Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 848: Hard mouth

Pantene soon entered the dream.

This wise and intelligent woman rarely dreams, but this time, she dreamed all night.

It looks like a nightmare, and it looks like a beautiful dream.

In the dream, she turned into the red charm princess in the myth and legend. She experienced a relationship personally, and the son of revenge… turned out to be Lorraine. That feeling gave Pantene an unprecedented sense of happiness in the dream. Unfortunately, this story ended in tragedy…

Pantene, who woke up from a dream in the middle of the night, squinted her eyes to reflect on the dream just now. The corners of her eyes were unconsciously moist… She was surprised that she would be so moved by a dream. Maybe it was because that dream was too real, which made her feel so substituting.

After thinking about it carefully, Pantene still muttered to herself: “Hehe, it seems that before going to bed next time, you can’t watch a tragedy story. If you want to watch it, you can watch a story with a happy ending. Waking up in the middle of the night…”

With a wry smile, Pantene turned sideways and froze for a long time, then slowly entered his dream again.

…However, at the same time, on the other side, Lorraine did not have such blessings to enjoy his dreams.

Because… When he doesn’t ask for trouble, he is always in trouble and will come to him by himself.

In the dark night, in the garage of the Rock’s mansion.

Lorraine stood, and a man knelt before him.

Obviously, this man is not willing to kneel in front of Lorraine, as can be seen from the fierce look in his eyes.

To put it simply, Lorraine was extracting a confession.

“If you don’t say anything else, the only remaining thumb of your right hand will also be broken.” Lorraine has already placed one hand on the man’s right thumb.

A closer look, this guy’s entire right hand, except for the thumb, the other finger joints have been severely deformed. Judging from Lorraine’s wrist movement and direction at this time, these four fingers should have been caused by Lorraine. Break it off.

There was no bleeding, but it was already very swollen, ten fingers connected to the heart, this kind of stubbornly severed fingers, made the man’s heart more angry.

It can be seen that this guy who kneeled in front of Lorraine and was subdued by him without the strength to fight back is still a tough guy. He hasn’t even said a word until now, no, to be precise, he hasn’t even a groan of pain!

Lorraine has a lot of experience, and you can tell at a glance that this guy is trained.

If you guessed correctly… he is probably one of the mercenaries hired by the Xu family. To be precise, he should be one of the members of the Xu family hired by the Sky Eye organization. It’s just that Lorraine is very strange. If the other party wants to deal with him, according to the information collected about him before, it should not be sent by him alone. It is simply a desperate and scary thing… even now Xu The family has been squeezed in business by their Low family and the alliance family behind their Low family. They lose their temper, and will they not come up with such a brainless plan?

In Lorraine’s view, there must be something strange behind this.

Perhaps, this guy just came to watch, and he carried a sniper rifle with him, maybe he received a soft order to obliterate him at any time.

The main reason is that Lorraine didn’t give him a chance.

…Although Lorraine’s thoughts are very reasonable, and can be connected with the current situation, but, after all, this is a one-sided guess by himself, and naturally there is no news from the other party. Effective and precise.

Unfortunately… this guy’s mouth is too strict.

Lorraine is still a bit of a rat avoidance so far. After all, he is facing face-to-face, but members of the Sky Eye organization, if they are not careful, they will oppose each other! He didn’t know what kind of behavior styles and thoughts some management-level characters in the Skyeye organization had, so Lorraine could not kill him rashly.

As for the method of extorting a confession, it is also very primitive, just breaking the finger.

Now Lorraine finds that this level of extortion is too pediatric in the eyes of the other party.

“You really don’t want to say?” Lorraine frowned very tightly, and because of the rat avoidance, Lorraine did not directly explode all the aura and coercion in his body in front of this guy, because in the real From the perspective of the strong, some people can infer what stage of his own general strength is based on the aura that erupts from him.

Lorraine is absolutely impossible to expose his true strength to an enemy who has not yet grasped the true purpose and details.

Lorraine easily won him just now, using less than half of his strength. And through a short fight, Lorraine roughly inferred that his strength should be in the early stage of the first human limit of mankind. In a precise sense, it is not as good as the last time Lorraine was in the pass of the Japanese country. The strength of the hired masters brought by Xu Tengfei that the group defeated.

“Crack!” “Crack!” “Crack!”-Several consecutive sounds, this time Lorraine twisted all the fingers of this guy without hesitation!

Although the pain was sudden, this guy still resisted without groaning or screaming, but his face paled for a moment.

Seeing this guy so hard-hearted, Lorraine knows that continuing to ask is no way…but you must not let him go easily, you can’t let this guy leave here, when he leaves from his own hands, God knows he will take it back. What information? Therefore, even if this guy is moldy in his own hands, he cannot be let go.

