Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2542: Ghost power

, Raging Fire of Rebirth

The quasi-god-rank fire dragons with black dragon heads, the fireballs spit out are no longer pure flames, but contain the power of evil thoughts.

Even if Lu Yang is a demon body, even if he has Chaos Demon Flame and Prisoner Stone, even if these black and red fireballs don’t hit his body but just fly by his side, the power of that strange evil will also invade into Lu Yang’s body.

Fortunately, his willpower is strong enough to suppress the evil thoughts in his body and prevent it from giving birth to illusions. He quickly flew 30 kilometers away, and changed directions several times in a row. When he came to 50 kilometers away, he Only finally left the magic circle laid by the four clans.

“Don’t run away, you are a demigod who can hold on until now is considered strong enough, accept your fate and be killed by us, it is better than being killed by an extraterrestrial demon.” The fire dragon headed by Lu Yang is less than 200 meters away Mi, a wild laugh came out of his mouth.

“Surrender, I will let you die without pain.”

“A fire demon dares to offend our fire dragon clan, you are really beyond your own power~!”


The dragons let out bursts of laughter.

Lu Yang glanced back at them, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, “Sorry, you can’t kill me.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yang’s body of the phoenix with blue flames suddenly burst out with blue-red flames. The next second, Lu Yang’s body made a thunderous sound, three times the speed. flew forward.

All the fire dragons of the quasi-god rank were stunned, staring at the dragon’s eyes and watching Lu Yang fly quickly into the distance, which made the leading fire dragon pale in shock, and said angrily: “Damn, he lied to us again, Chasing him at full speed, he must not be allowed to run away.”

This is the second time that Lu Yang played with these fire dragons. If the first time Lu Yang played with them was an accident, the second time they couldn’t find any excuses. This kind of trampling on the dignity of the fire dragon family, they absolutely Unbearable, hundreds of quasi-god-rank fire dragons chased Lu Yang as desperately as they were mad.

Half an hour later.

Lu Yang really couldn’t fly, the evil thoughts in his body became more and more fiery, and there was a risk that he could not be suppressed. He opened Bandarsburg, summoned the Prisoner Stone, and then slaughtered the noisy Waldo with a knife. Chaos demon flame chains tied him to the God Prisoner Stone.

“Ah~!” A strange and shrill scream sounded. The evil thoughts in Lu Yang’s body were attacked by the Prisoner Stone, and his body quickly began to dissolve, but at this moment, another scream sounded at the same time. stand up.

“Return my body, return my body…”

The hairs on Lu Yang’s body stood up, and his soul trembled as he muttered to himself, “This is the voice of the remnant soul of the **** of flames.”

The Blazing Demon God had told Lu Yang that the Demon God could not be killed. Once the body was recreated with their flesh and blood, the Demon God’s soul would be reborn in the recreated body and compete with Lu Yang. Control of the new body.

Lu Yang had been guarding against this incident, but he did not expect that at such a critical moment, the devil’s soul would be resurrected.

“What should I do?” Lu Yang asked in horror.

“You must find a safe place. Before you get close enough to the quasi-god, kill the remnant soul of the demon god. Use the ghost head. Don’t worry about consumption, life-saving is the key.” Blazing Demon God said.

Lu Yang now needs to consume most of his magic power and mental power to suppress the remnant soul of the God of Flame God, and a small amount of magic power to maintain flight. In this state alone, he cannot fly the quasi-gods of the Fire Dragon Clan. Therefore, he can only use the artifacts of the ghost face clan to desperately.

“Ghost heads, get up~!” Ten ghost heads appeared in Lu Yang’s hands, each with ten ghost thorns.

Each ghost head still has ten opportunities to use, and the ghost thorn can use it once. He flew with the prisoner stone on his back, but his speed was slowed down, and this time he flew even slower. After half an hour, a roar came from behind.

“Damn bugs, dare to play with us, can you still explode speed this time? I’m going to tear you apart with my own hands~!” The fire dragon headed suddenly exploded with a faster speed, and the whole body turned into a crimson red The light of color collided with Lu Yang.

The appearance of Lu Yang carrying the God Imprisonment Stone on his back made the fire dragon powerhouses see at a glance that Lu Yang was troubled by demons, which had a lot to do with the special fireballs they spewed out. Therefore, they They all thought that Lu Yang had no ability to fight back, so they all chased after him at full speed.

“Don’t enjoy it alone, leave half of the corpse for me, I’m going to eat him.”

“Throw his soul into blood purgatory, torment forever~!”


All the ten giant dragons charged forward with grinning faces.

10,000 meters

Eight kilometers

Six kilometers


When the distance between the two sides was less than 500 meters, the ten-headed dragon spewed out a strange fireball again. Lu Yang became more uncomfortable, and even his flight became unstable. more excited.

Lu Yang is really uncomfortable, but he doesn’t dare to use ghost head attacks at will. They are all races that are good at flying. They can make quick turns in the air. If Lu Yang misses a hit, they will chase after him. time to be more careful.

In order to achieve a one-hit kill, he desperately risked falling into a demon, relying entirely on the prisoner stone to suppress the changes in the soul within his body, constantly sensing the distance of the fire dragon behind him.

100 meters, when the fire dragon behind him was only 100 meters away, the leading fire dragon accelerated again, but at this moment, Lu Yang knew that the opportunity was coming, he suddenly turned back and put ten ghost heads at the same time thrown out.

“Death to me~!”

With such a close distance, the flight speed of both sides is the speed of sound, and the speed of Lu Yang’s throwing ghost heads is faster than the speed of sound, which means that when ten ghost heads hit a fire dragon, it is twice as fast Hit by the speed of sound.





The sound of explosions is endless, and the ten fire dragons can’t escape at this All were hit by the ghost head. After a strange black light, the ten fire dragons of the quasi-god level did not have any damage to their bodies. But without a trace of clarity, the body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Artifacts made from the heads of the lower-ranking god-level elders and patriarchs of the Ghost-faced Clan, the spirits are designed to hit the target. For quasi-gods who have not been promoted to lower-ranking gods and whose spirits are not stable, they are all one-shot kills.

It can be considered that Lu Yang is lucky. If he is holding a physical attack artifact in his hand, it is impossible to kill a quasi-god-rank fire dragon with one blow, because the dragon’s scales are extremely defensive, and the vitality of the dragon family is also high. Extremely strong, no matter how he could take a breath, he in turn gave Lu Yang a fatal blow.

Unfortunately, Lu Yang was holding a magical weapon to attack the soul. He glanced at the one that fell to the ground and completely lost his breath. He didn’t bother to check what treasures were on the other party’s body, so he found a safe place nearby with all his strength. recover.

It didn’t take half an hour for the fire dragons who were second to approve the god-level to catch up. This time there were too many, dozens of them.

Lu Yang didn’t dare to attack them head-on, so he quickly turned into a phoenix and continued to fly away with the Prisoner Stone on his back.

The two sides chased and fled. After Lu Yang forcibly persisted for more than an hour, there were only twenty fire dragons left behind who could keep up with him. Ghost thorn, and strive to kill all of them.


The black light lit up 100 meters behind Lu Yang, and he killed all twenty quasi-god-rank fire dragons, but there were twenty ghost thorns missing, and only the last eighty remained.

This is something that Lu Yang will use to save his life when he prepares to fight the lower gods in the future. He didn’t expect to use it on the quasi-gods. Under the distress, he is very helpless and can only continue to flee for his life in the distance.

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