Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 426: Win in stability

Chapter 426 Winning in Stability

Although the consumption level of these cities is obviously at a certain level wrong than that of Beijing, there are many advantages.

There is also a very important point… and one that most people ignore but is especially valued by Lorraine-that is, when the capital was released, it was released in limited quantities on the first week of each month. And for the remaining three weeks, even if you want to buy it, you can’t buy it.

However, things are different now.

Huaian Province, Hedong Province, Dujiang Province, and Jinhe City, a municipality directly under the Central Government, will be issued alternately in four major locations in the next month.

To put it bluntly, in the first week of the month, Huai’an Province will be issued a limited edition; in the second week, Hedong Province will start a limited edition, and in the third week, Dujiang Province will begin a limited edition. In the last week, it’s Limited edition in Jinhe City.

There is a potential business opportunity. For example, if consumers who did not succeed in snapping up the Chinese Supreme Membership Card during the limited release in Huaian Province in the first week, they can rush to the next door in the second week. Hedong Province, to carry out a new round of panic buying, with the first week of experience, these consumers will definitely come to the local service station to line up early, for fear of missing the opportunity again. This is unfair to the citizens of Hedong Province who intend to purchase the Chinese Supreme Membership Card. Therefore, a week has passed since he was caught off guard. Many citizens of Hedong Province also failed to obtain the Chinese membership card as they wished.

So, some consumers who realized that the Chinese Supreme Membership Card was in short supply, took up the previous class of Huai’an consumers and went to the neighboring Dujiang Province to start snapping up purchases. At this time, the enthusiasm of the limited release of the Chinese Supreme was already well known by the local consumers in these four major locations, so that the citizens of Jinhe City, the sales site in the next four weeks, realized the sense of urgency. Some people It would simply come to Huai’an Province to buy in advance, buy in advance, and breathe a sigh of relief. Who knows when the Jinhe City is released, the first three provinces will not be able to successfully buy the Chinese supreme consumers, will they have all gone. Their land is here to snap up.

If this is the case, I am afraid that you may not be able to buy it if you line up at the gate of the service station before dawn!

The next development is basically as expected by Lorraine. The first stop in Huai’an, the sales volume was the lowest place, while the sales in Hedong Province were slightly better, and the third stop was in Jiang Province, where the Chinese Supreme Membership Card Sales rose sharply and violently! Relatively speaking, Jinhe City Station, the last stop, has seen some declines, but the decline is not large. On the contrary, sales are much higher than the previous two stations.

When the sales statistics came down, the employees of the Chinese Supreme team working hard together up and down showed proud smiles.

Seven cities in Huai’an Province are limited to 700 copies, and each city is limited to only 100 copies. This is equivalent to the 100 copies per day that were previously sold at each service station in the capital. You know, at that time, the capital had sold 7,000 copies for a week, which was the sum of the seven cities in Huai’an Province! ! In each city, less than 2% of the capital circulation! ! It is conceivable that the Chinese Supreme Membership Card here is so popular.

The reason for this arrangement is that Lorraine knows that the freshness of the Chinese Supreme will gradually decrease, but in order to prevent the outside world from seeing this, he can only better grasp the sales volume. In fact, even if Huai’an Province issues 7,000 copies like the capital, it may not be effective.

So, still adhering to the indispensable routine, Lorraine successfully won the first stop!

Huai’an Province, seven cities, 700 Chinese Supreme Membership Cards, made seven million in an instant. Hedong Province, eight cities, eight hundred Chinese Supreme membership cards, sold out and made eight million. Dujiang Province is less, four cities, earning four million. And Jinhe City, as a municipality directly under the Central Government, was allocated two hundred copies and earned two million.

Together, it made a total of 21 million, which is more than ten times worse than the 259 million earned in the capital! But… it doesn’t matter. Lorraine is already the greatest benefit to ensure the normal operation and prospects of the Chinese Supreme. What’s more important is that in addition to the Chinese membership card, Lorraine has re-launched twenty “Chinese Supreme Black Diamonds”. card”! ! !

Yes, it was the black diamond card that was previously sold in Beijing in a limited edition! Each one is worth six million six hundred and sixty-six million, and twenty of them is 133,200,000! In order to warm up, when each province and city sells Chinese membership cards, there is always a shining Chinese Supreme Black Diamond Card in the showcase of the local iconic service station.

It doesn’t matter even if the local people don’t understand how powerful the black diamond card is, because when it was sold in Beijing, many people did not successfully buy it. For those rich and powerful people, 6.66 million is really a small amount of money. What they want is an identity!

