Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2340: Family 6 departure

The latest website: The zombie general Black’s face instantly showed a furious look. He turned his head and looked at Boscat. Although he did not speak, the meaning was very obvious.

Boscat’s face is still hidden in the blue robe. No one knows what his expression is at this time. He said in a solemn voice: “Yes, Lord City Lord.”

This is the first time Boscart has recognized Agunan’s status. Obviously, from then on, Boscart will completely fall to Agunan, and the alliance with Black is over.

The old man Chimu admired this scene in his heart. Agunan’s trick was really useful. This time I went to Baishan City. There was no problem at all. If I went through the scene, the two giants would break apart. It was worth it!

On a large tree covered with wind and snow not far away, the facial makeup on the trunk gradually disappeared, and in the city of Baishan City, Sara stopped casting spells, including Rustapha and Algaea. A group of high-level elves all made lamenting sounds.

“This Agunan is still too cautious. If he dared to get closer to 30 kilometers, while the other two clans are not here, we can cooperate with the Ogre and Hasta to kill them.” Rustafa Said regretfully.

In the high mountains on the two wings of Baishan City, the Hasta tribe and the ogre tribe have each raised an army of 90,000 and have already hidden there. The two patriarchs who can’t wait to marry Sara want to win this as soon as possible. A war.

If it is to fight the human race first, and then the six races civil war, this is not suitable for the elves, the Hasta and the ogres, because the elves will desperately attack the humans and retrieve their noble elves. dignity.

If it is to attack Agunan first, the three clans will join forces to attack. Even if the Rock Humans and Trolls are supported, most of Agunan’s men will be killed and injured, but it is a pity that Agunan is shrewd and will never let himself. There is a hint of danger for the army of.

Algaea looked at Sara and said, “Inform Aiyaris and Varadok, come here for a meeting.”

Two green magic birds were released from Sara’s hand and flew to the east and west sides of Baishan City in the wind and snow.

Aiyaris and Varadok, who are hiding in the deep mountains, are waiting for the signal to attack. Suddenly they saw the magic bird, both of them sighed, and each ordered their men to rest on the spot, carrying a small amount. The team walked in the direction of Baishan City.


The gate of Baishan City.

Sarah, dressed in costume, was standing there waiting in person, watching the roaring cold wind and goose feathers outside, she suddenly froze, and then a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“The three patriarchs arrived at the same time.” Sarah Wei’s voice was very pleasant.

Agunan, Varadok and Aiyaris walked out of the misty blizzard at the same time, and stood in front of Sara. Agunan revealed his evil face and said with a smile: “It’s not Well, what a coincidence.”

Aiyaris and Varadok and Agunan met in the wind and snow, which made Agunan secretly inwardly dangerous. Obviously, the three tribes wanted to attack Agunan, but Agunan cautiously avoided it. NS.

Walking all the way, Agunan found that the two men wanted to do it more than once, but his defense was too tight to give them any chance.

“Let’s modify the meeting place. I won’t go in Baishan City. Let’s do it under the big tree outside the city.” Agunan felt a deep malice, and he didn’t dare to enter the city. .

Sarah’s most hope is that Agunan and the others will not enter the city, so that they won’t have any chance to see the actual appearance of the elves. There are still a large number of noble elves imprisoned in the cell. If they find out by accident Now, that would be a disaster for the elves.

Originally, she couldn’t think of a great way, but she didn’t expect Aiyaris and Varadok’s malice to help him so much that he actually forced Agunan back.

“Your Excellency, why don’t you come in and talk? We are now an alliance.” Sarah smiled sweetly.

Agunan looked at it but felt like a devil. He cursed in his heart that there is no ally who needs to do it when they meet. He pretended to be chic and said: “My soldiers are still standing in the wind and snow, how can I sit alone? In the castle? Forget it.”

He lifted his right hand, and two black magic birds flew out. They were used to send news to Begure and Brute. After the three of them formed an alliance, they all had the ability to locate the coordinates of each other, so, The magic bird will not find people.

Sara didn’t expect Agunan to leave in such a hurry, and smiled and said, “Then let’s go together.”

“Okay.” Agunan was standing beside Sara, in a posture that Sara would die with him if she dared to do it.

Aiyaris and Varadok originally wanted to talk to Sara secretly, but they didn’t expect that there was no chance at all. They quickly followed Sara’s side, and the four walked into the ice mist side by side. among.

On the other side, in the snow farther away.

“Hurry up, we have to hurry up.”

“Stupid Agunan, if he is attacked, he will be over.”

“This idiot.”


Begulei, head of the rock clan, and Begut, head of the troll clan, each led two Tier 4 ice masters and ran towards Baishan City. After they learned that Agunan had gone with the necromancer , The two felt bad.

The two legions are far from the direction of Baishan City. Even if the whole army is running at full strength, they cannot reach Baishan City at the same time as Agunan. Therefore, the two let their subordinates lead the legion, and they only go with Tier 4 combat power. Boost.


Just as the two rushed to a location 10 kilometers outside of Baishan City, two black magic birds fell on their shoulders. In an instant, black lights flashed, and the two knew what had happened.

“Sure enough.” Begulei cursed furiously: “The Elves, Hastas and Ogres still give priority to killing us.”

Brutt sneered and said: “They don’t have this chance. As long as the three clans gather together, the elves and the others can only attack the human race first. At that time, when the war began, we killed them.” /

Begure nodded, and continued to accelerate with Brute. For them, the 10 km distance was only a ten-minute matter. Soon, they ran under the big tree where the six races negotiated. Saw Sara and others.

“It’s okay.” Begure walked up to Agunan and asked in a low voice.

“I’m fine.” Agunan said with a smile: “Sit down, we are almost finished talking.”

Brutt and others are very clear that this conversation has no nutritional It’s just that the six companies pulled out the army to look at each other to make sure that they are all 90,000 troops. Don’t have any private Tibetan army in the city. The other ethnic groups launched a sneak attack on the emptiness in the city.

“Let’s discuss how to attack.” Brute said. It will take an hour for him and Begure’s army to reach here, and he will delay it.

Sarah drew the route of their six races to the human race on the ground, and said: “Two roads, 20 kilometers away from each other, our six races were divided into two teams and walked a road, and arrived in Dan City this afternoon. In the area of ​​Tongxing Town, humans have deployed more than 50,000 troops in this town.”

“I think we can fight like this…” Begure started talking nonsense.


More than an hour has passed, and the two sides are still caressing about a little thing, but suddenly, two different horns sounded in the distance, which let Begure and Brut know that their legion is here. .

At the moment, the six people are not arguing anymore. They put down their prejudices and reviewed the other’s army. After determining that they had sent 90,000 people, the two sides sent magic birds to monitor each other. The three races began to take the main force 20 kilometers apart. The army went south and went straight to Tongxing Town!

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