Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 543: Just do it!

Everyone has a low ebb.

Everyone has the lowest point in their life.

For Lin Jiadong, who is still in his great years, these days are the lowest point in his life.

Three days of venting and three days of hunger strike, he figured out a lot of things.

I want to open a lot of things.

This is also the reason why Lorraine was able to value him back then.

He is an enlightened man, a man with a big heart.

He knows that some things happen as soon as they happen, and they cannot be changed. But the future… still has to go.

God didn’t let himself die, he just gave himself a chance.

As a living person, he will not let his future life pass sadly in the haze and roar.

In fact, Lin Jiadong has always been the most optimistic of the five brothers.

Now, his legs can no longer walk like a normal person, it doesn’t matter, he is still alive with both hands, eating with his hands, no feet! As long as you can fill your stomach, as a man, what reason is there to fear life? ! !

That’s a coward! !

Lin Jiadong is not willing to be a coward!

Even if he no longer has healthy legs!

But the more so, the more he must make his future achievements higher! !

…… ……

“Brother Lin…hehe, the general is dead.” In the ward, on a chess game, Lin Jiadong smiled and pressed his “horse” behind the “cannon”.

“Hehe, Jiadong, okay boy, you won again!” Lorraine laughed and scratched his head lightly.

He didn’t let Lin Jiadong, really.

At first, when Lin Jiadong suggested that he wanted to play chess, Lorraine still wanted to let him. It turned out that this kid actually had a killer move every step of the way. After losing three consecutive moves, Lorraine had to follow This kid came to play, but even though Lorraine put in 80% of his effort, he still couldn’t beat Lin Jiadong.

Starting when Lorraine was serious, Lorraine played five games in a row with him.

For the first three games, Lorraine won, but he could clearly feel that at the beginning of each new game, Lin Jiadong puts more pressure on his layout. Lorraine knew that Lin Jiadong rarely played chess in the past, but he did not expect that he made such rapid progress! ! I have to deny that Lin Jiadong’s comprehension is very high among his peers. With just a few kung fu, he actually worked out Lorraine’s chess habit and usual layout step by step.

No, in the end, Lin Jiadong won Lorraine twice in a row.

“Hey, three wins in five rounds, Brother Lin, you won three rounds, I only won two rounds, so I still lost.” Although Lin Jiadong said that, he was still very proud . He knows that although Brother Lin doesn’t play chess very often, Brother Lin’s overall outlook and mind are very powerful. When he plays chess, he plays a general outlook and mind. Now he can put most of Lin’s heart and energy into it. , To win two consecutive games against Brother Lin, this has to be said that he… is really a very clever and big-picture guy!

Today’s Lin Jiadong needs self-confidence to cheer himself up slowly.

What everyone didn’t expect was that Lin Jiadong found his self-confidence in chess!

In fact, since ancient times, there have been examples of physically disabled and strong, which have confirmed a very interesting phenomenon-the exploration and stimulation of potential.

Just like Beethoven, he is a deaf, but he has become a classic musician! In addition, the well-known scientist Hawking also perfected many of his classic theories after he was completely paralyzed.

If you have a defect in one aspect, it is very likely that you can develop another talent that these people did not realize before.

For example, blind people’s hearing sense is many times more sensitive than normal people, while deaf people’s vision and smell are much more sensitive than many people, and so on.

It’s like Lin Jiadong right now. In the past, he didn’t know that his cleverness was so powerful when placed on chess!

From this point, Lorraine can see that Lin Jiadong is a very thoughtful person. He has found out before, but now, it is even more obvious.

However, compared to this, Lorraine’s heart is more relieved that Lin Jiadong’s current mentality is fairly good. Although I don’t know how the Kaner in Lin Jiadong’s heart is slowly transitioning, at least he is in good shape now.

Actually, even Lorraine did not expect that the present idea is quietly taking root in Lin Jiadong’s heart. It’s not a blessing to be in love with oneself, and even Lin Jiadong himself did not expect that in the future, he will be in Lorraine. What an important position it occupies on the royal road.

…… ……

Liu Wanchuan took Lorraine’s hand and played chess with Lin Jiadong. Although Liu Wanchuan was thoughtful enough, he did not beat Lin Jiadong in a single game. There was obviously a certain gap. Although Liu Wanchuan is more suitable to be a leader than Lin Jiadong, Lin Jiadong is obviously more outstanding in his mind and head.

“Brother Dao, what’s the matter?”

Lorraine walked out of the ward and answered Hu Yidao’s call.

“Hey, Xiao Luo, it is basically certain now that the man behind this incident… is from the Hong Gun Gang, oh, to be precise, it is Li Feng. ——Li Feng is the recently selected leader. You should know a little bit about the rules of the road. The superiors need to do a superior thing to be able to take the seat smoothly. This Li Feng is obviously the culprit for Xiang Jiadong and Xiaochuan.”

