Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor Chapter 139: Arrived in the Barony of Burkitt

At noon, in front of the gate of Eagle Fort.

When Kane led the two Moonfall Wolves to the assembly point, everyone was ready to go, and a carriage was parked in front of the door, which contained food and supplies for everyone in the future.

This is the first time anyone has met the Falling Moon Wolf after arriving at Shanjiao Fort. Even a few Chaofans have only heard about the fact that the two wolves have already woken up.

Now that they actually met each other, everyone could feel the pressure from the two wolves.

“It seems to be stronger than when I saw it last time.” Catherine said.

Marcus agreed: “That’s right, I heard what my lord said, these two Moonfall wolves broke through to the first rank of the third level during their deep sleep, and I’m afraid they are only inferior to your lord in terms of strength.”

Sitz looked more relaxed, and he said, “That’s really great. With two third-tier Moonfall Wolves in the team, our strength has increased a little.”

Marcus just smiled and said: “That’s right, at least above the high-level combat power, we also have the ability to compete with the opponent.”

Seeing Kane approaching the team, several people also ended the discussion.

Catherine stepped forward on horseback and said to Kane: “My lord, there are 32 cavalrymen and 45 soldiers, a total of 77 people have arrived.”

Kane nodded in satisfaction and said, “Very well, let’s go.”

“Yes!” Catherine raised the reins and returned to the troops, while she came to the front of the troops.

Afterwards, Catherine’s voice sounded from the center of the team.

“Everyone is there!! Go to Baron Burkitt and support our allies!!”

“Understood, sir!!” The soldiers and cavalry responded loudly to Catherine’s words.

Suddenly, everyone in the team moved into action, with the cavalry leading the way and the soldiers following closely behind.

The support team hurried forward towards the southeast. According to Kane’s prediction, they will arrive at the Burkitt Barony in the evening close to the early morning.

The team walked through Maike Village all the way, and once again attracted the attention of the villagers. The well-informed people have been popularizing the purpose of the army’s departure for everyone.

On the other side, the family members of the soldiers clasped their hands silently, praying for the safe return of their children or husbands.

After crossing the plain for a while, the team came to the entrance of the forest.

Because it is close to the Orc Empire, there are several huge forests around Kane’s territory. It can be said that their Ruijite can be regarded as a territory surrounded by forests.

The cavalry in front raised the reins to slow down the speed of the horses. In the face of complex forest terrain, it is not a good thing to move forward rapidly.

In this way, a group of people walked into the forest cautiously. Although there is no possibility of orcs appearing here, everyone is still cautiously alert to the surrounding relief, and they will react immediately if there is any trouble. Come.

In this dense forest, the sunlight from above cannot shine into it, and can only bring faint light to this place through a gap.

The cavalry in front stabbed their lances into the bushes in front of them to detect whether there were enemies lurking there.

After he confirmed it was correct, he would push away the bushes in front of him and open a path for his companions behind.

That’s right, not many people have walked through the current location of this forest, so there is not even a decent trail, it is completely overgrown with weeds, which greatly slows down everyone’s progress .

It is also impossible for Kane to order everyone to clear the weeds in front of them. This will only consume everyone’s physical strength, further delaying the forward speed, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Under Catherine’s suggestion, the 32 cavalry in front were divided into groups of three, and they were cleared while checking the bushes in batches.


The reinforcement team walked in this forest for about three hours, and finally came out of this forest.

The time has also moved from noon to afternoon. If you don’t hurry up, you may not be able to reach the Baron of Burkitt in the evening.

Kane had no choice but to order all the soldiers and cavalry to step up their pace again. Even so, the soldiers and cavalry in the team did not have any complaints, and they silently carried out the tasks assigned by Kane.

It was at such an accelerated speed that Rigiter’s reinforcement team rushed to the vicinity of the Burkitt Barony at night.

They were resting on a high ground, and several extraordinary people gathered together, holding binoculars and a map and looking towards the castle in the distance.

It can be seen that a large number of Manvila troops have surrounded the castle. Perhaps at night, the sight is blocked and it is not conducive to continue the attack, so they stopped the offensive and stationed outside the castle.

Through the binoculars, Kane found that there were many scorched and cracked marks on the top of the city wall, presumably the other side must have launched a rather violent offensive earlier.

Then how can we inflict damage on the opponent with the strength of ourselves and others?

Kane handed the telescope to the others, thinking silently.

At this moment, Catherine on the side said: “My lord, there are orcs in the opponent’s team.”


Not only Kane, but Marcus and Sitz beside him were also surprised.

Just like the information obtained last time, the orcs have secretly supported Manvila’s troops in the rear, and there are even orc-like figures in the army.

From this point of view, Manvila has abandoned her identity as a human being, and has completely devoted herself to the orc empire.

Kane took the binoculars handed over by Catherine and took a closer it was night, there was no shortage of torches in the other party’s base camp, illuminating the entire camp with bright lights, It also made Kane see more clearly.

In general, this time Manvila’s army is still composed of a small number of orcs and most of the human soldiers.

It can be seen that there are some orc-like squads patrolling around the camp. The team configuration is generally three green-skinned orcs plus a tall and strong goblin bear.

These orcs are inherently stronger than humans. Ordinary orc soldiers can compete with human apprentices, let alone extraordinary orcs. I don’t know if there are any extraordinary in this army. The existence of orcs.

It seems that I and the others should be more careful when attacking, otherwise the powerful orc-like soldiers can break up the charging team.

After checking the basic situation, Kane handed the telescope to Marcus and Sitz again, and told them about the situation in the Manvila camp.

“There are two types of inspections. The first is a group of ten human soldiers. There are three shield soldiers, five spear soldiers, three sword soldiers, and two archers. It is said that everything is available.”

“The second is a group of four orc-like soldiers, three face-skinned orcs holding giant axes, and a bear goblin holding a giant shield and a small hammer. They are not as good as humans in terms of arms, but their strength Also not to be underestimated.”

“Such inspection teams are spread all over the camp, if we want to enter, we will definitely alarm them.”

After Kane’s explanation, everyone fell into silence, thinking about the best opportunity to attack.

At this moment, a beam of moonlight broke through the clouds, shining on the people and the camp in the distance, and at the same time brought Kane an excellent idea.

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