Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 973: Do it yourself

“Kobayashi.” “Lorraine.”……

After seeing Lorraine’s meaning, Qin Wanshu, Song Meiyuan, Jiang Yan and Lan Lan called his name at the same time.

At this moment, however, Lorraine got dressed and walked to the door.

The four girls called his name at the same time. He felt that he was so happy, but there were some things he had to do.

He turned his head, throwing a “reassured” expression.

“Reassured, I’m just wondering how long I have left Huaxia, and the sky will be shaken over there. I will go back to give some people a good lesson and tell them, Huaxia, whose site is.”

As soon as the voice fell, his expression became more solemn: “Also, I must find Shaojie’s whereabouts, cute, and I will bring it back intact.”


Soon, Lorraine rushed back to China on a passenger plane.

On the other side, Kang Mengmeng has also reached China.

As soon as she walked out of the airport, she saw relatives of the family who came to pick up the plane.

…She is very smart, she avoided the eyes and ears of the family members, and quietly left among the crowd.

She knows very well that it must have been when she left the United States, and then her father told other family members the news of her return to China. Although Kang Mengmeng was young, she still had some careful thoughts. She was very Knowing that my brother Kang Shaojie’s sudden disappearance is definitely not that simple. Maybe there are some people involved in the conspiracy, they are members of the family.

Of course, the most suspected one is Cannes.

Now Kang Mengmeng has received very precise news that Cannes is now the third generation member of the Kang family that has been reused again.

So, in the Kang family now, the power of Cannes has been completely improved. What if he takes advantage of his power and it is not good for her Kang Mengmeng, even though everyone in the family is in full view Next, he didn’t necessarily dare to do anything, but he could come to Yin after confirming Kang Mengmeng’s whereabouts.

In theory, a normal girl, at this time, will seek a support.

The whole world knows that the most favored little girl in the Kang family is Kang Mengmeng, because she is smart and cute, and she is deeply loved by Elder Kang.

If Kang Mengmeng finds his grandfather, and then asks him to shelter him, all this will be much easier.


Kang Mengmeng also knows a very important thing, that is, grandpa is old, and now even he is still the head of the family, but… after all, many things are beyond his ability, and now this matter, grandpa He must have racked his brains and wanted to solve it, so of course Kang Mengmeng can no longer add new pressure to grandpa.

She would rather let no one find her whereabouts.


“What did you say, such a big living person disappeared in the airport for no reason.”

At the gate of the airport, the butler who took the lead to pick up the plane said angrily at his subordinates.

However, no matter how angry he is, there is nothing he can do, because Kang Mengmeng is gone if he is missing. Apart from knowing where and when the other party got off the plane, he doesn’t know any other news, so he can only send this news , Convey it to Mr. Kang.

And of course the news was delivered to Old Man Kang very quickly.

This housekeeper, of course, was severely dropped by Mr. Kang.

Old man Kang didn’t say a word, but this silent thunder is even more frightening.

…… Now that the Kang family has one after another missing persons, this is definitely not a coincidence in the eyes of people in the family or outsiders.

And most people pointed the finger of suspicion at Cannes.

Yes, everyone knows that the Kangcheng line is incomprehensible with the Kang Shaojie line.

Now Kang Shaojie has one after another in the line of major events, but as a result, their line of Cannes has not happened at all. This is unavoidable.

In the face of these suspicions, even under the face-to-face questioning of some people, Cannes can cope with ease.

First of all, Kang Mengmeng’s disappearance really has nothing to do with him.

And Kang Shaojie’s disappearance, theoretically, has nothing to do with him.,, Pan Jiajun ordered people to do it. According to the agreement between the two people before, Kang Cheng did not participate in the specific deployment of this conspiracy at all. He even I don’t know when and what kind of threats and persecution Kang Shaojie will be.

So, naturally, he was able to act very easily, with a compassionate and innocent look.


“Hmph, these bad guys want to catch Miss Ben, really wishful thinking,~”

Kang Mengmeng successfully avoided those people’s search through her own wisdom.

She walks alone in the dark, and she knows the power of her family very well.

So, instead of using her own phone, she took a taxi. With her beautiful and lovely face, she borrowed the phone of the driver’s master, and then dialed her grandfather’s number.

“Grandpa, I am Mengmeng.”

