Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2566: Ancient Snake King

The light flickers.

Lu Yang reappeared in a narrow room surrounded by nine colors of light, with a door in front of him.

The Blazing Demon God said: “Push open this door, and there is an ancient battlefield outside.”

“Why is it still like the Colosseum?” Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, and pushed the door with both hands to open the door.

In an instant, a lush grassland appeared in front of Lu Yang. In the depths of the grassland, there was actually a large area of ​​woodland, but each tree was several hundred meters high.

On the right side of the woodland, there is a huge lake, like a sea.

The Blazing Demon God smiled and said, “You are lucky, you have been teleported to an optimal area, near the lake, where there are many ancient snake emperors.”

A pair of wings appeared behind Lu Yang, and he flew towards the lake in a low-altitude flight. He asked, “Is there anything special about the ancient snake emperor?”

The Blazing Demon God was a little emotional and said: “The ancient snake emperor, the wild races that lived in this land before I was born, the reason why they are called wild races is that their IQ is uncivilized and will always be It is the mentality of a beast, and does not know how to think at all.

In those days, this kind of creature was the powerhouse that swept the entire world. The powerhouses among the ancient snake emperors were not even afraid of the **** kings, but unfortunately, these races did not know how to think, and the powerhouses of other races were also When he cultivated to the god-king rank, the god-king of the ancient snake emperor family became a hunting target and was killed by the god-kings of the seven races.

In the end, if the **** kings of our generation did not choose to protect them, the ancient snake emperors would have disappeared forever. However, even if they were protected by us, their number would not develop, and now there are only 3,000 of them. Left and right, if you can hunt one of them, it will be enough to quickly raise your 10,000 people to the monarch rank. “

Lu Yang became interested, he flew to the lake, just as the Blazing Demon God said, he saw more than a dozen ancient snake emperors nearby, each of which could be thousands of meters in length, with a body as thick as a Like a giant dragon, its head does not look like a snake head at all. The top has a rounded corner like a golden crown, three eyes, and the tusks in its mouth have grown out. Like ivory, it still has both upper and lower jaws.

“Have I fought?” Lu Yang had some self-doubt, there were too many opponents.

The Blazing Demon God said: “The strength of this ancient snake emperor is also a quasi-god rank, but you have to remember that the rank photos of all wild creatures are an additional 1.5 rank compared to other races, and the soil of the other world nurtures long Although they do not have the ability to think independently, they are unmatched in terms of ferocity. Even the same-level chaos beasts are a little worse than wild creatures.

Of course, although the wild creatures are very strong, as I said, they don’t have too high IQ, you just need to seize his weakness and attack him. The weakness of the ancient snake emperor is the soul. “

“You want me to use the Thirty-Three Heavens?” Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked, “They’re just beast minds, so my illusion is useless to them.”

The Blazing Demon God said: “The lowest-level illusion, you just need to lure him to mate, and put one of them in this illusion.”

Lu Yang was speechless and said, “You still use this trick?”

“I also came up from the low-level back then, so what’s so strange about using this kind of trick.” The Blazing Demon God is now very relaxed, and he has long since stopped putting on the air of his god-king, and said proudly. : “After a while, you will have a good show when you release the illusion. Of course, before you release the illusion, you have to arrange the surrounding area. The two thousand-meter-long ancient snake emperors fought, and they had to attract strong people from other directions. No.”

Lu Yang nodded, took out the earth-based quasi-god-level magic energy crystal obtained in the crater of the No Tears Camp, and arranged it into a large gravity magic array according to the method taught by the Blazing Demon God. Following him, he used the avatar in his body to transform into four flame avatars, each of which he released with all his strength.


A golden soul core appeared in Lu Yang’s hand. After he poured four in a row, he handed it over to the four clones. As long as someone came, he would first use the high gravity technique to control the opponent, and then use the four clones to attack.

“Even if the Saint Gold Clan came, his golden body could be blown apart.” Lu Yang asked curiously.

“Don’t think about it, you can’t beat him, the holy gold clan of the quasi-god rank, if you release the golden body with all your strength, you can reach the peak of the lower gods, and some can even reach the primary level of the middle gods. Play three times the power, when will you be able to reach ten times the power, you should think about fighting against the Holy Gold Clan and the Silver Moon Demon.” The Blazing Demon God said.

