Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 968: Trick (third more)

Pan Jiajun’s plan for Cannes is to let him wait for the opportunity now so that he can appear on the Kang family’s board of directors at the right time to preside over the situation.

Although the status of Cannes in the Kang family is getting worse and worse than before, he is still an important third-generation member of the Kang family after all. He still has a place on the board of directors and speaks to a certain extent. Right.

There are even many board members of the Kang Group who secretly support Cannes’ future presiding over the Kang family’s overall situation.

All these years of accumulation, no matter how much, can train a few loyal subordinates.

And Pan Jiajun, over there, began to mobilize the power of China that he could use as much as possible to intervene within the Kang family.

Oh, to be precise, it is the financial intervention of the Kang family in the Chinese supremacy.

To put it simply, it is to do some small actions for Kang Shaojie’s line of cooperation with the Chinese Supreme, and try their best to trap Kang Shaojie. In this way, Cannes has the opportunity and reason. To preside over a certain aspect of the Kang family’s overall situation.

At that time, one is clearly a traitor to the family, and one is clearly the savior of the family.

Then Cannes can naturally get a lot of support in it, and Pan Jiajun can take this opportunity to deal with the Chinese Supreme.

Even if it is dealing with shares of the Chinese Supreme Kang Shaojie, it is also a kind of interference to the entire system, and the effect is naturally self-evident.

In fact, Pan Jiajun’s choice was not wrong at the beginning. He did not choose to head-on with the Rockwell Group directly. Instead, he attacked from the side. Starting from the side, he first dealt with the role played by the Kang family in the Rockwell Group. On the one hand, he could deal with the Chinese. Supreme, on the other hand, can also interfere with the “internal affairs” of the Kang family. It has the best of both worlds, killing two birds with one stone.


“Mr. Luo, I have now followed Mr. Kang to sneak into the vicinity of their Kang family mansion and found a hiding place. Next, a completely confidential protection plan can be carried out. Is there anything else that needs special instructions? .”

After Garlic made a completely secret “station”, he called Lorraine in the United States.

Lorraine breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, because he didn’t know when the other party’s conspiracy came out. If he starts to engage in action before the completion of the Garlic Squat, then he will be caught off guard by Kang Shaojie. There will be no way to play.

Now it seems that Lorraine’s concerns are unnecessary.

“There is no special order, as long as you can continue to ensure the safety of Kang Shaojie. In addition, I would like to remind you that the enemy we are going to deal with this time is likely to be the Pan family and Alnath. The family, and the Demon Gentlemen Alliance from the Western world has had a lot of changes recently. Some of their members have appeared in China. So, I hope you can pay attention to it, in case the Pan family and Alnas and the family secretly If you reach an agreement with the Devil Gentlemen Alliance, it will be a little difficult to deal with.”

After listening to Lorraine’s words quietly, Garlic responded: “Don’t worry, Mr. Luo, although I am much stronger than before, I still understand the truth of not underestimating the enemy, as long as my mission is not successfully completed. , You won’t let your guard down.”

“Well, in short, be careful, and report to me whenever you need to.”

“Okay Mr. Luo.”


Actually, Lorraine did not know that the Pan family did not have any cooperation with the Devil Gentlemen Alliance.

It is the celestial eye organization that still maintains a certain degree of cooperation with the Pan family.

To be precise, it is the blade of the sky eye organization.

Back then, the Xu family also had something to do with the Sky Eye organization, and they were cooperating with members of the second team of the Blade Department, that is, Captain Beta and his subordinates.

The team that cooperates with the Pan family is the first team, which is the members of the Alpha team.

Attention, here are members.

Rather than the entire team, the situation with the Beta team was different.

Because the Beta team and the Gamma team both had missions at the time, so they needed to be sent to cooperate with the Pan family. There was only the first team, but the captain of the first team, Captain Alpha, also had a mission. Body, when he received a new task, he just sent a part of the members.

This part of the members, no matter how powerful they are, it is only the limit of the first human being.

So, the garlic is naturally not in the eyes.

The ultimate strength of the second human being, although it seems that there is only a thin line from the ultimate limit of the first human, it is actually a world away. Although the garlic is only the beginning of the second human limit, when it is really invested in actual combat At that time, the gap between the two will be very obvious.

A master of the second human limit can deal with two or three masters in the upper and middle reaches of the first human limit at the same time.

