Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 425: Call the wind and call the rain

Chapter 425 Calling Wind and Calling Rain

Lorraine, who had left the Sky Garden restaurant at this time, naturally did not know that a woman was thinking of him.

I don’t even know…Because of his unsatisfactory behavior just now, he made the other party more interested in him.

Heaven and Earth’s conscience, Lorraine’s previous behavior was to cut her off no matter what the other party thought.

It’s fine now, self-defeating.

Song Meiyuan’s Porsche Cayenne drove slowly on the highway, but the driver had been changed to Lorraine.

Because the three of them drank some dry red, because of alcohol, Lorraine had no choice but to sit in the driver’s seat. You know, as long as he is willing, this product is almost unresponsive to alcohol.

“Kobayashi, how do you feel?”

Along the way, Qin Wanshu and Song Meiyuan talked about this and that, laughing and talking like two little girls, Lorraine was right to listen to the two sparrows twittering. But suddenly, Song Meiyuan threw such words to herself abruptly.

“How does it feel?” Lorraine asked in surprise.

Song Meiyuan snorted: “Huh, pretending to be confused… of course it’s the big beauty? People secretly give Qiubo to you, no, it should be to give Qiubo to you, it’s okay for you, just don’t give others face , I don’t even accept a business card. Hehe, I ask you, are you with Wanshu and I, are you embarrassed? Worried that it will damage your glorious image? Ahem, Aunt Song, I kindly remind you, This idea is not correct…because your image is not glorious…”

Listening to Song Meiyuan’s inexplicable words, Lorraine rolled her eyes: “I don’t know her, so what’s wrong with not wanting to receive her business card? This is normal.”

“Then you picked up Mr. Jackie’s business card before… Ah? Could it be… You… Do you like to get fucked?!” Song Meiyuan said, exaggerating her beautiful eyes, pretending to be surprised He looked astonished.

Lorraine was completely defeated by her. Although she knew she was joking, she was not in the mood to continue on this topic, so she had to perfunctorily said: “Yes, yes… I like to engage in basics, okay?”

“Huh?” At this time, Qin Wanshu suddenly whispered in surprise, “Xiao Lin, what are you talking about?… You are not saying it really, right?-God, why do you always like it? So close to Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu…”

“Stop it!”

Lorraine trembled when he heard this, and almost didn’t break the direction sign, and shouted: “Aunt Qin, are you making fun of it? Or are you really that simple?”

Qin Wanshu saw Lorraine’s appearance, and suddenly smiled: “Uh, Xiaolin, don’t be so serious, of course I was joking, Auntie.”


Lorraine was completely speechless this time. Because Qin Wanshu’s usual image was too docile and she looked like a sheep, suddenly there was such a heavy joke, Lorraine really couldn’t keep up with her thoughts. Tsk tsk, it was all broken by this heroine robber Song Xiaoniu……

Song Meiyuan paused for a while, but stopped joking, and said seriously: “Well, no matter what, Kobayashi, your behavior tonight is correct…. Do you know the manager Pan who gave you your business card? Who is it?-tell you, she is the daughter of the Pan family, and the sister of Pan Jiajun, the head of the four young masters in the capital, is called Pantene. A famous person in the capital circle… well, cough cough, sociable.”

“Social flower?” Lorraine was taken aback when he heard the words. Is this woman really a social flower?

“Really?…Even if she is willing to’communicate’, no one dares to touch her.”

Song Meiyuan said patiently: “Actually, the origin of her reputation is not in the capital. In fact, she has never really been like a man in the capital… It’s all about people. It’s just that she used to be there. When I was studying in the United States, I heard that the style…very unruly.”

“That’s it, haha.” Lorraine smiled perfunctorily. For this Pantene, he really has no interest in understanding anything. No matter what kind of character this woman is, it has nothing to do with him. He didn’t even want to have any life with this woman.

Seeing Lorraine’s lack of interest, Song Meiyuan decisively shut up.

At this moment, the two big beauties sitting in the back seat silently glanced at each other, and there were knowing smiles on their faces—Lorraine was not interested in this Pantene, which made them relieved. …

The next day.

Lorraine got up early to exercise, and then came to the company after breakfast.

Back to the office and sorted out some related documents. After identifying the partners who will implement the new business expansion area of ​​the provinces and cities outside the capital, he convened a meeting with the senior management of the Rock Group. Of course, Luo’s father and Luo’s mother also participated in this meeting.

