Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2253: Booby trap

   But he couldn’t catch up so easily. Hong Ye jumped over the middle of the two towering trees, and Liege jumped over, but before he jumped over, the two trees were rotating and they were more than ten meters thick. The branches swept heavily on the back of Leger’s head.


The trunk broke, and Leger was beaten to a dog to eat shit. This hit him a bit dumbfounded. Just when he was furiously trying to get up, countless vines came out of the ground and threw him The one-hundred-meter-long body and sturdy limbs are tightly entangled.

At the same time, the two towering trees resembled living treants, wielding a ten-meter thick trunk and madly hammering Liege’s fingers, head and feet, as well as the special parts below him.


Even though Liege was a son of God, he was still a mortal body, and every part of his body was not so hard. When he was hit by such a heavy blow, Liege’s eyes almost protruded.

Under the severe pain, Liege was weak. Fortunately, there was blood in his body. The red light traveled all over his body. With a fierce force, Liege broke the vine with his arms, and then waved his claws. The sharp nails easily tore the vines to pieces, and the trunks of the two big trees were also cut into pieces by his sharp claws.

But he just guarded the top, and the vines underneath grew out again. More importantly, there were a lot of wood thorns on the ground. They didn’t pierce Legger’s skin, but they pierced under Legger. body.


There was another miserable wolf howl, and Leger jumped up fiercely, with the three-meter-thick wooden thorns sandwiched between the two strands, and the vines wrapped around Leger’s whole body.

“Damn Lu Yang, you mean bastard, I’m going to kill you.” Leger was mad, and with brute force he tore the vines abruptly, and then pulled out the three-meter thick wooden thorn below. The tip still carries bright red blood.


Leger was more irritated. He looked around and wanted to kill Red Night first, but Red Night disappeared. Just as he was looking for it, a purple thunder and lightning fell in the sky.

“Furious Thunder”

200 meters away, more than 2,000 Thunder Masters stood on the tallest tree and aimed at Lige to launch a third-order thunder system spell.

This purple thunderball was smashed by 20 thunderballs together, and its power reached the third-order peak spell damage.

Leger screamed again and knelt on the ground as he was struck by thunder and lightning, and finally resisted the wave. Suddenly, the red night came out and sprayed a small white ball at Lige.

This white ball seemed to have no temperature. When it flew out, there was no flame tail. When passing by the leaves, it didn’t cause a big fire. But such a plain white fireball made Leger horrified. Eye.

“The blazing ball of the sacred fire dragon’s spell?” Leger only had time to mutter to himself, because his body was paralyzed by thunder and lightning, he was hit by a white fireball.

Leger’s body was ignited again, and for a moment, it was as if his skin and flesh had been burned out, and he saw the white skeleton of his whole body.

The corner of Hong Ye’s mouth was bleeding, and he screamed in excitement. This is the second sacred dragon spell he learned. In the third-tier state, the strongest single flame attack spell, although this blow made him all over his body. The blood was tumbling, and he couldn’t even walk, but he could release the spell of the sacred dragon and everything was worth it.

But even so, Legger still didn’t burn to death. The terrifying flames only burned for a few seconds, and the flames all over Legger disappeared, and the flesh and skin grew out, recovering as before.

“It’s a pity, if you are really a sacred dragon and continuously release flaming balls, I would really be burned to death by you, but you, a fake, are just an ordinary dragon, so you die for me. “Leger roared with blood-red eyes, kicked his feet on the ground, and appeared in front of the red night as if he were teleporting.

Hong Ye was completely unable to take an escape action at this time. If he was shot, he would definitely die, but just when Leger thought he could kill Hong Ye, an ice barrier appeared in front of Hong Ye.

“Ice Shield”

The ice elves are flying around the lovely queen 200 meters away, leading the 2000 ice mages to release a shield like a mirror in front of the red night.

Leger’s claws pierced into the shield, and instantly cracked the shield, but in the same way, the terrifying low temperature made Leger tremble.




A large number of wooden thorns flew out on the ground, each of which was 2 meters thick and 3 meters long, and was inserted precisely between the two strands of Leger.


Leger’s weakness is there, but he doesn’t have a tail. Once he has his arms under control, he can’t protect him.

I was exploded again. The painful Legge had lost his mind. He madly tore the ice shield in front of him, but the red night had disappeared and was rescued by the vines of the three-eyed magic flower. I don’t know where he was hiding. Where in the forest.

Leger jumped up to avoid the wooden thorns on the ground, while pulling out the wooden thorns below, while he was still looking for Lu Yang.

After such a short time, Lu Yang disappeared, the red night was gone, and the three-eyed magic flower never showed its body from the beginning. It has been using these big trees he spawned to fight, Legge feels I was teased, and frantically interrupted the surrounding trees.

But if one of these trees is interrupted, another one will quickly grow again. The three-eyed magic flower spawns trees of this level easily, and Leger can’t get out as if he has entered a maze.

“Humans, come out if you have the guts.”

“You **** group of cowards, only sneak attack waste, I will sacrifice you.”

“You guys that don’t have a sense of honor, you are all damned~!”


Leger couldn’t find Lu Yang, so he could only yell frantically, and constantly use his claws to cut the vines that were constantly growing on the ground to attack him.

What made Liege even more uncomfortable was that thunderballs kept falling in the air, but Liege could not find their place. For more than half an hour, Liege was hit by a third-order spell and smoked all over his body~ Finally, he found a place.

“So you bunch of bugs are hiding here.” Leger locked his way to the southwest, just when he wanted to rush over with a hideous look on his face.


A fire light appeared on the northeast side of the forest maze, and Leger opened his eyes sharply. He could feel that this was Lu Yang’s magic power. No longer caring about the Tier 3 spells that attacked him, he rushed towards Lu Yang. .

He just hit Lu Yang badly. As long as he meets again, he is confident that he can tear Lu Yang to pieces in a short time.

Continuously smashed dozens of towering trees along the way. Finally, Liege saw Lu Yang sitting on the ground and resting his abdomen. Although he was still a hundred-meter-high flame giant, his face and body were exhausted. You can’t pretend to be weak.

“Let me see, who this is.” Legge’s excited face was distorted, and he surrounded Lu Yang on all fours, looking at the weak flame giant in front of him, Legge forgot to even tempt him, and went straight. Leaping in front of Lu Yang, his claws inserted into Lu Yang’s head.

Just when Leger thought that Lu Yang would die, Lu Yang’s arms kept Leger’s body. At the same time, Lu Yang’s body became extremely unstable, and the violent flame power continued like a pustule. Swelled and wandered around him.

Leger felt bad instinctively, but he wanted to run too late at this time. The next moment, the whole forest flashed a dazzling red light, a cloud of mushrooms rose into the sky, and then looked towards the ground, only left The son of the beast **** who had no legs could not survive.


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