Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 725: The fate is so wonderful

? “Oh? I wonder if Mr. Lin has any good suggestions?”

When I was sitting down to eat just now, the two parties gave a brief introduction. “” James Cameron knew that Lin Jiadong was Lorraine’s right-hand man. And Lorraine called the identity arranged by Lin Jiadong a “regional spokesperson.”

In other words, he is the general manager of a certain area under Lorraine.

Lorraine didn’t let Liu Wanchuan come over today, mainly because there were too many things in these two days. Tomorrow the Eurasian Gambling Championship will begin, and he has to supervise from beginning to end to make preparations.

When Lorraine was watching the script just now, Lin Jiadong also watched it with him.

Seriously, the stories written by James Cameron, even if they are not made into a movie, seem so fascinating and fascinating. Lin Jiadong followed Lorraine’s reading speed, followed a rough scan, and basically grasped the entire plot outline.

However, one of the things that attracted him the most was the setting of the protagonist.

In the script, James Cameron set the protagonist to be an American soldier. Because he puts his career first in his life, his love is not very smooth, because of the planet Pandora’s He planned to leave him with his girlfriend who had been in love for many years.

At the end, James Cameron arranged the great love between the protagonist and the heroine of Pandora in the script. About analysis, Lin Jiadong knew that this was James to highlight the greatness of their love. Add a protagonist of this kind in the beginning.

It doesn’t seem obtrusive, but Lin Jiadong still feels…a little inadequate.

And when Lorraine was watching this script just now, he was wondering why this script was different from the movie he saw in his last life? But he didn’t mention it, because he thought, maybe James Cameron hasn’t perfected the script from beginning to end, maybe he will make changes in the future, maybe…not.

After all, Lorraine’s rebirth and his rapid rise against the sky have created too many butterfly effects. Although he does not do anything deliberately, with his appearance, changes are happening all the time. It’s like the trajectory of his life now, which is completely different from the previous life.

So, he didn’t take it too seriously.

It was Lin Jiadong who suddenly said that he had any suggestions, which surprised him a little.

So, when Lin Jiadong said these words, Lorraine, James Cameron, and some other people present all pricked their ears together and made an appearance of listening respectfully.

“Mr. James, you set the protagonist this way, should it be to highlight the greatness of the love between the protagonist and the heroine in the movie?” Seeing Lorraine’s acquiescence gaze, Lin Jiadong took a deep breath, generously. Fang’s way.

James heard the words and nodded: “Yes, Mr. Lin.”

“Well…I’m thinking, maybe there will be another setting that can highlight the greatness of the love between them.” Lin Jiadong said, smiled suddenly, and pointed to his numb and unconscious legs. , “Mr. James, look, I’m a lame, right?”

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned, even Lorraine had a heartbreak.

James hesitated for a moment, and said in a puzzled way: “Mr. Lin, I am very sorry about this, but… I don’t know what Mr. Lin meant?…”

“Look, I look at many things from a lame point of view. They are different from other healthy people. I used to have high ambitions and my legs were healthy. In my future plans, I did not think of me at all. Legs will be crippled, but everyone’s life is not what he can predict. Later, I am lame. Since I will not give up on myself, I have to face the future life without legs. Perhaps few people know, For a cripple, it is such a wonderful thing to stand up and run again.”

Everyone was silent, listening quietly.

Lin Jiadong continued: “In the movie, since the story is about the incarnation of the earthlings into the planet Pandora, then… why not set the protagonist as a person with a physical defect? ​​Just imagine, If it is a cripple, such as me, through some kind of wonderful experience, can once again have the right to run… What kind of situation will it be?”

Speaking, Lin Jiadong’s eyes flashed with eager light, and everyone in the room could clearly feel it.

“I think this is the most moving thing. Most people living in real life have a lot of helplessness towards real life. Many people cannot control their own destiny. They have too many regrets in their hearts. It would be a wonderful thing if they were given a chance to realize their extravagant dreams. I think if Mr. James, you can set the protagonist as a person who is unable to blend in well due to physical disability. For the American soldier in this work, it will definitely achieve unexpected results. Imagine that in a movie, on the big screen, if a disabled person is transformed into a planetary Pandora, then the shooting will show him forgetting. The scene of running, how shocking it will be!”