At this relatively important meeting of the Rockwell Group this year, Lorraine wore a suit and tie, and he was full of vigor and tension and told all the senior staff about his next step and how to implement and implement the plan. .

After the previous few successes, no one doubted Lorraine’s ability as a young ceo anymore. After Lorraine talked about the plan he wanted to talk about, everyone was silent. However, after a short silence, It was thunderous applause, not because of anything else, but because Lorraine’s plan was so delicate and creative. There is no doubt that the plan summarized from Lorraine will always have the most execution value!

In this group of applauding high-level staff, Luo Jianrong and Li Hong are sitting in the chair of the president, with a gratified smile on their faces and they are extremely proud.

This is their son…they…the Luo family’s hope! The bright future of Rock Group!

Luo Jianrong looked at this genius-level son in front of him, feeling full of emotions in his heart. Unexpectedly, he did not reach a height that he could not reach in half of his life, but was achieved by his only twenty-year-old son… There is such a The son who makes him proud is a kind of success in a sense, right? At least, it’s Luo Jianrong’s kind!

Maybe…in a short while, Luo Jianrong can take Lorraine and Lorraine his mother to meet that bull-tempered father-in-law!

Well, first cooperate with my son to promote this brand new geographical diffusion of the supreme Chinese.

So, after this meeting was over, there was a large-scale mobilization of key personnel from the Rockwell Group. Because of the relatively large scale of the operation of the Chinese Supreme this time, the manpower is relatively short. At this point, Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu solved this urgent need.

They also dispatched their own more capable teams to work together to help complete this big plan.

In contrast, there are several companies that have previously determined to cooperate with the Rock Group. Among them is the Jingcheng Huo family, which has direct subsidiaries in the three cities in Huai’an. It is a second-tier wealthy family, but has accumulated The assets were several times higher than the Rockwell Group, but they saw the strong future of Rockwell Group, so they decided to cooperate. In addition, there are the old Ouyang family, Zhou family, and Huangfu family in Beijing. These are strong families. They are all the “outstanding” selected by Lorraine among the many bidding families. This “outstanding” is not the “outstanding” because Lorraine’s judging criteria are not just based on the other side’s judgment. Financial and personal strength are more to see if you can control it.

If a behemoth like the Song family comes, Lorraine will not dare to cooperate with the other party, let alone take control of others, I am afraid it has just been launched, it will be swallowed.

In addition to these powerful families and consortia companies born and raised in the capital, there are also some local powerful groups and enterprises in the provinces and cities involved in the implementation of the Chinese Supreme. They also participated in this bid and successfully obtained the Chinese Supreme The chief ceo Lorraine Luo agrees.

Next, through these “heroes from all over the world”, the Chinese Supreme Business Regional Development Team used a week to efficiently integrate seven cities in Huai’an Province, eight cities in Hedong Province, and Dujiang Province. Four cities, as well as a local cooperation site in Jinhe City, a municipality directly under the Central Government, close to the capital, have signed cooperation agreements one by one. The coverage area is wide and the action is smooth, I have to say that the efficiency of this team is really high.

Because… the top of this team is Lorraine, Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu, the hard iron triangle personally at the helm!

To sum up, the first phase of the business area expansion plan happened to spread over 20 cities in total.

In these twenty cities, each city has set up three service stations in accordance with the local characteristics, and the size of the service stations depends on the economic conditions of each region and local conditions. Of course, these selected cities naturally have sufficient per capita consumption levels. Otherwise, the Chinese Supreme will not choose these cities as the implementation targets of the first phase.

It is important to know the significance of the first phase of this new round of planning.

With this new promotion, the Chinese Supreme has directly set off a wave of reports and discussions throughout China, especially in the Jiangbei area. For a while, no one is ignorant of the Chinese. Supreme, no one does not know that the Chinese Supreme CEO is a very handsome and charming man who is only twenty years old.

However, the order of this world has always been very balanced, with a positive side and a derogatory side naturally.

There are many doubts from the outside world, saying that Lorraine is a good creative person, but he is not a qualified leader, because experience determines everything, he is too young. Handsome, can’t be eaten as a meal.

However, this time…

Lorraine once again lived up to expectations and used his powerful means and the means of turning the tide and calling for rain to write a new miracle to the outside world.

After the statistics on the results of the first phase of the new round of the Chinese Supreme Project were made… all those who questioned Lorraine’s abilities honestly closed their mouths.

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