Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 661: Hard Enemy

The dark night. (Update the fastest and most stable,

A battle of killing has just ended, and the air seems to be full of blood.

This is destined to be a sleepless night.

The Luo family returned home in embarrassment, and the private doctor team rushed to Luo’s house as quickly as possible, and then provided the best emergency assistance. Fortunately, under the protection of Lorraine, Garlic and others, basically everyone did not suffer much harm.

Only Lorraine and Ryoko are more serious.

One was shot in the leg, the other was the thigh was penetrated by a sharp weapon.

As for the garlic head, the injury was not light. There were multiple sharp cuts on the chest and abdomen, which were shocking. Fortunately, his body was strange enough to hide the fatal wounds, only injuring the flesh. It’s a pity that he doesn’t have the ability of Lorraine to quickly heal the wound through the yin and yang reconciliation, leaving scars is inevitable.

It was until three or four o’clock in the morning that everyone’s injuries were completely dealt with.

Father and mother have fallen asleep under Lorraine’s comfort, and Qin Wanshu, Jiang Yan, and Lan Lan have also returned to the bedroom under Lorraine’s persuasion.

Now, only Lorraine, Ryoko and garlic are left in the living room.

Three wounded.

Three dignified men.

“Garlic, where is that person now?”

“Mr. Luo, as you ordered, I was locked in the basement.”

“Okay, let’s pass now!”

Speaking, Lorraine stood up a little strenuously on the sofa with one hand. To facilitate walking, he leaned on a temporary cane. And Ryoko was also holding the other one at this time.

Three people came to the basement.

In the cold and humid darkness, that Martin is still in a coma.


A basin of cold water was poured on him, and Martin, who had a more sensitive nervous reaction, instantly woke up.

In front of his eyes, three serious-faced people are looking at him sternly.

Lorraine and Ryoko are sitting on two seats separately, with Garlic holding a dagger in one hand, looking like that, they seem to be ready to do it at any time. Of course, the premise is Martin’s dishonesty.

But Martin really hardly had a chance to make any movements at this time, because his tendons and hamstrings had been severed by garlic, and he did not take any emergency measures, and blood flowed all over the ground.

When Martin saw the three people in front of him, he expected that the other party must be trying to torture himself to extract a confession, trying to find out who was behind him.

Although he is a cold and ruthless professional mercenary killer, his professional ethics is still there.

He is not afraid of death, and he will not betray his employers.

Failure, there is only death. He was so calm that when facing Lorraine and the others, he actually had a stern grin on his face. The expression was like looking at three poor ant creatures.

This kind of psychology was once possessed by Garlic. It is a perverted worldview and values ​​that do not feel the value of life at all.

So, he knows how to deal with such a person.

Lorraine looked at Martin’s grinning pale face and waved his hand expressionlessly. He walked forward and sprinkled some powder on the wounds on Martin’s hands and feet. It is a simple hemostatic powder, the purpose is to prevent Martin from losing too much blood and dying.

Aware of this situation, Martin smiled even more gloomily—want to live longer so that he could have more time to interrogate words and deeds?


The hemostatic powder was sprinkled on Martin’s wound, and there was a faint and terrifying sound of flesh, as if it was acid corrosion. This kind of pain. Most people would groan and groan subconsciously, but this Martin just gritted his teeth secretly, his brows didn’t even wrinkle!

Hey, such a tough assassin is not easy to handle.

I thought to myself, Lorraine squinted his eyes, looked at Martin for a while, and suddenly said: “I believe you can understand Chinese.”

Martin is indifferent.

“Just now, when you were in a coma, I saw a white scorpion tattoo on your neck. I made a special investigation. You should belong to the [White Scorpion] hired killer organization under General Niguo in Southeast Asia, right?” For Lorraine’s current skills, it is easy to find the [White Scorpion] killer hire organization that has a reputation in the Asian underground world.

When Lorraine said this, Martin snorted and looked to one side.

From this subtle movement, Lorraine could see that Martin could understand Chinese, so he continued: “You are a wise man, you should know what I kept your life for.——If Yes, I hope you can tell me who instigated you? — I will let you go after I get the answer.”

This kind of clichéd intimidation and lure means, Martin has long been psychologically prepared, as the first level killer of [White Scorpion], he will naturally not confess.