If a person doesn’t speak, just search for him.

Lorraine thought, and started searching on this guy, but after searching, there was nothing other than some simple assassination weapons, and there was no such thing as a connected intelligence device. It seems that the other party’s plan is very thoughtful. When people go back, they will bring back the news. If the people can’t go back, the news won’t have to go back.

“…what are the people from the Xu family trying to engage in conspiracy?”

Lorraine was puzzled, and sighed in desperation, then went up with a palm knife and slammed the guy’s neck fiercely in front of him. After fainting this guy, he put it in his mouth. I put a capsule in it and held it in his mouth, and it melted slowly, and the power of the medicine would naturally penetrate into his body and enter the blood circulation. Lorraine knew very well that one should not be too eager to deal with such a person, but only slowly find the right way. People, after all, are not machines. Certain behaviors and emotions can still be accidentally exposed.

Anyway, Lorraine is currently carrying out a full-scale suppression of the Xu family on the commercial side. He wants to see how the Xu family can be calm!

…… ……

Soon, it was the next day.

On a brand new day, everyone changed their mental outlook, even Pantene.

After she got up early in the morning, she went to exercise as usual, breathed fresh air, and then had a breakfast. Then she went to a jewelry store that she frequented, and she was given a professional machine to give her the “Jun Ruogui “Yu Pei is perforated. In this way, she put on this necklace which symbolizes “auspiciousness” and “good luck”.

“Miss Pan, this jade pendant seems to be of good quality, and it is very rare. I don’t know what it comes from?” the owner of the jewelry store asked.

Pantene smiled sweetly: “If I said it was a fortune teller who gave me luck and avoiding evil, would you believe it?”

“Given it by a fortune teller?… Hehe, of course I don’t believe it. The price of this jade pendant is definitely not cheap. How can a fortune teller have it?”

Pantene smiled when she heard the words, and didn’t reply. There were some things she had in mind.

It’s just… she whispered about the jade pendant, feeling the temperature in front of her chest, feeling the temperature in front of her chest, feeling lost… I don’t know, when will the next chance to be alone with Lorraine… Maybe, the two of them It will never be possible to have such a good opportunity to be alone like last night…

In her view, at least, this jade pendant carries the short and deep memories of her getting along with Lorraine.

After coming out of the jewelry store, Pantene drove the car to go to the company, but accidentally drove to the wrong place, so she came to the market where they were shopping last night and got off at the parking lot at the intersection. Then Pantene walked all the way to find, but could no longer find the booth that gave them the fortune-telling last night…

“Is it possible…Is this fortune-telling booth only available at night?” Pantene looked at the ladies watch on her slender wrist, sighed, “I will talk about it later if I have a chance. I went out, and I haven’t had time to report to my father last night’s “record”.”

Thinking about it, she rushed back to the main address of the Pan family’s corporate headquarters as soon as possible.

…and at the same time, on the other side.

Lorraine did a little exercise near his home as usual, and then bought some fresh milk back. Finally, he became interested, personally cooks, and makes a big breakfast.

When everyone woke up and was sitting at the big table, Lorraine ate the ham on the plate, but looked at everyone in front of him with weird eyes.

At this moment, whether it is Luo’s father and mother, Qin Wanshu, Jiang Yan, and Lan Lan…They all looked at themselves with a waiting look.

What are you waiting for?

Lorraine’s thoughts turned, and he understood in an instant!

It seems…They remembered the fact that they came back too late yesterday.

Leave aside the thoughts of the parents, just say Qin Wanshu and Jiang Yan… They must think that Lorraine came back so late that something happened with Pantene, even if nothing principled happened, that’s for sure. There are some small episodes, otherwise, according to Lorraine’s personality, he will definitely be home before twelve o’clock in the morning.

ps: It’s dawn. It will be seven o’clock soon. I stayed up all night before writing the second update. Sorry everyone. Recently, my left hand is overworked, life and codewords are under pressure… I can’t stop updating, and I have to add changes from time to time. I have already been overdrawn, and the overall speed of writing books is many times slower than before. Regarding the problem of always being late recently, the left hand is very sorry, those friends who scolded the left hand, I hope you can understand. In addition, occasionally one or two brothers and sisters will post book reviews saying “Left hand pay attention to the body” and so on. Thank you very much and I am very touched. A large part of the persistence of the left hand comes from your care and support. During this period of time, some of the busy left hands have entered a vicious circle. Please forgive me for late changes. At least I will not do less or owe more. It is like this chapter. Even if I don’t sleep all day and night, since I promised everyone the second time. It must be coded out, then it must be done. ——Wait for the left hand to settle various things in life during this period of time. After the rhythm is restored, the update will return to normal. I hope everyone can support the left hand as always. Thanks, thank you! ~

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