Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 441: Come here

Chapter 441 Come here

A great man?

Pantene looked at Pan Jiajun in surprise.

She was surprised, not because of the meaning of this sentence, but because…this sentence turned out to be spoken by Pan Jiajun.

Pan Jiajun rarely praised a person, but he actually said that Lorraine was a…excellent man.

Seeing the look in Pantene’s eyes, Pan Jiajun naturally knew what she was thinking, and smiled: “I’m just optimistic about the deeds of this Luo family boy. After all, it took just over a year to raise an outsider group into enough It’s not something that ordinary characters can do to qualify as a giant in the capital. In addition…he will be your favorite, then I have to praise him so much.”

I don’t know why, hearing Pan Jiajun’s praise of Lorraine, Pantene felt a faint feeling of pride in her heart.

Perhaps, it is the man I like, and getting the recognition of my old brother is equivalent to an identification with my own taste.

“Okay, Tingting, I’ll leave….I will have to have an important meeting in the company in a while.” Pan Jiajun stood up after checking the time of his watch.

Pantene smiled and said, “Here’s gone?–Could it be that you made a special trip to hit me? I think…he should agree to cooperate with me, right?”

Perhaps because of what Pan Jiajun said just now, Pantene, who was originally full of confidence, was a little unsure.

Pan Jiajun shrugged: “Hehe, I haven’t seen him, so I can’t make a conclusion.”

“But if… he is a smart person, he should not refuse the cooperation from the Pan family.” Pantene seemed to be cheering for herself, muttering to herself.

“A smart man… also has his principles.”

Pan Jiajun threw a word away again, then turned and left.

Pantene said a little displeased: “Huh, Pan Jiajun, is there a brother like you? It will hit me, so I can’t cheer me up.”

“Pump up?” Pan Jiajun didn’t stop when he heard the words, but waved his back to Pantene, “Tingting, you don’t need it. Don’t forget, you are my Pan Jiajun’s sister. In this world, there are you. Who can’t give up?”

This sentence gave Pantene some confidence. Looking at Pan Jiajun’s back without looking back, Pantene finally showed a satisfied smile: “It’s about the same.”

In a blink of an eye, it was already past four in the afternoon.

Since the Chinese Supreme is now facing an unprecedented potential crisis, Kang Shaojie has no intention of going to his own company, and Lorraine is still staying with him.

As for Shen Zheyu, he arrived an hour ago.

The lobby on the first floor of Kang Shaojie’s private courtyard.

Lorraine sat face to face with Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu by the bar counter in the chic decorated home.

“That’s it.” After some narration, Lorraine looked helplessly spreading his hands. “Now our Chinese supreme faces the dilemma of not having a big backing. You know, without the support of big consortia or big families, we The speed and efficiency of implementation will be at least five times slower or even more.”

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Shen Zheyu also frowned slightly: “Hey, it’s really difficult this time. It’s a pity… our family can’t get involved in business in a big way. – Lorraine, this one now. Situation, what are you going to do?”

“There is no good solution for the time being…but I know that before thinking of a feasible solution, we’d better stabilize the current situation. The plan can’t be implemented rashly, so let’s put it there first.” Lorraine took out one. Cigarette, said to Kang Shaojie, “Do you mind if you smoke in your house?”

“Of course.” Kang Shaojie shrugged, and instead took out a lighter from his pocket to light Lorraine, and said to Shen Zheyu, “Lorraine is right. The most important thing for us now is to stabilize what we have achieved. For the achievements of the foreigners, you must first settle the inside. First, you must do a good job of being alone before you can stand in an invincible place. Otherwise, the internal emptiness will only be tossed down by this storm.”

Shen Zheyu took a deep breath: “I hope that there will be no strong competitors at this time. In fact, I have been busy with one thing recently, that is, to rely on the relationship between my family and find a way to apply our supreme Chinese marketing philosophy. It’s a unique patent. But it’s not easy. After all, the business philosophy of Huaren Zhizun is relatively general, and it has been implementing expansion plans. The uncertainty is high and it is difficult to position. So even if the application is successful, it is at most only a small aspect. Certain detailed patents cannot restrict the appearance of competitors.”

“Appear as soon as you appear…this is unavoidable.” Lorraine was quite calm.

Seeing this look of Lorraine, Shen Zheyu and Kang Shaojie breathed a sigh of relief quietly in their hearts. This is the Lorraine they are familiar with. As long as Lorraine maintains this attitude, it proves that the backbone of the supreme Chinese is not broken.

In fact, Lorraine is indeed not the kind of person who would give up lightly.

