no serious injury to his body.

Sophie looked around and saw the sharp-eyed demon boy lying in a mess.

He ran over quickly, Su Miao’s clothes were shattered, lying in the rubble, as quiet as if he had stopped breathing. Sophie groaned in his heart, and quickly moved his hand under his nose, feeling the weak breath, and he was relieved.

Appears to be just exhausted. Thinking about it, it’s strange that he is inexhaustible to cause this explosion wave comparable to a nuclear bomb.

The scene in front of him is inexplicably familiar. It seems that it was the same when he and Su Miao first met in the Nuoer jungle. But at that time, he was afraid that the demon clan in front of him would die. But now, he knew that Su Miao had destroyed the whole city, but he was not afraid at all.

Taking a deep breath, Sophie carefully inspected Su Miao’s body. There were wounds of ten centimeters on each of his limbs, which should have been caused by Aryan.

Sophie leaned in gently and kissed them carefully one by one, as she wished to see the wound heal.

Su Miao lost too much blood and consumed too much, and it was impossible for him to wake up in a short time. Sophie had to pick up the Shura Blade and pin it on his waist, and then struggled to support Su Miao.

He had long planned that there must be a teleportation formation in Aryan’s master bedroom, otherwise the blue man would not have appeared so abruptly. And they can only rely on the teleportation array to leave now.

It didn’t take much for him to find the teleportation array with a faint glow.

Sophie walked over quickly, and when he arrived, he suddenly realized another problem. How does this thing work? Just stand in there? Do you need to choose a destination?

When playing a game, if he wants to teleport, he clicks the teleportation array with the mouse, and he will be prompted to choose where to go, but what should I do now?

How can he click without a mouse!

Could it be that he had to use his hands to order it? Or by idea? What is in your head and where can you go?

I don’t know why!

Thinking about it for a long time, there is only a comatose beautiful teenager and a little cub who can’t communicate in front of him. You can’t wait to die horizontally and vertically, it seems, you can only try your luck.

He carried Su Miao on his back and led the cub, and he dragged his family into the teleportation formation.

And then, as expected, there are no options! Thoughts or something, before he could think about it, he was already dizzy…

What Sophie doesn’t know is that this teleportation array is a fixed teleportation array. Under normal circumstances, it can only transmit selected destinations. However, under the strong shock wave of Su Miao, the teleportation array said that it was also injured.

Such a half-baked teleportation formation, if you know a little bit, you won’t be stupid enough to step in. It’s very possible that your luck will be smashed.

Even if you’re lucky, you can’t really be sure where you’ll be teleported, maybe you’ll be trapped in space magic forever…

After Sophie and Su Miao left, the weak teleportation array also disappeared with a swoosh.


A man dressed in black suddenly appeared on the ruins of Moya City. He was tall, but the whole person was wrapped in black clothes, except for half of the pure black fur on the neckline, from top to bottom. Not the slightest sheen.

He walked slowly. In this messy and dilapidated place, he was as leisurely as in a beautiful back garden. Although he couldn’t see his face, his aura was hard to ignore.

Going to where the teleportation array disappeared, he paused, then walked forward again.

Standing in the place where Aryan’s master bedroom was originally, he looked around, and then walked towards the north with a clear goal. There seems to be the scene of the incident, the source of all tragedies.

I didn’t see any special movement from him until he stopped.

He silently recited a mantra. The content was old and unfamiliar, but the voice was very nice. The midrange was neither high nor low, steady and peaceful, as if it could soothe people’s hearts.

The spell ends and a shocking scene unfolds.

The shards of the broken house melted and disintegrated, disappearing in a short while, and the scene of being crushed under the shards was also revealed.

It is a broken body, one arm and one leg have been broken, and there is a huge wound on the chest, only the elegant blue is still dazzling, and the eyes that refuse to close, empty and absent.

The man in black smiled and seemed to be talking to himself: “This time it hurts really badly.”

Naturally no one responded to him, but he used the word ‘injury’ because it was clearly a dead body.

The next moment, his hand stretched out from his black robe, his slender white bones were distinct, he hung his hand over the corpse, closed his eyes, and chanted a long incantation in silence, and then the rich black light slowly faded from his palm. It gathered slowly, then fell, and melted into the corpse on the ground.

And then something magical happened.

The broken arms and legs were quickly brought together with the body, and in the black mist, the broken body miraculously recovered.

After a while, the blue man jumped up, and after seeing the man in black, he immediately curtseyed: “Master.”

The man in black put his hand on the head of the blue man and whispered, “Xia, tell me everything about your life.”


The blue man, known as Xia, used a calm and unwavering tone to repeat the events of his previous life, from his appearance to the birth of the tragedy, in detail and in a clear and coherent manner.

After listening, the man in black pondered for a while before smiling and said, “Very well, you did a great job.”

Xia still lowered her head and said nothing.

The man in black gave him a satisfied look, then, as if remembering something, he asked her, “Where’s Arya? Find him.”

“Yes, Master.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia began to move fast, so fast that he was almost invisible to the naked eye. After a while, he ‘found’ Aryan from the ruins.

Aryan’s appearance is not much stronger than Xia. He is scattered and his body is damaged to an astonishing degree, especially the fatal wound on his chest is shocking. There is no doubt that he is completely dead.

“Master, I’m sorry, Xia didn’t protect him well.”

The man in black smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, since he summoned you, he agreed to join us. It doesn’t matter what form, take it back and be a human puppet.”

“Yes, Master.”

The two leave.

An hour later, the Ruins of Moya welcomed the second group of guests.

A whole team of trolls suddenly appeared in this empty and messy place, with a huge momentum that covered the sky and the sun. Wei’s troll is especially tall and strong. His fangs are exposed, his eyes are like copper bells, and his face is fierce. It is the king of trolls – Balno.

At this time, after he saw Aryan’s mansion look like this, the huge brown eyes had a panicked look.

He almost roared and ordered: “Search! As long as there are live openings, bring them all!”

The troll responded loudly, and then dispersed.

Balno himself also began a carpet search, but his huge body was careful when removing the pieces, for fear that one might injure the person under pressure with too much force.

Aryan… Aryan… whispering this name in my heart, seems to calm my almost crazy heart, nothing will happen, he will… will definitely live.

After three days and three nights of searching throughout the night, the only remaining fire of hope was gradually extinguished.

The king of trolls, who has never slept, has red eyes at this moment.

He clenched the piece of paper in his hand into powder, the blue veins on his forehead burst out, he gritted his teeth and growled: “…I will definitely make them pay a painful price for this!”

The man in black looked at the Lan Faren who had left and returned, and asked leisurely, “Did you send it over?”

Xia whispered: “Yes, Balno believes that Arya is dead, and the murderers are Sumue Lonay and Sophie Evans.”

“Very good.”


Sophie was thrown out, appeared out of thin air and then fell into a perfect natural fall. Under such gravity, it was a miracle that he was still soft when he fell to the ground.

But the next moment he realized that something was wrong and quickly got up.

I’m going, he is clearly carrying Su Miao on his back, why is he pressing on him now!

Su Miao is so weak now, don’t be crushed by him.

Sophie wanted to check it out in a panic, but then, with a click, the little cub fell from the sky and was hitting Su Miao…

The author has something to say: the first one.

Please keep a safe distance of five chapters, thank you very much.

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