Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2825: Massacre in Flowing Fire Valley

“Human beings, you **** bastards, you have no sense of honor. The whole army retreats, retreat~!” Like an earthquake.

The five hundred personal guards around him are all more than one hundred meters tall, and their strength is mid-level gods. This level of vibration can’t shake their bodies, but they run very embarrassingly.

“Want to run? It’s too late.” Lu Yang suddenly appeared in midair in the form of a demon god. He was five hundred meters tall and stretched out more than two hundred arms on his body. Yan fireball, following Lu Yang’s loud roar, more than two hundred fireballs hit the ancestor demon and the guards behind him at the same time.

“You dare to fight me no matter what you are.” The ancestor demon was furious. He was a half-step **** king at his peak. Movement, a super powerful spell belonging to the half-step **** king, as he pointed forward with his left hand, a huge green flame formed a mirror to cover his body, and at the same time released countless green flame beams.

More than 200 extremely flaming fireballs were hit by this beam of light, and more than 120 of them exploded violently in the air. On the left, right and behind the middle **** guards.

An even more terrifying explosion occurred, and the area hit by the Jiyan fireball erupted with intense light, and white lights and eyes were everywhere in the surrounding area of ​​100 kilometers, including the sky.

The guards of the Primordial Demon gasified in an instant, and the Primordial Demon himself held the flames with his body, jumped out of the explosion area, and stabbed at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang has always been locked on the breath of the Progenitor Demon. It is not surprising to see him suddenly flying from the explosion light. In the middle of the sword body, a black light emitted from the jet-black broken blade, condensed into a new sword body, and he rushed towards the Primordial Demon.

The Primordial Demon never thought that Lu Yang would dare not dodge and charge towards him, with a ferocious smile on his face, but just as he was about to stab Lu Yang to death, Lu Yang released a thousand swords from his hand. A meter long black sword light.

Lu Yang slashed down with a sword from a distance of a thousand meters away, and only the shocked expression remained on the face of the primordial demon. In the next second, his body broke into two steps, and the soul that had cultivated to the half-step god-king level was also inside. Broken into two steps, completely dead.

The black sword light passed over his body but did not fade, but continued to fly towards the ground. After beheading tens of thousands of god-level powerhouses of the bronze demon clan, it left a hole hundreds of meters deep on the ground. cracks.

At this time, the dazzling light was not over yet, Lu Yang quickly put away the World Swallowing Sword, and then he threw the body and soul of the Primordial Demon into the Yaowang Furnace, more than two hundred arms spread out again, palms Zhong’s eyes frantically danced, and extremely flaming fireballs formed from his arms again.

When the light caused by the extremely flame fireball dissipated completely, the eyes of the god-level powerhouses of the Bronze Demon Race were full of confusion. Perceived clearly.

Just as they looked towards the sky to find the Primordial Demon, they found that Lu Yang was the only one in the sky, and more than 200 extreme flame fireballs were condensed from more than 200 arms behind him again.


Lu Yang let out a low growl, and the blazing white flame ball fell into the ambush circle on the ground with streaks of white light.

A magic circle of the main **** level can only release a fire spell of the main **** level every few seconds, but the power and quantity cannot compare with Lu Yang.

The more than two hundred extremely flaming fireballs killed almost one-fifth of the god-level warriors of the Bronze Demon Race. None of them escaped, because Zhuojiu and Kuaibansheng had already dealt with the enemies around them.

With the blessings of Malthus and the sword spirit king, both of them are half-step **** kings. One has a holy light sword with a length of several hundred meters, and the other is transformed into a thousand swords, piercing through countless strong bronze demons. body.

In addition, Luo Siyu’s Explosive Flame Army, Xia Yuwei’s Void Army, Delia’s Ziyan Dzi Bead Army attacked in the air, Liu Ruohuai’s Huangtian Army and Zhuojiu’s Saint Pattern Army blocked on the ground, and more than 80,000 bronze demons All the god-level fighters of the clan died in the valley under the flowing volcano!



“We won~! We finally won~!”

The more than 30,000 soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood have endured for a long time, and finally burst into cheers of excitement. They finally defeated a formal legion of the Flame God Army. Although they defeated in an ambush, they finally did it. This means that the Flame God Spirit Army is not invincible. Under the leadership of Lu Yang, they will sooner or later occupy the entire world illuminated by the flame star!

Looking at Zhuojiu, Baishi and others who came back from the whole team, Lu Yang asked, “How is the battle damage?”

Zhuojiu said: “One hundred and twelve brothers died, and more than a thousand were seriously injured, but they were all rescued. His Royal Highness Malthus is here, and the soul is still there, and the body can be rescued even if the body is destroyed.” /

Malthus flew out of the wine and said: “I have received the souls of the dead in the holy light space, and I will test their willpower here. In the future, there will be strong masters of the main **** ~I will perform the soul fusion.”

Lu Yang asked: “Do they agree?”

Zhuojiu said: “I have asked them one by one, and they are all willing to melt their souls.”

According to the system of the Jagged Brotherhood, if the body is destroyed, Lu Yang will find another body for them, either from Blood Purgatory, or from a strong person. This is the best solution, but they need Re-cultivation, if the blood is fused, the trouble of re-cultivation will be saved, and you can even directly become a strong person at the main **** level.

Lu Yang respects the opinions of these brothers. He knows that these people not only want to become stronger, but are also anxious to join the battle, fearing that the brothers in the same team will die in battle!

“Assemble the troops, let’s go to Fire Wing City to rest and prepare for the next wave of enemy attacks.” Lu Yang said.

“Yes.” Zhuojiu, Baishi, Xia Yuwei and others returned to the team to gather their personnel, some stayed and continued to set up the encirclement circle, and most of them followed Lu Yang quickly back to Fire Wing City, resting and recuperating Wait for the next wave of enemies to arrive.

Tu Feng sent someone to send back the news that the other city lords of the main **** rank have already brought the legion not far from Fire Wing City!

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