Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 1474: The Holocaust

The anti-war and anti-riders in the front row didn’t even look at the rushing siege monsters. They only needed to hide under the one-meter-high shield to withstand the shield, and let the thunder trampling and dedication without the mind to attract hatred. Attacking is the responsibility of remote outputs such as wizards and archers. Healing is the responsibility of the priest. The whole battle has nothing to do with them. Some lazy people have opened the live broadcast channel to watch the performance of the very popular female anchor recently.

The output of the wizard and the archer is also a brainless attack. Anyway, the front of the defense shield is full of weirs. Just throw magic and bows at a fixed position. Knowing that there is treatment and defense, they even play when they are bored. The newly released cards in the game.

This is a card similar to poker. The gameplay is very simple. There are 5,000 cards in total. Most of the lord monsters from level 10 to level 200 are printed on them. Each lord monster has a different function. There are four types of attack, defense, support and curse.

Each round is played by four people together. Each player has a wall and a king at the beginning. After the beginning, each person draws 5 cards and uses the attributes of the lord card in his hand to choose to increase the defense and blood volume of the wall and the king, or Attack the opponent’s wall and king.

Cards can be combined to attack. The most powerful is that the five cards are all lord monsters of the same race. Five cards can be played together to achieve the greatest effect.

Mage A: “A 30-level bone tyrant.”

Mage B: “Small dishes, two 30-level elite corpse kings.”

Sagittarius A: “Look at me, a 50-level demon soul.”

Sagittarius B: “Not as good as me. I have two level 80 nine-headed dragons.”


Only the priest is the real monster in the audience. Suddenly, the priest stared and said: “Fuck, three 170-level lords of the corner demon.”

The four big players looked at the priest at the same time and asked in unison: “Who, who has such a good card.”

When this card is played, the round is over. There are three 170-level lords, and one family can be achieved in seconds at the beginning.

The pastor looked at the four of them, and pointed at the monster in front of the defense war with a speechless expression: “He.”

The four of them blinked and turned their heads blankly to look straight ahead. They happened to see the three lords of the corner demon king Suhabi, the corner demon king two, and the corner demon vanguard general.

“Nima, where is the 170-level lord from here.”

“Returning the superior lord of tm, he died.”


The four people yelled on the spot, and then, yelling one after another, all the players playing cards and watching the live broadcast were awakened by the priest beside them. Five thousand people were looking at the three lords of the corner devil and appearing at the same time. In front of them, there were countless corner devil elites and bosses.

Lu Yang stood in the first row with his four avatars, with his 3-meter-high body looking down at the thousands of mages, priests, archers, and dark shepherds behind the shield. A trace of humanity appeared on his face. sneer.

“I finally came to the Purgatory Fortress. Since Orma is so polite and you are so hospitable, then I’m not welcome.” Lu Yang muttered to himself.

The incantation in the mouth of his earth clone: ​​”Earth spear thrusts”

“Thunderstorm force field.” Lei Mage cloned himself.

Fire method body: “Yanlong Killing Array.”

The three magics instantly merged into the front end of Lu Yang’s right hand, forming a terrifying three-color ball of light. In the next second, the ball of light shot out, centered at the feet of Vice President Tyron, and stared at Tyron’s horrified eyes. Lu Yang roared in angrily.

“Mixed Spells-Red Lotus Blast”

The earth shook violently, and even the city wall not far behind shook. The rock and soil on the ground suddenly turned into spears, rushing out of the ground with flames and thunder and lightning, with Tyron as the center, 500 meters around. There was a spear on every inch of land in the area, and all the players in it, including the defense war, were pierced by the spear and died on the ground.

System prompt: You kill the player, you get 70,000 experience points


Countless system prompts fluttered in the dialogue bar of Lu Yang. He looked at the countless corpses and countless equipment in front of him with a sneer, stepped forward and stepped on the corpse of a player. Stepped towards the gate where Tyron was.

“The Horned Demon Legion, attack on the two wings.” Lu Yang roared.

“Kill~!” Suhabi and the general of the corner demon roared at the same time, and one of them led the corner demon all the way to both sides of the city gate.

