Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 750: The surviving beast

? There are many things that are tacit. “”

Although Long Er didn’t say it, she also knew that Lorraine would want to understand something afterwards.

As for how much he can think about these things, it has nothing to do with her Long Er.

When you choose to take a path, it means that you are destined to part ways with certain people and certain things.

Long Er’s body aches, and his heart aches.

No matter how cold-blooded and ruthless she was before, she was also disguised. When Chi Diao died, those wide-open eyes were deeply imprinted in her mind. In this life, she can’t forget.

Remember that Chi Diao told her more than once: As a member of Sky Eye, the only thing that needs to be done is to perform tasks. Strictly execute the task, even if the person you want to kill is your close and close friend, even if the person you want to kill is a companion who wants to perform the task with you.

Red Eagle said that when you do this, you truly have the qualifications and heart to be a member of the Sky Eye organization.

Now, Long Er obviously did it.

But…she is not performing the task, but obliterating the truth.

She knows very well that if she doesn’t kill the red eagle…Lorraine, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Now, after she went back, she could tell the high-level of the Sky Eye organization that she was defeated by the White Scorpion, and in the end only she survived and completed the mission.

There is only one way.

Since it was destined to die from the beginning, then… let the killer die.

Ryuuji really didn’t want Lorraine to die. This kind of expectation was even stronger than her own life.

She didn’t know why she was so “sentimental” to Lorraine. Looking at the **** wound in her abdomen, she smiled bitterly. She knew that if there was one word that could describe her current situation, it would only be the word “silly”.

Some people will do some great things in order to make the other person remember themselves more.

And Ryuuji made Lorraine hate herself even more…


After pondering for a long time, Long Er finally sorted out his emotions, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car onto the bumpy road.

…… ……

On the other side, on the **** hill.

Lorraine and others stopped the blood, and then stood there a little embarrassed by supporting the trunk.

“Ryoko, give them the hemostatic powder.” Lorraine glanced at Maguire and Christian, who were dying on the ground due to serious injuries and the flow of blood, stretched out his hand and said to Ryoko.

At this time, Ryoko hesitated a little after hearing Yan, but he did not hesitate to implement Lorraine’s orders.

Although… he doesn’t believe in the “probation” trick, but when Brother Lin told him, he did it. He knew that no matter what Brother Lin did, his reason must be in it.


Ryoko raised his hand and threw the hemostatic powder bottle in front of Maguire and Christian.

At this time, the two of them braced their bodies somewhat effortlessly, and switched from a prone state to a posture of chairs leaning against trees.

They gasped faintly, glanced at each other with pale faces, then looked at the hemostatic powder on the ground, then looked up at Lorraine, and looked at each other for a long time. Neither of them knew what they were thinking. In short, they stared at Lorraine for no less than five minutes.

Lorraine also looked at them with calm eyes, without the slightest emotion, as if it were a deep wave of ancient wells, and could not perceive any information.

Finally, the two of them seemed to have figured out something.

Maguire said to Lorraine in a slightly suffocated Chinese language: “Thank you.”

While speaking, he hurriedly opened the bottle of hemostatic powder in front of him, and sprinkled it on the shocking wounds on Christian’s body. When he finished the wounds of Chris’ point, he began to treat his wounds again. Stop bleeding.

I have to say that this hemostatic powder made of unclear medicinal materials is really effective. In just a few minutes, they can clearly feel that the wound has stopped bleeding.

This time, Maguire was completely relieved. He knew that Lorraine had no intention of killing them.

But… This, in his opinion, is quite different from Lorraine’s previous decisive performance and intelligence information.

“You…Why didn’t you kill us?” Maguire suddenly asked without any emotion in his voice.

Lorraine thought for a while, and even lit a cigarette, and said in a very casual manner: “Because…you are not wrong.”

It’s not wrong?

Maguire and Christian smile sadly in their hearts.

The two of them killed more people together than Lorraine and the four people beside him combined. If this is not wrong, what is wrong in this world?

Maguire and Christian, as the two biggest killers of White Scorpion, they have seen much more on the market than the other members of White Scorpion. Because what they have to perform is mostly difficult tasks. Sometimes, they will travel far to the Americas, and sometimes they will even go to Egypt or South Africa. Therefore, in many things, they not only need to have fighting strength, but also have a good set of disguised identities of their own. means.

