Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 459: Leng Meiren smiled

Chapter 459 Cold Beauty Smiles

The rejuvenation technique requires that when applying the needle, you must use the inner breath of the true energy to maintain a high level of nervousness for a total of more than half an hour before and after.

Too much use of breath concentration will also consume Lorraine’s physical strength and spirit.

Especially… the process of acupuncture just now was really a bit thrilling.

Because Lorraine couldn’t go to sleep just now because Lorraine hadn’t given her an injection yet, that is to say, the crisis had not been completely resolved. At that time, she would have fallen asleep. But now that the crisis has been resolved, Lorraine’s clumsy acupuncture skills finally pulled Senior Sister Tianya back from Guimenguan, connecting the dry breath in the body.

Looking at the quietly sleeping Tianyue, Lorraine stood up, covered her with her own sheet, then walked out of the bedroom, flushed a cup of red robe, holding a steaming cup, walked back to the bedroom, and then stood On the balcony and the bedroom entrance, with his back facing the golden sunlight, leaning sideways on the glass doors and windows, following the comfortable light, Lorrain squinted quietly looking at Senior Sister Tian Gu who was sleeping on his bed.

The more I look, the more this woman feels distressed.

The sky is lying on the bed, even if the body is covered by a thin sheet, the beautiful and **** curve of the body is still perfect. The face on the side looks very exquisite, as if it is A flawless artwork, sleeping quietly, wondering what her dream would be? In other words, can she dream?

Perhaps for her, the biggest extravagant hope, the biggest dream, is to be like a normal person, without worrying about dying young and early, or whether she can see the sun the next day after falling asleep tonight. . Unable to determine the date of her death, and always working hard for her next second life, which made her lose a lot of the joy of life.

Now, Lorraine can understand more and more, why in the eyes of Senior Sister Tianya, why is there always an indifferent to terrifying calm, that kind of hollow despair, once made Lorraine feel that this person is lifeless, but now , But it looks so impressive.

But the only good news is that Lorraine showed up in time today. If he didn’t go to school on a whim, and went to the club to learn on a whim, maybe after today, God. Senpai will disappear in this world, right?

Hehe, speaking of it, my acupuncture level is really good.

The treatment that I thought would take a long time to complete, but it only took less than an hour.

Actually, Lorraine didn’t know that this time he really ran into a dead mouse by a blind cat.

Lorraine has always had two auras in his body, one is the gentle and unified aura that can achieve the effect of yin and yang reconciliation, and the other is the violent aura that is too masculine. Now he is relatively skilled in the control of the breath. Just now, when he was performing acupuncture on his luck, he wrapped his violent aura from the first yang to the soft yin and yang blending breath, giving the sky a maximum degree. Combing the breath on the upper hand, it doesn’t take a lot of trouble to connect the dry breath in Senior Sister Tian’s body.

This is all due to the two auras in Lorraine’s body.

If someone else gave the sky a needle, I am afraid that she will not be able to pull her back from the ghost gate. You know, not everyone has the breath of the most rigid to the yang, but also happens to know the harmony of yin and yang. Breath means.

Everything in the world is born of vitality, which separates yin and yang.

The harmony of yin and yang turns into Tai Chi, and the law and vitality of everything is also based on this balance system.

Sister Tian’s “weak water physique”, in a sense, is an unbalanced physique. In layman’s terms, she is a body with too heavy yin qi, and needs the breath of the most radiant yang to balance and reconcile. It is a pity that in this world, how many radiant figures can there be? Too few, of course, the old man is one, but… at most it can only give her injections, but can not perform “further” conditioning (ahem, there are clever classmates, do you see the connotation? )

In fact, Lorraine has always had an inexplicable affection for Senior Sister Tianbo, and the same is true for Senior Sister Tianbo. When I met Lorraine for the first time, he had a deep impression of this handsome young man. Otherwise… Senior Sister Tianma couldn’t hurt her body like that before to give Lorraine acupuncture and moxibustion to nourish qi treatment. You know, only a few injections of Lorraine have lost a lot of the thin vitality of Senior Sister Tian Gu.

This is a very natural phenomenon. One side is yin and the other is yang. Naturally, they will attract each other, just like the two ends of a magnetic pole.

Lorraine drank the tea in her hand when she saw Senior Sister Tianma soundly asleep, then refilled a cup, and sat in front of the computer to browse the Internet page. Today he plans not to go anywhere. No matter how important many things are, no human life is important, right? What’s more, Lorraine still remembers the scenes of the acupuncture treatments that Senior Sister Tian Qi lost her vitality, and she is extremely grateful. No one can better understand how scared Lorraine was at the beginning. After all, he was not able to control the violent aura in his body relatively stably as he is now. If it weren’t for the help of Senior Sister Tianya, he might have been violent now. Backlash, the muscles and veins all over his body were broken and he died.

