Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 648: 1v5 (third update)


There was an uproar in the audience. (A genius only needs 3 seconds to remember

Everyone was stunned by the sudden situation and the sudden appearance of the man.

But after a brief stupefaction, everyone understands that the man u2026u2026 is here to make relief! Moreover, he is still a master!

The modm person may not know who Ryoko is, but at this moment Jiang Xiaomin kneels on one knee while holding his stomach in pain.

Master Liangzi? Jiang Xiaomin’s face raised a touch of fortune.

Good! Master Liangzi is here! This **** stick country stinky guy, just wait to be beaten into sandbags!

Come with Liangzi and Lanlan.

At this time, Lan Lan saw Jiang Xiaomin holding his stomach in pain, hurriedly ran over, and then looked concerned about eusm: Xiaomin, are you sad? Let me take you to the hospital!

It’s okay. Lanlan u2026u2026 will be fine in a while, I need a rest. Moreover, I will not leave. With that said, the expression on Jiang Xiaomin’s face became eager, but I want to see how Master Liangzi cleans up this stinky fellow!

u2026u2026 At this moment, the whole martial arts hall is quiet.

Ryoko looked fiercely at this time, closed her mouth, with a murderous expression in her expression, and looked at Jin Qinglong viciously.

Liangzi didn’t follow Lorraine to attend the Beijing Investment Promotion Conference, so naturally he didn’t know the true identity of Jin Qinglong. But just after a meeting, Ryoko saw that modm is a great Chinese. The most important thing is that Jin Qinglong’s behavior has completely angered modm. First of all, he tried to kick the gym?

Tae Kwon wants to play Huaxia Kungfu Hall? Humph! dream!


Ryoko let go, and after Jin Qinglong’s legs landed, he hurriedly stepped back to the rear and made a subconscious protective action.

Although it is only a face-to-face, Jin Qinglong can clearly see the light of the strong from Liangzi’s eyes! !

What did you u2026u2026 just say? Jin Qinglong’s complexion is a bit ugly. Although www.jtxsk.comodm is the leading family member of the noble gang, the future head of the Jin family will always exist in the upper echelon everywhere in Asia. How can anyone dare to talk to modm like this?

Ryoko saw the more or less jealous look in the other’s eyes, and sneered in her heart. After all, the other party is also a bully and afraid of hardship!

Don’t say good things a second time! Liangzi snorted coldly, too lazy to be long-winded, you must beat me if you want to kick the gym!

u2026u2026 Jin Qinglong frowned.

The arrogant and arrogant sense of national pride in my heart, so I hesitate.

Don’t dare? Go away! Liangzi drank coldly.

Why don’t you dare? ! u2014u2014 is good! Take the move! As soon as he gritted his teeth, Jin Qinglong moved!

Modm expected that the other party would not dare to mutilate himself! In Woo’s impression, the Chinese nation is an extremely cowardly nation! Even the Ma family now bows to their own words, let alone a little guy? !

We co-operate with the Kim family and dare not be disobedient. When the time comes, I will give this guy in front of me a severe fix! Of course, it depends on the opponent’s level of action. If it is too ruthless, modm doesn’t mind killing the opponent!

After thinking about the next move, Jin Qinglong is fearless. At this time, modm urged all the strength of his body, like a sharp sprint, kicking the offensive side, and attacking Ryoko fiercely!

Trash! With a cold shout, Ryoko stood still and didn’t move at all. Seeing Jin Qinglong sprinting towards her in front of her, she seemed to be in slow motion in the movie. She seemed very casual, kicking her feet on the spot without a step, kicking hard. Jin Qinglong’s belly! !

Boom! ! u2014u2014

With a clear and audible muffled sound, the Jinqinglong instantly fluttered out like an arrow from the string! !

Immediately afterwards, it fell on the ground fiercely, and then, this guy rolled over his stomach, spitting acid water in his mouth.

It’s still that Ryoko didn’t play a full blow. If modm exerts all his strength, this Jinqinglong must be able to get internal bleeding from Ryoko’s kick!

Seriously, Jin Qinglong’s taekwondo skills are not low, and his offensive is very fierce. If the woo attack can attack Ryoko, then Ryoko will also feel a strong pain. But u2026u2026 can’t compare with Huaxia Kungfu after all.

Liangzi has internal breath, can use breath, breath can be activated to protect the body.

But Jinqinglong obviously does not have this defensive power.

So, modm has received a solid blow!

Good! ! After a brief shock, the surrounding students burst into an uproar and cheers.

Rubbish, let me tell you, let me end it at my own discretion! Liangzi is a pure man with great vigor. Regarding a bad-behaving garbage, when he saw Jin Qinglong being kicked to the ground, he did not intend to let him go. Instead, his steps suddenly condensed and rushed towards Jin Qinglong. It seems that I want to make up for it!

