Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 575: Gentleness

“Xiao Lin, it’s time to get off work, let’s take a break… I didn’t have time to have a good meal at noon. Tonight, my aunt will accompany you to the hospital to have a look, and then let’s go to the restaurant to have a good meal and walk around the street. Relax, right?”

Qin Wanshu opened the door and walked in.

At this time, she has been busy for a day and feels relatively tired. As soon as she walked into the office, she took off the ol suit jacket on her hand. In the next second, the white professional shirt and knee-length skirt appeared. In front of Lorraine’s eyes.

Subconsciously unbuttoning the two buttons of the neckline, Qin Wanshu’s white and tender skin was exposed to the air, and a deep gully loomed, following the catwalk of Qin Wanshu’s slender and tall legs gracefully Moving, slowly approached Lorraine.

“Huh? What’s the matter, Xiaolin, I don’t look very happy… Yeah!!! What’s wrong with you? This coffee cup… why is it broken? Look at you…” Qin Wanshu was a little shortsighted, she went into the office At the time, she took off a pair of black-framed glasses, so she didn’t see too much about Lorraine’s state at this time, and only after getting closer did she realize that something was wrong.

The coffee was spilled on the carpet, and the coffee cup was broken into pieces, including Lorraine’s body, which was gradually stained with coffee.

“Smelly boy, why are you so careless?” Qin Wanshu hurriedly took out a few pieces of paper from the desk, and walked up to wipe the stains on Lorraine’s clothes as hard as he could.

After the distance got closer again, she saw the flash of anger in Lorraine’s eyes, and a trace of self-blame.

She was taken aback, and realized at this time that it was wrong…The floor was covered with carpets, even if the coffee cup fell on the ground, it would not break, unless…Lorraine broke it himself of!

Aware of this, she looked at the other Lorraine with her hand hanging down, and she suddenly found that the center of the palm of her hand had been overflowing with red blood!

“Ah, Xiaolin, what’s the matter with you?!” Qin Wanshu saw Lorraine’s hands full of blood, her heart trembled suddenly, her pretty little face turned pale in an instant, and she turned around very, very distressed and walked inside, hurriedly Looking for the medicine cabinet, he rushed towards Lorraine again.

Because the carpet is relatively clean, Qin Wanshu put down the medicine box and did not care about that much. She could see that Lorraine’s current state of mind was not very good, and it was difficult to communicate with him, so she simply knelt with her legs together. She was on Lorraine’s side and turned his left hand cautiously. As soon as she saw Lorraine’s left hand palm making such a shocking cut, her heart trembled, and a sourness immediately poured into her throat, and her eyes flushed a little. , Very distressed…

Enduring distress, Qin Wanshu was like a gentle and virtuous little daughter-in-law, carefully bandaging Lorraine’s wound with gauze.

From beginning to end, Lorraine never said a word.

Qin Wanshu saw that Lorraine’s blood had stopped and was bandaged. She felt distressed and distressed, but she knew better that Lorraine’s problem at this time was not physically but psychologically.

Although Lorraine’s changes in the past three years have been very rapid, the essence of Lorraine is still the same. Qin Wanshu grew up with him and she knew him, even more than Luo Jianrong and Li Hong and his wife. Therefore, she stood up slowly at this time, and she seemed to be quite doting to close Lorraine’s hair, and then naturally hugged Lorraine’s head in her arms. Qin Wanshu’s pair of white rabbits tightly bound by the tights squeezed Lorraine’s cheeks softly.

With a soft touch, Lorraine, who was deeply meditating, suddenly felt a burst of intoxicating body fragrance from Qin Wanshu’s body. Inhaled into his nose, Lorraine instantly felt that the spirits all over his body were relaxed. After I got down, all the restlessness and unevenness were soothed by this intoxicating fragrance, quiet, soothing, refreshing, and reassuring.

It seems that she felt Lorraine’s tight body relax slightly. Qin Wanshu quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She was so distressed when she saw Lorraine just now. She looked at Lorraine since she was a child and spoiled him very much. When she was a child, she was inexplicably distressed when she saw Lorraine falling from the sofa, but this time she saw the blood on Lorraine’s hand, and she was even more distressed. , But myself.

“Wanshu…Am I a very irresponsible man?” Suddenly, Lorraine finally spoke, but Qin Wanshu asked immediately with such an inexplicable question.

But then Qin Wanshu understood what was going on.

Looking back to what happened these days, with Lorraine’s emotional and righteous character, she would definitely feel self-blame. Therefore, Qin Wanshu held Lorraine’s hands with more force and a slender pair. His arms held Lorraine’s head firmly, and his elastic chest made Lorraine extremely comfortable.

