Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 411: Yueling River

“This male tyrant is really not a thing, Wang Teng is willing to let it go?” Xia Yuwei said with a frown.

Lu Yang smiled and said: “Wang Teng has been stunned by us now, no one knows how to do it.”

“I will accompany you back, there are not so many people here.” Jiang Ze said.

Sun Yu said: “I will also take the team back.”

Xia Yuwei said: “I will go back too.”

Lu Yang nodded and said, “Alright, you three will take the team back to Fenglei Fortress, and I will be there later.”

“Yes.” The three nodded in agreement, and each greeted the troops.

Lu Yang explained the matter to Zhuo Jiu Qiu and others, and finally ordered: “The three of you shrink your troops and withdraw from Ocean Imperial City. Don’t let your subordinates be killed by NPCs because of the murder. It is not easy to upgrade. We think To defend these three fortresses, you need your subordinates to maintain their best condition.”

“Yes.” Zhuo Jiu Qiu, White Lion, Kuai Bansheng and Zhou Tianming agreed together.

Lu Yang stopped talking nonsense after the explanation was over. The commanders under him were all well-known masters in the game, and he knew what to do without saying more.

“Hei Yan, take the Hundred Fire Hundred Men team back to Fenglei Fortress with me.” Lu Yang said loudly.

“Good boss.” Hei Yan greeted him, and took his men back to the fortress and flew to Fenglei Fortress.

Lu Yang clicked to send it back to the inner city of Fenglei Fortress, while Han Ying and Mu Yu were waiting.

Han Ying said: “Brother, the eternal force of the soul is advancing towards Yueling River, they are going to forcibly cross the Yueling River, bypassing the Thunder Fortress and fleeing back to Sea Imperial City.”

Lu Yang cast a screen on the ground and found the location of Yueling River, 2 hours away from Fenglei Fortress, separated by a mountain range.

“The soul is eternal, this is your own death, no wonder others.” Lu Yang hit the ground with a punch and said, “Follow me.”

Come to the wall.

Xia Yuwei, Sun Yu, and Jiang Ze have organized their troops outside the city. There are a total of 110,000 people, including 100 firefighters that can release the forbidden curse.

“The whole army set off, everyone will follow me.” Lu Yang jumped off the top of the city and waved his hand, leading Xia Yuwei and the others to the Cold Wind Canyon.

Xia Yuwei saw the place between the Fenglei Fortress and the Hailong Fortress where Lu Yang went, and asked curiously: “Boss, where are we going?”

Lu Yang said: “I have detected the eternal force of the soul, they want to go to the Yueling River, I will take you to take a shortcut.”

Jiang Ze smiled and said: “The Soul of Eternity is dead this time.”

Lu Yang said: “He should be a rich man with peace of mind. The money Liu Jie gave him is enough for him to live the rest of his life safely.”

Cold Wind Canyon is a level 20 map. Lu Yang ran from a level 30 map to a level 20 map and then went to a level 30 map to the Yueling River. It looked like it was far away, but the eternal side of the soul was farther away.

The Eternal Soul needs to make a big circle around the Moon Spirit River in front of the Blackstone Fortress, which takes an extra three hours to run.

In one and a half hours.

Lu Yang drove all the acceleration scrolls and led the team to the opposite bank of the southern side of the Yueling River.

Taking advantage of the eternal soul, Lu Yang said loudly to the 110,000 people behind him: “I told all of you before that every time you fight in the future, what you get in battle will belong to your own. Remember.”

110,000 people heard Lu Yang’s words and said excitedly: “Remember.”

Lu Yang said: “Very well, I have no other strengths. I just say what I say. It will break the eternal soul for a while. What you grab will belong to you, and the guild does not need it.”

“The boss is mighty.” Everyone shouted in unison.

Lu Yang said: “Let’s go ambush, remember not to speak out, if we fail, our 110,000 people will come here for nothing.”


Xia Yuwei, Jiang Ze, and Sun Yu were originally worried that some people could not persist in exposing the problem. When Lu Yang said so, the three were no longer worried.

Even if there is no gold equipment in the Eternal Souls team this time, all of them are level 20 silver equipment. According to the market price, one piece of equipment and weapons can be sold for 50 to 200 credits.

There are too many players in “Second World”. There are very few individual players who can obtain level 20 silver equipment through epic dungeons. The level 30 golden equipment is not popular among the majority of players because of the level.

Therefore, the level 20 silver equipment is just in the most scarce state, and the player can sell it after changing hands.

Everyone can make at least hundreds of dollars in a battle, and no one will be unwilling to do it.


Xia Yuwei, Jiang Ze, and Sun Yu arranged the team to return to Lu Yang, hiding in the grass together.

The entire Yueling River returned to a state of tranquillity in the night, and only the rushing river made a rapid flow of sound.

After 20 minutes.

On the northern bank of the Yueling River, a noisy running sound rang.

20 Several thieves showed themselves on the bank of the river.

“The way the boss told us is right, there is really a river here,” said the leader of the thieves, Qingshan Thief.

“Should we swim across the river to take a look.” The thief asked indifferently.