Lorraine was thinking, Senior Sister Tianya was already weak, did she become weaker after a few times of acupuncture and moxibustion for herself? Maybe…Senior Sister Tianya almost died today, and she still has certain responsibilities!

Adhering to this mentality, Lorraine decided to wait for Senior Sister Tianya to wake up.

While surfing the Internet, Lorraine was surprised to find that there was a soft flow of true energy in his body, accompanied by a hint of cold air, and this slightly softer true energy was not the same as the wish and Tai Chi. The true energy left by martial arts, but… the violent energy that is so strong? !

The wind of profiteering unexpectedly showed some signs of softness. Lorraine thought he had hallucinations. When Even hurriedly dropped the mouse, he sat up straight, took a deep breath, and felt it quietly… …really! That trace of violence actually showed signs of tameness… This is a situation that has never happened before!

While investigating carefully, Lorraine felt a trance, and found that violent aura. He became restless again. He had a pause in his heart. He didn’t dare to delay any more. Lorraine hurriedly used the gentle aura in his body. Coming to wrap and suppress the mania calmed down.

“Strange, what is this?” Lorraine was puzzled, frowning.

Why does the violent atmosphere run smoothly on its own?

Unfortunately, Lorraine is still unable to find the answer after thinking hard. Although in a sense, he is already a master of the inner family, and his control of breath has reached an ordinary person’s insurmountable level, but his principle of breath is still Don’t know much. This kind of question, maybe only a strong figure like the old man can answer it clearly.

“Oh? By the way… Isn’t Senior Sister Tianya a master of breath research? When she wakes up, I will ask her.”

Make up his mind, Lorraine temporarily put away his thoughts, and then began to use some information about the Chinese Supreme in an online browser.

At this time, Tian Ba, who was sleeping, was dreaming.

It may be unbelievable to say it. This is her first dream.

Moreover, it is a long, unbelievable dream, and at the same time full of “joy” dreams…

In the dream, it was a strange space that could not be described. It seemed to be a blue sky, white clouds and green grass, and it seemed to be in Lorraine’s bedroom. She was in a daze, but the only thing she could clearly feel was that it was very warm and very warm. warm.

At the beginning, there was a lonely space in the dream. Tianya only had one person lying there, seeming to be lying on a cold sleep. It was very cold, very lonely, very desperate, it was darkness and desolation. She wanted to stand up, but there was an invisible huge force that drained all of her strength, her hands and feet could not move, her limbs were numb, and she could not even feel her own heartbeat. She was breathing hard, and gradually felt it. The cold water underneath the body rose higher and higher, slowly disappearing from the back of the neck, then to the roots of the ears, then to the face and cheeks, and soon, to lose the mouth and nose… This sense of despair is so real and real. Clear.

But helpless, she really couldn’t act, she could only watch her and death gradually approach.

Death is not terrible, what’s terrible is waiting for death to come.

She didn’t want to sit and wait for death, but she tried her hard work again and again, but was imprisoned by the invisible strong pressure. In the end, she finally stopped trying to fight back… She gladly accepted the destined arrangement. At this moment, despair of dying The feeling is so close and so peaceful.

But… when she was completely desperate in the darkness.

Not far away, a beam of golden sunlight suddenly projected, and the light instantly shrouded her body. She followed and looked at it. It turned out to be someone who was not tall or strong, but made her feel safe. The figure appeared, and the man quickly came to his side, and then he couldn’t help but lifted himself up and pressed him tightly on the man’s body. Suddenly Tian Bao had an illusion of being free from despair, the warmth of the man’s body. The smell made her feel for the first time that it’s so good to be alive…

“Sister Tianya, don’t sleep…don’t sleep…”

As soon as the camera turned, Tianma found himself lying on a bed. The man was acupuncture and moxibustion nervously for himself, with a caring expression on his face.

At this moment, the sky can’t speak, but…the bottom of my heart is deeply comforted, a warm current swims out from the bottom of my heart and flows all over the body…

This feeling is very happy, and it is so real.

The warm current of happiness made herself intoxicated. The next second, she suddenly woke up. If she didn’t feel wrong, she was indeed lying on a strange and safe warm bed.

Opening his dim eyes, a familiar and safe figure appeared in front of him.

The man looked at himself in surprise, and said happily: “Senior sister, you just… laughed.”

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