Not only did he relax in his heart, but with Qin Wanshu’s intimate movements and this kind of zero-distance physical contact, Lorraine also relaxed.

“Fool, how could you be an irresponsible man? In the eyes of Auntie, you are the most responsible man in the world.” With that, Qin Wanshu still maintained her doting Gesture, a slender hand gently stroked Lorraine’s hair.

“But…I can’t even protect my father…”

“No, it’s not to blame you. This is an emergency. There are still not many bad people in this world. These people are suddenly frantic. We are not prophets. We are not prophets, right? And the most important thing. Yes, isn’t Brother Luo all right this time?”

“No, I can do better… If I arrange for someone to protect my father and everyone… I won’t…”

“Since it’s okay now, it’s not too late for us to make up for it… It’s useless to blame ourselves. From now on, shouldn’t it be enough for us to pay attention to this problem?”

Lorraine nodded slightly.

As Lorraine nodded, his profile was rubbed against Qin Wanshu’s soft pair of double peaks. Lorraine didn’t feel much about this movement, but Qin Wanshu felt from his chest. There was a strange feeling, which made people a little heart-stirring, a little bit confusing, and a little bit of pleasure.

This feels very strange, but Qin Wanshu knows that it is because of her **** being a little sensitive…

You know, although Qin Wanshu is so many years old than Lorraine, she is still a clean girl, she even keeps her first kiss, oh, of course, this first kiss means she is a little older , The kind of emotional kiss between men and women.

If it were just a simple first kiss, Lorraine would have taken it very aggressively as early as a child.

It seems that Qin Wanshu had just finished eating lollipops at the time, and Lorraine was clamoring to eat it, but unfortunately it was gone, so Lorraine jumped up and kissed Qin Wanshu’s mouth. He licked the lips of the fashionable and young Qin Wanshu, triumphant.

Now, the time has passed. The little guy who ran around the room with his bare **** back then has now grown into a big man, a man with responsibility.

So, Lorraine was very self-blame. He felt that his father was indeed too negligent this time. He clearly knew that the enemy he was going to face was the existence of the four giants in Beijing, but he did not think of his family. Safe, if he had sent someone to protect his father early, then this time would definitely not happen, and it was possible to directly intervene early to find out this **** who was tempted by their Luo family.

Although it has been found out now,…Father has also been hurt.

Lorraine felt a little frustrated when he thought of this, but at the same time, he secretly made up his mind to protect everyone around him as soon as possible, father, mother, grandpa, even as far away as Jiangnan Province. Lorraine’s uncle, they must not have an accident. In the previous life, Lorraine was too incompetent to protect his family, but now Lorraine, if he doesn’t have this awareness, he can go to death.

Not only should family members be protected, Lorraine, the woman next to her, should also be protected, just like Aunt Qin who is holding herself intimately now, such as Jiang Yan, Song Meiyuan, Lan Lan, Han Xuan, Kang Mengmeng…Oh, of course Song Meiyuan, Han Xuan and Kang Mengmeng are all characters with very strong backgrounds. For the three of them, Lorraine naturally doesn’t have to worry too much.

As for Aunt Qin, Jiang Yan and Lan Lan have to arrange bodyguards.

Thinking about it carefully, Lan Lan has always been watching Liangzi at school, so Lorraine feels relieved about Lan Lan.

Because Aunt Qin comes to the company and returns to the apartment every day, she basically gets along with herself every day and can take care of her. Therefore, Aunt Qin doesn’t need to worry too much about this.

It’s just that Sister Yan is not easy to say… Although she has always been in the police department and her work unit is quite safe, it is inevitable that there will be an order, and this time it is Jingcheng who has to deal with herself. The four giants, so Lorraine must send someone to protect Jiang Yan…

Who should I call…

Ahei? Haha, stop teasing, they are the gold medal bodyguards by Kang Shaojie, absolutely impossible…

As Lorraine was melancholy, suddenly, the phone rang on his body.


Lorraine couldn’t help but froze, whose call?

Qin Wanshu also looked at the ringtone of her mobile phone, and was surprised to find that it was a strange number, and… it seemed to be an overseas number? In short, it is definitely not a mainland number.

“This is…hongkong’s phone number?” Qin Wanshu recognized the area code of the mobile phone.

“A call from Hongkong?” Lorraine was taken aback, Dang Even picked up the phone to answer.

“Hey, Mr. Luo.” On the other side of the phone, there was a pensive, cold and slightly hoarse voice, accompanied by a faintly respectful voice.

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