These are millions of level 140 players! The player who is still at war with the siege monster has nowhere to run.

Lu Yang shouted to the corner archer behind him: “Army of Archers, follow me into the city!”

In this fortress, there are millions of players. These people hang up and set up stalls to do business. There is no difficulty in killing them. The official stipulation is that they will be forced to resurrect within 1 minute after death. They are the broilers of Lu Yang’s experience. .

Furthermore, there are more players who resurrected in the fort after being killed by the corner demon on both sides. Those people are even more.

Lu Yang rushed towards the city gate with someone, but when he passed Tyron, he looked at the large amounts of gold coins, equipment, gems and supplies that had fallen from the corpses of Tyron and a dozen players around him. Resist the inner urge to pick it up.

Who would have thought that Tyronn had acquired so many good things, worth more than ten million yuan. He shook his head. Just as he was about to leave, he found that there were still many skill books on the ground, three of which were The silver one is particularly eye-catching.

“Fire Snake Soul Eater”, “Hurricane Dance”, “Strong Wine Jue”, Lu Yang quickly put these three skill books in his backpack, these three are the mixed spell “Hundred Snakes Killing” Combination skills, I didn’t expect it to be played out here.

“No wonder the world says killing is the most profitable business, sure enough.” Lu Yang smiled inwardly and rushed into the fortress with someone.

At this time, the purgatory fortress, where has the defensive ability, because of the previous joint offensive, the seven strongest guilds temporarily stopped attacking each other, and the heavy siege weapons and defensive weapons were not damaged in the war against Lu Yang. , It’s kept in the warehouse.

It’s Christmas time again. The main players in Orma’s hands are fighting monsters everywhere. The only standing unit is trapped in the ring basin by Orma himself. One by one, 30,000 people. Search them one by one, and there are not a few hours that cannot be over.

When Lu Yang entered the fortress, no one was defending, only players who were stupidly setting up stalls and players who fled in a hurry.

“The corner demon has entered the city, run away.”

“Fly back to Tianyu God City, this is impossible to fight.”



Lu Yang sneered, now he wanted to run, it was too late, and his five bodies glowed at the same time.

“Mixed Spells-A Nose Hell”

With 500 meters in front of the fortress gate as the center, yellow springs, purple thunders, flames, earth swords, and wind knives raged, and tens of thousands of players were all killed in this blow.

Lu Yang turned his head and looked to the side. There were tens of thousands of people standing still there, and tens of thousands of people fleeing frantically.

“Accept the punishment.” Lu Yang hated them for attacking his tiger’s mouth fortress, so that he was almost destroyed, and his staff pointed forward.

“Mixed Spells-Fire and Earth Storm”

A large-scale flame storm flooded these tens of thousands of people. In the next second, all of them died, and the golden light of Lu Yang’s five bodies lit up, and he upgraded!

“Corner Archer, attack at will.” Lu Yang ordered.

More than 2000 corner demon archers no longer protect Lu Yang, rushing to the surrounding area, and start crazy attacks. Players wearing a level 140 dark gold suit can’t withstand the three attacks of the corner demon elite archers at all, and they can bend the corners. The demon has an AI IQ. When a few people walk together, they all use range attack skills. Whenever a player appears, a rain of arrows is scattered over. Every player is attacked by at least seven corner demon archers. Suddenly, one is killed or injured. And the golden light on the corner magic shooters is frequently lit up, and they are also upgraded!

Lu Yang’s primary task this time is to upgrade the corner demon. He saw that the player had been destroyed, so he no longer participated in the attack. He turned around and brought a few corner demon shooters to the fortress city’s main mansion. Several skills were played, and he easily entered the basement of the City Lord’s Mansion. He smashed the token with one punch.

[System Channel]: During the Christmas Siege Battle, the Horned Demon Legion successfully smashed the Purgatory Fortress, and now has the right to control the Purgatory Fortress.

Players all over the world are crazy when they see this news. Even if they don’t pay attention to the game or who owns the Purgatory Fortress, this sentence indicates that the Purgatory Fortress was destroyed by monsters. It was the third fortress laid by the corner demon.

