Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 764: Ready to take the move!

? What’s ridiculous is that while Xu Tengfei was shocked, he didn’t know that when the Sky Eye organization showed its strength to Pan Jiajun, it also used a similar method.

It feels exactly the same.

Actually, this ability is to bluff him such a wealthy son.

In the eyes of a man with real strength like Lorraine, this is simply crude magic as simple as a child’s play.

With the strength of Lorraine that is now the second ultimate stage of humanity, it is possible to guess his combat effectiveness through this guy’s move. It should be in the initial stage of the first human limit.

“I don’t know how to call you gentlemen?” After a long time, Xu Tengfei suddenly asked, suppressing the surprise in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly realized that he hadn’t asked them for their respective titles before, and it was still somewhat impolite, mainly because Xu Tengfei had not seen their strength personally before.

“Number six.” The person who crushed the cow just now said coldly.

Two of the other three said: “Number five.” “Number four.”

And the humanity with a leading temperament at first glance: “No. Three.”

Number six, number five, number four, number three?

Xu Tengfei paused slightly. When they acted, did they use code names?

Immediately, Xu Tengfei knew for a while, and right, the mysterious and powerful organization of the Sky Eye organization, it is impossible to have any real names, mostly code names, and these people use numbers as code names, then this That means… they should be a military organization.

Judging from the fact that the leader claims to be “Number Three”, their strength should be divided according to the arrangement of numbers.

But…if this is a military organization operation unit, there should be other numbers, right? Since there is number three, what about number two? How about number one?

At this moment, many associations appeared in Xu Tengfei’s mind… Maybe, this is just the tip of the iceberg in a big plan of the Sky Eye organization? At present, although they seem to have only reached an employment agreement with our Xu family, in fact, they are secretly deploying personnel from the rest of the organization to accept other employment tasks?

Aware of this, Xu Tengfei shook his head quietly.

For these things, it’s better not to guess. It’s not guilty if you don’t know. Many things, knowing too well, are not good for you. As for what plan the Sky Eye organization they secretly wanted to make, it had nothing to do with their Xu family. As long as they could use the Sky Eye organization now, there was no need to ask about everything else.

Same sentence, just take care of yourself and take care of yourself.

…… ……

Everything was ready. After Xu Tengfei settled down the four powerful bodyguards, he went back to his residence alone, and began to plan what to do after arriving in Omen.

This time, the Xu family and the Meichuan family generally planned like this-when they arrived in Omen, they will now settle down there as a transit point, and then head towards Laos, where there will be a local ground snake called ” The underground characters of “Straw Head” respond.

This guy called “Straw Head” is not only a famous local snake in Laos, but also a well-known figure in the entire Golden Triangle. His fame and role in the Golden Triangle are very similar to the “elder brother” in Hongkong. He eats well and has a wide range of contacts, making him a perfect guide.

In the Wa country, the Umekawa family had some kind of close cooperation with the Yamaguchi group. This time, the Umekawa family was going to the Golden Triangle to purchase a certain kind of “special goods”. It was to have a certain relationship with the Yamaguchi group. This kind of special trading chain…Due to the particularity of the Yamaguchi group, their people cannot come to the Golden Triangle in person. It is necessary for the Meichuan family to come here on the grounds of investment opportunities.

Originally, the Meichuan family was going to pass through the border of Yunnan Province through the Xu family’s relationship, but because their business this time was not visible, they decided to use an international capitalist system like Omen. The metropolis serves as a transit point.

The country of Japan is the only country in the world that recognizes the legalization of black societies.

So, even if it is arrogant and domineering in the Wa country, after going international, the Meichuan family, who has a close cooperative relationship with the Yamaguchi group, needs to avoid suspicion.

As for the Xu family, they don’t care about so much, as long as they can profit from it. After all, it is the cooperation of a large family in the world. The Meichuan family is a family that started much earlier than the Xu family. In many things, they are already familiar with it. As for international regulations, they naturally know how to comply and how to take advantage of the loopholes.

In general, the Xu family only played a role as a connecting hub in this operation, and after the completion of this big business, the Meichuan family had already promised to invest or project for the Xu family The way of sponsorship, to provide dividends.

The Xu family, to be exact, is Xu Tengfei. The purpose of his trip is to rub Lorraine’s spirit in Omen.

Although Omen is now the territory of Lorraine, they are opening the door to do business. If Xu Tengfei goes to his casino to spend, it is their customer, and as the son of the Xu family, any movement, It will arouse high attention from all quarters, if… Xu Tengfei encounters something unexpected in Omen, it is expected that Lorraine will not be able to get rid of the relationship, and he Lorraine may not necessarily be able to move Xu Tengfei.

With four hiring masters from the Sky Eye organization by his side, Xu Tengfei admitted that entering Lorraine’s territory was like entering an uninhabited territory, just swaying his feet.