“!!!” Hearing this, James Cameron had a sudden heartbreak!

These words didn’t sound so shocking, but Lin Jiadong’s eager emotion and feeling of extravagant hope for future life when he said these words deeply moved him.

Yeah! Why not set it this way! To accomplish the impossible and realize the impossible wish, this is the true charm of high-tech! Since this is a science fiction film, there is nothing wrong with this arrangement. On the contrary, it will even increase the shock!

“Oh! Mr. Lin, this proposal of yours is quite good. In Chinese, it is called…’Taigu initiation’, right?-This will not fall into stereotypes, and it can also ignite the potential of the audience. My longing for the planet Pandora… It’s great, really great!” James was also a little excited at this time, raising his hand and gesturing, “Thank you, Mr. Lin, for this proposal. After I go back, I will consider it carefully. Then try to perfect it as much as possible… I think if Mr. Lin is used as the prototype of this movie’s male protagonist, this will inspire me more!”

When Lin Jiadong heard what the other party said, there was a smile on his face. To be honest, in fact, his suggestion also has his selfishness in it. If James Cameron really shoots as he proposed, this It is also equivalent to pinning some of his wishes in it in disguise!

At this time, among all the people present, Lorraine is the most shocked! !

“This…this…is too unexpected…with a disabled person as the protagonist of the movie…Isn’t this the truest version of “Avatar” I saw in my previous life! ——Unexpectedly, I really didn’t expect that the inspiration for this character setting directed by James actually came from Lin Jiadong!!”

Lorraine was shocked. He could guarantee that James had never seen Lin Jiadong in his previous life. Retire 10,000 and say, what if you have seen it? It is also impossible that Lin Jiadong is a disabled person! You know, whether it is the meeting between James and Lin Jiadong, or the disability of Lin Jiadong’s legs, it is due to his appearance of Lorraine!

I originally thought that my rebirth and rise, the subtle butterfly effect, changed the trajectory of many things.

But… I didn’t expect that some things could be restored and connected again for some special and wonderful reason! This…this has to make Lorraine sigh the wonder of fate!

“Mr. James, this proposal of Jiadong, I hope you can think about it carefully after you go back…” Lorraine suppressed the shock in his heart at this time, and made a usual smile as soon as possible, polite Said to James Cameron.

“Yes, such a wonderful proposal. After I go back, I will definitely think about it.” With that, James Cameron raised his glass and respected Lorraine and Lin Jiadong, “I will visit Lorraine this time. Sir, it was really a very correct decision! Unexpectedly, I also gained such a great plot idea!”

Lorraine and Lin Jiadong smiled at each other, then raised their glasses together, bumped into James, and a few people drank them.

Putting down the wine glass, James Cameron glanced at Lorraine and Lin Jiadong again, and couldn’t help feeling from the bottom of his heart: “To be honest, I still don’t believe it, Mr. Luo, you are only in your twenties. , And what surprised me even more is that Mr. Lin, who is your right-hand man of Mr. Luo, turned out to be only twenty… Very smart, and China is really lucky for the whole world to have young talents like Mr. Luo and Mr. Lin!”

“Mr. James, you are serious.”

…… ……

I thought the meeting with James Cameron would be more official.

After all, James Cameron does not speak Chinese. Before this, James Cameron had not said his attitude towards China in the public media.

But I didn’t expect that after some exchanges and discussions, Lorraine and James were full of common topics, especially after Lin Jiadong made that constructive suggestion, the communication between the two sides became more unimpeded.

Unconsciously, an invisible bridge has been connected between Lorraine and James, between China Film Investment Corporation and Hollywood Film, and between China and the United States. And Lorraine, in the future, will use this stable bridge to move steadily towards the Americas step by step.

He looks forward to that day.

But…the revolution and fate have not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard.

After a pleasant conversation with James, Lorraine drove him to the airport overnight.

…Send off this VIP from Hollywood, Lorraine immediately returned, ready to go back to bed early, tomorrow is the Eurasian Gambling Championship, and tomorrow, he, the young director and representative of the Rockwell Group , It must be a decent attendance. ~See the first release without ads, please go to “”

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