Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 745: Oriental

? As expected. “”

As soon as everyone responded to Lorraine’s orders, gunshots rang through the jungle.

Hidden, naturally I hid.

Because of Lorraine’s previous judgment, otherwise, the white scorpion members’ marksmanship would still be accurate. Even the marksmanship of the fourth-level members should not be underestimated. Here, unlike China, where military and fire are sold in the black market wantonly, people like General Niguo can get armored vehicles, let alone firearms. If it wasn’t for Lorraine’s fiction, he would have changed another approach. Maybe… General Niguo also has a vengeance.

In any case, this Lorraine has killed many of his capable men.

You have to say that Lorraine killed those fourth-level or third-level masters, that would be great. But Lorraine happened to kill some first-level masters, and one of them was a special-level trump card, and this trump card was the trump card among trump cards, which made General Niguo want to breathe a sigh of relief anyway. .

So, he was going to capture Lorraine alive. Of course, he knew that Lorraine was not so good at capturing alive, but people are all flesh and blood. He firmly believed that if all of Lorraine’s limbs were punched, he would never do it again. Can’t afford to stir up any storms.

Holding this idea, General Nicholas did not let his men fire.

But the gunshots at this time were one after another. Lorraine and the five people all leaned down on their faces. Because the pits and rocks, plus the trees, covered their bodies well, there was no one at all. Shot. However, the disturbance of this batch of reinforcements under General Niguo caused the perfect tactics arranged by Lorraine to collapse in an instant.


With a terrifying sound, Li Chenggong, the weakest of the five, was severely stabbed in the shoulder!

The knife was inserted into the back of his head, but fortunately, he dodges the fatal blow by intuition!

“Success!” Lorraine suddenly found Li Chenggong who had been recruited. He was shocked. He turned around and quickly stopped at his feet. He quickly flew to Li Chenggong’s side, raised his hand and swung it over, watching It was about to smash on the forehead of a second-tier member in front of him.

I didn’t want to suddenly rush up to a figure, and the double knives flashed in a staggered manner. With a sound of “Keng!”, he firmly resisted Lorraine’s fatal attack!

The sparks are flying!

Lorraine secretly said something bad, and immediately shouted, “Withdraw!”

Lorraine knows that the situation is irreversible now, and for the present, the only way to do this is to go!

But how to get out of this siege is a very difficult problem. Lorraine knows very well that if he wants other brothers to escape here intact, he has to stand in the middle and buy time and opportunities for everyone!

“Brother Lin!” “Mr. Luo!”……

Everyone had subconsciously made a posture of retreat, but in a blink of an eye they saw Lorraine’s difficult resistance, and they were shocked! While worrying, Lorraine had been forced to the point where he could not retreat under the double strikes of Maguire and Christian. At this moment, Lorraine suddenly rushed to the top three places. Master of level and second level!

The three of them each hold a sharp blade in their hands!

Lorraine is able to avoid the flanking attack of the white scorpion’s first-level and second-level members by virtue of his great strength, but… if you avoid the attack of the three of them, you will be pressed tightly. The attack from Maguire and Christian who came was hit. Compared with the fatal blow of the two men, the flanking attack of these three people was obviously better to deal with.

Since your fingers must be severed, cut off the one you use the least frequently!

Lorraine gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

“Punch!” “Punch!” “Punch!!!”

Three terrifying flesh noises, Lorraine’s back, Dang even appeared three shocking bloodstains! !

Three swords strike deep into the flesh, blood gurgling out, the flesh and the flesh are bursting!

“Brother Lin!!”……

When everyone sees this, how can we continue to withdraw? Aside from anything else, he rushed in the direction of Lorraine and saw that Lorraine had been hit hard, no one had the intention to retreat! In an instant, there was only one battle in everyone’s hearts!

However, Lorraine seems to have known what they will be like for a long time, and while enduring the painful pain, he dodges and copes with embarrassment, while shouting with his back to everyone: “Don’t come over!!! Let you go and leave. !!! This is an order!!!”

This roar stunned everyone.

They knew that Brother Lin actually always had some self-blame in his heart, and the death of Ahei was an eternal wound in his heart. Now, because of his actions, he has once again dragged his brother into a dangerous situation. He absolutely does not allow any brothers around him to die for himself!

So, he would rather be alone than let anyone take his own life!

“Brother Lin! Let’s come together, let’s go together!” “Decapitation is nothing but a big scar! Who touched my brother Lin, who killed me Liangzi!!” “Mr. Luo, we won’t go!” Brother Lin, we will fight side by side with you to the end!!”

