Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 825: Little ghost messes up

It’s Kang Shaojie’s call.

After connecting, before Lorraine could speak, Kang Shaojie said: “…who!”

“…” Lorraine was depressed when he heard the words.

Listening to this tone, he basically suspected that the phone was taken away by some lawless person, or he thought it seemed to be a conspiracy.

In short, from Kang Shaojie’s tone, I can clearly hear a message, that is: This guy has obviously thought that Lorraine was in an accident…

“I said Young Master Kang, do you want me to hang up like that?” Lorraine joked with a wry smile.

“…” When it heard Lorraine’s voice, Kang Shaojie was taken aback!

I don’t know what Kang Shaojie was thinking about when he was silent, and he didn’t know the expression on his side. In short, after a period of silence, Kang Shaojie “gritted his teeth” and said: “I… your uncle… …”

…… ……

Next, Lorraine told everyone that he had nothing to do, including Han Zhennan. Originally, Lorraine did not expect that Han Zhennan would actually call the police station for his own affairs. In the end, Han Xuan told Lorraine and asked him to call Han Zhennan and say that he was safe.

Finally, Han Zhennan received a call from Lorraine and said with a smile: “I heard that the whole house has been burned, Xiao Luo, your life is old enough. Since it’s okay, please check it out. Some People, if you don’t get rid of it quickly, you will always feel a headache.”

Han Zhennan talked about how smart he is. From the development of this matter, he easily guessed what was going on. He even suspected the Xu family. What Lorraine did when he went to the country of Japan. Although Han Zhennan was far away on the other side of the ocean, he knew in detail. On the one hand, he admired Lorraine’s courage and skill, on the other hand, he was also worried about Lorraine’s situation.

He could see that even though Lorraine was confident enough, from a certain point of view, Lorraine was gambling. Since he was gambling, it was risky. When there are risks, smart people often choose to make quick decisions.

“Well, Brother Han, I understand. Haha, don’t worry about me, maybe one day, I will show up on Wall Street in the United States with my family, haha.”

After hanging up the phone, Lorraine stood up, walked out of the window, looked at the distant sky, thoughtfully.

“Brother Han is right. I can’t delay any longer.  We must make a quick decision. The longer it is, the worse it will be for me. Now that the house has been burned down, the Xu family’s fun is absolutely amazing. However, they seem to have done one thing wrong… and that is that they… accidentally killed the three grandparents of the Meichuan family. Make good use of this and defeat the Xu family’s plan, and it will be much easier “Lorraine thought of this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the plan in his heart became clearer with deep thought.

…… ……

A highway.

Above a luxurious RV.

Xu Qianian was sitting on the leather seat full of nobility, while Xu Tengfei was sitting opposite Xu Qianian, and did not speak. He just saw Xu Qianian’s complexion faintly beginning to become a little strange after he picked up the phone. child.

“Huh? What did you say?!” Finally, Xu Tengfei’s faintly pensive expression suddenly became astonished and surprised. It seemed that there was a very unfavorable news on the other side of the phone.

“You said…The Rocks family…are all right?!!!”

“Pop.” With a sound, Xu Qiangian hung up angrily, and his brilliant old eyes were a little muddy in an instant.

This is something he didn’t expect!

“Trash, a bunch of trash, didn’t those guys vowed that the task was completed?! Now they have thrown off such a big mess for me!” Xu Qiangian has a wealth of experience, especially in the business fight against the rich. Above, he is very predictable.

He knew that once the Luo family hadn’t been destroyed by himself, he would definitely doubt himself with the mind of the heaven-defying boy Lorraine from the Luo family. The action this time was not a leak-proof one, so it was only a matter of time before I found myself.

And once there is a head-on conflict with the Low family, it will be troublesome.

Now Lorraine’s wings are hard and full of wings. The reason why Xu Qiangian wants to make a quick fight, cut grass and roots, said from the deepest heart…The main reason is that he is a little afraid of Lorraine and does not want to face Lorraine. Conflict! Although, he has been reluctant to admit this.

After all, this psychology is too embarrassing. As one of the four kings of the capital, Xu Qianjin is a big figure with the same fame as King Pan, Old Ghost Song, and even Han Zhennan! !

…However, Xu Qianian didn’t really realize the seriousness of the problem at this time.