“Mengmeng,,, want to scare grandpa to death, where are you.” After Mr. Kang received a call from Kang Mengmeng, the big boulder in his heart was immediately released, but he did not completely relax. In his tone, after hearing Kang Mengmeng’s voice, he felt a strong worry, and he couldn’t raise a little bit of anger.

“Grandpa, I called you just to tell you that I’m all right. When I left the airport just now, I deliberately avoided the group of stupid guys.”

“You stinky girl, come back to me soon. I want Grandpa to worry about it.”

“Grandpa, listen to me, I know you are worried about me, but I know that there must be a bad guy in the family, so I must not show up, what if this bad guy wants to harm me, my brother is missing Before I found my brother, I absolutely couldn’t have had an accident.” Kang Mengmeng, the little girl, has always spoken without a word. She just said whatever she wanted. Therefore, she doesn’t care about what she’s doing now. The words are so unassuming.

The grandfather over the phone heard Kang Mengmeng’s words and was very angry, but there was no way, who would let him spoil this little granddaughter so much.

“Smelly girl, come back, grandpa will find it for you.”

“No, if there is a bad guy in the family, Grandpa, your every move must be in the hands of this person. Therefore, it will never be possible to find my brother,,, I have to look for it myself, I will not go back, I don’t want this big villain who only hides in the dark to know my whereabouts. He doesn’t know my whereabouts, so I can find it.”

Kang Mengmeng is very smart, but this little girl doesn’t need to be in business.

Although Mr. Kang is now calling the little girl to go home, he has to admit that this little girl thinks very comprehensively, and she is right. It is indeed because of her belief that he can do more Easy to find.


Easy to say but difficult to do.

Finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack.

The main reason why those big families can find out certain things more easily than ordinary people, or investigate a certain person, is because their connections are strong and their information networks are too complete.

If a person in a big family wants to break away from the family network and information network to find a person’s whereabouts, it would be idiotic to talk, break away from the system, and want to do things not according to the rules, it would be tantamount to committing crimes. , Don’t think about liking, don’t think about ease.

But Kang Mengmeng has such courage and determination.

“Smelly girl, come back first. Grandpa can guarantee your safety. I also promise you that as long as you come back, I will start searching for your brother’s whereabouts through other channels, OK.”

“You’re looking for you, I’m looking for me, grandpa, you don’t have to guarantee it. Mengmeng knows that it’s hard to find, but I won’t give up. If I don’t find my brother, I will not give up.”

“Mengmeng, please listen to Grandpa.”

“Grandpa, needless to say, I am determined. Even if a gorilla says he can find my brother, I am willing to marry him. Okay, I am hungry. I will go to eat something and find a hotel. Sleep, goodbye.”

Kang Mengmeng is very cool and very cute and even said the last sentence very humorously, and then hang up.

“Uncle driver, thank you very much.”

Kang Mengmeng handed the phone to the driver, and then thanked him.

The driver saw from the rearview mirror that Kang Mengmeng was a very cute and beautiful girl, but judging from what she said just now, this little girl seems to have a long history.

Such a superb little beauty, usually you can’t see it…

Thinking evilly in his heart, the driver said: “It’s not uncle, look at me, this year is actually only twenty-eight, call my driver brother.”

The driver turned his head and turned his forty-eight pockmarked face at Kang Mengmeng.

“The little sister is looking for a place to live at night, or how about going to the brother’s place, the brother doesn’t charge money, um… I will give you money, oh, you are looking for your brother, right? Look, I How is this brother.”

Kang Mengmeng felt sick when she heard the words.

Fortunately, it’s on the highway now, and there are cars all around.

At first, she wanted to give the money well, and then got off the car, only to find that the driver was a big bad guy.

So she quickly opened the window and said: “Stop the car, or I will call indecent.”

As I said, I really wanted to shout.

The driver came out to pull the cart to do business, but he didn’t want to make trouble. Seeing that the little girl couldn’t flicker down, he gave up, his face immediately aside.

“Okay, okay, I will park for thirty-five yuan.”

“I’ll give you a hundred, no need to find it, hum.”

Kang Mengmeng threw down a hundred dollars very bitterly, then quickly opened the car door and walked on.


On the other side, the Kang family.

It didn’t take long for Mr. Kang to put down the phone, and he seemed a little restless.

When the butler at the door came in, he immediately asked: “Is the source traced to the call just now? Whose registered cell phone was used to call?”

PS: Second more

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