He is a consumer, and Lorraine opens the door to do business, which first determines his freedom. Lorraine was different because he was all cumin and didn’t worry about anything. Xu Tengfei didn’t need to do too many secret tricks, just a small mess would definitely be enough for Lorraine to drink a pot.

You must know that now Lorraine’s casino business in Omen has attracted great attention, so if something happens in the casino, every move will definitely be infinitely expanded. When the turmoil arises, Xu Tengfei If one is free, just leave the stall and stay in Lorraine to find a way to end it!

With a strategy in mind, Xu Tengfei couldn’t help but smile.

…… ……

The other side.

Lorraine put down the relevant information on the latest business trends of the Xu family, frowned slightly, and said in his heart: “They are now strengthening the border cooperation with the Meichuan family, and the last time they discussed the cooperation, it turned out that Is it going to travel to Southeast Asia to make so-called’commercial investment’?-What kind of joke, let me see what the Umekawa family has received from the partner Yamaguchi, the Japanese partner, the latest cooperation plan, and then want to pass the Xu family The relationship spans across the coast of China, all the way to the Golden Triangle region, right?”

Thinking of this, Lorraine slowly stood up and paced at will: “Going to the Golden Triangle area, it is naturally impossible for them to make any so-called’commercial investment’, I am afraid they want to buy a batch of’banned goods’. ——Since this is the case, they need to plan their round-trip routes,  Otherwise, with China’s customs supervision efforts, they may be in trouble.”

Thinking about it in his heart, he has already paced to the side of the world map, Lorraine squinted his eyes and looked for a while: “It stands to reason that they will pass through the surrounding areas of Hainan, but they should not use this as a turning point. , Then… what should they do? Go to the Philippines?-Probably not. This will not only increase the journey and extend the time, but also not use the Xu family… Then, the turning point of their short stop, It should be…”

Squinted for a while, Lorraine’s eyes suddenly lit up and suddenly said: “They…will go to Omen!”

It should be!

Omen belongs to China, but the system is different! Judging from the current situation, they should choose here without error! Oh, of course, I might choose Hongkong, but Hongkong has recently imposed very strict customs controls in this area. Right now, they really only have a choice like Omen!

I figured this out, and various possibilities quickly emerged in Lorraine’s mind.

Intuition told him that this Xu family and Meichuan family chose to stop in Omen for a certain reason.

Lorraine knew that neither the Xu family nor the Meichuan family had a fuel-efficient lamp. They must have long regarded him as one of the potential enemies. Since they had realized this early in the morning, they would naturally not let go of a chance to give him Lorraine to stifle him in the cradle early.

Even if it disgusts him Lorraine, it’s fine!

Anyway, if the Luo family wants to go to America in the future, they must use the Japanese country as a pedal. At that time, the two forces will inevitably have a head-on conflict. Therefore, no one needs to be that hypocrite at the moment, and if there is a chance, they will attack each other!

So, Lorraine knows very well that this time the opponent will not miss the opportunity after arriving in Omen, and there will definitely be some trouble.

Lorraine picked up the phone again and ordered to go out: “Now go and check for me, the latest trends of the Xu family and the Meichuan family! Attention, it is the latest trend, not the latest trend of business!”

“Yes!” Upon receiving the order, the phone side quickly hung up.

About ten minutes later, the phone rang again.

“Luo Shaodong, I found… the latest developments show that the Xu family sent Xu Tengfei, and the Meichuan family sent their young master Meichuan Neiku. One of them set off from China and the other set off from the country of Japan. In the last few days, I will meet in Omen!”

Sure enough!

“Well, I know, I will tell you if I have something to do.” Hanging up the phone, Lorraine’s eyes were bright, ha ha, the time to come will come!

Well, this time, I have to be ready to take the move! See what kind of storms can arise in Omen under the combination of you Xu Tengfei and Meichuan Naiku! !

ps: Third! This chapter has been written from eleven to the present. Recently, the state has not been adjusted, and it has been stuck in the bottleneck, and the publication of the paper is relatively slow. Brothers and sisters, don’t worry. There are also students who always say that the left hand is untrustworthy. I hope you understand that the left-hand code word time is mostly concentrated in the evening, so it is the limit to write three chapters (nearly 10,000 words) until the early hours of the morning. And I don’t promise anything lightly. Once the promise is made, it will be honored. I believe everyone knows that some students should stop misleading new readers by saying things like “Left-handedness is not keeping promises”. I know that many classmates are waiting for Chapter 3, and some even waited from nine o’clock last night until now, but when you are waiting for the text, your left hand also wrote from last night to now. In the morning, there is no time code on the left hand. Therefore, the chapter at noon every day is driven out by the left hand at night. Once the manuscript is not saved, the left hand needs to stay up late. After that, for the chapter at noon tomorrow, the left hand needs to write until dawn. ——Writing a book is not copy and paste, and the speed of the left hand has not been fast, I hope everyone can understand… In addition, thank you again for your unyielding support. ~

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