Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor Chapter 81: Develop potions

  In the meditation room, Kane, who was relieved of his semi-werewolf, sat aside.

   Adeline is holding a dagger similar to a scalpel, burning it on the candlelight, sterilizing it.

   “Baron Regit, please stretch out your right hand, I want to take your blood.”


   Kane obediently stretched out his right hand in front of Adeline.

   The opponent’s experience is very sophisticated, and he quickly slid on his arm. A tiny scar appeared, and blood began to flow out.

   Before the golden red blood dripped down, Adeline took the utensils and plugged them all into it.

   She shook the vessel in her hand, looked at the golden-red liquid rolling in it, and said thoughtfully: “I understand why you have such a powerful healing power and amplifying power.”

  ”Golden blood, which is rare on this continent, especially its purity.”

   Kane noticed the meaning of the other party’s words and asked: “Your Excellency Edlin, is there a difference in purity between the same golden blood?”

  ”Of course, the difference between low purity and high purity is very obvious, just take the standard of medicine.”

   “We all know ancient dragon blood. It is the Heart of Blazing Flame, one of the main ingredients of this potion.”

  ”In fact, any golden blood can be made into a potion that improves the human body and even enhances strength.”

   “The pure and powerful potions, such as ancient dragon blood, can not only improve the body’s physique, but also forcibly increase your strength.”

  ”As for the low purity, such as the blood of the lizard dragon, the potion made from it as the main body can make the human body gain temporary strength enhancement.”

  ”During the battle a dozen or so days ago, the magical potion used by the fifth-order extraordinary of the Dylan royal family, Ankim was the tears of the ocean made from the blood of the lizard dragon.”

   Edlin continued: “The purity in your blood is more advanced than that of the average lizard.”

  ”It is an undiscovered golden blood. If I study it, maybe I can use it to develop some potions, even potions.”

   Kane nodded clearly and said: “So, if your Excellency Edlin still needs blood, please do not hesitate to mention it. I am looking forward to your development.”

   Edlin poured golden red blood into the boiling silvery white liquid and watched its changes.

   It can be seen that the two blend together very smoothly, and bursts of white gas are coming out.

   Adeline said: “Naturally, the point just now is not enough to study.”

   said, she raised her hand and slashed Kane’s forearm.

   The blood flowed out of the wound and dripped onto the vessel. It was not until the two bottles of vessels were filled that Edlin released Kane’s hand.

   “Okay, these are enough for now.”

   She put down the utensils, with an intent to drive guests away.

   “If it’s okay, you can go out. Research doesn’t come out so quickly.”

  Kane was not discouraged, and smiled and reminded: Okay, please remember our agreement. “

   “Don’t worry, that little mage, I will take the time to teach.”

   Adrin said without looking back.


   stepped out of the meditation room, Kane returned to the study.

  The various important articles placed on the desk did not allow him to rest for a while, especially during this special period.

   Recently, the Rigid Leader also changed the method of obtaining information. The speed of transmission in the past was too slow, so that the news reached Kane’s side a few days ago.

   Now all the scouts in General Kane’s territory are dispatched, just to get news from all over the place as soon as possible.

   No, now there is a piece of information in front of Kane.

  The Duke of Manvilla, who is in the center of the southern part of the kingdom, was not satisfied after swallowing two noble lords, and once again began to fight against the surrounding lords.

   Of course, his methods have also become much gentler, compared to the previous situation of direct swallowing.

   Now, when he encounters a territory dominated by the noble, he will first persuade him to surrender.

   The Duke of Manvilla will send his subordinate nobles to negotiate and ask if the other party is willing to submit to his duchy, and if he refuses, he will directly conquer with powerful troops.

   Most nobles chose to surrender in the face of this situation, and there are one or two hard bones who would rather die than surrender.

   Their endings are often very tragic. The city will be broken by the Duke of Manvilla. The nobles in the city, including their families, will be looked down by the head of the Duke and hung at the city gate to warn others. This is to oppose him. s consequence.

   As for the loss of the dominion of the nobility, then the Duke of Manvilla will not treat him amicably.

   He will suppress with a lot of troops, and eventually swallow all the territory.

   The scout in front also reminded that Manvilla’s forces were moving closer to the rest of the noble realms in the south, and it was getting closer and closer to Kane’s Regit collar.

   I am afraid that within a month, the territory will be expanded to the vicinity of the Regit collar.

   This is not a good signal. Once the opponent expands near Kane, there are only two options in front of him, either surrender or die.

   My own meager force, in front of the Duke of Manvilla, who has the support of the orc empire, is not enough at all. I am afraid that even a little splash will be wiped out by the opponent.

   I must contact the nobles who are still alive in the south and unite everyone, especially the strongest Viscount Muchat and the Earl of Sardis.

   The domain of the Duke of Manvilla will soon spread to the entire southern land, and it is impossible for everyone to stay out of the matter, even the two who plan to be a turtle.

   Thinking, Kane put down the scout’s letter, took out a brand new letter paper, and prepared to write a few letters to contact the remaining nobles.

   At this the door of the study room was knocked open.

   “咚, 咚, 咚.”

   “Come in,” Kane said.

   Immediately, the door was opened, and Catherine walked in with excitement on her face.

   “My lord.” She saluted Kane.

   “What’s wrong?” Kane asked, stopping the movement in his hand.

   Catherine came to Kane and said excitedly: “My lord, just now another apprentice supernatural appeared in our territory.”

  Kane heard the words and asked seriously: “But your deputy?”

   Catherine shook her head and said: “No, my lord, Charles has advanced half a month ago, and is now working towards the mid-level trainee.”

   “Oh? It was just a few days after teaching the swordsman’s practice to be promoted to the superb apprentice?”

   Catherine nodded excitedly, and said, “Yes, my lord, his name is Herder Penke. He is a native of Maiko, and he is not yet twenty years old. He is a plastic talent.”

   Kane was a little surprised that another genius appeared in his own territory?

   Although he is not as talented as Sitz, or even Catherine, he can progress to the trainee in such a short period of days. It can be seen that his talent should be in the upper class, plus he is underage, so he is indeed like Catherine. Said, it is a talent that can be cultivated.

   Kane immediately said: “Well, it’s really good, you usually train him well, if you advance to the first level, it will be of great help to our territory.”

  ”Yes, my lord.” After receiving the order, Catherine turned to leave.

   Kane did not forget to tell behind him: “In addition, strengthen the training of the soldiers, there is new movement on Manvilla.”

   “I see, my lord.”

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