Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 457: Emergency treatment

Chapter 457 Emergency Treatment

According to the book, this weak water constitution is an extremely rare physique.

People with such a physique usually die at birth, or live less than twenty years old. If Senior Sister Tianya had such a physique and had successfully lived to the present, it would not be easy.

Now, what Senior Sister Tianyou said, it’s twenty-two.

Looking to the identity and background of Senior Sister Tianya, Lorraine secretly said, maybe someone in her family thought of many ways for her to save her life until now, right?

Lorraine’s guess is correct. If Tianya was born in another family, he might have died at birth. Fortunately, the grandfather of Tian Gu is the old man, and in the hands of the old man he holds two peerless classics, one is “Killing” and the other is “Rejuvenation”.

This “Rejuvenation” is the existence of the “Four Rejuvenation Forms” recorded in the shabby booklet.

Under the personal care of Mr. Tian, ​​Tianma grows weakly, but despite this, there is still a thrilling and risk-free life. In fact, every year, Tian Qi faces life-threatening at least once, but fortunately, she also practices family rejuvenation techniques herself, which can suppress her illness.

Today, she is alone in the society, studying the ancient medical book she found from the study of her grandfather. This medical book is regarded as a treasure at the bottom of the box by Father Tian, ​​which naturally illustrates the preciousness of its contents. At least, the above detailed description of Tian Gu’s weak physique and the detailed treatment methods at each stage.

Now that the research is almost done, Tian Gu took out the ancestral “Long Yang Needle” and wanted to give a crucial treatment to his own. In fact, the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on oneself will be compromised, especially for breath control, which is the most troublesome. Just imagine that a person has to play the role of the patient and the role of the doctor. The mental attention alone is not good. Easy conversion.

What’s more, Tian Gu’s disease is still very dangerous. Once a little problem occurs, it will be troublesome.

Actually, Lorraine didn’t know…In the Tianjia, only Father Tian knew that Tianqi was a “weak water physique”. Others did not know that Tianqi did not tell other family members, including his own. Parents included, because she didn’t want people in the family to worry too much about her. Besides, the only way to cure one’s own illness is known to the world so far.

Now Grandpa has been missing for a long time, so she had to come by herself.

But helpless… She overestimated her ability to control her breath. When she used her not strong inner breath for acupuncture, the deep weak water and cold air in her body strongly repelled her breath. , And there is even a danger of invasion. When she suddenly realized this problem, it was too late. Under the hurriedly narrowing the needle, her breath was cut off, resulting in insufficient supply of qi and blood, and her already weakened body. She whispered and fainted.

When her consciousness began to blur for an instant, she felt a sense of despair in her heart, but it was the kind of despair that was indifferent enough. After so many years of rubbing shoulders with the **** of death countless times, she has long been numb…

“Hehe, maybe…death is also a relief for me, right?” When he was unconscious, this weak voice sounded weakly in Tian Qi’s mind. But it is very strange that there will be a trace of reluctance in her heart… and she who has never had a friend, the face that appears the most in her mind turned out to be Lorraine… and the scene that most memorizes her is unexpectedly It was the pleasure of chatting with Lorraine’s female friends that time when Lorraine was hospitalized.

Weird, weird.

People often say that at the moment of death, all the important pictures in her life will flash in her mind. Tian Gu, who has been fighting with death all her life, does not have the kind of leisure to make friends. For her The thing to do every day in life is to study ways to save oneself.

Speaking of friends, maybe Lorraine is one.

In fact, compared to Lorraine, what impressed her the most is the unpredictable aura on Lorraine, the strong violence, and the gentleness of Zhiyang. For the physique that is naturally lacking in yang, Lorraine has the most primitive attraction. This may not be a spiritual attraction, but…a physical phenomenon. This is like the magnetic poles on both sides of a magnet.

After understanding the current situation, Lorraine breathed a sigh of relief, but was still very nervous.

According to the book, the current Senior Sister Tianya should be a temporary suspended animation caused by the loss of breath. It is necessary to reconnect the internal aspiration in her body as soon as possible, otherwise, the suspended animation will become Really dead. ——And very coincidentally, Lorraine is also a person with inner interest in nothing, so he has the minimum qualifications for acupuncture!

Don’t dare to delay too much, Lorraine sat on the ground, hugged Tianqi in his arms, picked up the Longyang needle in one hand, and flipped through the old book with the other.