The killer is always the one who sees the light to die.

So, how to pretend to be oneself, how to ensure that the task is completed perfectly without knowing it, all require knowledge and experience in all aspects.

For example, each of Maguire and Christian has mastered the languages ​​of at least four countries. They know that when taking a plane, they need to cut off the signal of their mobile phones. They know that they should greet people in the old alley of Yanjing. , It’s best to shout “have you eaten?”, they know which finger to put up when they want to scold someone to make an international gesture to protest silently. ——All of this, although it is common sense, it clearly shows that they are more or less humane than other white scorpion members.

Compared with the human touch, it is slightly stronger.

So, they also know…what they have been doing is good or bad.

At least, they have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

They know that killing is bad, but they have no other choice.

“Can you give me a reason, why did you sacrifice yourselves to protect each other before?” Lorraine asked.

At this time, he gently leaned and sat beside a thick tree.

And Liangzi, Garlic, Li Nan, and Li Chenggong, at this time, also contained their own injuries and continued to deteriorate. Hearing the meaning of Lin Ge’s words, they also depended on the big tree one after another, each of them lit up A cigarette looked thoughtfully at Maguire and Christian.

The two of them obviously did not expect Lorraine to ask such things. In fact, if Lorraine did not mention it, they would really not notice this, because they did everything just subconsciously. . After all, in a battle that will lose your life every minute, no one will have time to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Seeing the dumbfounded look of the two of them not knowing how to answer, Lorraine had already got the answer he wanted.

A person’s subconscious reaction will never deceive others.

“I ask you, why do you kill? Is it because you like to kill?” Lorraine asked again.

Hearing this, Maguire and Christian shook their heads.

“Then why?”

The two heard the words and said: “I don’t know.-Maybe it’s because we don’t do anything other than murder.”

“Is life inertia?” Lorraine smiled bitterly.

They were raised as wild beasts. This killing is just a certain lifestyle of theirs. The chief culprit of all is just General Nicholas, and they are not wrong. Including the members of the White Scorpion who have died.

“If… one day you are not allowed to kill, what will you choose to do?”

The two thought carefully, and shook their heads honestly. They really don’t know what they can do besides killing people.

“Do you hate General Nicholas or not.”

The two were silent, neither nodding nor shaking their heads.

“If you were given another chance to be born again, would you still choose to be a killer?”

Hearing this, Christian suddenly became emotionally a little bit excited, and raised his eyes to Lorraine and said: “It’s not that we choose…When we came to this world, we were already deprived of the right to choose. Don’t say’if ‘, this is just an assumption!”

“So… in your worldview, have you ever thought that General Nicholas and the White Scorpion organization will one day be destroyed?”

Lorraine’s words directly left Christian speechless.

The two were not good at talking, and Lorraine’s words hit the nail on the head.

After pondering for a long time, Lorraine clearly saw a faint flicker in the eyes of the two of them, which further strengthened his idea of ​​subduing the two. These two people are obviously the kind of people who follow their own hearts. If they can’t answer, they will be silent, and they will never find some irrelevant excuses.

“Look, there are things that you have never imagined, maybe… this is a sign from heaven, telling you that you can choose again, this time, you have your own right to choose, never No one forces you. Your future is in your own hands…”

Lorraine said these words very casually. Even after he finished speaking, he gently dusted the soot from his hands, showing a casual look.

But in Maguire and Christian’s ears, it sounds very important.

Yes, when a person has the right to make choices again, it is such a happy thing.

In the past, they didn’t dare to think because they didn’t know how to think.

Now, the sun is rising as usual, and the difference is that they just chose to stop, turned around and looked up to the east.

ps: I have been uncomfortable for a day today, my head is dizzy, and my condition has worsened again. I’m sorry to update it so late. The left hand promised everyone that he would never stop updating, so after this chapter, the left hand will complete the second chapter as soon as possible. In the first half of this chapter, the left hand was coded with a mobile phone while hanging the bottle in the hospital… That feeling, it was really broken all over the place… In addition, the left hand was “unrespectful”, “the words “Unbelief” classmate, the left hand is here to say sorry, in fact, when you are waiting, I am more anxious than you… But our body is really unbelievable… the body can’t do it well, and the brain can’t do it well. …I hope this is the last time I’m sick this year. ~See the first release without ads, please go to “”

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