So, after the Chinese membership card in each city was sold, the Chinese Supreme Black Diamond Card was put on sale immediately. It was almost a blink of an eye, and the service center of each city received a message: Black Diamond Card, purchased gone!

The announcement of the sale started at nine o’clock in the morning, and at nine o’clock in the morning, Lorraine received the following sales report.

Well, in five minutes, 133.2 million, Lorraine once again inadvertently created a thrilling miracle. In fact, few people know that out of these five minutes, four minutes are all the time wasted by the service station to go through the relevant procedures for the buyer.

But no matter what, under Lorraine’s guidance, with the support of Shen Zheyu and Kang Shaojie, and with the efforts of the awesome Chinese Supreme work team, the first phase of the Chinese Supreme Regional Expansion Plan, It was perfect. At this period, there is a thrilling number-153 million, and a thrilling name, Lorraine.

The media from all walks of life naturally did not let go of the shining points of Lorraine’s body this time. The large-scale exposure and hype are no longer limited to the capital.

Huai’an Daily: “Lorraine, the magical man in Huai’an continues to write the legend of the capital!”

Hedong Business News: “The Chinese Supreme Strikes!”

Dujiang Times: “Five minutes, 133.2 million, crazy November 11.”

Golden River News: “The title of Little Business King is well-deserved, a five-minute miracle, recorded in the annals of history.”

The content of these reports is more or less mixed with water. Everyone is familiar with this and won’t pay much attention to it. But Lorraine’s name, and the prestige of the Chinese supreme, has undoubtedly risen to a new level.

Reporters from many media companies and newspapers and magazines paid a lot of money to interview Lorraine, but they were all refused one by one. Later, it was Qin Wanshu who accepted the interview instead.

However, when Qin Wanshu was interviewed and the TV station released the interview video, most people were surprised again! ——This… Isn’t this big beauty the best cheongsam beauty who filmed the Chinese supreme propaganda film with the young Master Luo? ! Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the supreme executive officer of the Chinese! Or, is it a spokesperson for the mysterious Master Luo to the public? !

As a result, some gossip weekly magazines and even some well-known magazines have also begun to create scandals, digging out some non-existent scandals between Lorraine and Qin Wanshu, and even some peachy news that adds fuel and vinegar.

For this, Lorraine and Qin Wanshu are very indifferent. They are very open to the methods used by the media. It doesn’t matter. They report at will, as long as it is not a scandal that maliciously smears the supreme Chinese.

In the following time, the Chinese Supreme was developing steadily. When people thought that the Chinese Supreme would launch the second wave of limited sales of Chinese membership cards, the Rockwell Group unexpectedly announced: The next Chinese membership card will be released in the New Year. On the first of January.

This news has brought a lot of public sorrows, but this is a necessary method and plan for commercial implementation, otherwise, too much, it will reduce the grade of Chinese Supreme and Chinese membership cards.

During this period of time, the 200,000-worth Chinese Supreme Gold Card sold very well.

On average, every week, the capital area and the three provinces and one city area can sell 50 to 100 copies, and every month it can sell between 250 and 300 copies. At least, a monthly income of about 5 million yuan is indispensable. This is already pretty good.

As for the Chinese supreme, Lorraine issued an order not to carry out any expansion projects for the time being, and to develop step by step. As a result, most of the Rock Group’s manpower came out. When Qin Wanshu asked Lorraine what projects Lorraine was planning to expand for the Luos Group next, Lorraine smiled mysteriously: “Ha ha, no hurry, now is the saturation period, when the time comes, we will naturally start to act! The emergence of our Chinese supreme It’s too fast, but it lacks the strength to stabilize. I’m afraid it will take five or six months to stabilize. Well, during this period, we can take a break… Aunt Qin, you have been working hard during this period, I decided ……Let you take a one-month long vacation. During this time in the future, I will leave the affairs of the Rock Group to me!”

In this way, the days passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was 2008.

This year, many important events will happen, for example, the Beijing Olympics, for example… the capital investment conference where Lorraine’s fate was determined in the previous life.

Jiang Yan is already working in the police department in Beijing. Since she is a new post, she is very busy and has little time to be in love with Lorraine Lang. And Lorraine also concentrates on developing the various businesses of the Rockwell Group, especially the solid foundation. On the contrary, Lan Lan likes to visit Sister Yan at the police station every other time. It can be seen that the relationship between the two sisters is getting deeper and deeper. After Qin Wanshu had a long vacation, she followed Song Meiyuan to Australia for a vacation, feeling uncomfortably happy.

It is worth mentioning that in this long period of time, Lorraine didn’t go to school much. Liu Wanchuan and Lin Jiadong have developed very rapidly!

——Oh, to be precise, it has achieved quite good “scores.”

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