Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 855: Lucky?

“This proposal is good.

Hearing Lorraine’s words, Shen Zheyu nodded with a wry smile: “It’s just so late, where can I have supper?”

As soon as Shen Zheyu’s voice fell, Lorraine smiled and said: “It’s easy. I occasionally stay up late, so I prepare a lot of food.”

Speaking, he snapped his fingers at the bodyguard behind him: “Help me put the late-night snacks in the kitchen refrigerator that I wrapped in plastic film into the microwave to heat them up.”

As soon as Lorraine’s order was heard, the four bodyguards were taken aback for a while, but the boss’s order, they had to obey it anyway, but they didn’t expect…to gather them in the big evening. In the garden, I waited for a long time without seeing anyone, so I just went to help the boss for a supper… Well, the job of this bodyguard is really interesting, let alone a bodyguard… This is simply a “nanny”!

The delicious supper has been put in the microwave.

Lorraine and Shen Zheyu are still watching the fierce battle unfolding not far away.

——They feel as if they are out of the way, watching another exhibition match… It’s just that this exhibition match is a bit too real and a bit too violent.

At this time, Captain Gamma, who was in the battle, felt a bit miserable.

The poison on his body is running slowly now, and he has reached the point where he has to be quickly suppressed, but…Captain Beta and the people of the Beta team, when fighting against him, clearly made it clear. To have trouble with themselves, the tactics they adopted were to restrain each other while trying their best to limit Captain Gamma’s movement alone!

Originally, when he was waiting for the rescue, Captain Gamma sighed in secret, thinking that he would quickly use the human sea tactics to contain the people in the Beta brigade, and at this time, he must get out of his accompanying pocket as soon as possible. Take out the strong antidote powder for Xing, and sprinkle these powders on all the wounds on your body. Even if Captain Gamma has the skill and ability of action, it will take at least a minute or so.

And now… I can’t even get a minute!

Actually… you can get it out for half a minute. That’s okay. At least, Captain Gamma can take out the antidote powder and adjust it, and then hold it in his hand, even if it’s a few seconds later, to spread a wound. A little bit of gradual progress will always solve this unfavorable situation. .

But the members of the Beta team and Captain Beta will not let you have a time gap of more than ten seconds, even if you fight for your old life! !

If I didn’t do it, I just tried my life!

Captain Beta’s extremely strong action against xing will more or less affect the overall situation. From just now, he has been recruited continuously. The main reason for the recruitment is because there are not enough people under him. The members of the Gamma Brigade, the ultimate strength of the first human, succeeded in a sneak attack.

Fortunately, his strength is there, and he has not received any fatal injuries!

“Gamma! You bastard!… You disobeyed the order! I have ordered you not to bring members of your Gamma brigade to participate in this mission in the name of the commander! I didn’t expect… ……” Captain Beta is very upset now. While fighting, he feels extremely uncomfortable in his heart. It was a natural and easy thing to do, but it turned out to be a protracted battle, and from the current point of view, he Beta The brigade may not really be able to achieve the final victory.

“Beta! You don’t want the wicked to sue first!-Yes, you ordered me not to be a member of the Gamma Brigade, but you just said that you can’t participate in the assassination mission of Lorraine! And you halfway Suddenly attacked me, could it be…Is this one of the missions to assassinate Lorraine?!”

“Breaching an order is a violation of an order! I will take you back to the organization, and let your superiors punish you! Gamma, you know the severity of the punishments above. If you are obediently arrested now, I will I will intercede with you from the upper side, so that you will be spared a lot of painful punishment!” Captain Beta is now using his ability to turn black into white to fool Captain Gamma.

But how could Captain Gamma be so stupid? The smile on his face looked very sarcasm at this time: “Haha! Beta! Beta! Your wishful thinking is too loud! Do you think I am a fool?! You Do you think I will believe what you say? This is clearly a abuse of power to hurt me! Why is it my fault again?! You simply want me to be disturbed, and actively give up resistance, so that you can guarantee the ultimate Victory!-Beta, I will leave you here, even if I die here today, I will drive you into the abyss of hell!!”

Captain Gamma was completely angry this time, the awe-inspiring appearance while speaking, did not hesitate at all, the murderous aura exuding from his whole body spread to death fiercely! Therefore, Lorraine and Shen Zheyu sitting in the garden of the Luos mansion also felt this awe-inspiring breath of killing! Both of them were slightly solemn, but the bodyguards behind them were not so relaxed.