“It’s the Ma family?—How much did they pay you? I will pay you ten times the price!” Although Lorraine suspects that this matter is more than 80% likely to be done by the Ma family , But he still has to ask.

The reply to Lorraine was still Martin’s half-dead sneer.

“Well, it’s as stiff as I thought, so, as a routine, I naturally need to force a confession against you.” With that, Lorraine snapped a finger at Garlic, Garlic understood, and immediately moved forward. One step, and then dangled the dagger in his hand, suddenly, his eyes stunned, “Puff!” A terrifying sound of flesh plunged deeply into Martin’s thigh! !

“…!” Martin remained silent, even though his face became more venomous and distorted and pale due to the intense pain at this time, but he still did not utter a painful cry, but his brows wrinkled like a slight conditioned reflex. , His mouth was closed tightly, and he looked as if he was generous and killed him.

“This knife was stabbed for Brother Lin!—and this knife was stabbed for Liangzi!!” Regardless of the other’s expression, Garlic took out the blade with a “poof!” “Puff!” He pierced Martin’s other leg fiercely! ! The blood spattered, Martin’s complexion was blue and white, and there was a depressed cry in his throat, but his mouth still did not open.

Hehe, what a spine killer.

No matter how much the person in front of him wanted Lorraine’s life before, at this moment, Lorraine still felt a trace of admiration for him. What a professional buddy…

After the two knives were over, Garlic did not pull the blade from his thigh, but twisted it fiercely. At the same time that the sharp blade was making waves in the thigh muscles, Martin’s complexion was three seconds per second. After all, at the end of the day, there was a burst of cold sweat on his forehead and body.

“Those who are not obedient, should cut off their ears! I believe this is also a rule in your white scorpions, right?!” Garlic seems to know the situation of white scorpions quite well, and immediately snorted without waiting. Martin reacted more, and he had already picked up a piece of useless glass from his side.

“Hey!” With a sound, the glass shattered, and a sharp corner fell out.

Of course, this sharpness is only relative, compared with the sharp dagger of garlic, this piece of glass is still a bit dull.

“If you cut the ears, it would be boring to use a sharp blade. Cutting with this pitted broken glass can extend the fun time, master, don’t you think?” Garlic squinted at Martin, slightly Watching the changes in Martin’s facial expressions.

Unfortunately, this Martin is still that undaunted face.

There is no way, only cut it down…

It took more than five minutes for one ear to be cut off slowly.

Then, ten fingers, each of them used a lot of garlic, no way, who made the glass shards not sharp enough?

…More than half an hour passed, this Martin still didn’t say a word, but there was no complete place on his body, two ears were cut off, ten fingers were also cut off. Even the wounds on the thighs are more than seven or eight…

At this moment, Lorraine can’t stand it anymore, including Garlic and Ryoko know…this killer must be unable to say anything.

Not one of the people present was a bloodthirsty madman. He tortured this Martin just to extract a confession. Since he couldn’t be questioned, there was no need to continue torturing others. So…

“Garlic.” Lorraine said softly, then waved his hand slowly.

Garlic received the order and nodded. The dagger in his hand turned abruptly, and then with a “brush!” A bright red hole was cut in Martin’s neck.

At the moment when he felt his breathing stopped, a smile appeared on Martin’s pale face, neither cold nor hot, but calm. Perhaps, for people like him, only death is the best destination…


The tragic death of Martin fell to the ground feebly, blood seeping into the ground, and seeing Martin who became a cold corpse in an instant, Lorraine and the others flashed with a touch of complexity in their eyes.

It is undeniable that he is the enemy.

However, he is a respectable enemy.

…… ……

“Mr. Luo, now we don’t have any evidence to prove that this was done by the Mar family, what should we do next?” After quickly handling Martin’s body, Garlic asked with a solemn expression.

“What if we can prove it? What if we can’t prove it? In short, our Luo family is now improving rapidly, and the enemies are multiplying day by day. Keeping the Ma family will always be a scourge for our Luo family.” Lorraine looked over. Thoughtfully.

“Mr. Luo, you mean…”

“Yes, it’s time to do it. ——Simple commercial competition is too slow. The Ma family has a solid foundation. With them in business, it is better to use extraordinary means to be simply and neat!”

“…who does it work from?”

Lorraine thought carefully: “Ma Yongan, and Marley.”~

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