Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 408: Kiss scene

Chapter 408 Kiss Scene

Actually, Lorraine was wrong.

Qin Wanshu is not as repulsive as he imagined. Whether or not she is willing to accept this approach in her heart, at least, she is not repulsive.

Qin Wanshu’s shy and silent appearance at this time has fully illustrated this point.

“Uh…this, Director Feng, the kiss scene? It’s just a commercial, doesn’t it need to be so true?” Lorraine looked at Qin Wanshu beside her and lowered her head silently, thinking she was embarrassed. Hurriedly said to Feng.

Director Feng fully demonstrated his serious attitude towards work at this time: “What does it mean that you don’t need to be so true? The film I made in old Feng’s hands must be nearly perfect!-Besides, dedicated to art , This is normal. If it’s a movie, maybe I have to ask for **** scenes!”

Sex scene? !

When I heard this, Lorraine’s heart was tight again, and he smiled bitterly: “Director Feng, I appreciate what you said about your dedication to art and your attitude towards art, but…”

Originally, Lorraine wanted to say that this Miss Qin was actually his aunt’s, but suddenly felt that his arm was pulled slightly.

Lorraine turned her head subconsciously, and saw Qin Wanshu biting her lip, looking at herself with a bright red complexion, a pair of eyes flowing with terrible electricity, and after a pause, Qin Wanshu seemed to have swollen everything in her life. Courage, suddenly turned around and calmly said to Director Feng: “Director, no problem, we will cooperate well!”

“Ok!! That’s right!” Director Feng nodded happily, then raised his hand and waved, “Assistant Director Zhang, go and tell the actor about his position!”

One short man walked towards Lorraine and Qin Wanshu after hearing this.

Lorraine was shocked at this time, turned his head and hurriedly asked: “Aunt Qin…”

Before he could speak, Qin Wanshu blushed and bit her lip, and whispered to Lorraine, “Xiao Lin… we should listen to the director… Think about it, this is an advertisement for our Huaxia Supreme. Film, if this commercial film is perfect enough, the publicity has achieved the effect, and it will be good for us…”

“But, Aunt Qin…this…” Lorraine’s heart was pounding, looking at Qin Wanshu’s soft and crystal-clear **** lips, the gods could not help but want to kiss and taste the taste of this superb *** Ah…but…

“Xiaolin…what are you hesitating? I even wore such a blatant cheongsam dress…Do you feel that you are at a loss…” Qin Wanshu looked at Lorraine hesitantly and deliberately pretended to be With a sullen look, Jiao said, “I don’t care, do you still care? Oh, I know, you must think that Auntie I am ugly, not comparable to your dazzling female friends, don’t you?…”

“No, no! Absolutely not!” Lorraine hurriedly shook his hand, “Actually, I want to kiss you too, but… uh!”

Lorraine’s face suddenly stiffened when he accidentally said that he had missed his mouth, his breath stopped, and his expression was embarrassed.

When Qin Wanshu heard these words, she was a little unhappy just now, and she showed a bright smile in an instant, but the two blushes on her cheeks became even more obvious: “Well…really? That’s fine. , Auntie satisfies you……”

Lorraine felt dizzy for a while, what the **** is this! I kept saying “Auntie pleases you”… How does it feel like **** and relationship… Although, the two people are really not related by blood, and for the two of them who were basically childhood sweethearts, even if they came together one day There is nothing wrong.

But it feels weird, and of course, there is also a suffocating sense of ambiguity.

And… a sense of excitement to break through a certain kind of imprisonment.

In short, now Lorraine and Qin Wanshu both feel very strange in their hearts.

When the two were silent, the deputy director Zhang had already walked to the two of them.

“Xiao Lin, don’t run away, people are talking about the drama, listen carefully~” At this time, Qin Wanshu immediately brought out a frame of elders and patted Lorraine’s arm gently.

“Well, it’s basically like this, two people, are there any problems?” After spending a full twenty minutes, the deputy director Zhang explained some scenes as quickly as possible. It was very simple and easy to understand. In short, it means sticking to the face first, then touching the forehead, looking at each other affectionately, and finally, giving a light kiss.

After all, this is a commercial, which needs to be broadcast on TV. Since China’s Radio, Film and Television and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television are quite fucking, so you can’t go too far. A soft kiss is already the maximum.

“No problem, thank you, Deputy Director Zhang, you can start.” Without giving Lorraine a chance to speak, Qin Wanshu nodded with a smile.

The Deputy Director Zhang gave a “um”, then walked to Director Feng and said: “Director, can you start?”

Director Feng waved his hand: “Wait a minute.” As he said, he stood up and said to Lorraine, “Mr. Luo, I want you to change your hairstyle, is there any problem?”