The killing aura that soared to the sky made their faces pale… Obviously, their strength was so different from the real masters over there! Don’t forget, even if they have the strongest strength among ordinary people, they are still at the stage of ordinary people. They have not even touched the threshold of the first human limit. Of course, they can’t resist from Captain Gamma. The strong aura exuded from the master of the second human limit!

“Lorraine, did you hear… what they said?”

At this time, Shen Zheyu suddenly turned his head dignifiedly and asked Lorraine.

Lorraine nodded when he heard the words, and said seriously: “I heard it.-They really came to assassinate me… However, there seems to be a lot of disagreement between them, or maybe they There was a deep gap of grievances, so they had a dispute halfway, and then became a battle-in this way, the sudden situation in front of me can be completely explained. My previous strong and ominous premonition was not wrong. Yes, they did come at me, but…what I didn’t expect is that they would turn back.”

Shen Zheyu nodded: “Yes, this time… Goddess of luck is really on your side.”

Hearing these words, Lorraine smiled bitterly: “Speaking of luck…I would rather not use the goddess of luck. Because when you pray for the appearance of the goddess, then you…must be unlucky now. “

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, this is the constant strength for thousands of years.

It is said in the Book of Changes: Liangyi produces Taiji, Taiji produces four images, and four images produces eight trigrams.

Everything has a good side, and naturally there is a bad side. Everything in this world is always relative, without exception.

Blessings in disguise happen from time to time in this world, and there is always no shortage of allusions to the extremes of happiness and misfortune because of blessings.

It is said that there was a person in the past, and he was shopping alone and suddenly met a fortune teller. The fortune teller suddenly called him and said that he would give him a heart protection iron and let him hang it around his neck and hide it. Inside the clothes, blocking the position of the heart, this can save him a lot of disasters. This guy thought to himself that he had never been unlucky, but after the fortune teller said so, he believed it by the way.

So, on the way home, he hung the heart-protecting iron around his neck according to the fortune teller’s instructions, and hid it in his clothes, blocking the position of the heart. As soon as I turned a corner and just walked two steps, I ran into a gangster who was blocking the road. The guy who robbed was very open and did not speak when he came up. He stabbed the guy in the chest with a knife without saying anything, but he stabbed him all at once. On top of the heart-protecting iron on his chest. This guy just laughed-I wiped it, why is it so effective? ! It seems that this thing can really bring good luck to myself and save my life! !

The guy who blocked the road and robbed him, seeing that he couldn’t die at once, and he didn’t know what was going on. He looked up at him with a rather weird smile, and ran away without saying a word.

This guy has since believed that he has a heart-protecting iron, and he has become a truly lucky person who can turn danger into a breeze. Sure enough, the next day, he encountered the robber again, and Huxintie saved his life again! This time, he was even more delighted, thinking that he had acquired a treasure.

But…the headaches have arisen. Since the heart-protecting iron is hung around my neck, I have been robbed almost once a day, and the buddies who come to rob are without exception the masters of murder and overstocking. There was no line at all, so cao stabbed the knife, and all stabbed to the heart, but it was still blocked by the heart protection without exception. ——For a long time, one month passed, and thirty days later, he was stabbed thirty times!

Later, he found sadly and painfully that this heart-protecting iron was very evil, and he wanted to remove it, but he didn’t dare to… It’s like this for everyone. The knife that was stabbed for a month, would you dare to take it? If someone else stabbed after picking it, wouldn’t he be dead?

Judging from this story, does this protective mirror bring him luck or bad luck?

This person has been stabbed thirty times and has not died. Is this lucky or unlucky?

So, in this world, the truly lucky people do not come for what they want, but… don’t come for what they don’t want!

——Shen Zheyu squinted his eyes and silently experienced Lorraine’s words about “lucky” just now, and it seemed to make sense.

In a blink of an eye, once again looking at the very fiercely fighting celestial eyes masters not far away, Shen Zheyu asked: “Lorraine, are you sure… shall we just sit here and watch? Don’t do anything. ?”

Lorraine shrugged his shoulders calmly and smiled: “Haha, don’t worry, our supper is not hot yet.”

ps: First update~

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