Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 470: Big villain, let me go!

Chapter 470 Big villain, let me go!

In the early morning, add another chapter! Calling for tickets with the left hand~~!

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“So what?” Lorraine paused, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

“So…you be careful from now on…”

Before the voice finished, Kang Mengmeng yawned, turned around, stretched her waist to show her cute body curve, moving small steps, a bit of gloating.

How could Lorraine not know what she meant?

In other words, Lorraine unfortunately offended this Ma Gebi just now in order to be Kang Mengmeng’s shield.

A member of the Ma family? Is it second only to Marais in the Ma family’s younger generation? Haha, this is really tricky.

Lorraine would not naively think that this Ma Gebi is a small waste like Ma Chaoxian. At least, from the brief eye contact between Lorraine and the Ma Gebi just now, he discovered that the man had a good city.

If you change to Ma Chaoxian, I’m afraid you will go crazy on the spot, right?

For Lorraine, these days have been very smooth, but it happened when he thought that his fortune was back again. Anyway, according to his own style, he will not stand idly by tonight about Kang Mengmeng. To put it bluntly, even if it was Pan Jiajun who sent Kang Mengmeng home, Lorraine would not hesitate. Relieved for Kang Mengmeng.

Just… seeing Kang Mengmeng, this little stinky girl, dare to gloat for misfortune?

“Huh.” Lorraine’s smile rose, and he went up to hug Kang Mengmeng, who was the kind of princess hug.

In an instant, Kang Mengmeng screamed “Ah” and was hugged by Lorraine. Because she was worried that she would be thrown off, Kang Mengmeng stretched out two slender ones almost subconsciously. The arm hooked Lorraine’s neck tightly, and following this movement, the pair of white rabbits on her chest also squeezed tightly against Lorraine’s strong chest.

“Ah! ——Big villain, what are you doing? Put me down~~!!!” Kang Mengmeng’s little feet kept swaying in the air, and her face was scarlet.

Lorraine doesn’t care so much. Feeling the soft feeling in his chest, he smiled triumphantly on his face and said with a smile: “What’s the matter? I won’t admit it after I use it?-Am I not your husband? Why did you become a big bad guy in a blink of an eye? Really, the unscrupulous little Nizi, turning his face is faster than turning a book!”

While speaking, Lorraine’s petite and exquisite Kang Mengmeng walked quickly towards Kang Mengmeng’s boudoir, appearing to be very relaxed.

“Big…Big villain?…What are you taking me for? Ah, I don’t allow you to enter my room…Quickly…let me down!~~” Kang Mengmeng hooked her small hands in Lorraine On Lorraine’s neck, it hit Lorraine’s sturdy back like a raindrop.

For Lorraine, who is extremely hard-bodied, this level of beating is really like tickle, drizzle.

“Didn’t you say that I am your husband? It’s so late. As your husband, of course I have to accompany you to bed.” Lorraine said with a smirk, and his tone seemed natural.

“Ah? You…the big bad guy! Who…who said you are my husband! They are still…under 18 years old!!…” Kang Mengmeng’s face became even more red when she heard the words, and she desperately defended her. Now, when she realized that Lorraine had come to her room with her in her arms, and when her soft pink bed appeared in her sight, she thought for a moment that Lorraine… really wanted to do something to herself. That way, my heart shook in an instant, I was frightened, and my pink face turned pale.

“Big bad guy! Big bad guy! Let go of me!!…I…I want to tell my brother! Say you bully me!”

Lorraine is still smirking: “Tell your brother? You mean Shaojie? Haha, peace of mind, he told me to take care of you…”

“Lorraine… let me go… let go…” Although Kang Mengmeng has an inexplicable affection for Lorraine in her heart,… the kind of male and female things are very important to her. On distant topics, she never thought that those things would happen to her, plus her mental age was indeed a little girl, scared, and normal.

However, just when Kang Mengmeng was resisting, Lorraine let go of the soft girl in his arms.

“Puff through.”

With a soft sound, Kang Mengmeng was thrown on the big bed with a butt.

“Yeah!!!—Don’t do it!!!—”

Realizing that she was thrown onto the bed, Kang Mengmeng felt Lorraine for the first time… She was about to do “that kind of thing” to herself, so she put a pair of small hands on her small face, tightly Closed his eyes, afraid to see what would happen next…

It’s a pity…

The scene she expected did not appear for a long time.

At this time, Lorraine condensed her smirk and looked at Kang Mengmeng, who was lying on the bed with her arms folded, her legs tightly closed and her little face covered, and she couldn’t help feeling a little funny. ——This little Nizi, don’t you think I really want to push or knock her down?

