Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 835: Pantene’s bad reputation (plus 3)

Pan Wang is a very smart person in power.

Under his careful development, the Pan’s family manages them in a decent way.

The Pan family is a very flexible family, but at the same time, it also gives people a sense of stability.

Speaking of marriage, in the capital, the Song family was once the chief among them.

However, sometimes the Pan family will have marriages. Take the most recent marriage, at the Beijing Investment Promotion Conference at that time, the Pan family was able to establish a deep cooperation relationship with the Alnas family in the United States. A cross-sea and cross-international marriage.

Now, when Pan Wang learned that his son Pan Jiajun had always had a special liking for Han Xuan, the only daughter of the three generations of the Han family, he waved his hand and agreed to his son’s pursuit of Han Xuan. This is the best of both worlds. On the one hand, you can let your son pursue what he really loves in his heart. On the other hand, you can get closer to the Han family.

However, the most worthy of celebration is the Han family’s father. He did not oppose or impose obstacles.

In fact, this is easy to understand. It is said that Han Xuan, the only daughter of the three generations of the Han family, is a very assertive girl, and in terms of her mind, she is not lost to any man of the same age, except for some experience. It’s not very good, and all other aspects are excellent to the extreme, not only Xiuwaihuihuizhong, if you want, you can use “female hero” to describe her. This woman can control everything by herself. However, as a female middle school hero, she has such a beautiful appearance.

No wonder, even King Pan and his son Pan Jiajun are so fascinated.

Wang Pan is now squinting his eyes and calculating silently in his heart.

If it is said that his son Pan Jiajun can really become the only daughter of the three generations of the Han family, Han Xuan, and his daughter Pantene… can successfully become the Lorraine of the Luo family, then they Doesn’t the Pan family become the twin parents of the Han family and the Luo family?

Well, a good idea, you can try it out.

“Hey, Tingting, where is it?” King Pan called his daughter Pantene. The majesty in his words was not gentle, and he looked like a father who was full of stability and kindness.

“Hey, Dad?–I, I’m shopping.” Pantene was a little noisy, and I knew it was walking outside.


“Dad, what do you say? Your daughter doesn’t like to make friends with those wealthy daughters, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. My brother is so busy and your status is so honorable. My aunt was married to the United States again. You said , It’s not me, who else can I talk to?” Pantene seemed to have a cheerful tone when speaking, and she seemed to be in a good mood today.

“Hehe, it seems that you complain a lot…Um, Tingting, do you have any plans to make a boyfriend?”

“Make a boyfriend? — forget it. My reputation is so bad throughout the capital, who wants to be my boyfriend.” Pantene’s words are understood literally, and they are a bit complaining. Taste, but listening to her tone is more like ridicule, as if she doesn’t care about these problems at all.

“Tingting, who is this weird? When you came back to China, you always felt that there were a bunch of men following you, making you feel bored. You came up with this method. At first, I and Your brother tried to persuade you for several days, but we couldn’t hold your temper. Now it’s alright, you ruined your reputation, the flies behind you are gone, and the problem is solved. But the real problem comes again… …Behind you, there is not even a fly.”

Wang Pan actually loved his daughter very much.

At the time Pantene was in the United States, she had indeed experienced a heart-wrenching emotional journey, but this has nothing to do with her reputation, or in other words, it has nothing to do with her. After that, except for her family, Pantene hated every man in the world, and she was very smart. After returning to the capital, the faces of the men she saw were more hypocritical and ugly than the other, making her even more so. Bored.

Finally, helpless, she thought of a way for herself, that is, to create some false news that would ruin her reputation. The most indispensable thing in the wealthy circle is gossip, so the news created by this groundless wind spread all over the wealthy circle immediately.

The Pan family immediately blocked the news!

But… the news has reached people’s ears, what can we do?

At that time, some of the elders of the Pan family, including Pan Jiajun, were persuading Pantene to quickly come forward and clarify, but Pantene, who never saw those nasty men in those days, found the effect. In any case, I was reluctant to come forward to clarify, on the contrary, I enjoyed the feeling of not being harassed.

In the end, all the elders of the Pan family had to compromise with the stubborn Pantene.

But this will cause a lot of problems that cannot be dealt with, and that is the future of Pantene. This reputation, after all, is too ugly, it will scare away those annoying men, and at the same time, it will also scare away those good men, so the family members are very worried.