“Change hairstyle?” Lorraine was taken aback when he heard the words. It happened that the atmosphere was a bit awkward at this time. He immediately responded, and then followed Director Feng into the dressing room.

However, only five minutes later, Lorraine appeared again under the set lights.

The difference is that he…changes to a classic hairstyle that shocks the world-a big back! !

Yes, it’s the kind of big back of Ding Li and Xu Wenqiang during the old Shanghai beach in the last century.

However… when I saw Lorraine with this big back hair type, no one felt thunder, but… amazing! At least, it’s a bright spot!

Because Lorraine’s facial features are very standard, and the skin is very good, there are no blemishes on the face. And it is precisely because of the hairstyle of this big back that all the advantages of Lorraine’s face are fully displayed-sword eyebrows, star eyes, high nose bridge, lips with a slightly evil smile, and the full of heroism between The perfect male face between Guazi and Guozi face…

Lorraine did not notice the gazes of everyone around him, but walked towards Qin Wanshu and smiled bitterly: “Uh, I really combed a big back for me, I almost thought I had crossed back to Lao Shanghai Beach.”

For the first time, Qin Wanshu saw Lorraine showing his forehead, paired with his current expensive suit, with the background props on the set, Qin Wanshu thought for a moment that she had really returned to Lao Shanghai Beach. She knew that this was Lorraine’s temperament…a fascinating temperament!

A man with this kind of temperament can really only be described as an evildoer!

However, this kind of temperament is faintly exuded in his gestures. Lorraine himself doesn’t know how amazing his temperament is at this time.

This is a kind of low-key gorgeousness!

Director Feng looked at Lorraine and Qin Wanshu standing under the light, overjoyed, almost crying happily, and shouted in his heart: his mother! After shooting for so many years, it is the first time to see such an aura of the picture! The men and women in front of them are like eternal classics in nostalgic oil paintings!

Where is this actor?

The whole thing is Xu Wenqiang and Feng Chengcheng! Qucai’s Qucai’s! This Mr. Luo turned out to be a businessman. If he were to act in a movie, he would probably be the first Chinese actor to hit the podium of the Oscars awards ceremony!

“Two! That’s how it feels! Grab this feeling! Let’s not talk nonsense…Come on, everyone is ready, it’s time to shoot!” Director Feng suddenly clapped his hands.

“Okay!…Attention to each machine position, prepare, three, two, one…Start!”


The scene notes suddenly closed the scene board, and in the next second, all the photographers and lighting engineers started to get up and running.

“Tick Tick…” The melodious music of the beautiful guzheng-piano music mashed up, and Lorraine and Qin Wanshu adjusted their status as soon as possible.

“Let’s get started.” Qin Wanshu looked at Lorraine whose aura made any woman feel dizzy, smiled happily, and turned and walked away.

Lorraine nodded and sat behind the desk as requested by the director.

The director gave a gesture, and Qin Wanshu appeared in the screen. In the next second, a beautiful cheongsam lady walked behind Lorraine in a suffocating posture, and then gently leaned forward to talk to Luo Lin. Lin looked at the Chinese Supreme Card in his hand together.

Immediately afterwards, the two people gently pressed their cheeks with the music flowing, then Lorraine twisted around gently, and gently pressed against Qin Wanshu’s smooth and white forehead, and then… The tip of the nose is against the tip of the nose, and the eyes meet each other…

“Affectionately looking at each other! Affectionately looking at each other!” Director Feng stood up at this moment and shouted loudly, “You must be affectionate, I am in you, and you are in me! There is no room for others in your eyes. The kind of anything! There is only the kind of each other in the world!-Yes, yes! That’s the feeling! Be more affectionate! That kind of love-like touch, that kind of affection of desire, fire, burning, and body! The stronger the better!”

Because after the film is shot, there will be post-stage noise reduction processing, so the director’s voice will not affect anything.

As for Lorraine and Qin Wanshu, they have already entered the play at this time, and they are not scared by the director’s loud shouts. Instead, they follow the director’s words to guide them. The eyes that the two people are watching become more and more affectionate. The hair is deeply trapped…

Whether it is Qin Wanshu or Lorraine, they are all the best among men and women.

In addition, the two people originally had an unspeakable and deep affection for each other, so… at this time the deep affection between the two is true.

Lorraine saw his affectionate appearance through Qin Wanshu’s bright eyes. At this moment, he felt that he was electrocuted, and his whole body was numb… and Qin Wanshu, why not? The tip of the nose of the two people is facing the tip of the nose, and the hot breath blends with each other. Between the lips and the lips, there is only a few millimeters apart…

“It’s okay… now, kiss…” Director Feng was excited to give orders when he saw the two men’s natural performance. But before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw…

Qin Wanshu took a look at her figure and snorted softly, holding Lorraine’s handsome face in both hands, and kissing Lorraine’s lips with those soft and slippery **** lips…

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