Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 660: Keep him alive!

Good idea, but it’s too late now. (! Win the phone bill)

The moment Lorraine got out of trouble, the success or failure was basically determined.

Poor Malaca and Casa Brown, there was no gap in reaction at all. The ubzc just jumped to the other side of the car and caught a sharp slash in the face unexpectedly! !

Pump! ! u2014u2014

With a terrible sound, the necks u2026u2026 of Maraca and Casa Brown standing on the same level opened in an instant, blood splattered, and the two subconsciously raised their hands to cover their necks. It’s a pity that the ubzc are already weak at this time!

Blood gurgled out, and in the blink of an eye, the ubzc’s clothes were dyed red.

Maraca and Casa Brown, in the [White Scorpion], were also third-level masters worth more than 30 million Chinese coins in a single mission, but they were so easily killed by a spike! u2014u2014 is not that ubzc’s response is slow. In fact, ubzc is mentally prepared and guarded before jumping down.

But u2026u2026 if the opponent’s speed is too fast, even if the ubzc is on guard, it is useless, because the ubzc can’t hide.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, with a look of unwillingness, they looked at the thin man in front of them in disbelief, and the shocking blood wound on ubzc’s leg u2026u2026 ubzc didn’t believe it anyway, this look in front of them. A man who is not surprising has even surpassed Martin’s perverted speed! !

However, the purpose of making the ubzc even more impatient is that the man in front of him is the ultimate goal of the ubzc’s assassination mission u2014u2014 Lorraine.

At this time Lorraine was holding a piece of shattered sharp glass in his hand! This piece of glass was pulled from his leg just by Lorraine gritted his teeth! ! Due to the intense pain, Lorraine’s eyes were flushed at this time, his complexion was blue and pale, and his appearance was terrifying. Paired with Lorraine’s already handsome face, paired with Lorraine Moon and Dark Night, ubzc was like one Like a vampire returning from a pool of blood!

No matter what the hell, in short, Lorraine is definitely a monster in the eyes of Maraca and Casa Brown at this time! !

Unexpectedly, the person the Ma family wanted the ubzc to kill would have such terrifying power! ! No wonder u2026u2026, no wonder ubzc dispatched three people this time! Originally, the ubzc felt more or less in their hearts that there was some fuss, the feeling of using a sledgehammer.

Now, ubzc don’t think so anymore.

The neck was cut, the throat was cut, and almost half of the neck was cut. Therefore, the ubzc lost the ability to speak. Poor Martin, at this time did not know that the real evil **** u2026u2026 had recovered.

Puff! Puff!

With two small muffled noises, Malaka and Casa Brown knelt on the ground together, and then dying to the ground. After a few breaths, the two trembled a few times, and there was no more. movement. At this time, Jiang Yan, who was watching Lorraine killing, closed her eyes with a little fear. Normal people can’t see anyone killing anyone. As an ordinary beauty, Jiang Yan naturally hopes that she is a man. He is a legal citizen with fairly clean hands.

But u2026u2026 also deeply knows that the higher a person’s status, the greater the danger associated with it. The farther she wants to go, she has to carry something on her back.

Just like Lorraine, what ubzc hates most is killing u2026u2026. But many times, ubzc encounters a situation that is often either death or death. Lorraine still has a lot to do, and many people need ubzc, so ubzc can’t die.

So sorry, it’s only the enemy of ubzc that will die.

Now Lorraine has no time to soothe Jiang Yan’s slightly trembling heart. From a distance, Garlic has become more passive. That Martin’s offensive is also getting fiercer, and the more he fought, the more he fought, the two extremely sharp Nepalese sabers, which were used in the hands of ubzc, were superbly used, so the sound of the scream, pierced the air, and threatened the garlic again and again. Life!

In just a short time, the garlic clothes were smashed.

The duel of masters is often a matter of a moment, Martin has no scruples, and there are two people to help distract Garlic, ubzc of course the more smoothly the fight. As for garlic, it’s more embarrassing. Ubzc has always been concerned about the safety of Lorraine and others, so when he gets distracted, Ubzc is naturally unable to devote himself to the battle with Martin.

The difference in strength between the two is not bad.

Before, Martin successfully used the garlic to catch the flaws in the garlic for a short time, and then the successive waves of attacks were no longer slow, one step wrong, wrong step; once backward, day after day behind. Garlic became more and more sad when he was suppressed, and he was about to lose out.

At this moment, Lorraine, whose leg was basically half broken, flew in the direction of Martin and Garlic at a speed that normal people could not match! !

You know, this is the speed at which Lorraine has been seriously injured! ! There was an afterimage in the darkness, and the sound of the wind roared. Martin, who was slashing at Happy, suddenly felt a sense of crisis hitting him, and his subconscious eyes were slightly flanked. Suddenly, a flying black shadow fell beside him! !