Players asked who the Purgatory Fortress was. When they learned that it was Tangerus Guild, countless people laughed at Orma on the World Channel.

Who could have imagined that the leader of Tangerus Guild, one of the strongest guilds in the New World, was so stupid that he could not even protect his fortress and was killed by a monster.

In the annular basin.

Olma was already mad at this time. He only checked more than 20,000 people, and there were nearly 10,000 people left who were not searched. There were no silver clocks found on these people, which made him extremely annoyed. .

Marais tried to ask: “Boss, or else I will take these 20,000 brothers first to take back the Purgatory Fortress.”

Orma stared at Mares, thought for a long time, and said: “Well, you first take 20,000 people back.”

Marais finally breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: “The first and second legions get on the mounts and follow me back to the Purgatory Fortress.”

The 20,000 people were also pardoned, and they quickly put on their mounts and ran out of the circular basin, leaving only the last 10,000 people depressed there.

“I’ll help too,” said the Dark Night King.

Orma nodded.

The King of Dark Night put on his mount, caught up with Mares who was running ahead, and asked: “Do you know what’s going on in Purgatory Fortress?”

“It’s terrible. Tens of millions of people in the fortress are being slaughtered. It’s still the second king of the corner devil. A single flame can shoot more than 400 meters away. Any skill is 500 meters in diameter. I have never seen this. Strong lord, in such a few minutes, at least hundreds of thousands of players died under his flames.” Marais said depressedly.

“So strong?” The Dark Night King was surprised, a lord had such an outbreak in a short time, they couldn’t believe it.

“Who knows what happened to him, quickly grab the fortress back, or we will be ashamed.” Mares said.


In the purgatory fortress.

Lu Yang just came out of the city lord’s mansion, a flash of light flashed, hundreds of thousands of players appeared in the safe area at the same time, he knew that this was Suhabi and General Vanguard who had begun to slaughter.

“Then I’m not welcome.” Lu Yang said the spell.

“Mixed Spells-Red Lotus Blast”

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the middle area. Lu Yang killed them all with this move. Then he set off another firestorm and killed tens of thousands of people. Finally, Lu Yang took a fire and wine storm and killed a few more. Ten thousand people.

These hundreds of thousands of people had just been resurrected, and they all died before they could fly to the Tianyu God City. They could only choose to spend a high cost to resurrect in the fortress’s long-distance necropolis for an hour.

They just died, and another group of more than 100,000 players died and returned to the fortress. Lu Yang had used all three skills, and he couldn’t care about anything else.

“Meteor Fall”

The huge fireball fell on the ground, all players within 500 meters in diameter were killed in seconds, and the spell was pronounced in Luyang’s mouth.

“Meteor Fire Rain”

Countless big fireballs in the sky fell like raindrops.

Lu Yang’s 2.6 million spell wounds can kill a level 140 player with a single fireball. Whether he is a war defense or a mage, he can’t resist it.

Golden light lit up from behind Lu Yang, and his clone leveled up again, but his killing speed still couldn’t keep up with the player’s resurrection speed. He gritted his teeth and would rather be exposed than lose this opportunity to upgrade.

“Forbidden Curse-Demon Flame Burned Out”

With the city lord mansion as the center, the surrounding area of ​​2000 meters instantly turned into a crimson light, a piece of flame fell from the sky, and the resurrected players in the four safe areas around the city lord mansion died in large numbers.

In 10 seconds, the Lu Yanglei clone, the earth clone and the wind clone were upgraded to 1 level at the same time. After another 10 seconds, the three clones continued to increase to 1 level. After 30 seconds passed, the three clones rose to 3 levels at the same time. 160 levels.

Unfortunately, even if Lu Yang releases the Forbidden Curse like this, there are still a large number of players resurrected. The tragic degree of the killing outside the city is unimaginable. The level of the corner demon vanguard has risen from level 175 to level 179, and there is still Level 1 and level 9 reached level 180, and Lu Yang’s mission was completed.

Leave aside the task, just by seeing Lu Yang’s upgrade speed from the team, he can know how ruthless the kills are. Any player of level 140 can’t stop the general. An ordinary attack by, kills a slice of players with a single sweep.

