Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 696: Night curtain

Piaotian Literature? “Um!~~”

Without waiting for Qin Wanshu to struggle more, Lorraine had already blocked her mouth domineeringly, and the room was instantly quiet.

Soon, the “much” voice became submissive.

At this moment, I don’t know how long it took…

It wasn’t until Qin Wanshu felt breathless that Lorraine finally let her go.

Lip points.

Qin Wanshu squinted her eyes in a blur, her mouth was like a pandan, she was eagerly panting, her face was red like water dripping from a red apple, and the sensation of the roots of her ears made her feel dizzy.

“The little villain…will bully the aunt~~”

Lorraine fascinated her eyes, leaned on Qin Wanshu’s chest, took a deep greedy breath of the intoxicating fragrance, and slowly said: “Wanshu, you have been wearing it every day for more than two months. All kinds of **** clothes have passed by me countless times, trust me, if I didn’t have time to take care of… you would have fallen…”

Qin Wanshu’s face was extremely red, listening to Lorraine’s unconcealed words, she only felt hot on her cheeks.

Really, during this period of time with Kobayashi on Omen’s side day and night, he was used to daring to say anything.

Without waiting for Qin Wanshu to think about it, Lorraine put one hand around Qin Wanshu’s waist, and one hand climbed above her plump and towering peaks. Across her **** lace pajamas, an unscrupulous big hand moment He firmly protected the soft one on her chest. This big hand doesn’t know the slightest pity, and keeps torturing……

An electric shock came from her chest and spread to Qin Wanshu’s body, causing her involuntary body to tremble and stiffen slightly, a feeling that she could not tell whether it was comfortable or what made her subconscious. Raising a slender hand, firmly grasping Lorraine Jianshuo’s arm, breathlessly said: “Little…Xiaolin…now…not now…”

Ignoring what she said, Lorraine originally ravaged her white rabbit’s hand, then slowly moved down, rubbing against Qin Wanshu’s soft and smooth thigh roots, a little bit of exploration towards the skirt and bottom. At this time, Qin Wanshu completely woke up.

With a hint of mist in his blurred eyes, with a “pop”, he firmly grasped Lorraine’s elbow, and then spit out pandan, his voice trembling slightly: “Little…Xiao Lin, auntie Seriously, now…no…”

This time, Lorraine stopped completely. He was depressed by the fire in his heart. He deeply suppressed his impulse, and took a deep breath: “…Why… “

“Now… it’s still daytime…” Qin Wanshu lowered her head and said shyly, and glanced outside with her head sideways.

Lorraine also turned his head and looked out the window…

Uh, yeah, the sky is still bright… It’s just… what about the day… The point is that people feel it…

Qin Wanshu’s voice was a little as fine as a mosquito, “Xiao Lin…it’s not that my aunt won’t give it to you, but… in my dream, I don’t want my aunt to feel so casual for the first time…”

Hearing this, Lorraine knew.

After a short pause, Qin Wanshu once again said softly in her delicate voice: “Or…night…wait tonight…Auntie will give you everything…okay?”

After hearing this, Lorraine raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly, then kissed Qin Wanshu’s soft lips with an expression, and slowly said: “Wanshu, whatever you like, I will never Forcing you not to do things.”

…… ……

Originally, Lorraine wanted to visit the talented priest again in a few days.

But when Liu Wanchuan and Lin Jiadong urged them to search again, Lorraine decided to visit again today.

He believes that the priest’s thoughts should be two-sided, both rational and somewhat naive. It depends on his origin and experience.

But this feature allows him to make decisions more quickly. After thinking about it, Lorraine thought that if he went early, he might still affect the other party’s decision.


When caught off guard, three figures appeared at the door of the church.


With a faint voice, the priest in the church facing the author of the cross paused for a while, then changed his mind and took a deep breath, without turning around and asking: “So soon, do you want to come back to the church for confession?”

Lorraine smiled and walked into the church.

Liu Wanchuan also walked in, pushing Lin Jiadong who was in a wheelchair. After hearing Lorraine’s description of this priest before, both of them became interested in him.

“Father, how are you thinking about it? Have you decided to go to’Duren’?”

Lorraine asked with a smile, sitting on the seat behind the seat where the priest was sitting.

“Mr. Sinner, to be honest, what you said caused me to think deeply. But until now, I haven’t got an answer. You see, I have been facing God and asking God without eating or drinking all afternoon.” The priest shook his head gently, “The answer is always elusive, isn’t it?”

Lorraine was very grateful to see this situation. It seems that what he said before he left had some impact on him as expected.

