Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 509: Go ahead

Lorraine couldn’t help being stunned when he saw the garlic head in front of him making a gesture of grabbing with his hands.

He had a bad first feeling about Garlic before, because the weird temperament on him really made people feel unfriendly.

However, the person in front of him was able to face the difference in strength very calmly. From this we can see that although he is small, his heart is stronger.

I didn’t see Garlic making an escape gesture, so… Lorraine gave up on the killer.

While looking at Lorraine in front of him with a serious face, Lorraine suddenly put his hands in his pockets and smiled very easy-going: “I don’t know what to call you yet.”


“Garlic?” Lorraine was taken aback.

“I have no name and no surname, this is my first name.”

At first I was a little surprised, but when I thought about it, Lorraine felt relieved. Just now, this garlic asked me, about the python, maybe… he is also related to the Sky Eye organization? ——Could it be… the person who killed big d last night was not Ryuuji? But the person in front of you?

Aware of this, Lorraine shook his head silently again. It shouldn’t be. That breath is indeed Long Er’s infallibility.

When Lorraine was surprised, Garlic seemed to have guessed Lorraine’s thoughts, and immediately said: “No need to guess, my method is indeed from the same place as the python. But he is indeed mine. Enemy. I did not lie to you, but there are some things that I cannot tell.”

Hearing this, Lorraine nodded: “Then, what status are you now?-This question shouldn’t violate your secret, right.”

“New notes.”

Gantou said concisely, “Xinji has my benefactor.”

“Is this the old man I saw at the police station today?” Lorraine asked.

The garlic nodded.

Hearing this, Lorraine completely understood…

Xin Kee is one of the three major underground communities in Hongkong, right? And the big d who died yesterday happened to be Xinji’s hot-talker candidate. His death made the whole Xinji pay attention, and then, this garlic was suspected on his body.

Perhaps, he found an extraordinary breath from the weapon or wound that caused the death.

Like Lorraine, Ryuuji possesses a strong inner breath. When Garlic saw Lorraine yesterday, he also noticed the breath of Lorraine. There were few people who could have this kind of breath. Lorraine appeared in the police station at that time, and it was somewhat related to the case of Dad. It was strange that it was not suspected.

I figured this out, Lorraine’s expression was no longer so determined and cold, and he shook his hand: “Well, I know everything I want to know, you can go.”


The garlic was taken aback, why, this guy doesn’t kill me? Even if he can’t threaten him, but his strength is also here, he is not afraid that I will do something to the people around him? !

Lorraine seems to have seen through Garlic’s thoughts: “I will not kill you. If this is the case, your new record will investigate, and I will not be able to tell. I will leave you alive so that you can take it. Go back to the truth. Tsk… Finally come to Hongkong, I don’t want to get involved in some murders and gang fights somehow.”

Speaking, Lorraine scratched his head and looked very distressed. Before the garlic could react more, Lorraine put one arm around Song Meiyuan, who was already shocked and speechless, and walked forward.

In this way, Lorraine passed by with Garlic.

“Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. Although I didn’t kill you now, it’s mainly because…I don’t want to be accused of unknown or unclear. But it doesn’t mean I am afraid of your new records.——If If you dare to offend me or the people around me because of other things, I will not be soft. It is none of my business, I will not care, but things related to me… I will stay with me to the end.”

During the words, Lorraine’s tone revealed a hint of coldness, which made Garlic’s heart palpitations involuntarily.

To tell the truth, Lorraine’s ease of defeating his own skill is enough to cross the city, so his words are not a joke. Shui Bo and his garlic investigated Lorraine’s identity and learned that he is a capitalist and a wealthy man with a net worth of tens of billions. Such a capital tycoon, from a financial point of view, people don’t care about what is new. Remember.

Why are there triads?

Aren’t they all for money?

And even if Xin Kee is successful and starts to do business, how many years will it take to reach this level of Lorraine?

This is self-evident.

…… ……

Looking at Lorraine getting into the car in the distance, and then lost far away, disappearing among the neon lights of the night, Garlic let out a sigh of relief, unable to hold it down again on one knee, holding the painful pain with one hand In the abdomen, Lorraine’s ghostly speed, powerful breath and super strength just left a deep impression in his mind.

Every madman who is keen on fighting, deep in his heart, has a kind of worship for the strong.

Lorraine is definitely a top player in the view of Garlic’s current strength.

