Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 752: Thinking

? This step is Lorraine’s second turning point. “”

His first turning point was his blockbuster at the Beijing Investment Promotion Conference. That was when he successfully brought the Luo Family to the top giants in the capital, and paved the way for them to enter the world in the future. With this momentum, Lorraine cleverly used the relationships and methods he could use to eat Omen.

When he owned a local entertainment city with the largest scale and popularity in Old Town, he had already reached a new height.

As we all know, the so-called wealthy families in the capital have never owned their own large-scale real estate on Omen’s side. The Luo family is a precedent. Therefore, Lorraine has become such a special case among the capital giants.

However, this special case is only a special case.

It does not mean anything else. It does not mean that Lorraine has the right to operate the long-term gaming industry to surpass other big families in the capital. Although the gaming industry is a hugely profitable industry, it also needs to be accumulated, and there are too many things and relationships that need to be extravagant. However, cooperation like the Pan family and the Alnas family in the United States may manipulate certain stock markets and act as a bookmaker. As long as they are managed properly, they may not make more money than the gaming industry.

Isn’t Buffett, the once richest man in the world, known as the “stock god”.

So, who is stronger and weaker depends on the overall development trend. Although Lorraine has a strong momentum now, it does not mean that he will surpass the existence of the Pan family. Maybe the exposure in Lorraine has been quite high. Under the circumstances, the Pan family has always been relatively low-key, and suddenly one day, the Pan family did something earth-shattering, attracting all eyes to them in one fell swoop, and once inquired and discovered that they had been brewing for a long time. The benefits that the big plan can create are many times the wealth that the Low family has created over the past few years.

In that case, the final winner can only be the Pan family.

Lorraine, who knows this truth well, has never relaxed in fact, and has never been proud. He always judges the situation with a humble heart, and his planned humble attitude is to prepare for the sky. of.

So… he knows very well that when he has the base camp of the original White Scorpion organization, he has completely risen to another level. At least, he has an absolutely powerful reserve hidden strength, even in the future East Asia. The Yamaguchi group of the underworld society did not dare to hide an existence similar to the mercenary strength of its own!

Lorraine knows that once his plan is done, he will bear heavier responsibilities and identity. To survive well with this identity, Lorraine must always take the posture of a strong man. There is no doubt that if he continues to survive like that, he will be even more tired than he used to be. But the height of a person’s standing and the power he has are always proportional to what he has experienced and carried.

After Lorraine told Hu Yidao about this seemingly crazy idea, the latter also felt a tremor in his heart.

This Lorraine really dare to think about it… to develop his own underground power, and this underground power is far more than a black society, but a model similar to mercenary training, and then trained Help a combat master who only works for himself.

And Lorraine’s proposal was to send Maguire and Christian to the past, and then conduct a kind of devilish training on the hundred elite Jiang Gang. Of course, now that Maguire and Christian have become more and more like human beings, it is naturally impossible to train these 100 elites in the same way that General Nicholas trained them before.

Regarding the methods of devil training, Lorraine also called for Maguire, Christian, Li Nan, Li Chenggong, Liangzi, and Garlic to come over. Counting Lorraine himself, the seven masters carefully considered the training. Content and items.

Finally, Lorraine decided to formulate a “humane” and “horrible hell” training model for the devil.

First of all, the first batch of trainees were the 100 elite Jiang Gang.

As the first batch of elite members to test the waters, Lorraine naturally has to devote a lot of energy and capital to training.

Lorraine’s exercises, in addition to the ancient Taijiquan, but also the violent exercises learned on the mysterious ancient jade slips, that set of exercises, violent, overbearing, and even murderous Teng Teng, Lorraine knows that this set of methods is very suitable for members of this “new department” to learn.

So, Lorraine moved out the first-level practice method of the mysterious technique on this ancient jade slip, and then improved it with his own style, making it easier to understand and understand. Getting started is more suitable for multi-person training.

As for why he only took out the first level of exercises, there is also a reason. He is not saying that he wants to hide all his good things, but he really can’t simplify the skills of the second level and the second level and above. It’s too complicated. Once there is any slight improvement error in it, then fix it. Those who practice this technique will immediately go into a desperate situation and step into an abyss that cannot be undone. Lorraine had this terrifying technique in him, and he naturally knew the elusiveness of this mysterious technique.