The four of them simply ignored Lorraine’s roar at this time. Perhaps, this was the first time they had not obeyed Lorraine’s instructions since they had followed Lorraine. And this time, they all hold the belief that they will die. The brilliance of human nature may not be so obvious in normal times. But once it reaches a certain level, the brilliance of human nature will instantly radiate.

It’s like now, all the five people are roaring in panic, but in their hearts, they are closely connected!

Without waiting for Lorraine to speak again, everyone has already stepped forward again!

“Punch!” “Punch!”——

I have to say that with the help of Garlic’s first sprint, coupled with the mobile tactical cooperation of Liangzi, Li Nan and Li Chenggong, the combat efficiency is still very high. The few first-level assassins who drove Lorraine to the Jedi just now were severely slashed by garlic!

Although neither of them suffered fatal injuries, they would not die for a while, but the special barbed weapon of Garlic’s head removed their combat power in an instant!

Seeing this situation, everyone’s confidence was rekindled again! –it is good! There is hope! If five people fight together, it may not be possible for all of them to retreat together! !

At this time, Lorraine realized that the crisis had eased slightly. He wanted to swallow the words of a few brothers in his stomach, and then turned into a touched and reproachful helpless smile: “It’s all idiots… idiots.”

“Haha, Brother Lin, don’t say so bluntly! To be a fool, but you take the lead!” I have to say that Ryoko is really born with a hint of optimistic and cheerful psychology, at this time he can still Following Lorraine’s words, on the other side, the blade in his hand had already been cut through several obvious gaps.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

The sound of gunshots is still endless. Those shooters who have been staring at them not far away are all trying their best to hit Lorraine. It’s a pity… Lorraine and others know how to use the position. , Rely on the members of the white scorpion to cover up!

The members of the White Scorpion who are chasing Lorraine and others cannot retreat. Once they retreat, Lorraine and others will escape in minutes!


This method is good, after all, there will still be loopholes.

The strength of Lorraine and others can’t afford to be uneven. What’s more, Li Chenggong, who has a magical sniper shooting technique, was originally not good at close combat. Therefore, he had been hit by a stab wound on the shoulder before, and was quickly targeted by a sniper from a distance.

“Boom!” A sudden gunshot was particularly harsh!

“Success!” The first thing he noticed was Li Nan, who was the closest to Li Chenggong. Without a word, he rushed towards Li Chenggong!

However, since he has some concerns in his heart, he will naturally appear a little unprepared! Behind him, someone rushed to follow him!

“Li Nan!” At this time, Lorraine discovered Li Nan’s crisis!

“Puff!” With a sound, Lorraine threw Li Nan down, and along with it, Lorraine was also hit by a bullet on the shoulder! And Li Nan also pushed towards Li Chenggong with one hand. Although Li Chenggong was lucky to escape the fatal blow, he still got a shot in the other shoulder!

“Damn!!” Liangzi noticed that Lorraine and Li Chenggong had both been recruited. He was angry, but she was slightly distracted. He accidentally struck a horizontal knife behind him!

“Pump!” With a sound of meat, blood splashed, and a deep cut was cut out of Ryoko’s waist!

Garlic gritted his teeth, and a strange body leaped forward. With a knife, the man who was about to add a fatal blow to Ryoko was quickly shot to death, and the knife was inserted into the man’s neck, “Puff!” With a bang, this person was killed on the spot!

However, Garlic is not lucky. The two masters he confronted just now also slashed down with two swords, “Pump!” “Pump!” With two beeps, garlic was also hit! At the position of the collarbone on the shoulder, a cut was severely cut out! The ribs also made a cut!

“Puff!” A mouthful of blood came out.

…At the moment, the worst situation has appeared. With one person’s failure, everyone has been implicated. All five of them have been injured, and they are all seriously injured! Everyone’s throat is slightly sweet, and blood overflows from his mouth…

Really… terrible…

At this time, Lorraine, who was still protecting the brothers in a panic, was frustrated in his heart.

The situation is critical… they are not given time to think about other things…

In the face of such a siege, life and death are only in one thought.

…… ……

“Haha!!! Good! Good! Good! That’s it! Cut them to death! No…no, you can’t hack them to death! Cut them to death! Then let me drain their blood myself! Haha!” The nun general, took the binoculars away, and laughed excitedly.

However, an unexpected situation suddenly appeared at this time…

I don’t know when, a person appeared next to the general nun’s car window. This person “clicked”, opened the insurance, and pressed the dark muzzle against his temple.

General Nicholas was surprised! Before he could speak, a cold and terrifying voice rang in his ears.

“Let them stop. You only have three seconds. Now, I will start timing.-Three, two…” ~ Please go to “” to see the first release without ads.

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