However, unexpected circumstances suddenly appeared at this time.

Among the many onlookers, five figures suddenly appeared. These five figures rushed towards Ryoko at a sharp speed. Looking at the speed, they are definitely masters. But it’s a pity that u2026u2026modm obviously hasn’t reached a certain limit. Looking at the posture, it is estimated that they are slightly better than Jinqinglong! In short, there is still a big gap with Ryoko! Therefore, modms have not been able to catch up with Ryoko’s speed.

When the modms were within three meters of Liangzi, Liangzi chased up and stomped on Jin Qinglong’s stomach.

Wow! ! ! u2014u2014 cried out in pain, Jin Qinglong’s gastric juice turned over, and a puff of acid water spurted out of his mouth, his complexion was blue and painful.

Suck! !

These five suddenly rushed to the masters and looked ugly. Our skills are already pretty good, but compared with Ryoko, there is a clear gap.

At this time, it is clear that the modms have not been able to complete the task.

At the moment, Jin Qinglong has been beaten up very badly. After the modms went back, there was no way to deal with each other. Unfortunately, there is no way, the situation is too sudden, Ryoko moves too fast, so the modms have no time to react!

Stop it!

With a loud shout, the five people have already started to Ryoko.

It is undeniable that Ryoko was still recruited when she didn’t expect it at all. Under the embarrassed dodge, she still swiped a punch against her scalp, her heart tightened, but she hasn’t figured it out yet. Ryoko hurriedly withdrew from the situation. Unfortunately, the five-person attacking momentum was too strong, and at this time Ryoko was forced to a corner position without too wide a place to dodge, so u2026u2026 Ryoko took a punch.

The punch hit Ryoko’s shoulder exactly.

A sensation of obvious pain hit Ryoko’s heart. Modm gritted his teeth and hurriedly avoided. But soon, the five people attacked with their hands and feet and attacked with a siege. Ryoko made two more moves in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, after hitting these two tricks, Ryoko also found the gap, kicked on the wall, and then flipped up and down, flashing behind the five people.

Boom! !

With a muffled noise, Ryoko kicked one of them on the wall.

Are you u2026u2026 going to stand up for this arrogant stick? ! Liangzi endured the pain in her body, and drank coldly when she saw the needle.

Without waiting for these five people to answer, the one who has slowed down came Jin Qinglong clutching his belly and yelled: Mom! ! Kill me this bastard! If modm can’t kneel on the ground today, I will only ask your boss! !

When I heard this, the five people seemed to have been beaten up with blood. They worked harder, and started attacking Ryoko again.


What’s the identity of this stick?

Ryoko was suspicious for a while, and before thinking about it, the five men greeted him with a sharp attack.

Boom! Snapped! Boom!

Playing and blocking voices one after another, seeing the stitching kung fu, Ryoko sneered again: You five clearly practiced Chinese kungfu! This stick insults our national spirit so much, you even help modm to get ahead? !

One of them frowned, and coldly threw out a sentence: Take people’s money and help them eliminate disasters!

Stooges! Ryoko screamed, and Ryoko was furious. Perhaps it was the angry young man in his heart that was at fault. Modm no longer kept his hands on the five compatriots in front of him, and all his strength exploded.

So u2026u2026

After nearly ten minutes of exciting fighting, Ryoko won.

But the victory is a little embarrassing.

No matter how strong the individual is, it is ultimately based on the premise of heads-up. For the first time facing the siege of five experts with not weak strength, Ryoko was obviously struggling.

There is silence in the martial arts hall, so no one has yet to wake up from the wonderful confrontation just now.

But as Liangzi wiped the corners of his mouth with a trace of blood, Jiang Xiaomin suddenly cheered: yeah! Long live Master Liangzi!

As soon as this remark came out, the onlookers and students also exploded and cheered in an uproar.

Hiu2026u2026 Huu2026u2026 Huu2026u2026 Huu2026u2026 Ryoko frowned, panting in embarrassment, this battle is really not easy, but modm has added a lot of practical experience, watching the five masters who were beaten down by himself Liangzi took a deep breath and coldly said to Jiang Xiaomin: Xiaomin, didn’t you just have a bet with this stick? Now, it’s time for modm to fulfill its promise!

Hearing this, the expressions of the five beaten and exhausted masters have changed drastically, **** it! Let Jin Qinglong hang a sign and kneel at the gate of the martial arts hall for an hour? ! This is absolutely impossible! !

There is no way, so I have to move out of the modms! Otherwise, the situation will only get worse!

More exciting content is worth looking forward to u2026

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