The reason why Lorraine was able to turn the danger into danger again and again, and avoid the backlash of the violent aura again and again, was because he had a yin and yang harmony of Tai Chi. He also thought about whether ancient Taijiquan can be used as a basic compulsory course for elite practice and devil training.

But later, he rejected the idea. First of all, ancient Taiji cannot be successfully practiced overnight. Even if you want to achieve something, it is at least seven or eight years or more. Because ancient Taijiquan is difficult, it is more difficult than a comprehension. Such a long time span and investment is very unrealistic for Lorraine’s plan to build such an underground force and reserve army.

So, whether it is for tactical style or considering practical factors, it is the most correct choice for them to practice the first layer of the quaint jade bamboo slips. In this way, not only can it be mastered very well, but also these hundred elites can be transformed into a group of monsters with high combat effectiveness in the shortest time!

Lorraine knows very well that once he can control the aura of this violent technique, even if he only has the first level, he will definitely be a master. You know, Lorraine now has just realized the third level of this mysterious technique, and already possesses such strength. He now possesses the strength of a second-line master of Skyeye, and there is still a large part of his body that has not been awakened to release. Therefore, even if only the first layer is fully understood, then this person will definitely at least reach the level of a third-line member of the Sky Eye organization!

Of course, it takes a long time for these people to fully understand the first layer.

No one is so lucky as Lorraine, reborn into a healthy teenage body, and has more than ten or twenty years of ancient Taijiquan insights and accomplishments. Lorraine’s ability to have today’s strength was completely complementary and precipitated through danger.

Lorraine seems to have only started to practice ancient Taiji when he was a teenager, but before he was reborn, he had already practiced with the mysterious old Canggu Taiji for more than ten or twenty years.

Therefore, now Lorraine’s ancient Taijiquan skill has more or less attained a realm.

However, he is very clear that he has not yet reached the realm of “small achievement”. Yes, it hasn’t reached the realm of Xiaocheng, but relying on such ancient Taijiquan insights and accomplishments, you can suppress the aura of the violent and terrifying skills. I don’t know what kind of toughness he will reach when he reaches Xiaocheng.

The old man who taught Lorraine ancient taijiquan told him: The authentic ancient taiji he taught is divided into three realms and nine levels.

The three major realms are: Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Great Perfection, and Manchuria.

The nine levels refer to the early, middle, and late stages of each great realm.

Ancient Taijiquan is the quintessence of China’s national quintessence, which is almost lost. Therefore, these old sayings sound a bit mysterious. In fact, it’s not that exaggerated. It’s a real increase in strength. Yesterday you can swing a hundred kilograms of strength. Tomorrow, you can swing a hundred and one kilograms. It’s that simple.

In Lorraine’s impression, the old man seemed to possess authentic ancient Taijiquan skills in the late Dacheng period. According to the old man, he was only one step away from reaching the ultimate realm of great perfection and fullness. In that case, it can not only increase strength, but also prolong life, just like the ancient Tai Chi master Zhang Sanfeng, who was said to have lived a full 21 years.

In the earliest days, Lorraine was not interested in what the old man said about ancient Taiji, but one afternoon, Lorraine saw the old man eating walnuts in the yard by himself, and he pressed his thumb lightly. The walnuts just shattered… he couldn’t imagine that an old man who was over a few years old could have such a solid strength.

Not only that, but later, Lorraine also saw the old man passing by the door, a large truck that was smashed by a stone and tilted slightly to see that it was about to fall, supporting it for a living…

Withdrawing his thoughts, Lorraine feels that Kung Fu is really endless.

Practicing to the late stage of the Dacheng realm of ancient Taijiquan, you have such a shocking strength. It is hard to imagine what the realm of great perfection and fullness will be.

Furthermore, Lorraine is still very young now. If he reached the stage of the late Dacheng period in his prime of life before the age of fifty, would he completely surpass his old master?

Shaking his head lightly, Lorraine gathered up his thoughts, put on his clothes, and then walked out the door. Before the 100 elite Jiang Gang went to the Golden Triangle, he, the young boss, naturally wanted to give him a gift. Fan out.

ps: It’s a late change again. I’m extremely sorry, the condition continues to worsen, and I can’t do it… Don’t worry, the left hand will not owe more changes. No matter how late the second chapter is, the left hand will survive. ~See the first release without ads, please go to “”

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