Lorraine shook his head amusedly. At this time, Kang Mengmeng, who was lying on the bed making a “lamb to be slaughtered” gesture, smiled and said: “Sister, wash and sleep, brother, I treat you like a little The girl is not interested.”

Said a half-joking sentence, Lorraine turned his head and left. He just wanted to play tricks on this black-bellied little loli. How could he do that kind of “beast” thing?

However, Lorraine, who had already opened the door and walked out at this time, did not know that the deepest subconscious in Kang Mengmeng’s heart might have unknowingly given Lorraine the title of “Beasts are not as good as” .


A sound of closing the door.

Lorraine has left Kang Mengmeng’s boudoir.

At this time, in the huge pink bedroom with lovely background, only Kang Mengmeng is left alone.


Just now I heard Lorraine’s words “Sister, wash and sleep, brother, I’m not interested in little girls like you”, Kang Mengmeng thought it was Lorraine deliberately teasing herself and tricked herself into opening her eyes That’s it, but I didn’t expect… Lorraine really… is gone?

He hesitated to take a pair of little hands away from the fat little face, Kang Mengmeng opened his eyes cautiously-in front of him, how can there be the slightest figure of that “big villain”? Only empty rooms and furnishings…

It stands to reason that Kang Mengmeng should take a breath and wipe the cold sweat from her forehead.


It’s strange that she was a little…lost in her heart.

Yes, lost.

A strong sense of drop when being held high in the palm of the hand, caught off guard, and suddenly loosened and fell.

She didn’t even know that in her subconscious, it turned out to be Lorraine’s “beast” behavior… more or less expecting?

“He just said…He wouldn’t be interested in a girl like me…Is it from the sincerity?” Kang Mengmeng was stunned on the bed at this time, her big bright eyes flickering. Blinking, with round cheeks bulging, my mind started to think, “Am… Am I really young?”

Thinking of this, Kang Mengmeng lowered her head a little disgustedly and looked at her two towering white rabbits that were round and upright like peaks and ridges, and said unwillingly: “Huh, this lady is obviously not young… This big villain certainly doesn’t know, but sister Han Xuan is a whole size smaller than me!~~Hum~~~”

The lost Kang Mengmeng had to use her slightly naive method of self-comfort to relieve her feeling of being slightly shocked…


Lorraine returned to his bedroom, lit the unfinished cigar again, and then stood on the balcony, wearing a loose nightgown, receiving the gentle and cool summer evening breeze. Holding a cup of scarlet wine in the other hand, swaying gently.

“I hope that Ma Gebi is not a scumbag.” Lorraine looked at the round moon in the sky in the dark, and sighed softly and helplessly, “If he must have trouble with me, I hope to use Zhenger. The method of the Eight Classics, in this way, I won’t worry about anything.”

Lorraine had a good idea, and now his reputation among the Luoshi Group and the Chinese Supreme in the entire Chinese nation is already in full swing!

Even the four big families dare not look down upon the rising star of the Chinese Supreme!

So, in the face of business competition, the Chinese Supreme is not necessarily afraid of anyone now! Even if it is a joint confrontation, it is not 100% that Lorraine will lose. You must know that Lorraine is not actually fighting alone. By his side, there are two pillars, Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu. More importantly, he is now the partner of the Song Group’s in-depth cooperation, and he is not at will. If Lorraine loses in the commercial competition, the Song Group will definitely be implicated, and his face will not look good. .

This is how the united front came.

Advance and retreat together, win-win!

Pushing his mouth to drink the red wine in the glass, Lorraine looks straight ahead, a refreshing breeze blows in, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

“Tomorrow, the Chinese Supreme will be officially launched in seven provinces and one city! It is finally officially integrated with Jiangnan Province…” This time the implementation plan, Lorraine does not intend to go to the front line, but will be related Many matters have been entrusted to Liu Wanchuan and Lin Jiadong who are stationed on the border of Hedong Province. Now, it is time to test them!

“Xiaochuan, Jiadong, I must give me a success tomorrow! Haha, don’t shame our brothers!–“

The wind is blowing, the moon is waning, the stars are dotted, dark, hazy, romantic.

A feeling is in the heart of the man, rising slowly and boiling slowly.

The ambition is in the four directions, the road is under your feet, clenched fists, hold your breath, if you don’t sing, it’s a big block! !

This time, Lorraine’s goal is the entire China! !


The second day.

Nine o’clock in the morning.

Chinese Supreme is on the shelves in seven provinces and one city in the Central Plains. The order of distribution is still the old method, from west to east, one stronghold for one site!

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