Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 449: Gangge, Yubo

Chapter 449 Fighting, Yusi

There was a moment of silence. Song Zhihan did not ask unnutritious words such as “Are you kidding?”, but took a deep breath and said quite crisply: “Well, where shall we meet? , I have time now.”

“Do you know the company address of our Luo family?”

“You mean the Rock Group Beijing headquarters? I know.”

“Well, come on, the front desk will bring you to my office when you arrive.”

“Okay.” Song Zhihan found that Lorraine was a very simple person who did nothing procrastinate, so he smiled and said humorously, “If you don’t mind, ask your secretary to give it to me in advance Make a cup of coffee, I like to drink it cold.”

“Hehe, a weird hobby.—So, see you later?”

“See you later.”

I have to say that Song Zhihan’s work efficiency is still very high.

He appeared in Lorraine’s office less than twenty minutes after hanging up.

The moment Song Zhihan opened the door and walked in, Lorraine even suspected that he had admitted the wrong person.

Yes, the current Song Zhihan is tens of thousands of miles away from the hypocrite villain he remembered as a must-have, mainly because of his temperament, which is completely different from before.

Lorraine knew that this was a sign of a person’s transformation.

Compared to surprise, Lorraine felt more of a surprise. When he saw Song Zhihan’s mental outlook and state, he knew that he chose to cooperate with Song Zhihan. Maybe, really Is a very correct choice.

Hehe, there is no way to the world, I hope this time he made a right bet.

“Now, your cold coffee.”

Lorraine pushed a cup of coffee in front of Song Zhihan. Song Zhihan straightened his collar, smiled and picked up the coffee cup in front of him, and took a sip: “Thank you for the hospitality.”

“You are welcome. In fact, if the Rock Group can continue to cooperate with your Song family, then we will be long-term allies in the future, and you, the future Song family Patriarch, I will naturally entertain you.” Lorraine Very mildly smiled.

Lorraine still admires a man who has reformed.

The prodigal son will not change his head. Who has never been young? He Lorraine is no exception.

“Okay, but the premise of all this is based on your ability to help me, so that I can create value for you.” Song Zhihan is a smart man, knowing that the so-called cooperation is one What has always happened, unilateral efforts are simply impossible, and mutual benefit is required. Now that he has no bad thoughts, his heart is more transparent. If a person is not affected by the dark lust, his thinking will be more transparent and active. From Song Zhihan, Lorraine can clearly feel a sense of optimism. Upward vitality, even though Song Zhihan’s current status in the family is not satisfactory.

“Go ahead, what is your plan.”

At this moment, the conversation between the two is more like two friends who talk about everything. Lorraine seems to be casually leaning on the seat. As for Song Zhihan, he is holding his cheek in one hand and lightly with a spoon in the other. Mix the coffee in the cup gently.

Lorraine likes this atmosphere very much, and so does Song Zhihan.

“My plan is very simple. It is to start from the root of the problem.” Everything is efficient. For smart people, just tell the truth straight to the bottom. Lorraine pushed the file on the table aside with a pair of arms. Lie on it, with a serious expression, “The root of the problem lies in the news.”

“Oh, so so.”

“Have you forgotten the content of the news? It said that you were dismissed from the position of alternate heir to the family, and Father Song recognized me as a godson. The outside world guessed that I might be the future successor of the Song family. You also read the Beijing Morning Post, I think we have the same information.”

“Yes, it’s like this. ——But the news has come out, can we change anything?” Song Zhihan said slightly discouraged, “If you say you have a headache, I just feel the headache… In the whole incident, I was the one who suffered the most.”

With a self-deprecating smile on his face, Song Zhihan shrugged and glanced at Lorraine.

“Of course it can be changed.—First of all, we are all the targets of external criticism, and from the outside, if it is really as they guessed, you and I must be at odds, right?… …It’s impossible for anyone to become friends with a competitor who owns the status of the house owner, right?”

Hearing Lorraine’s remarks, Song Zhihan’s complexion groaned a little, and began to follow Lorraine’s thoughts in meditation: “You are right, continue.”

“And I think that starting from this point is the most feasible means. We have joined hands to appear in the public eye and announce to the outside world as a cooperative relationship that our Chinese supreme implementation plan is still working together. During the press conference, from my mouth, you repeatedly emphasized your identity as the future heir of the Song family, and from your mouth, always emphasized the cooperation with our Chinese supreme. It is your strong support and will personally participate in it. Important things. So… how do you feel about the speculation and rumors from the outside world?”

