Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 61: The wind and clouds are surging

Chapter 61 Storms and Clouds Overcome

Lorraine left the Moon Bar, and his long figure disappeared at the end of a street in the night market.


The underworld boy?

Lorraine couldn’t help but raised the corner of his mouth. To be honest, he didn’t take this Qianhu as a thing at all. At the beginning, it was just a taboo of the energy of millions of dollars. In fact, Lorraine has never been afraid from beginning to end, including the millions of dollars. To put it bluntly, the Caesars Palace is booming, but compared with the assets of the Rock Group, it is not a grade at all. If the money million wants to fight Lorraine, he has to weigh himself. If Lorraine kills him and spends money on him and scatters tens of millions to find some high-level assassins, it’s not that he won’t kill the money, after all. His name is on the list in the Sky Eye organization.

It’s just that, this is a world of harmony and wealth, and it is not a deep hatred, so everything must pay attention to the maximization of profits. All day long, you must fight to the death, the fish die and the net is broken, and you have to walk the night with a few bodyguards. Is this comfortable? Directly using extraordinary means to kill Qian Million, it would be better to step on him a little bit. This is what Lorraine has always emphasized: the difference between a brash man and a wise man. On the other hand, Lorraine’s status is noble and naturally not afraid, but what about Liu Wanchuan and the five brothers? Lorraine would never put his five little brothers in danger.

The current situation fully proves that Lorraine’s approach is correct.

Qian Wanwan completely accepted Lorraine’s sudden emergence of the second shareholder, and has the meaning of being good. Qian Wanwan’s mind, Lorraine can see clearly and know in a few simple words. The other party also had a plan, but he didn’t care. Lorraine had a city mansion in his heart. He could grasp this measure.

We have won millions of dollars, and Qian Hu, a stinky kid, is really a tragedy.

Thinking of Qian Hu threatening to do it with himself, Lorraine was amused for a while: Boy, your dad is calling me brothers and sisters, you’re a shame?

The next day, Lorraine came to school early, and the whole morning was calm. In fact, the arrogant words that threatened to take Lorraine’s leg in three days were released by Sanying under Qian Hu’s name. Lorraine knew it after a little inquiries, and the five brothers Liu Wanchuan understood it, and they followed it. Lorraine’s teachings, try not to offend Qian Hu’s mold.

When school was over at noon, Lorraine summoned five brothers to the original pink mommy bar in the hutong to talk, bought a few small dishes, six people sat together, eat something, and talked about this. thing.

“Brother Lin, Sanying used Qian Hu’s name to let go of his words and said that he wanted you to have a leg in three days. We know that Sanying was responsible for this matter, but the people in the school don’t know. Ah. We can’t be like a tortoise with a shrunken head, don’t you even have a word?” Liangzi had the most straightforward temperament and said what he cared about most in his heart.

Lorraine put down his chopsticks, lit a cigarette, and slowly exhaled a white mist: “Xiaochuan, Jiadong, and Li Nan, Chenggong, what do you four think?”

The four people glanced at each other, and Liu Wanchuan said: “Let Jiadong speak, he has the most say now.”

“Huh? How to say?” Lorraine turned his gaze to Lin Jiadong.

Lin Jiadong also put down the tableware and chopsticks at this time, telling the truth: “Brother Lin, we can stay on hold for the time being, but the younger brothers below have a more aggressive temper. There were two fights at school this morning, although it was not a big deal. , But it can’t be ignored. Anyway, I have two younger brothers under my hand. They are swollen. They are not serious. They are swollen. They will report to me at noon today and ask Qian Hu what the **** is it. It’s time to start working…. Brother Lin, don’t you know, now Qian Hu’s bunch of little brothers and our group of little brothers are getting very nervous, some of them are in the same class and go to class all day long. At that time, I stared at me. After class, there are less and less peeing in the toilet, and more and more fights and smoking.”

Lorraine frowned, yeah, this situation is a bit difficult now…If this goes on, it will only get worse, and there are so many ignorant little brothers under his hand that I can’t help it.

“Now you know, why I keep telling you, don’t take too much, don’t you? The point is to understand the rules, at least to know a little sense of measure?” Lorraine slowly said, “But now things have come to this. At the end of the day, I really need Qian Hu and I to settle the matter personally.”

At this time, Liu Wanchuan said with concern: “Brother Lin, let me make a suggestion. No matter what we do in the future, we should stand up and be prestigious, but it is best not to act on Qianhu to achieve the deterrent effect. Just follow. It used to be the same as in Chi Shicao’s time, so let’s save our face.”

Lorraine smiled and did not speak, but his eyes were full of admiration for Liu Wanchuan. Among the five brothers, he and Lin Jiadong are the most stable, but his mind is much smarter than Lin Jiadong.

Lorraine nodded and said: “Xiao Chuan is right. I mean, I also took the three heroes first. After all, the three of them were the ones who picked the head. We don’t have to look for the Qianhu, and wait for Sanying to suffer. , Will naturally recruit Qian Hu.”