The same is true for Suhabi, his level has reached 179 level 8, and his killing speed is faster than that of the corner demon general.

Looking at the resurrected players in the safe zone, and the tens of thousands of players escaping toward other gates, Lu Yang decided in his heart and said a spell.

“Forbidden Curse-The Ninth Hell”

With him as the center, all players within a diameter of 5,000 meters are simultaneously attacked by flames, and the damage is intelligence multiplied by 2.3. This skill consumes a lot of mana. It requires 5 million mana to activate, and 500,000 mana is used every second. .

Lu Yang took the top-level recovery potion, and only persisted for 12 seconds, and then it was empty blue, but within these 12 seconds, his four clone levels increased by a large margin, not far from level 160. His body has also reached level 178.

No one knows how many people he killed. Even Lu Yang can’t count them. He only knows that all those who died from outside the city died once here, at least six or seven million people, or It is nearly 10 million people.

In one hour.

Marais finally arrived at the Purgatory Fortress with the King of Night and 2160 level players, but when they came to the east gate of the fortress, all they saw were monsters everywhere, and the corpses and drops of countless players. Items.

Taylon was standing blankly on a rock one kilometer away from Simon in a daze. Marles saw Tyron and found that his condition was not right, and asked in surprise: “What’s the matter?”

Tyren looked at Mares with a dull look. Suddenly, his eyes became fierce, and he pinched Mares’ neck and cursed: “Where are you dead, how come you are here, how come you? The fort has been taken by monsters.”

Mares frowned and asked, “The entire fortress has fallen?”

Taylon cried, and wailed loudly, “The second king of the horned devil who has wicked the door, kills tens of thousands of people with a single flame. The brothers are all dead. Players fighting monsters around the fortress It’s all dead, and now no player is willing to come back. Why did you guys come here? What’s the use if you come, Purgatory Fortress, it’s over!”

The most important thing about whether a fortress can make money depends on the number of players. Lu Yang slaughtered the fortress this time. Ordinary players were forced to go to the surrounding fortresses to fight for life. But this way, if these players leave If you get used to playing in other fortresses, you won’t come back. Then, the Purgatory Fortress will only lose money in the future, and it will be difficult to make money anymore.

Taylen is the boss of this fortress, and this is why he cried. The fall of this fortress means that his money bag is deflated, and it is cheaper for the other city lords around him. How can he not cry.

Mares knows Tylen’s thoughts, so he doesn’t bother to pay attention to him. Anyway, it’s not him who is unlucky. He doesn’t need to care about this, and asks: “Where is the corner demon?”

“Corner demon?” Tyron cried and said, “It’s all inside.”

Mares nodded, and the horned devil did not leave. Killing them would be considered revenge, and there were still a lot of good things out. He shouted to the 20,000 players behind him: “Press the team to attack freely. Into the city quickly.”

20,000 people quickly dispersed and attacked from around the fortress in a team of 20 At this time, many siege monsters spawned around the fortress, at least several hundred thousand, Marais After killing someone for more than 2 hours, he entered the fortress, but the Horned Demon didn’t see any of them.

What he didn’t know was that when he arrived 2 hours earlier, Lu Yang left with the Horned Demon. His mission has been completed. The Horned Demon King Suhabi and General Vanguard are both at the same level. At level 180, there were almost no damage to the more than 6000 corner bends under his men, and all of them rose to level 180 and level 6 or higher.

Lu Yang’s fire method body rose to level 169, and the four clones were selected by him to allocate experience, and they were unified to level 162.

In the Secret Realm of Corner Devil, Suhabi sat in the castle hall and laughed at a banquet to celebrate the victory. He raised his glass like a real person and roared: “Cheers to our admirable Luyang Warrior , Led us to successfully win this battle, and it’s time for us to revive the corner devil.”

Everyone raised their wine glasses and drank freely. The Elder of the Horned Demon stood up and bowed respectfully to Lu Yang and said: “I apologize to you for the previous misunderstanding. Thank you for your generous help to the Horned Demon Army. In order to express my sincerity, Starting today, the Corner Devil Council is open to you.”

Lu Yang clenched his fist hard. This was what he wanted.

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