Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2341: The enemy is tricked

Tongxing Town, the top of a two-story building at the front of the trench.

Lu Yang put down the monitor in his hand, looked at Tao Yue and the others behind him and said solemnly: “Sound the alarm, everyone is ready to fight.”

“Yes.” Tao Yue walked not far away and shook the air defense siren in her hand.


The ear-piercing siren resounded through the whole town in an instant, and more than 50,000 human legions and more than 10,000 alien legions who were resting in the house quickly ran out to form a team.

“The mage team is complete.” The lovely queen was the first to report to Lu Yang.

“The Warrior Legion is complete.” Liu Ruohuai was the second to run over and said.

“The shooter team is complete.” The prisoner Pluto ran over and said.

“The Devil Legion and the Harpy Legion are finished.” Oberto, the leader of the Harpy Legion, was shaking his wings in the air. Next to him was the third-order demon Picas, and the two slowly landed beside the lovely queen. .

Lu Yang walked to the edge of the roof, looked at the more than 60,000 soldiers standing neatly in various areas of the town, then looked back at Liu Ruohuai and the others, and said with a smile: “Don’t all of them be so sad , we are not invincible.”

Desperation and helplessness were shown on the faces of Bicas and other demons. They were sent from another world. Naturally, they knew how many troops could be sent at one time during the red moon night. The six clans together had at least four Five hundred thousand people, if the other party came over in a swarm, then they would be sent to death.

According to the character of the demon clan, Bicas and the others should have run away long ago, but they signed a contract with Zhuojiu. If Zhuojiu dies, they will surely die, so this group of demons can only stay here.

The harpy did not have such an idea. Oberto was grateful for Lu Yang’s trust, and sincerely wanted to help Lu Yang. Besides, they were already a rebellious race, and they couldn’t go back if they wanted to return to the embrace of God.

Liu Ruohuai thought that Lu Yang was trying to boost morale, and said loudly: “Boss, brothers are all ready to die in battle. Don’t worry, the enemy is going to Shekou, and they will step over our corpses first.”

“That’s right, step over our corpses first.” The lovely queen, the prisoner Pluto and others shouted one after another.

Lu Yang was moved in his heart, although he did not know how many life-and-death battles he had gone through, but every time his brothers said they were willing to follow his order to die, his heart would feel warm and even want to cry.

He patted his shoulders one by one and said: “Don’t worry, the boss will not let you die. We will win this war. Everyone will enter the combat position. The enemy will arrive in twelve hours. The final inspection Let’s wait for the enemy’s arrival.”

“Yes.” Liu Ruohuai and the others turned around and jumped off the second floor, and went to arrange their teams.

“The head of the Ice Mage Legion stay here for a while.” Lu Yang said lightly.

The lovely queen returned to Lu Yang curiously, and asked, “Boss, what’s the matter?”

Lu Yang smiled, and whispered in her ear: “Make the wind and snow more violent, preferably ten times more violent, can it be done?”

The cute queen blinked and said: “Yes, yes, but this will greatly reduce the fighting ability of both of us.”

Lu Yang said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, after eight hours, let the area 50 kilometers ahead of Tongxing Town, the snowflakes be so big that it is difficult to see clearly within 50 meters.”

“Yes.” The cute queen nodded incomprehensibly. He didn’t question Lu Yang’s decision. He jumped off the roof and prepared to go with the ice mage army.

There were only Tao Yue, Han Ying and others around Lu Yang, and he was not in a hurry, so he sat cross-legged on the edge of the roof and waited quietly.

One hour

Two hours

Three hours

Eight hours later, a huge snowflake suddenly fell in the sky, and the blizzard was so heavy that he couldn’t see any road ahead. Lu Yang knew that the cute queen’s ice mage army had already started to move.


Dozens of black magic birds and green magic birds hovered continuously in the sky, but unfortunately, the wind and snow were too heavy to see clearly.

These magical birds had to lower their heights, gradually descending from hundreds of meters to tens of meters, but they didn’t wait for them to see the situation on the ground clearly.




Dozens of magical birds were shot by bows and arrows one after another, bursting into a ball of brilliant light in the air in an instant, and then disappeared without a trace.

“Damn it.” Boscart, Valadoc and others cursed at the same time, these birds were summoned by them.

At this time, the six tribes had already joined together in Hutou Town, 40 kilometers away from Tongxing Town. Both sides were using magic birds to explore the way, looking for the footprints of the human legion. Originally, they thought that human beings would leave the same town. Xingzhen ran to other places, but the humans didn’t move at all. Unfortunately, they were shot by bows and arrows just as they were about to control the magic bird to investigate.

“The army continues to move forward, let’s kill the humans.” Valadoc said furiously.

“Slow down.” Agunan looked at Varadock, Sara and the others with a smile, and said, “This blizzard is too heavy, and it was obviously released by humans on purpose. No accidental injury, why don’t we wait a bit, and when this blizzard passes, how about we attack together again.”

This is Agunan’s careful thinking. The dead, trolls, and rock tribes can wait. They have no nobles to be captured by humans. They can wait as long as they want, but the elves can’t. The nobles in the clan will also ask Sarah and Rustafa to launch a strong attack on humans.

The elves are Hasta and the Ogre will definitely act together. At that time, the Necromancers will be able to wait for the opportunity to fight.

Sara saw through Agunan’s trick at a glance, and said deliberately: “This is not good, the heavy snow will not affect anything, let’s continue to attack.”

Agunan was extremely proud in his heart, but he still said with a smile on his face: “Let’s forget it, human beings will not escape sooner or later, it’s not less than one day, we will rest here.”

With a wave of his hand, he led his people towards a valley southeast of Hutou Town, which was called Wushigou.

He knows that humans have hot weapons, and he will not station in the plains to expose his people to hot weapons.

The Trolls and the Rocks also followed, heading towards Jinshan and Jinjiangshan areas not far away respectively. These three places are connected together, like a triangle, which can be very good ensure safety.

When Sara saw this scene, she knew that Agunan had been fooled by her own cleverness, and pretended to be angry and led the elves to the valley in the northwest area of ​​Hutou Town.

The surrounding areas have their own names. The place where the elves enter is called Baihua Valley, the place where Hasta enters is called Tangshan, and the place where ogres go is called Gushan.

Algaia stood on the highest mountain in Baihua Valley, and after using the magic bird to confirm the areas of the other five races, he smiled and said to the communicator in the armband: “Boss, there will be no war tonight, you can Have you acted?”

Lu Yang said with a smile: “Action.”

“Leave it to me.” Algaia ended the call, looked at Chisla and Testa beside him and said, “It depends on your performance.”

“Look at me.” Xisla and Testa were extremely excited, and they quickly ran towards Siping City and Heishui City!

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