However, at this moment, Lorraine’s cell phone rang suddenly.

Huh? Is it… the company’s phone?

Lorraine looked at the caller ID number on the phone, and was taken aback. When he came to Laoshanjiao yesterday, hadn’t he already arranged the company’s various affairs? Why did you call yourself at this time?

Intuition tells Lorraine that there must be something unexpected.

Now Qin Wanshu and Song Meiyuan are going outside for vacation, so the young, shrewd and diligent male assistant he currently uses to call Lorraine is a returnee practice school, but it is not a European or American product, but Nissan. People in the company usually call him Johnny.

“Hey, Mr. Luo, this is Johnny. A lady said that she is looking for you, and she is at the front desk of the lobby on the first floor of the company.”

“A lady?” Lorraine frowned, “What’s your name?”

Johnny replied in a concise and clear language: “I’m sorry, Mr. Luo, this lady seems to have a background, she did not want to be named, but said she came to seek the cooperation of the supreme Chinese. She also asked us to tell you , Huangshan is gone, and Mount Tai is still there.——What is the secret sign?”


Lorraine frowned.

Huangshan is gone, and Mount Tai?

What does this mysterious lady mean? Is it a metaphor that Lorraine lost the Song family’s backer?

And Tarzan?

This mysterious woman wanted to tell Lorraine… Is she the Tarzan?

Taishan, the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, is naturally ranked above Huangshan. She is still whispering to remind Lorraine that the strength behind her is stronger than the Song family?

Lorraine was originally a very keen-thinking person. At this moment, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared, and said a lot of Mount Taishan and Huangshan, and came to find cooperation. Lorraine had to connect with the news from this morning.

The appearance of this woman is by no means a coincidence.

The Chinese Supreme has always refused to take the initiative to come to the door for collaborators, which is not news in the capital business community. And she will show up at this time, which naturally shows what she knows.

Here can be related to the sentence: If you want to find the culprit of a thing, just pay attention to who is the most beneficial to the result of this thing.

Now it seems that this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared seems to be very suspicious.

Lorraine, who received this call at this time, was full of suspicion. Regardless of whether his guess was accurate, he was at least certain of one thing, that is… this woman is not simple.

But… Lorraine didn’t want to miss a chance that might be a turning point just like that, so he was willing to meet this woman for a while.

It’s just that Lorraine will never follow the other party’s will.

He knows that negotiating with a stranger who is not clear about his origins and intentions will occupy the right to speak, and thus occupy the initiative.

So, Lorraine replied to Johnny without hesitation: “Johnny, go tell the lady, if you want to see me, come to Laoshanjiao today, no matter how late, I will wait. But …I won’t go back to the company to see her.”

Although Johnny didn’t know what Luo always played, but he knew that the words of the boss were the words of the golden mouth, and that was the way to comply.

The brains and minds of these business leaders are not something he can guess, otherwise, he is not an assistant, but a boss.

“Yes, Mr. Luo, is there anything else to order?”

“No, you just need to give her my mobile phone number. That’s it, let me know if you have anything to do as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Mr. Luo.”

After speaking, Johnny hung up the phone.

Lorraine doesn’t think it’s wrong for him to let the assistant give the phone number to the other party. If the other party really wants to harass him, he can find out his phone number at will.

Proactively handing over the other party’s private mobile phone number is also a sign of “respect”.

However, Lorraine was rude to this woman.

People came to the door in person, but Lorraine asked the other person to come to Laoshanjiao. If… is an ordinary person or company representative who comes to seek cooperation, he should think that Lorraine’s arrangement and putting on airs or deliberately make things difficult, and will give up cooperation.

But… this mysterious lady is no ordinary collaborator.

And Lorraine also wanted to use this to help him judge the other party’s intentions.

If the other party is dissatisfied with Lorraine’s hospitality and gives up seeking cooperation, it means that the other party is just a simple collaborator. And if… the other party is not irritated by this seemingly unreasonable request, it means that… the other party definitely has some “origin”.

Whether it is intention, purpose, or motivation, it is worthy of Lorraine’s reflection.

And let the other party come to Laoshanjiao, this is Kang Shaojie’s site, in addition, his own initiative may disrupt the other party’s original plan.

It can be seen that Lorraine took this step very carefully.

About ten minutes later, Johnny called Lorraine again.

“Hey, Johnny, what’s the situation.”

“Mr. Luo, the lady wrote down your phone number, and then said that she would visit you in Laoshanjiao in person. If she leaves now, she should be there before dark at the latest. “

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