He didn’t know that the three generations of the Meichuan family’s grandparents died in his own hands! !

…… ……

Lorraine did not die. There was no casualty in the Luo Family, and it spread throughout the capital very quickly.

When everyone was speculating, with Lorraine and Qin Wanshu appearing in the company together, all the rumors would naturally be self-defeating.

After returning to the company, Lorraine saw that everyone’s eyes were so surprised and complicated.

Lorraine understood the surprised emotion.

Complex? Why is this?

After thinking about it for a moment, Lorraine’s mouth provoked a sneer, he understood, the board of directors upstairs, something must have happened, right?

Considering this, Lorraine has stepped into the elevator.

Rising to the top.

Lorraine walked in front, Qin Wanshu silently followed behind him, and the two directly opened the door of the closed conference room one after the other.

However, Lorraine didn’t seem to find out that he appeared at the right time.

I used to sit in my own seat, but now there is another person sitting.

And this person is not someone else… but the most slippery and nonchalant person among the many shareholders who used to work under his own hands. Lorraine is an informal person, and he doesn’t even know what the name of the person sitting in his chairman’s seat is at this time.

“Now, our Rockwell Group has no leader, and the outside business rivals are looking at us! We can’t just sit and wait! We have to defend, we have to fight back! We are the Rockwell Group that has created countless miracles, we must We must continue the miracle! Even without the Luo family, our Rock Group is still an invincible existence. We must use our invincible spirit and courage to tell those competitors who are unruly towards us-our Rock Group , Is unshakable!!!”

This guy who can’t even be named by Lorraine, blows his beard and stares, stood up, patted the table, and said that he was enthusiastic, and that he was impassioned!

So…this guy didn’t notice at all, and two great gods appeared at the door behind him.

After learning the news that the Luo family had “hanged up”, this guy also ran to the Luo family’s house personally, and found that the severe burnt level basically won’t have any survivors. Therefore, he was so pleased that he ran back to the company and started the plan to swallow the Rock Group.

Actually, he doesn’t have many shares—strictly speaking, the entire Rockwell Group does not have a lot of shares held by those shareholders, because Lorraine is a person who likes to control people and doesn’t like being pinned down. . Therefore, more than 90% of the Rockwell Group’s shares are in his hands.

But if Lorraine died…then these shares would be of no use. The point is that the Luo family died as soon as they died, and no one would take over the shares, so this guy hurriedly started this matter. Steadily occupy a dominant position. Most of these shareholders are half a catty, but the early birds have worms to eat, and he now has a good enough position, so other people have to listen to his impassioned nonsense here.

…It’s like now, where he screamed excitedly, slamming the table and smashing the bench.

Others were looking at him originally, but when they were not careful, they saw two people coming in at the door. These people were shocked at first, but soon figured out what was going on… Some people feel that this matter seems to be true or false, and now… it seems that the news of the complete destruction of the Luo Family is false!

When they reacted, these people quickly suppressed their shocked expressions. Everyone’s heart was full of disgust for the guy who was giving a speech in front of him, no matter where the disgust came from. They all have a common idea, that is, looking at this guy is unlucky, it must be very interesting.

So, no one reminded this guy who was excited to give a speech.

But this guy was very excited, so he didn’t notice the changes in everyone’s expressions, and he didn’t even notice the coolness that came closer behind him.

“Anyway! The Luo Family without the Luo Family, tomorrow, it will be very good!” Then, this guy was completely excited, and he slapped the table with red faces and teeth, “No, it’s not right! We want to have a lot of things.” Confidence! Let me say that the Luoshi Group without Luojia will be better!! Because everyone is here! As long as we work together, we can create brilliance! I, Du Ziteng, will lead everyone to create miracles!!!”

After finishing speaking, he arrogantly put his head upright, meaning that he was finished, waiting for everyone to applaud.

But after waiting for a long time, no one applauded him. He glanced down, let alone applauding, everyone at this moment looked at him with an expression that wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

As soon as he saw the expressions of the crowd, his swelling vanity finally felt very upset, and he slapped the table fiercely: “What’s wrong with you? What about your mental outlook? Bring out a little mental outlook!!”

“Pump!” A sudden smile came from behind him. ——Come on, it seems that Qin Wanshu, a Nizi, can’t help but laugh.

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