Keng! !

With a crisp sound, the sharp piece of glass in Lorraine’s hand, like a blade, collided with the blade that Martin subconsciously resisted. Helplessly, the hardness of the glass was obviously not enough, and the two sides collided violently. At that time, the glass in Lorraine’s hand was shattered, and pieces of sharp glass shards splashed around, unfortunately scratching Lorraine’s profile.

A bright red cut appeared on Lorraine’s left face, blood overflowing, and ubzc’s scarlet eyes made it even more terrifying.

Martin suddenly wakes up to u2014u2014 this guy! Isn’t it the goal that the Ma family finally killed the ubzc this time? ! I have heard from the intelligence that this person has some fighting strength beyond ordinary people, but now it seems that u2026u2026 is missing a very important part! !

Martin can see the **** wounds on Lorraine’s leg. Generally speaking, as long as the opponent is not an alien and the leg is injured to such a degree, it is impossible for him to have too keen mobility. , Even the master is no exception. Any action of a master is also based on the premise of the normal body function of the human body. If the leg is injured, then no matter how strong the strength is, it can only display forty to fifty percent at most!

However, Lorraine’s strength u2026u2026 demonstrated at that instant just now is comparable to himself! !

This is when the leg is seriously injured! In other words, if this Lorraine had no serious injury to his leg, he would definitely be able to torture himself in minutes! ! !

Aware of this, Martin felt shocked and kicked the iron plate in the dark! u2014u2014 At present, Maraca and Casa Brown did not appear, instead Lorraine appeared, so this clearly shows that the two useless guys have been killed!

At this time, Martin is one-on-two.

Gantou is comparable to his own strength, and Lorraine after the injury is also comparable to his own strength.

So, ubzc has no chance of winning at all.

No suspense u2026u2026

After Lorraine joined the battle again, in just one minute, ubzc used all his fighting methods in actual combat experience. Although ubzc was bare-handed at this time, it was enough to cause trouble for Martin. In the dark night, the sound of muscles colliding with each other, as well as the sound of metal rubbing, appeared endlessly.

When a slightly icy wind blew, Martin thumped! With a sound, fell to his knees! !

Just now Lorraine drove Martin to a dead end with his bare hands. Garlic took the opportunity to sever ubzc’s leg muscles with a dagger, and made a final blow!

Martin fell to his knees, his eyes blank, his face still expressionless, as if facing death, as calm and natural as eating and drinking.

As soon as he saw this appearance, Garlic remembered the zombie himself, his heart trembled, ubzc shook his hands, the blade reappeared in his palm, flashing a cold light, and he slashed fiercely towards Martin’s neck!


However, at this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed Garlic’s arm.

Garlic, don’t kill ubzc, leave ubzc alive, it’s still useful!

After hearing this, Garlic stopped decisively. Compared with the momentary bloodthirsty thoughts, Lorraine’s instructions are more worthy of compliance.

But u2026u2026 is too strong. Just to be on the safe side, I cut off the hamstrings and hamstrings of ubzc! Then knocked out! Lorraine gave an order, and Garlic immediately followed suit!

u2026u2026 u2026u2026

Dark night, the dark road, the distance seems to be a mouthful of blood welcoming into the endless abyss, terrifying and hideous.

Tonight, this place is full of sin.

Two lives died silently here, as if powerless shouts from hell, and the one who committed this sin with one hand was Lorraine, who was always kind. Tonight, ubzc has a deeper understanding of a truth, a single-choice question titled u201 Death or Death. Obviously, ubzc chose to embrace his own life.

No matter black and white, there are always rules in the world.

There are also rules for killing.

Killing a person for you? Pen? Song? Xun? Humble Song? Sang? Nose? Sending lacewings to play? Pretty? Long Bosn br>

Everything has a way, this is the way to kill!

Lorraine has long understood this truth, otherwise, ubzc would not be able to reach where it is today. u2026u2026 But the one who realized this truth today is a bright boy with a little rigid brain.

Tonight, fate has taught ubzc a vivid lesson.

Ubzc finally knows what will happen with the pace of success and will come to the door one by one. Today’s ubzc can truly understand that Lin Ge alone shoulders the destiny of everyone, how heavy is this burden!

u2026u2026 u2026u2026

Solved the killer, Lorraine quickly dialed the exclusive contact number of the most powerful person among the four newly hired bodyguards, and asked ubzc to drive and pick up the ubzc family.

And Martin, who was picked out of his hamstring, was knocked unconscious and brought him on. u2014u2014 There is no doubt that Lorraine is ready to take ubzc back, and have a good reception!

For the rest of my life after the disaster, I am lucky in misfortune.

Poor, that Rolls-Royce extension car that was not bought for a long time, it was scrapped u2026u2026~

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