“The silver needles are in…”

“Infuse the inner breath into the opponent’s body through yin and ruthlessness, and gradually swim…”

“Pay attention to the circulation of blood…”

Step by step, Lorraine gave the fainting Tianqi a needle step by step, but it was only on the arms, neck and other parts. Later, as the breath deepened, he actually needed the head again. Needle, this is terrified Lorraine! ——Prick a needle into the head, almost broken.

Fortunately, there is only one acupuncture point on the head. Lorraine lifted the Longyang Needle, took a deep breath, then stuck the needle awkwardly, and then gently instilled his own breath. The slightest care…

Finally, at the end of Lorraine’s qi stabbing, Tian, ​​who had been in a state of fainting and suspended animation, snorted, then… a pair of beautiful eyes slowly woke up, his pale face and Lorraine’s frail appearance made Lorraine a little distressed for a moment.

Tian Ba’s eyes were as indifferent as before, and her expression seemed not like a firework in the world. When she saw that she was in Lorraine’s arms, she was taken aback for a while, and then she understood what was going on, not sure if it was. Illusion, Lorraine felt a slight blush on Senior Sister Tian’s cheeks.

“Sister Tianbao!…How do you feel?”

Lorraine asked hurriedly when she saw Senior Sister Tianya wake up.

Tianqi breathed a little weakly: “It’s okay… It’s just that breathing is still a bit painful, and my body is weak…”

“Well, don’t move, I have followed the steps in your book, one acupoint and one acupuncture for you. Now there are still half of the acupuncture points…”

Before Lorraine finished speaking, Tian Qi whispered: “…but I still hope to receive acupuncture where I can lie down. According to my impression…the next point should be the acupuncture points of the whole body…”

Tianguo makes sense. The books say that the next step is full-scale acupuncture on the abdomen, chest, legs, back, and even the soles of the feet. It is impossible for the sky to lie on the cold ground. Right?

“Then… I’ll take you home?” Lorraine nodded, not to say anything, and put the sky behind him.

“Hmm…” When Lorraine was suddenly carried on her back, the weakened Tianma suddenly felt a whirl of the sky, and then when she was softly attached to Lorraine’s strong back, she gently He whispered. I don’t know if it’s uncomfortable or comfortable……

“No… don’t send me home…” What a joke, the family doesn’t know about the situation of God, and God doesn’t want to let Lorraine know his family background too early.

“Go to your place…”

Finally, Senior Sister Tian Gu said weakly.

Lorraine did not refuse, and immediately nodded, and walked out of the learning classroom with Senior Sister Tianma. Of course, she also carried her acupuncture box and the shabby cheat sheet.

From the teaching building to the playground and then to the campus gate, Lorraine carried Tianmu senior sister all the way. The students from the past looked towards this side. Lorraine knew them, but few people knew Tianmu, plus Now Tian Gu buried his head behind Lorraine, few people could see her absolutely beautiful and beautiful face.

“Wow, isn’t that handsome guy Lorraine from our school?!”

“Yes! That’s the’Little Business King’ who made more than 200 million a month?! God, I really didn’t expect that I look better than the photos in the newspaper! And the temperament is so good, so young!—— Young and more gold… I should look for a boyfriend like this! Even if I don’t let me eat ice for ten years, I’m willing to bully me!”

“Come on, don’t be foolish… Haven’t you seen that there is a girl behind him? Hey, it must be the master.”

“Don’t tell me, maybe that girl is just a normal classmate. Looking at the girl’s weakness, she seems to be sick? Or injured?… Well, a handsome young man with a lot of money. , And so helpful, so caring… it’s perfect…”

“Sisters, stop dreaming! Both of them have walked out of the school with their bodies close to their bodies. Even if there was no relationship before, after today, I can’t tell…”

Amidst amazement, envy, jealous eyes and the sound of discussion, Lorraine walked out of the school this day, then took a turn, and walked towards the direction of his apartment in the front garden in the hot summer.

Lorraine’s physical strength is very strong, and he doesn’t feel much about the sunburn in the hot summer, so he easily carried Tianqi all the way close to the community.

Walking in the community, Lorraine can clearly feel that the weak and weak Senior Sister Tianya is slowly declining.

Lorraine said silently: “Sister Tianya, if you go down again, you will fall…”

“I…I don’t have the strength…” Tian said weakly.

Tsk, no way.

Lorraine sighed secretly, and then put his hands on the mellow, tight, and elastic buttocks of Tianqi naturally, and then lifted it up…

“Hmm…” Tian Mo couldn’t help but murmured softly.

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