“His strength…Even if it is placed in the Sky Eye organization, it is equivalent to a second-line existence, right?… Even if it is not ranked second-line, then in the hands of third-line experts, it is definitely in the top ten!” Garlic It is very clear that any expert who reaches the top ten rankings among the third-tier members is the kind of powerful person who is tightly separated from the second-tier strength by a wall.

Once you break through, you can directly blast through the barriers and become a new level of cutting-edge master!

“Unexpectedly, there are still such powerful people among the people. The most important thing is that he is still so young… His future is unlimited.” Although Garlic is not Bole, he can see that Lorraine is A superb Maxima, oh, can’t say that, it should be said that Lorraine is…a lone wolf.

A person who does not need to be discovered by anyone, but can go to a higher level with only his own ability and foresight!

…… ……

In the dark, Garlic covered his stomach, forced to pretend to be an ordinary citizen, intercepted a taxi, and rushed to the nearest hospital.

Since he didn’t kill anyone, it doesn’t matter whether he is exposed or not. He has a broken rib and internal bleeding, which is very serious! If he hadn’t had a strong physique and the inner breath of the body guard, he would have died a long time ago.

In the hospital, the doctor gave an emergency treatment. The operation was over and it was late at night. Garlic took out the phone and dialed Shui Bo’s phone.

He knew that Uncle Shui hadn’t waited until he heard from him, so he would never sleep.

“Hey, Uncle Shui.”

“Garlic…has something wrong?” It took so long for garlic to call. According to Shui Bo’s inference and experience, it was almost certain what happened.

“If it is convenient for you now, come to Santa Maria Hospital and I will tell you the situation.”



Hang up the phone, Shui Bo quickly summoned the driver and went straight to the Santa Maria Hospital.

…… ……

At the same time, in the hotel room where Lorraine stayed.

Lorraine sat by the bed, Song Meiyuan took off her shoes and sat on the bed with her slender legs crossed.

The two people just looked at each other.

Four eyes are facing each other, and time passes by.

Finally, Lorraine was the first to lose his temper and immediately asked: “You… don’t have anything to ask me?”

When she heard this, Song Meiyuan chuckled, her previous shocked state was completely gone, and she turned into a charming little woman.

“No…what can I ask you?”

“Don’t you…you witnessed what happened tonight, don’t you feel shocked? You don’t want me to ask me…why do I have that horrible aura? Who is that person? What purpose, and him Who is the python in your mouth?” Lorraine asked about this for Song Meiyuan.

This little Nizi is too calm. If you change to someone else, I’m afraid it’s a problem baby now, but after returning to the hotel, Song Meiyuan has always been calm, blinking her eyes very innocent and calm. Looking at Lorraine.

This is too inconsistent with her hilarious style.

“Oh, yes…then tell me, why?” Song Meiyuan smiled and asked playfully.

“Uh…” Lorraine swore that he wanted to turn his head to sleep now.

Seeing Lorraine’s somewhat speechless look,  Song Meiyuan finally stopped selling, but gently moved to the front, then opened her hands, hugged Lorrain tightly, and nestled her head on Lorraine’s shoulders, affectionately Authentic: “Lorraine, I know… you still have a lot of secrets. Although I want to know, I will not ask you actively. If you want to tell me, you will not hide it from me, so I want to What I do is just hug you silently… No matter when, I only know that my man is an upright man, and I will always be the safest to follow you… That’s enough. “

Before speaking, Song Meiyuan lifted her pretty face and kissed Lorraine’s resolute cheek softly.

Hearing these words, Lorraine felt emotional, and subconsciously backhanded Song Meiyuan in his arms.

Song Meiyuan was like a tired little cat at this time. Under Lorraine’s embrace, Song Meiyuan’s soft and boneless body leaned softly on Lorraine’s chest, and her ears were on Lorraine’s chest, seeming to be Silently listened to Lorraine’s heartbeat.

A thin onion finger was still drawing circles gently on Lorraine’s chest, and he murmured sweetly in his mouth: “Lorraine…people…that…no more pain…”

When I heard this, Lorraine’s whole body seemed to stand upright in an instant,—is there a more obvious hint of xing? !

Without speaking, Lorraine smiled and put Song Meiyuan backhand on the bed, then slowly took off Song Meiyuan’s clothes, and Song Meiyuan’s slender hands also gently unbuttoned Lorraine’s clothes. In the next second, the two felt that their bodies were getting hot, and they kissed affectionately…

Soundless is better than sound at this moment.

So, all night long…

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