Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor Chapter 140: Kane’s plan

The bright moonlight shone through the clouds and shone on Kane and the others.

The layers of silver-white moonlight quickly attached to the bodies of Kane and Sitz, covering them with a pair of transparent armor.

Sitz enjoyed bathing in the moonlight, and the [Moon Source] in his body was constantly increasing, stimulating his body.

Kane looked at the Manvila camp in the distance, and said to Sitz: “Speaking of which, I haven’t taught you how to transform into a werewolf.”

Sitz nodded, and said expectantly: “Yes, my lord.”

Kane thought for a while, and then said to the few people in front of him: “I have a plan. I don’t need many people, but we must do enough secrecy, and wait until we are close to the opponent’s camp before bursting out.” .”

“Speak.” Several people beside him said.

“That is to use the blessing of this moonlight. I led Sitz and the two moonfall wolves to take the lead, Marcus, Herder, and Charles followed, rushed into the opponent’s camp, and gave them Strike.”

“As for Catherine, you can properly lead some archers to support our actions from above.”

Marcus and the others quickly noticed that all the people involved in this operation were holders of werewolf blood, and more or less all of them had the ability to heal.

“That is to say, my lord, are you going to directly transform into a werewolf to attack this time?” Marcus asked thoughtfully.

Kane replied: “Exactly, that’s why Sitz and I took the lead, because the two of us heal the fastest and can resist a lot of damage.”

“My lord, I also want to join the war.” Catherine on the side suddenly said.

Kane smiled and comforted: “There are many dangers in this battle. If there is no healing ability, it will be difficult to survive in it. Besides, our team needs an extraordinary leader, doesn’t it?”

Kane’s words are not unreasonable. In fact, this is the best way for them to give each other a strong blow with their numbers.

Under Kane’s persuasion, Catherine had to rest assured of her warlike heart and went to organize a collection of archers.

On the other side, Marcus also left the place and returned to the temporary camp to lead Charles and Herder to gather.

Sitz and Kane stayed where they were. Taking this opportunity, Kane taught the method of complete werewolf transformation.

“What is complete werewolf transformation? It is to add the function of [Yueyuan] on the basis of half werewolf transformation.”

Kane explained to Sitz in front of him.

“Your Excellency, what do you mean [Yueyuan] has the effect of stimulating semi-werewolf transformation?” Sitz asked.

“That’s right, generally speaking, our bodies are unable to undergo complete werewolf transformation, but under the stimulation of [Yueyuan], it can further strengthen the degree of change in our body, completely transforming half werewolf transformation into Werewolf.”

“Just like me.”

Speaking, Kane performed a complete werewolf transformation in front of Sitz.

I saw that his figure grew to a height of three meters in an instant, and the silver-white hair all over his body continued to grow, and two pairs of sharp claws also extended from it. Kane’s full werewolf transformation is complete when the wolf’s tail grows from the tailbone.

A huge sense of oppression came to Sitz, as if in front of him was no longer his loyal lord, but a frightening giant beast.

“How?” Kane’s deep voice sounded in Sitz’s ear.

Sitz nodded and said, “Compared to the degree of half-wolf transformation, I can feel that your aura has broken through to the third level.”

“That’s right, this is something that half werewolves can’t compare to, it spans two levels of improvement.” Kane said deeply.

Perhaps Kane’s aura became stronger after his transformation. The two moonfall wolves followed the aura from the camp in the distance to Kane’s side, rubbing against his legs constantly. It was licking Kane’s hair affectionately.

Kane did not pay too much attention to the two Falling Moon Wolves, but turned to Sitz and said, “Try it, with me escorting you, there is no problem.”

Sitz said seriously: “Yes, my lord.”

After speaking, he began to recall the steps of transforming into a werewolf.

First of all, he was going to be injured. Thinking of Sitz taking out the dagger in the robe, he slashed open his finger, and blood gushed out from above, but Sitz closed his eyes.

The second is anger. Sitz looked back at all kinds of memories in the past, looking for the thing that annoyed him the most, and finally he locked on a figure, that is, the commander Kediluo during the Battle of Hillhorn Fort.

Its contempt for all living things, Sitz still remembers and pays attention to it, especially when the other party casts a spell and hits him, it seems to be cleaning up a small stone that can be seen everywhere.

Rage welled up in Sitz’s heart. He opened his eyes and realized that his body was undergoing a brand new change.

This is a completely different transformation from the semi-werewolf transformation. Sitz’s body is constantly rising up just like the previous Kane.

1.7 meters, 1.8 meters, 1.9 meters, 2 meters, 2.1 meters… until the height of 2.5 meters is close to 2.5’s own rank It has also been promoted from the first-order initial position to the second-order high position.

At the same time, black and white hair began to emerge all over his body, completely covering his original appearance.

The nails on his hands began to become slender and sharp, and his mouth also extended forward and became narrower, with two huge canine teeth exposed outside.

With the growth of a white tail from the tailbone behind Sitz, his complete werewolf transformation was also completed.

It is worth noting that after this transformation, Sitz did not lose his mind as he did when he turned into a half-wolf for the first time. It seems that he has perfectly controlled the impact of the change.

Two giant werewolves standing together are still very intimidating, especially when there are two falling moon wolves beside them. When they are a brand new race of orcs.

Compared to Kane’s height of three meters, Sitz, who is only 2.5 meters tall, will appear slightly shorter, and in terms of breath, he is also completely lower than Kane.

Kane doesn’t know how to explain this phenomenon, maybe it’s because the purity of the werewolf blood in Sitz’s body is not as high as his own.

“How does it feel?” Kane asked.

Sitz replied excitedly: “It’s very comfortable, my lord. I feel that my power is constantly emerging from my body, and my spiritual source is also abundant like never before. Now I may not feel tired even if I cast ten spells.” .”

“Well, yes, take this opportunity to get acquainted with the power, and it will be convenient for the battle later.” Kane instructed.

“Yes, my lord.”

During the conversation between the two, Marcus also brought the remaining two potion users to Kane.

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