Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 866: Faith, choice

“Shooting the grass and scaring the snake?”

Lorraine smiled immediately upon hearing this.

“Hehe, Zheyu, think about it again, is this a way to start a snake? This method is just a blindfold.” The expression on Lorraine’s face was quite confident, and Shen Zheyu who looked at him was surprised.

Lorraine saw Shen Zheyu’s appearance, and immediately said: “So to you, if you and I are in a relationship of mutual trust, or a relationship that promises to trust each other, I will now You let it go, and then give you a positioning chip system that allows you to hold it all the time. If there is a certain agreement between us, I will believe you for the time being, but I must know your whereabouts all the time . Will you compromise?”

Shen Zheyu frowned subconsciously: “If it were me, there should be some selfishness. After all, the feeling of being stared at is not so comfortable. But… it depends on you and me. What is the agreement between the two parties. If it is a dispensable partnership, I would be willing to adult beauty, provided that I feel you are reliable and willing to spontaneously give you this face.”

“That’s right. Doesn’t it feel like my relationship with that stinger?” Lorraine asked, “So, do you think he will lose the positioning chip system?”

“…What I want to say…If you are willing to believe in you, you won’t lose it, but if there is an ulterior motive in his heart, then it’s a different matter. In other words, will he be affected by this positioning system? Throw it away, or transfer it, you can see his thoughts on you very intuitively.” Shen Zheyu pondered for a while, and said seriously.

“Yes, yes, I just want to see his true thoughts on me from this point. If he is just playing me, he will definitely lose the positioning system, or… it will be transferred in some way .” Lorraine said with a faint smile on his face, “Oh, yes, I also put another thing in that box.”

“Another thing?”

“Yes, a mobile communicator with very good signal strength. Simply put, it is a mobile phone that infinitely expands the strength of the received signal.”

Speaking, Lorraine raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his left hand: “The time is almost up, I guess, he should have opened the box.”

Before the voice was over, Lorraine took out a large black mobile phone in his hand and dialed a certain button…

…… ……

A few minutes ago, on the other side.

The Stinger travels fast all the way, and the night is the best time for him to travel.

After he walks out of this area, he will find the nearest Celestial Eye intelligence department and send this message there. In fact, the intelligence departments of the Sky Eye organization are distributed throughout the country and even across Asia, and there are even more than one in the capital. It’s just that… these branches of the intelligence department are usually covered by other surfaces. They will only be opened when they need to communicate with the members, or even communicate and submit tasks.

There is another very important thing that Lorraine doesn’t know, not just Lorraine, even Shen Zheyu.

Every internal member of the SkyEyes organization, no matter which department he belongs to, his information at the headquarters is very complete, even including the DNA arrangement of each person. The high-tech database of the SkyEyes organization has very detailed information. Record.

Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary people to pretend to be internal members of the SkyEyes organization. If you want to enter the branches and locations set up by the SkyEyes organization throughout the country, first of all, you must identify and identify the retina and fingerprints. A little bit of error, then the fake retina and fingerprint data will immediately be transmitted from the identification device mobile network cloud technology database to the headquarters in minutes and almost no time interval. A certain department in the headquarters receives the message of the imposter. , Immediately through their own powerful intelligence network, continue to analyze and identify, and then conduct a series of very sophisticated investigations to confirm the identity of this person.

If this person happens to be the one who is planning to target their celestial eye organization, then they will immediately assign staff, and then go to that place and take that person down. Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be investigators from the relevant departments. When encountering such a person, those branches of the Sky Eye organization will immediately carry out some kind of early warning facilities to conceal the truth. In this way, certain system investigation functions can be fully employed to carry out a series of investigation and counter-reconnaissance operations.

From this, it can be seen that the high-level decision makers of the SkyEyes organization are a…or a group of people who have a very good view of the overall situation.

Moreover, they have a variety of backup teams under their hands. These teams cover all aspects, especially high-tech, with very advanced equipment and concepts. These… are all speculations of big figures who have some knowledge of the Skyeye Organization from the outside world. Of course, the Skyeye Organization is indeed such a high-tech and comprehensive organization.