The other 20 thieves did not speak. The Yueling River flows very fast and it is very deep. You can’t see the bottom of the river at a glance.

The simulation of “Second World”, if the player can’t swim, he will be drowned if he enters.

The green mountain thief said to Yin Ren and the other 6 thieves: “Swim over and take a look.”

Tolerantly scolded myself and swam towards the other side of the river in the unhappy eyes of his companions, but when I got down, I lost my balance by the turbulent river.

The Green Mountain Thief stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed Yin Ren, and pulled it up.

“Huh, it’s really dangerous, thank you, boss.” She forbeared and said in fear. If he died here, he would have to run again if he wanted to return to Sea Imperial City, and he would be separated from the big troops.

The green mountain thief said: “It’s all companions, yes, I don’t need to see this river, just the speed of the water, depending on how many of us are not able to cross the river, only the large army is here, and one of them is pulling it. Only one person’s hand can pass collectively.”

Reluctantly nodded, and said: “There are no footprints on the bank of the river, so we can be sure that there is no enemy coming. We have already completed the mission.”

The green mountain thief nodded and sent a message to Shenhun Eternal to explain the situation.

On the south side of the river bank, Lu Yang, Xia Yuwei and others can’t help smiling when they hear their conversation vaguely.

Xia Yuwei quietly sent a message to Lu Yang and said: “Boss, your trick is really good.”

Lu Yang gave a triumphant look, and replied: “Eternal Soul is not bad. In this case, I still know that sending more than 20 people to explore the way ahead. Most people can’t do it, but you remember, send it out. The reconnaissance force must be the best and most tolerant player under his staff. The group of people sent by Shenhun Eternal are all rubbish.”

Xia Yuwei, Jiang Ze and Sun Yu nodded together.

After another 10 minutes.

The dense footsteps on the other side of the river sounded, and Soul Eternal took 50,000 players to the north side of the Yueling River.

“Boss, we can only track down here, and we can’t go across the river.” Yin Ren said.

The Soul Eternally frowned and said: “If you can’t get through, won’t you think of a way? What’s the problem? Forget it, it doesn’t make sense to say these now. The heavy armored fighters stand out in 10 rows and stand on the outermost side. All People pull one by one across the river.”

There is too much time to consider the eternity of the soul. For every minute of time wasted, there are thousands of people outside of Haihuang City.

After receiving reports from Falling Shadow Twilight and Xuanhai, Shenxun Yongheng felt a chill in his back for the first time. He didn’t expect Lu Yang to have such strength. His 220,000 people are in Luyang’s 260,000. In front of people, those who were beaten could not fight back.

In order to restore his credibility in Sea Emperor City as soon as possible, and to regain the fortress, Divine Soul Eternal must return to Sea Emperor City within tonight, otherwise, these three months of hard work will be all over.

When Cheyu heard Lu Yang’s arrangement, he immediately led the heavy-armored warriors and knights to form a human wall. The heavy-armored players have the largest weight. In a relatively shallow area, a group of ten can stand firm in the water.

Soon, a 10-person-wide human wall was built in the turbulent river water, and Cheyu took the first batch of 20,000 players across the river.

Yin Ren wanted to get a good comment from the eternal soul, so I rushed to report it in front of the green mountain and was scolded, and went across the river with the team boringly. The green mountain thief and other thieves were also very upset. Shenhun Eternal obviously scolded them together.

According to the regulations, after crossing the river, Yin Ren, Qingshan thief and others should have gone to the front to find the way immediately, but the more than 20 thieves of them were not in a mood at this time, and sat 50 yards on the south bank of the river to rest.

The thief closest to Lu Yang was only 20 yards away from him, but Lu Yang was lying in the grass on the bank of the river. The thief could not see him unless he walked in front of him.

Xia Yuwei saw that 20,000 people from the opposite player had crossed the Yueling River, and she sent a message and asked: “Do you want to fight?”

Lu Yang shook his head and replied: “Wait a little longer.”

Across the river.

Shen Hun Eternally saw the success of his subordinates crossing the river, frowned and said to the Green Mountain Thief: “Is there any enemy ambush ahead.”

The green mountain thief said: “Boss, we have just crossed the river, and we will go to investigate after a break.”

The soul was eternally stunned. He did not expect the Green Mountain Thief to dare to talk to him like this. Obviously, because the three fortresses were lost at the same time, he was so embarrassed to fight at the Blackstone Fortress, which greatly affected his position in the minds of his men. Blow.

“Brother, it’s not time to rest. We want to return to the Sea Emperor City. It is up to your thieves team to explore in front.” The Soul Eternal had to speak to the Green Mountain Thief in a low voice.

Only then did the green mountain thief express the evil in his heart, and said to Yin Ren and other thief: “Get up all, let’s continue to explore the way.”

Yin Ren and others stood up lazily, and walked toward the depths of the grass cursingly.

Lu Yang looked at the thief who was approaching forbearing, and then at the more than 20,000 troops who had already crossed the river, stood up from the grass.

Looking at the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him with horror, he said: “Who are you?”

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