Speaking, Lorraine had a confident smile on his face.

“Do not attack and break!”

A simple and single sentence made Song Zhihan suddenly realize that he subconsciously took Lorraine’s words!

And he just had a dignified look, he suddenly became clear and enlightened, and a hint of surprise caught his eyebrows.

“Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!”

Song Zhihan said three good hellos, and Song Zhihan’s joy was beyond words!

Why didn’t he think of it? ! ——Actually, it was not just him, even Mr. Song, who was called the old ghost, did not think of this! In fact, it would be nice if he was a young man. Now, he is old-fashioned after all. He can’t move his brain for a lot of time. Inertial thinking takes a lifetime, not that he can turn when he turns.

Lorraine is different. He is young, with a strong vision and sharp judgment.

This is just a simple reverse thinking method that made Lorraine think of such a brilliant strategy!

Song Zhihan suppressed the joy in his heart, raised his head and once again looked at Lorraine with a new perspective, a voice in his heart said: “This man… is really extraordinary! He is obviously the same age as himself. , But outperformed myself in many ways! Especially the mind and mood!”

If it was Song Zhihan once, he would definitely be very upset if he was stabilized by his peers.

But now he naturally wouldn’t have such naive thoughts, he just paused for a while, and secretly made up his mind: he must become an ally or even a friend with this Lorraine! From him, he has a lot to learn!

Song Zhihan, who was once arrogant, is now the creed of life, that is simply four words: humbly and sanctify!

“So… when do we start planning?”

“If you agree to my proposal, start now.”

“Hehe, I totally agree.”

So two former enemies, Lorraine and Song Zhihan, reached an interesting cooperation agreement.

Their purpose is different, but the motive is the same, that is to let their family or business regain their prestige!

When Kang Shaojie learned that Lorraine and Song Zhihan had successfully reached an agreement, he was still slightly surprised, but only surprised. At this point, Lorraine did a very good job. He knew that if he succeeded in reaching a peace agreement with Song Zhihan this time, it might be a very long-term thing, because Song Zhihan’s current mentality is absolutely A figure with the strength to become the future Patriarch of the Song family.

So, Lorraine introduced Song Zhihan to Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu as his new cooperative ally.

In fact, it is to establish a solid relationship with Song Zhihan in disguise. Once the plan is successful this time, Song Zhihan will play an inaccessible role in the future development of Lorraine Capital Commercial Road. From then on, Lorraine also firmly believed that Song Zhihan would gradually be recognized by the Song family, and the power and influence in his hands would gradually increase.

Young people are easy to communicate. Song Zhihan also made Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu shine. They didn’t expect that Song Zhihan would not see him for a while, becoming so calm and introverted, at least, there is no longer the arrogance of the past. And arrogant feeling.

“Shaojie, I mean…”

“Haha, needless to say, don’t I know you yet?” Kang Shaojie didn’t wait for Lorraine to finish, then gently shook his hand, “You want me to find some more influential media departments. Come here and have a press conference for you?”

“Well, it is best to have media from all walks of life, whether it is the Internet, newspapers, magazines, or television media… it is best to be present.”

“No problem.”

“Well, tomorrow noon at 12 o’clock, I will attend with Song Zhihan, Shaojie, you and Zhe Yu will not show up for the time being, after all, this time we want to create focus.”

“Of course, then… wait for my call tomorrow.”

After going back to each house, Lorraine returned to the company.

Tonight, he doesn’t want to go anywhere. Whether the Chinese Supreme can restore his reputation, success or failure will depend on this. He wants to be alone in the company and doesn’t want to relax too soon. You know, if this plan didn’t work, even Lorraine’s head would be hard to come up with any more.

The inner room in the office lounge is a small bedroom. Some time ago, Lorraine asked workers to come here to install shower heads and water heaters.

After taking a shower, Lorraine slept directly at the company.

My parents are out of town these days, so I don’t know the turbulence in this short one or two days. Lorraine also ordered the people in the company not to disturb the two chairman of the board.

So, he is ready to solve this wave of crisis before his parents return to the capital!

The next day.

New Century Central Plaza, Room 1801, 18th Floor, Block B, Building 3, Xuanlong International Building, held a press conference.

All media representatives from all walks of life came to the scene.

Lorraine and Song Zhihan walked to the launch stage side by side under the crowded shots.

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