“Alex, the thirst for knowledge is the holiest exploratory thinking in the world. Wasn’t even **** pursuing the steps of God and the truth? Believe me, whether you are wrong or right, you step forward The simple and most practical step is far more useful than your constant hypothetical thinking here.”

After listening to Lorraine’s words, Ricardo; Alex began to ponder.

It was quite quiet for more than five minutes, this Recardo; Father Alex said: “Mr. Sinner, the sky is getting dark, and night is coming, and the church will close its doors soon.—— So, please leave a few more.”

After hearing this, Lorraine frowned slightly. ——Is this not considered?

Not only him, but even Lin Jiadong and Liu Wanchuan sighed slightly. It seems that this priest is not as good as he thought.

At this moment, Lin Jiadong and Liu Wanchuan also started to use their brains, thinking of some rhetoric that would impress the priest.

But I didn’t want this priest but suddenly said to Lorraine: “Mr. Sinner, before you leave, please leave a business card of yours. When the lamp of doubt in my heart is definitely not lit, your business card,  maybe Will guide me.”

At this moment, Lorraine, who had just stood up, looked aside again, his heart was slightly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face. Without a word, he stretched out his hand and took out his business card.

…… ……

The sky is dim and night is falling.

Omen at night gives people the feeling of a city of redemption, where sin is everywhere, and in the same way, there is holiness everywhere.

Every night, the business of many gambling casinos in Omen will be completely prosperous. As a world-class gambling center well-known far and near, Omen’s flow of people is beyond people’s imagination. Of course, there are many recorded and unrecorded. How many people dream of getting rich here overnight, and how many people will lose their fortunes overnight here, and there are others who just take it for fun.

According to rumors, there was once a well-known French painter who had been in Omen for almost a year. After returning to China, he said to his friends who also engaged in art: “Oh, if you want to go to Asia, if you want to go to China, Be sure to stop for a few days in Omen. Every morning when dawn is approaching, you go to the door of some big casinos to see, there will always be some people who will be driven out of the casino, or they will be ragged like a poor tramp. Either only wearing a pair of underwear or even some underwear. You can’t imagine that in the dark night, in the dual street architecture style of China and Portugal, what kind of comedic beauty, the picture at that moment, Go straight to my artistic nerve.”

Those who engage in literature and art in Europe, many people came to Omen with this sentence.

Of course, more people who come to Omen must bet a few in the casino.

Here, there is a very well-known casino, which is the iconic casino in the town of Omen-Pu’ao Casino.

It is said that there are no fewer than 40 employees who count money in this casino every day.

At this moment, in the office of the chairman and president of the Portuguese Olympic Casino.

On the magnificent carpet, in the luxurious atmosphere of the Portuguese-style study in the middle of the 16th century, there is a half-year-old man who is about 60 years old, holding a Persian cat in his arms and slowly stroking it. With its white fluff.

“People from the capital, also want to get a share of our Omen?” The half-old man squinted his eyes, looked at the pile of detailed information about the Rock Group in front of him, and muttered to himself, “Haha , Here is no better than the mainland. If you want to get a foothold here, it is not simply a matter of having money and a backstage… Even if you have Italy Stu International as the backstage, what can you do? The casino is open, not qualified Croupier, you can’t make a profit either.”

At this time, his words completely fell into the ears of the young man who had been sitting on the sofa in front of him.

This young man is probably in his twenties, but in fact, he is already in his thirties this year. He is the son of the half-old man in front of him. These two people are the father and son of the best gaming industry in Omen.

Mo family.

Father, his name is Mo Yan. The son is called Mo Miao.

One fire and one water, father and son join forces.

The Mo family believes in command eight characters very much. At the earliest, Mo Yan’s father, Mo Miao’s grandfather, found an expert. He said that if the name “Yan” was given to Mo Yan, he would definitely be able to Wind and fire went smoothly until forty years old. However, after the age of forty, he can no longer hold down the word “Yan”, and it is very likely that he will encounter misfortune. The only way is to have a son, and then named “Miao”, so that water and fire are compatible, and parallel imports are compatible, so that the Mo family can be steadily maintained step by step to reach a higher peak.

No one in the Mo family knows exactly where that expert is sacred.

But…their Mo family, from nothing, to now they have been strong for more than forty years! This has to be said, is a living miracle.

For more than 40 years, they haven’t missed a single defeat. For more than 40 years, they have dominated one side. They rely more on powerful methods. But now that there is a capital from the capital who has always intervened in Omen to make money, the Mo family can’t be ignored.

ps: Brothers and sisters, the update is late, so sorry! ~

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