Lu Yang was a little helpless. He also wanted to make the Explosive Flame Technique play ten times as powerful, but the flame stored by his golden magic core was three times as much. If there were more, the magic core would explode.

If he can exert ten times the power, with his demon body and explosive flame technique, let alone the median **** after the transformation of the holy gold clan, even if the real median **** comes, he can still give Severely injured.


Lu Yang didn’t even bother to use the Thirty-Three Heavens, so he directly released the lowest-level ecstasy illusion to the ancient snake emperor closest to him.

The ancient snake emperor really entered the estrus period just as the Blazing Demon God said, and rushed towards an ancient snake emperor not far away.



The two ancient snake emperors could actually make a roar. The latter fell into a violent rage instantly after being knocked down by the former. One tail kicked each other away. The ancient snake emperor, who was confused by the illusion, was also angry and was still in a state of fascination. In the illusion, it pounced towards the opponent again. As a result, it completely angered the snake emperor who was thrown down. The kilometer-high body stood upright and bit the opponent’s seven inches.

The psychedelic ancient snake emperor could see each other’s movements. He was so frightened that he hurriedly flicked his tail and smashed the opponent’s head out. For a time, the two snake emperors scuffled together like this, with thick tails. Under the circumstance of sweeping back and forth, the snake emperors who were forced to rest around them returned to the water one after another.

Lu Yang also retreated to watch the battle from a distance. He had to admit that the strength of the two snake emperors was indeed as the Blazing Demon God said. On the basis of the same rank, they far surpassed the strength of rank 1.5 of other races.

Looking at the collision between the spells of the lower gods in the sky and the power of no less than the lower gods, Lu Yang hid in the distance and said to the Blazing Demon God: “I can now understand why you said that there will be enemies for a while. Come here, these two are fighting, and there is no way of winning or losing in a short period of time.”

The Blazing Demon God said with a smile: “The wild races have thick skin and flesh, and if their bodies are broken, they can fight for a few more days and nights, and create more flame clones. This time is beneficial to you.”

Lu Yang felt that this made sense, so he found a place to hide and chanted a spell in his mouth.


A clone with quasi-god-level magic power split from Lu Yang’s body, released an explosion technique with Lu Yang, and put a golden soul core into the clone’s hand. After recovering in place for a while, Lu Yang Then create a clone.

The Blazing Demon God said: “Take advantage of the time now, what are the specialties of the 25 races I told you about.”

Just as Lu Yang wanted to know these things, he quickly listened to it seriously. It turned out that among the races that came this time, in addition to the Silver Moon Demon and the Saint Gold Race, which were super races, there were also the Blue Meizu, The White Demons on the edge of the flame star.

These two races also have the same spells as the Seven Moons and the Golden Body of the Holy Light. In addition, the seventeen races, including the Hengjin, Tianthorn, Ghost, and Ethereal, can In the decisive battle, the powerful races of the four races, including the Silver Moon Demon, were severely damaged.

The Blazing Demon God said: “There are only five who are really weak, namely the Blood Spirit Clan, the Abyss Demon Clan, the Greedy Moon Clan and the Black Tree Clan. Among them, the Blood Spirit Clan relies on absorbing the opposing blood spirits to keep the Fighting power, the longer the entanglement, the greater the chance of the opponent winning.

The abyss demons are purely fighting with The physical injury has the greatest impact on them. As for the greedy people, they will be protected by the dark moon energy in the dark moon star area, and their speed and strength will be enhanced. Many, but also physically affected.

The last one is the Black Tree Clan. The combat power is the weakest among all races, but the recovery ability is the strongest. If you face these four weakest, you can quickly use the four-armed dharma and the explosion technique. The heavy damage to them, and the addition of the high gravity technique, has a great chance to kill them. “

Lu Yang nodded and asked, “There is one last race, you only mentioned four of the five little weak ones.”

The Blazing Demon God flew out of Lu Yang’s body, looked at him carefully, and said, “Don’t count 13 in your heart? The last one is you.”

“Fuck~!” Lu Yang continued to create flame clones and explosions without words.

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