Later, Pantene’s aunt specifically approached Pantene and asked in private: “Tingting, auntie knows why you do this, but have you ever thought about the consequences of ruining your reputation like this for nothing? What if you really can’t get married?”

Pantene smiled sweetly at the time: “I believe that a man who truly loves me will not care about these rumors. And when this good man who truly loves me stays with me… I naturally know that. Everything is a rumor.”

“How do you know?” The experienced aunt, but Pantene’s brain was unresponsive at the time.

At that time, Pantene’s face was slightly red, and she smiled a little shyly: “Try it, don’t you know?”

“Smelly girl!” The aunt scratched Pantene’s nose.

…… ……

Although my aunt is married to the Alnas family in the United States, the scenes of the past with my aunt are all engraved in Pantene’s mind. At that time, Pantene had never seen Lorraine. At that time, she had never tried to be impressed with a man. How did she feel.

To be honest, seeing Lorraine’s cold eyes when facing her, for the first time she regretted the way she had corrupted her reputation.

So, Pantene, who deeply remembers the feeling of his heartbeat when she saw Lorraine, will not give up being close to Lorraine easily.

Unfortunately, the position between the family makes her feel very contradictory.

It’s like now, when my father asked if he had a boyfriend or something, Pantene’s first thought was to feel that his father wanted to arrange a blind date for herself, so she felt repulsive from the bottom of her heart.

“Dad, I really like the feeling of being alone and carefree now, so please don’t worry about my heart.” Pantene soothed. In fact, she was lying. If King Pan introduced Pantene to her boyfriend’s blind date, she would definitely agree.

But how is this possible?

However… there are so many coincidences in this world.

The more he thinks, the less he will come, and the less he misses, the more he will come.

“Really no longer think about it? The kid I want to match you with is a very good character. Well, let dad say, I feel that all the talents and conditions of this kid can match you Brother has a fight.” Pan Wang didn’t know that Pantene had always admired Lorraine in his heart. In fact, he didn’t even know that Pantene had been in contact with Lorraine.

With Pan Wang’s ability, what he wants to know is naturally a way to know. The problem is that he has not cared about this issue at all, and neither Pantene nor Pan Jiajun have mentioned it to Pan Wang, so Naturally, he didn’t know that the person he was about to talk about was actually the man his children admired most.

“Huh? Really?” Pantene didn’t want to say anything, but when she heard her father say that, she paused and got a little bit of interest.

In her eyes, in the entire capital, among the young people, only Lorraine can have the capital to compare with her older brother Pan Jiajun, and her father said that there is such a person at this time… But Wang Pan never would Such a high evaluation of a person. So of course she was very interested. In fact, she hadn’t even thought that the person her father wanted to talk about was actually Lorraine infallible.

“Really.” Pan Wang chuckled, and he let out a sigh of relief when he heard his daughter’s interest—at least it shows that Pantene still likes the opposite sex. It is no exaggeration to say that there was a time when Pan Wang suspected that his daughter had never shown any interest in men. Was it a lace edge?

“This kid is called Lorraine, Tingting. You should know about the Luo family that has risen rapidly in our capital these years? Oh, at the Capital Investment Conference, you should have seen this Lorraine look. How do you feel? Dad feels that this kid should be worthy of you.”

“…” On the other side of the call, Pantene suddenly stopped and stood on the busy street with people coming and going.

She wore sunglasses and stood in the crowd a little dazedly. Her graceful and irritating figure and her unconcealed beautiful aristocratic temperament attracted everyone’s attention. When many men saw her stunned, they thought it was her boyfriend who was going to break up with her on the phone, so they thought each one by chance and planned to come forward to talk to Pantene, but basically all the men were one by one. I gave up these thoughts, not because of anything else, but because Pantene’s temperament was too noble, which made them feel a sense of inferiority in their hearts. They only dared to move their minds, but did not dare to approach.

“Tingting? Tingting?…Daughter? What’s wrong with you?” Suddenly feeling the phone quieter, Pan Wang couldn’t help asking.

ps: I have been boiled for a few days and my body can’t stand it. I can only add one more today. I’m sorry. One more shift, five more shifts…Well, in the next few days, the left hand will continue to work hard! ~

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