In addition to the body style of Garlic, it was originally very weird. At the same time, Lorraine also gave Garlic to simplify the important core of the “Tyrant” he had practiced. This made Garlic’s strength long ago not the same. Level masters can match it.

Therefore, sending out garlic is a cost-effective method.

Lorraine obviously found the right countermeasure.


He still underestimated Pan Jiajun’s methods.

In other words, he hasn’t really played against Pan Jiajun, so he doesn’t fully understand the characteristics of the other party’s methods.

If Pan Jiajun wants to kill a person, he will definitely use all kinds of methods you can imagine and unimaginable. He will guess the situation to the worst, and then think of solutions as much as possible. .

He usually likes to play chess for himself, so he is very good at this kind of deduction.

When you play chess with yourself, after a game of chess is finished, there will always be a winner.

And this method of winning is obviously the most complete.


Two days later.

Kang Shaojie is still in a good mood to carry out all aspects of the transfer work.

Because his grandfather attaches great importance to him, he has a high level of executive power. Now many teams under the Kang family, including the commercial team and even the marketing development team, have invested in the cooperation with the Low family.

Many of these talents have been transferred to the United States under the orders of Kang Shaojie and invested in the overall macro-plan of the Huaxia Gang in the United States.

Everything could have ended perfectly.

It’s a pity…

The conspiracy came, although it was a little late, but he finally came.

The new assets of the Kang family controlled by Kang Shaojie were all put into the development plan of the Chinese Supreme in one go.

This is not just capital, but also some commercial teams that support the Kang family’s local area. They have also left the Kang family and entered the Chinese Supreme. To be precise, it should be regarded as a job-hopping.

This is different from Kang Shaojie’s simple cooperation with Chinese Supreme.

The nature of job-hopping is very bad.

This directly led to the decline of the Kang family and the rise of the Luo family.

The specific data is very complicated. In short, it caused the Kang family to lose amazing benefits in an instant.

This is absolutely fatal to Kang Shaojie, who has just had more rights to speak and perform operations in the Kang family.

Don’t talk about the rest, just the word “traitor” is enough to smash Kang Shaojie’s head.

“How did you do it,,,,, we now have a close cooperation between the Kang family and the Low family. At first, we let you come to the Chinese Supreme to contribute your strength, but it is only for better development. Note, yes Striving for better development for the benefit of our Kang family, but you have completely separated from the Kang family and directly entered the Chinese Supreme. This is what you want to do.”

After learning about this, Kang Shaojie immediately found relevant important people.

And these important people in this juncture reached a surprisingly unified response, all replied: “Kang Shaodong, isn’t this what you told us to do.”


After hearing these answers, Kang Shaojie was immediately stunned.

He knows…

I’m afraid I was caught in the trap.

At the beginning, he ordered them to go to the Chinese Supreme to work, but he was ordered by Kang Shaojie, but they were not allowed to quit.

It’s fine now, they have quit, but it was Kang Shaojie’s order at the beginning. Although there are some different details in the middle, those who are deliberately looking for Kang Shaojie’s fault will definitely discredit him in this regard.

When Shaojie Kang realized this was a conspiracy, he knew that it was too late to save himself, and the spilled water could not be recovered, because those people are no longer members of their Kang family, he is not qualified He went to command, so he went back to the family’s ancestral home as soon as possible, wanting to explain to Grandpa.

But when I returned home, I saw Cannes come out of the house head-on.

This guy’s face…

With a slight smile.

The smile is full of conspiracy…

“It’s him, it’s him.”

Kang Shaojie understood everything in an instant.

Although the person who is facing me this time should be from the Pan family, but…

The teams I only accepted before were originally members of Cannes’s cronies.

Cannes must have ordered them to frame themselves.

Good fellow.

In order to frame me, even the interests of the whole family were ignored.

Thinking of this, Kang Shaojie stepped up angrily, and raised her eyebrows coldly: “Kangcheng, you want to deal with me, it’s okay, but if you use family interests as a victim, then you are too much. ,.”

“Tsk tusk, my little brother, why are you so angry.”

In the face of Kang Shaojie’s questioning, Cannes took out his accustomed sarcasm of smiling and not smiling.

He shook his head slightly: “You betrayed the family’s interests, and you have completely become the running dog of the Low family. My brother didn’t talk about you, but you are full of nonsense. Is it a bit naive? Why, want to plant me, deceive grandpa’s feelings again,,, I tell you, grandpa has just ordered to stop all your powers, and wait for the next family review.”

PS: Third update

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