“…Li Feng…Hong Gun Gang…” Lorraine’s eyelids jumped fiercely, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and then he paused, and said directly, “Brother Dao, our people responded. How is it?”

“It’s almost there. There are more than 100 people and less than 200 people, all of whom are elites. Guangnan Province is not a trivial matter. It is estimated that it is business. In the eyes of the serious people here, it is half and half. Amateur level.-But it all depends on our layout, Xiaoluo, do you have any plans now?”

“No. But there will be soon…In this way, Brother Dao, you send a few brothers to the hospital to guard the safety of Jiadong and Xiaochuan, and then I will look for you. Let’s talk about it when we meet.”

“Sure, I will arrange it.”

…… ……

The place where Lorraine and Hu Yidao met was a relatively remote area in Quang Nam Province.

There is a relatively secluded artificial forest here.

All the brothers of those Jiang Gang were summoned here.

Because of the large number of people, if it is seen by the relevant departments, it may be judged as a factor of instability. Therefore, they chose to gather here. Usually, many school students or recruits from the army come here to train for camping and physical training.

Hu Yidao had already greeted the caregivers of the plantation forest before, saying that it was these company employees who came here to plant trees, which is considered a positive activity, but in fact… they are going to hold an open-air meeting.

A hot wind blows, everyone feels extremely hot. The weather in Quang Nam province is very sultry. Even if it is shaded by the shadow of the woods, it still feels like being burned by the sun. His clothes have been soaked with sweat, even Hu Yidao is no exception.

Lorraine probably glanced at these Jiang Gang brothers, and found that each of them had a fortified face, a strong body, and a trace of tiger energy gleamed in each of their eyes! Lorraine saw people very accurately, and at first glance he felt that this group of people was different from those mobs. Sure enough, as Hu Yidao said, they were all elites of the Jiang Gang.

Hu Yidao had already conveyed to these brothers the significance of coming to Quang Nam. Now Lorraine does not need to repeat it again, but nodded in satisfaction.

Hu Yidao suddenly waved his hand and said: “Brothers, you will temporarily stick to Guangnan Province in the future. What Mr. Luo said in the future is my order. Have you heard?”

Everyone nodded solemnly, not daring to speak out, after all, they were gathering illegally.

Glancing at these brothers, Lorraine turned to Hu and said: “Brother Dao, these brothers can be cultivated as the backbone of the society in the future.”

“Well, I just meant it.”

…In this way, these brothers have remembered Lorraine’s appearance one by one. From now on, Lorraine’s words are Hu Yidao’s words, they must obey. Hu Yidao did this, but they showed that Lorraine was very great. trust.

After a cutscene, these members were dismissed and Lorraine and Hu Yidao also drove to the branch office in the northern district of Guangnan Province.

“Xiao Luo, we must move faster. With so many brothers, it’s not easy to arrange. If someone wants to have trouble with us, this is a knotty point, let’s catch one by one.”

Lorraine knew this well and nodded: “I have already thought about it. I will act tonight.”

“Tonight?” Hu Yidao was taken aback for a moment, “So soon? Is your plan ready?”

“Yeah.” Lorraine nodded, and then, with a serious expression on his face, told Hu Yidao most of his plans.

After listening to Hu Yidao, he was silent for a long time and nodded: “Well, this plan…Although it is a bit risky, it is really suitable for our current situation. Okay, let’s do it. As you said , Let’s be divided into two groups. I will take some brothers to the Eastern Conference to help Huang Kun for a while. Are you… uh, are you sure… you can arrange it alone?”

Hu Yidao’s words revealed a little worry.

Lorraine resolutely said: “Well, just give me a few brothers. ——If you want to take down the Hong Gun Gang, you must maintain their current chaotic situation, and you must not let that Li Feng sit down, no matter what Is it for development, or to give Jiadong and Xiaochuan an explanation, this person…must get rid of!”

…… ……

Late night.

North District of Guangnan Province.

Bar street.

A woman with a coquettish dress and a sultry posture with her hips pacing on the dark sidewalk with her hips upright is humming a happy ballad. It seems that she is quite content. ——Today, Li Feng just gave her tens of thousands of yuan for living expenses. After following Li Feng for a few months, she has already saved 200,000 yuan in her hand, which is not a small sum.

However, when she was planning a beautiful future silently in her heart, two tall and strong men suddenly appeared, went up and covered her mouth and dragged her into a hidden black alley!

You have read recently:,”Rebirth of the Super Rich Second Generation”); Hot serial reading and sharing the world, creation changes life

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