The five brothers heard this and deeply agreed. Since following Brother Lin, they have learned a truth. The way to the king is not only by fists, but by giving full play to their minds. Of course, the necessary fists. , There can still be.

“Brother Lin, when school was over this afternoon, Sanying asked us to meet in the street of the hutong, saying that he was going to talk in person.” At this time, Li Nan and Li Chenggong said with serious expressions.

“Speaking in person?…Qian Hu will go?” Lorraine asked.

Li Nan and Li Chenggong shook their heads: “Definitely not going. The reason why Qian Hu did not speak during this period of time is that he is arrogant and does not put us in the eyes. Second… He asked two days ago. After a long vacation, it seems that I took the two girls to go out to play. At the earliest, I have to come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.”

Lorraine smiled when he heard this, “Well, that’s good, it’s just the right time. While Qianhu is away, I stepped on the little brother under his hands. When he comes back, I don’t want to **** with us. A few helpers. Remember, the point is to wipe out those three heroes. The three of their little brothers can accept them as soon as they can. After all, we are not fighting a war. Students have a small fight, just let those Little ruffian students serve you, everything is easy.”

For this reason, Lin said, how can the five brothers still not understand the truth? Nodding all at once.

“Ogawa, you are the biggest of the five brothers. It’s the same sentence. Everything should be taken care of. The point is Ryoko. He is impulsive when things happen. You can watch him a little bit this afternoon.”

Liu Wanchuan nodded.

Everyone knows that if Qian Hu doesn’t show up, Brother Lin will never show up, otherwise the price will be too low.

After lunch, the six people left the bar. On the way back to school, Lorraine’s cell phone rang. It was a message. When I opened it, it was sent by Qin Wanshu. The content said: “Xiaolin, Meiyuan this afternoon I have to go to the airport at five o’clock and fly back to Yanjing. Now she is at my house. If possible, please ask for leave and come back. Aunt Song wants to see you before she leaves.”

Lorraine looked at the content of the text message, his face changed a little, hey, are you leaving? Song Xiaoniu.

Seeing that Lorraine suddenly stopped, the five brothers were very surprised. Liu Wanchuan saw Lorraine’s faintly frowning brows, and immediately said: “Brother Lin, what’s the matter?”

Lorraine took a deep breath and said, “Xiaochuan, I have something important this afternoon, so I won’t go back to school, and write a note for me and give it to our class leader. You will be off school this afternoon. , Be careful, and remember every word I say. If there is no traffic jam, I should be able to arrive at the end of school. If there is any emergency, I must call me as soon as possible. Have you heard it? “

The five brothers nodded together: “Don’t worry, Brother Lin, we will remember that there will be no problems.”

Lorraine nodded, then turned around and stopped a taxi, and went away in a hurry.

“Hello, beautiful sister, Lorraine is my brother. This is the leave form he asked me to give you. If he has something at home this afternoon, he can’t come.” At the door of Lorraine’s class, Liu Wanchuan will send one The request slip was placed in Han Xuan’s hand.

Usually, if someone calls herself a beautiful sister or a beautiful sister, Han Xuan is determined to frown her eyebrows at the first time, and she won’t give a good face, but the lower grade student in front of him says that she is Luo Lin’s younger brother, because of Lorraine’s reasons, Han Xuan didn’t even feel disgusted, but as the school’s student council chairperson and the monitor of the senior high school key class, Han Xuan still took on the majestic posture of a senior sister.

“Lorraine wants to ask for leave? Even if it is an important matter, you have to come personally to ask for leave. Didn’t you have a good class this morning? This Lorraine is too non-compliant with school discipline.” Han Xuan figure He is tall and well-developed. Without high heels, he is about the same height as Liu Wanchuan, who was in his second year of high school.

Liu Wanchuan looked at Han Xuan’s cold and pretty white face, and smirked: “Sister beauty, brother Lin does have important things in our family. Just now I was about to go back to school. Suddenly, he gave him a call. Called away. Seeing his anxious appearance, I’m afraid there is something important in the family, Sister Beauty, you should approve this fake.”

Han Xuan had no intention of disapproving, but when Liu Wanchuan said that Lorraine had been called away by a phone call, a thought flashed in her head that made her blush.

I didn’t think much about it at all, Han Xuan still looked like a cold and icy beauty, and slowly said: “Well, this fake note, I approved it. However, you give Lorraine his own contact information, oh, That is, his mobile phone number is left to me. If there is anything in the school, I can let the teacher notify him as soon as possible.”

Liu Wanchuan didn’t think much about it. As soon as he heard that the false note was approved, his mission was completed, he immediately told Han Xuan of Lorraine’s mobile phone number, and then yelled thank you and left.

When I left, Liu Wanchuan still said to himself: “This senior sister is actually in the same class as Brother Lin? She is so beautiful, and her temperament is so outstanding. Tsk, according to me, the whole city is as high as it is This beauty can be worthy of Brother Lin.”

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