Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2422: Life for life

Lu Yang didn’t understand the Arrow of Time at all, and said to the Blazing Demon God: “What kind of spell is this? They are a group of lord-level powerhouses, can they really kill monarch-level people?”

“Yes.” The Blazing Demon God said with some emotion, “The ancestors of the elves are the original elves of the wood system, but they were cursed on the ancient battlefield. The entire elf clan at that time was cursed, and even the ancient gods could not do anything about it, but after hundreds of thousands of years, their clansmen still remember this spell.”

“Warriors, follow me.” The elf queen’s voice was old but very high-pitched. She dragged her broken body and, with Rustafa’s help, walked along the steps of the palace to the center of the city.

It used to be a residential area, but at this time it became a dense peach blossom forest. Algaia stood in front of the peach blossom forest. When he saw the Elf Queen, he knelt on the ground with his subordinates and said loudly. : “Welcome to Her Majesty the Queen~!”

“The future of the elves is left to you and Sarah. She is the queen, you are the king of elves, and Rustafa is the first elder.” The queen of elves said loudly.

“Yes.” Algaia and Sara nodded at the same time.

Rustafa said excitedly: “Your Majesty, I want to follow you.”

The elf queen showed a smile and said, “You are the wisest elder of the elf tribe. The two of them still need your help. I have already sensed the arrival of the ghost fog in Tallinn, so don’t say more.”

Rustapha was speechless.

The Elf Queen pushed Rustafa away. Although she couldn’t see her eyes, she seemed to be able to see, and walked into the peach blossom forest alone.

“I never imagined that there are such beautiful trees and plants on this planet. Thank you for your help, and may life never go out~!” The voice of the elf queen became ethereal.

The whole peach blossom forest suddenly glowed with a light green light. With this light, all the peach trees grew rapidly. The largest peach blossom tree in the middle was the most lush. Her height was only a few seconds. The clock time has reached hundreds of meters, and the huge tree trunk is tens of meters thick.

Countless branches stick out from all heights of the tree trunk, which are covered with pink peach blossoms. The breeze floats, and the petals of the peach blossoms fall and fly freely in the air.

Some petals fell to the ground, but some petals stagnated at a height of 1.78 meters above the ground. A short emerald bow suddenly appeared in Bao Sihan’s hand, and he did not take it out from the quiver. Bow and arrow, but directly pulled the bowstring.

A light green bow and arrow formed naturally. In an instant, the bow and arrow hit the position of the petal. A warrior of the Tallinn Ghost Mist tribe showed a purple figure, and fell to the ground without even making a scream. .

This soldier’s face is still very immature, as if he is still a young man from the Tallinn Ghost Mist tribe, but within 3 seconds of his fall to the ground, his appearance seems to have experienced a lifetime, and he is instantly old and shriveled. condition.

“I didn’t expect this spy to be hiding in the city all the time.” Algaia said in shock.

“The enemy has attacked from the western city wall. My soldiers, follow my peach blossom’s guidance and kill all the enemies.” The queen’s voice echoed in the air.

Countless peach blossoms drifted to the west side of Baishan City. The patriarch of the Tallinn Guiwu tribe, Misiteng, took his elite tribesmen to kill all the enemies on the west city wall. All the soldiers rushed in.

“Kill all the creatures of the six races in the city, and I will sacrifice their lives.” Misten’s voice was full of ruthlessness and cruelty.


50,000 king-rank powerhouses roared in unison. This war was too simple for them. The ones who fought with them were all second- and third-rank creatures, and the strongest were only fifth-rank lords, not at all. Their opponents, this is a one-sided massacre, and they don’t even need to release the ghost fog.

Under the western city wall, a coalition of more than 100,000 troops consisting of Hasturs, ogres, and trolls is looking at the open space ahead in horror.

They knew the enemy was in front, but they couldn’t see it. Just when they didn’t know what to do, the peach blossoms flew from the sky and fell on Misten and all the strong men of the Tallinn Ghost and Mist tribe. .


The crisp sound of bowstrings sounded, and in an instant, hundreds of turquoise arrows shot from a distance, targeting the Tallinn Ghost and Mist warriors covered in peach blossoms.

The warriors of the Tallinn Ghost Mist are wearing armor, but this armor is the bones of their clan, only in this way when they turn on the stealth ability, the armor will be invisible together, but each bone armor, used They are all made from the bones of the strong men above the king rank, and their defense is not weaker than the metal of the fifth rank. Ordinary bows and arrows are ineffective against them.

Most of the Tallinn Ghost and Mist warriors did not pay attention to the turquoise bow and arrow. Only a few monarch-level powerhouses such as Misten felt the unusualness of the bow and arrow and hurriedly avoided it, but they did not have time to inform their subordinates. He could only see the soldiers in the first row being shot by bows and arrows, and they fell to the ground and turned into dead bones.

“Damn, what kind of spell is this?” Misten’s face was extremely poor, and he roared while staring at Bao Sihan and others running over from a distance.

More than 3,000 elf warriors including Bao Sihan did not answer, and continued to shoot with bows and arrows in their hands. The most terrifying part of this kind of bow and arrow is that they are formed by the condensation of their lives, so even if they shoot out, they can still shoot. Control the direction of the arrow’s flight, and if it misses a hit, they can also order the arrow of time that falls on the ground to attack the surrounding Tallinn Ghost and Mist warriors.

In just ten seconds, more than 7,000 soldiers of the Tallinn Ghost Mist tribe died in The rest of the Tallinn Ghost Mist tribe fighters hurriedly avoided, but they had not yet reacted from their stunned , I don’t know what kind of bows and arrows the elves used against them.

“Retreat, retreat first.” Misten ordered loudly.

“Let’s go now, it’s too late.” The Queen’s ethereal voice sounded in everyone’s ears, and the blossoming peach blossoms gathered into a bud and threw them from the direction of the peach blossom forest.

The moment it fell on the ground, the flower bud exploded, and countless petals scattered and elegant, and each petal had a light green breath of life.

Any strong man of the Tallinn Ghost and Mist tribe hit by this petal, whether it is a king or a monarch, will begin to age uncontrollably.

Misiteng was also hit by a petal in the desperate escape. He clearly felt the loss of vitality, and he turned his head and ran towards the west city wall with his clan in horror, but Bao Sihan and others were willing to let go. After them, the arrows of time followed one after another.

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