When Father Tian and some old friends established the Sky Eye organization… I didn’t expect the Sky Eye organization to develop to where it is today.

So, he is a little out of date, so he can’t control it a little, so… it’s normal for him to retreat from that high position. No matter how strong his personal strength is, after all, he is already an old man. What he possesses is the qualifications and qualifications that are as heavy as Mount Tai. It is unceremonious to say that he may have a good overall situation, but in many conceptual aspects, Unable to keep up with the times, so… he was eliminated.

Of course, this is not to say that he is outdated, but the idea of ​​the Sky Eyes organization is…forever to be one step ahead of the current idea.

They are not following, but going ahead.

Only in this way can they remain invincible.

…Now, the Sky Eye organization has gradually moved towards an increasingly remote astray, and many people can feel it.

Including this stinger who wants to do things with the qualifications of “walking for the sky” in the sky-eye organization.

He also felt the changes in the Sky-Eyes organization, especially after being “busted” by Lorraine, he discovered the current shortcomings of the Sky-Eyes organization.

It is very dangerous when a powerful organization that is doing things for the heavens begins to gradually go astray.

Because, as the purpose of the entire organization changes, it will distort the views of many people whose beliefs have been deeply rooted in their hearts. This is the most terrifying.


So, when the stinger suddenly stopped somewhere, and then held the box Lorraine left him, he hesitated again.

In the dark night, a big tree is desolate and deep.

A figure, quietly relying, holding “faith” in his hand, silent.

To be honest, when he came out of the Rock’s mansion, he still didn’t fully think about it.

He was right. He really compromised with Lorraine. He also promised to bring some “true” news back to the Sky Eye organization, but… from the bottom of his heart, he still doesn’t want to go out of “For the Sky” Of this big family. He also has illusions about the Sky Eye organization. Because he knew that once he defected from the Sky Eye organization, there would be no possibility of going back. Of course, he could only go far and fly, and then after a while, avoid the limelight and live in this world with another name.

He asked himself in his heart—Is that what he really wanted?

Lorraine said that his goal is to make China’s business the largest in the world. This dream is very good, very passionate, and very valuable, but… does his stinger really want to follow him? In case the eye organization is now just accidentally going astray, and will soon go back to the right path, then choose to leave, isn’t it very sloppy? And if that Lorraine is not as benevolent and moral as he has seen so far, wouldn’t he have made the wrong bet?

Thinking silently in my heart, the stinger slowly opened the box Lorraine gave him.

In the box, there is a small black chip that looks like it should be some kind of positioning chip, and it is portable and easy to hide. On the side, there is also a communicator similar to a large black mobile phone, and under the communicator, there is also a paper sheet covered.

The stinger picked up the paper directly.

However, when he saw the first line of words, he was taken aback!

It said: “You didn’t expect it? There is poisonous powder on the paper. Once your hand touches it, the poisonous powder will combine with the metabolic fluid and gas on your finger and enter your pores. Then enter your blood.”

This sentence made his heart sink suddenly!

However…the second line of words made him laugh dumbfounded.

“Hehe, scared? Don’t worry, I’m joking with you. If there is a momentary chill in your heart just now, then continue to look down—I just want to tell you, if I want Control you, want to harm you, you are absolutely impossible to leave me intact. It is precisely because I trust you, that is why I let you go, only reached a verbal promise with you. I said, how about you Just do whatever you want, so… I hope I didn’t misunderstand you.”

“This communicator is the only communication tool I use to contact you. The signal strength is very good, and it has an anti-reconnaissance effect, and it will not be interfered by external signal blockers. In addition, the black chip next to it is The positioning chip I gave you. With it, I will know it exactly wherever you go. I have already expressed my sincerity to you. If you are really sincere, then carry this black positioning chip with you. Well, I think, the person I trust, he should also trust me, right?”

Seeing this, the stinger smiled.

I smiled from the bottom of my heart.

Interesting, very interesting!

An interesting high-level decision maker like Lorraine, he is really only seen in his life!

ps: First update~

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